oh god
Posted by Slim Jul 29 2010 03:54 GMT in Slim
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On Notch's blog:

"Consider this a ping-back.


Also, Notch, send me an email. I want to ask you something, but I think your mail filter is eating messages or you're buried under a thousand unread emails. (brandonr@valvesoftware.com)"




Reply by Popple Jul 29 2010 03:57 GMT
old like a newborn baby
Reply by Slim Jul 29 2010 04:00 GMT
Reply by Popple Jul 29 2010 04:02 GMT
old like a newborn baby
Reply by Slim Jul 29 2010 04:03 GMT
Reply by Popple Jul 29 2010 04:08 GMT
old like a newborn baby
Reply by Slim Jul 29 2010 04:08 GMT
Reply by Popple Jul 29 2010 04:10 GMT
The Great Gatsby: The Great Gatsby: The Great Gatsby: Diamonds Droog: its not even a day old
Diamonds Droog: fuk ass
Diamonds Droog: old like a newborn baby
Diamonds Droog: and by the way
Diamonds Droog: I just recycled that quote
Diamonds Droog: so
Diamonds Droog: you're not special
Diamonds Droog: how does that make you FEEL
darkzero: it doesnt
Diamonds Droog: exactly
Diamonds Droog: you soulless monster
Diamonds Droog: and to think I once loved you ;_;
darkzero: ok
Diamonds Droog: The Great Gatsby: The Great Gatsby: The Great Gatsby: Diamonds Droog: its not even a day old
Diamonds Droog: fuk ass
Diamonds Droog: old like a newborn baby
Diamonds Droog: and by the way
Diamonds Droog: I just recycled that quote
Diamonds Droog: so
Diamonds Droog: you're not special
Diamonds Droog: how does that make you FEEL
darkzero: it doesnt
Diamonds Droog: exactly
Diamonds Droog: you soulless monster
Diamonds Droog: and to think I once loved you ;_;
darkzero: ok
The Great Gatsby: shut the *crag* up
The Great Gatsby: faggot
The Great Gatsby: I hate you
Diamonds Droog: Tylerburrito: O:
Tylerburrito: blocky heads
The Great Gatsby: tell him I said hi
Diamonds Droog: Diamonds Droog: sync says herro
Tylerburrito is now Offline.
Reply by Slim Jul 29 2010 04:10 GMT
Reply by Popple Jul 29 2010 04:13 GMT
Diamonds Droog: gay
Reply by Slim Jul 29 2010 04:15 GMT
why would you ever chat with tyler.
Especially with that OMFG SO RANDUMB XD username
Reply by Monocleton Jul 29 2010 04:42 GMT
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