APB comes to a 'premature end'
Posted by Joystiq Sep 16 2010 17:10 GMT in APB
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Realtime Worlds community officer Ben Bateman just popped on the APB official forums to present this sad bit of news: The game is shutting down for good. In his statement, Bateman says, "APB has been a fantastic journey, but unfortunately that journey has come to a premature end."

Apparently the servers are still up for the time being, so if you've got the game, you're encouraged to hop in and pour one out for Realtime Worlds' gangsta-sim.


after like, 2 months of release. i dont think anyone gave two shits about APB anyway
Reply by Hooly Sep 16 2010 17:19 GMT
Never thought I'd say this about a modern game, but the Atari/Midway original was better.
Reply by MattTheSpratt Sep 16 2010 21:13 GMT
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