Monster Hunter 3 Message Board older than one year ago

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Monster Hunter 3 - Ironbeard probably popping up in official TV commercials posted by GoNintendo Mar 26 2010 06:03 GMT
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A portion of a CoffeewithGames interview with Monster Hunter 3 spokesperson, Ironbeard… CwG: “Will we see you in actual television commercials for the game?” Ironbeard: “Dunna if the powdered wigs at Capcom would let me say any specifics, but…lemme just say, dunna stop watchin’ yer tele.
Monster Hunter 3 - Classic Controller skins posted by GoNintendo Mar 25 2010 20:42 GMT
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These were given out at an event in Germany, as well as a few other Capcom events. Man, I’d love to get myself one of these!
Monster Hunter 3 - Rathian profile posted by GoNintendo Mar 02 2010 00:00 GMT
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Rathian: Fire-breathing female wyverns, also known as “Queens of the Land.” With powerful legs and poison-secreting tails, they hunt mainly on the ground. Sometimes seen preying as a couple, Rathian cooperate well with Rathalos.
Monster Hunter 3 - Amazon/GameStop preorder deal comparisons posted by GoNintendo Feb 25 2010 19:45 GMT
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Amazon - Monster Hunter 3 bundle for $59 - $10 FUTURE GAME CREDIT OFFER GameStop - Monster Hunter 3 bundle for $55 - Monster Hunter 3 themed points card (500 Nintendo Points)
Monster Hunter 3 - Nintendo Media Summit 2010 impressions posted by GoNintendo Feb 25 2010 05:17 GMT
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Monster Hunter 3 is a hard game to put together impressions for. This is a title where you really need an ample amount of time to sit down and learn just how the entire game works. It’s not like you just jump into epic monster battles and start swinging away. There’s a [...]
Monster Hunter 3 - more details (learn about thee prayer of Aptonoth!) posted by GoNintendo Feb 22 2010 17:18 GMT
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Excerpts from an interview with Capcom’s Tsujimoto Ryozo and Kaname Fujioka… - The dev team studied fossils to get a better understanding of dinosaur movement and behavior - The dev team attended an extinct animals exhibition in Japan, where they were allowed to talk to paleontologists to help supplement their understanding - Plesioth doesn’t appear in this game [...]