World of Warcraft Message Board older than one year ago

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Blizzard’s Next MMO May Include Product Placement
World of Warcraft is getting a bit long in the tooth, and Blizzard has been working on Titan for years.Titan is the codename for Blizzard Entertainment’s next MMO, a project the studio’s alluded previously, while also keeping the whole thing a big ol... posted by Giant Bomb Jan 23 2012 21:56 GMT
This Man Has No Eyes, Yet Can Play World of Warcraft
#worldofwarcraft Ben Shaw has had one hell of a last few years. Serving overseas, the former British Army soldier was wounded by a roadside explosive in Iraq, and as a result had to have both of his eyes re... posted by Kotaku Jan 13 2012 02:30 GMT
This World of Warcraft Art Takes it to the Brink (I'm Sorry...)
#fineart Laurel D. Austin does some great work. Employed for years at Splash Damage, the team behind Brink, she's recently joined Blizzard, where she's working as a concept artist. Living the dream. More... posted by Kotaku Jan 12 2012 07:00 GMT
Wall Street Journal: Star Wars Game Is Actually An Attack on World of Warcraft
#starwars It's hard to untangle whether it's a media creation or born of the competitive natures of gaming and business, but according to at least one newspaper the war between Activision and Electronic Ar... posted by Kotaku Dec 21 2011 14:30 GMT
Meanwhile in World of Warcraft...
How did World of Warcraft's creators counter today's launch of rival MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic? They didn't, unless you count all these "hot fixes" they just activated. One of them: "Algaefin Rockfish no longer swim in schools." Mo... posted by Kotaku Dec 20 2011 22:20 GMT
All World of Warcraft's Customer Service Ever Wanted Was a Unicorn
#worldofwarcraft After spending hours on end dealing with angry, distraught, frustrated, and downright abusive customers, it's easy to imagine this lovely unicorn drawing was enough to get World of Warcraf... posted by Kotaku Dec 19 2011 21:20 GMT
The Problem With Women's Armor, According to a Man Who Makes Armor
#armor Ryan, aka "Jabberwock" makes armor. He therefore knows more about armor than I do and maybe more than I do. More » posted by Kotaku Dec 16 2011 22:00 GMT
Blizzard brings Balance and Battletags to
Blizzard Entertainment has been steadily updating the online multiplayer service recently, presumably in anticipation of Diablo 3's release next year. Last week, the company introduced what it's calling the Balance, a currency tot... posted by Joystiq Dec 16 2011 14:00 GMT
The Lich King is Ready to Battle Your Recycling Bin
#wallpaper He is Arthas Menethil. The Lich King. Scourge of Azeroth and star of his own World of Warcraft expansion. More » posted by Kotaku Dec 12 2011 10:30 GMT
World of Warcraft's Deck Building Game Delivers the Joy of Cards Without the Pain of Collecting
#worldofwarcraft Coming this spring from Cryptozoic Entertainment, World of Warcraft: Clash of Champions is 423 cards worth of tabletop raiding fun for two to four players in one sexy $45 box. More » ... posted by Kotaku Dec 01 2011 23:00 GMT
World of Warcraft's Deck Building Game Delivers the Joy of Cards Without the Pain of Collecting
#worldofwarcraft Coming this spring from Cryptozoic Entertainment, World of Warcraft: Clash of Champions is 423 cards worth of tabletop raiding fun for two to four players in one sexy $45 box. More » ... posted by Kotaku Dec 01 2011 23:00 GMT
WoW Patch Details and Trailer for Hour of Twilight
The World of Warcraft site has been updated with full details of what you can expect from patch 4.3, Hour of Twilight. The headline features are a number of new dungeons and a new raid that revolve around battling the dragon, Deathwing. First, players m... posted by IGN Nov 29 2011 21:47 GMT
WoW Updates A 4.3rd Time: Hour of Twilight
Remember World Of Warcraft? Coo, those were the days. Well, you may be surprised to learn the game is still running after all these years, and it’s still being updated! The latest patch for the Cataclysm update, as Eurogamer reports, is called Hour Of ... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 29 2011 15:34 GMT
Norway Mass Killer May Be Declared Insane
#andersbehringbreivik Confessed mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik was legally insane when he killed nearly 80 people, many children, during a bombing and shooting rampage in Norway in July, according to ... posted by Kotaku Nov 29 2011 15:00 GMT
Mother Says World of Warcraft Turned Her Child Into Aggressive School-Skipping Hunchback
#addiction A mother writes in to Australia's Telegraph to complain that World of Warcraft has turned her 13-year-old son into an aggressive computer addict who skips school and threatens violence if pulled... posted by Kotaku Nov 28 2011 22:00 GMT
Numbers Game: Pre-Build Your WoW Panda
The forthcoming Mists of Pandaria expansion for World of Warcraft will be bringing along a revamped talent tree as well as fluffykins up there. Not happy with how players built identically specced characters at their most statistically efficient, Blizzar... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 25 2011 16:23 GMT
Good Lord, World of Warcraft Is Old
#totalrecall In an industry where games barely even a month old are slashed in price then swiftly forgotten, World of Warcraft is an exceptional, well, exception. More » posted by Kotaku Nov 24 2011 05:00 GMT
The Hour of World of Warcraft's Twilight Is Almost Upon Us
#worldofwarcraft With patch 4.3 coming soon to a World of Warcraft near you, Blizzard tossed us some video showcasing the three new five-man dungeons and the grand finale of the Cataclysm saga, the Dragon ... posted by Kotaku Nov 23 2011 22:20 GMT
1.6 Million WoW Players to Switch to Old Republic?
A recent survey has found an estimated 50% of World of Warcraft's playerbase has grown tired of the game. It also reckons between 900,000 and 1.6 million WoW subscribers will jump ship to Old Republic once it launches. [Develop] More » ... posted by Kotaku Nov 23 2011 09:15 GMT
Man Builds Giant World of Warcraft Hammer
#worldofwarcraft In World of Warcraft, there is Thrall. And Thrall uses a giant hammer called, awesomely, Doomhammer. It used to exist only inside the game. That is, until Harrison Krix got his hands on it.... posted by Kotaku Nov 22 2011 07:00 GMT
WoW Is Old Enough To Ride A Bike
Actually, I’m not quite sure what age kids really start riding bicycles, at least without stabilisers and/or a worried parent holding onto the back of the saddle. I think I was at least around seven when I first managed a brief, unassisted pedal down a... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 21 2011 17:14 GMT
Chuck Norris Winds Up In World of Warcraft Commercial
#worldofwarcraft While it's easy to quaff Chuck Norris jokes are old, so too is World of Warcraft. So pairing the two, with Norris endosring the MMO in this new TV commercial, makes sense! More » ... posted by Kotaku Nov 21 2011 06:00 GMT
Observe World of Warcraft's Seventh Birthday with Free In-Game Items and a New Ad
World of Warcraft celebrates its seventh birthday on Nov. 23, and in observance, anyone logging in between Sunday and Saturday, Dec. 3 will get a free celebration item that temporarily grants an XP boost. More » posted by Kotaku Nov 19 2011 03:30 GMT
A Ridiculous Comparison Between Skyrim and World of Warcraft
#theelderscrolls How does Skyrim, one of the biggest single-player RPGs around, stack up against World of Warcraft, the most popular MMO? Look no further than WoW web comic The Daily Blink's take on the c... posted by Kotaku Nov 16 2011 18:40 GMT
This Lady *Really* Wants To Be in the WoW Movie
#worldofwarcraft Never mind that director Sam Raimi said not to expect the World of Warcraft movie anytime soon, actress Michelle Morrow is. She once again underscores her desire to be in the flick. Mor... posted by Kotaku Nov 14 2011 13:20 GMT
Blizzard's Korean Fans Make Lovely Art
#starcraft During G-Star, Blizzard showed off impressive fan art at its booth's community zone. The Grand Theft Auto inspired World of Warcraft Cataclysm art is cool and all, but check out those mini-figu... posted by Kotaku Nov 14 2011 12:50 GMT
Warcraft's Richest 1% Control 24% of Azeroth's Gold, but You Don't See the Night Elves Bitching About It
#worldofwarcraft With wealth distribution being a hot topic in the real world, one demographer/World of Warcraft enthusiast tried to derive what the income inequality is within Azeroth. The results of his ... posted by Kotaku Nov 12 2011 04:30 GMT
2 Million Leave World of Warcraft
In the last year the number of World of Warcraft subscribers has fallen in the from 12 million to 10.3 million... posted by IGN Nov 09 2011 11:55 GMT
World of Warcraft Subscriptions Down 10%
#worldofwarcraft World of Warcraft may never truly die. People still play the first Everquest, after all. But it will inevitably lose its place as the biggest MMO on Earth, and that day is now a little clo... posted by Kotaku Nov 09 2011 05:30 GMT
The WoW Murder Was More Horrific Than You Can Imagine
#worldofwarcraft Back in spring 2010, two teenage boys—Kruse Wellwood and Cameron Moffat—raped and killed 18-year-old Kimberly Proctor before mutilating and burning her body under a bridge. Th... posted by Kotaku Nov 01 2011 11:30 GMT