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Now Playing: December 12-18, 2011
Crush the human stronghold this week with Gears of War 3 - RAAM's Shadow campaign...Choose your platform to jump to a specific release list: posted by Joystiq Dec 13 2011 00:30 GMT
Polytron working on Kinect project, Microsoft 'interested'
With Fez wrapped up and heading to Xbox Live Arcade, Polytron Corporation head Phil Fish is already discussing the studio's next project. Speaking to Gamasutra, Fish revealed that its collaboration with Kokoromi, Super Hypercube is now in development f... posted by Joystiq Dec 12 2011 23:00 GMT
All Xbox dash apps must have Kinect functionality going forward
With Microsoft's Kinect-friendly Xbox dashboard update now available to the masses, it looks like users can expect a lot more Kinect functionality built-in going forward. That is to say that every future dashboard app will be required to have Kinect fu... posted by Joystiq Dec 09 2011 15:50 GMT
Kinect support required for all Xbox dash apps going forward
With Microsoft's Kinect-friendly Xbox dashboard update now available to the masses, it looks like users can expect a lot more Kinect functionality going forward. That is to say that every future dashboard app will require Kinect functionality, accordin... posted by Joystiq Dec 09 2011 15:50 GMT
Kinect Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure combines Kinect and Pixar flicks next March
What's better than a Kinect game styled after a Disney Pixar movie? Try a Kinect game styled after five Disney Pixar movies! The overly-branded title Kinect Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure is exactly that, offering up a series of Kinect-enabled miniga... posted by Joystiq Dec 09 2011 04:55 GMT
Pixar Teams Up With Microsoft For Kinect Rush
#pixar The Xbox 360's already seen the Mickey Mouse side of the Disney/Pixar character catalog in the recently released Kinect Disneyland Adventures. Now, their corporate cousins from Pixar's movies will b... posted by Kotaku Dec 08 2011 19:40 GMT
Wave Hello: Microsoft’s Requiring Kinect Functionality for All Future Apps Built for Xbox 360
#xbox360 So, the future of the Xbox 360 is upon us. It'll have lots of TV and video content. It'll have UFC on-demand and FiOS set-top box functionality. (It won't have Party Mode for video viewing, though... posted by Kotaku Dec 08 2011 15:40 GMT
2011 Holiday Buyers Guide: Xbox Live
With the holiday season fast approaching, you may soon find yourself in possession of hoards of Microsoft Points, or you may be planning to drop some in a few unsuspecting stockings. While you can't really gift Xbox Live games, there's nothing to stop ... posted by Joystiq Dec 07 2011 23:00 GMT
PSA: Xbox dashboard update 'slightly delayed' (Update - rolling out to subscribers now)
(Update: According to Major Nelson's Twitter feed, the dashboard update is being pushed to accounts in batches, and should be widely available over the next few hours.) After Microsoft announced several new services would miss the December 6 launch of ... posted by Joystiq Dec 06 2011 15:03 GMT
Gore Verbinski's Blind Wink making a Kinect game for late 2012
Gore Verbinski has more going on than films about pirates and talking lizards that were also pirates. His transmedia company, Blind Wink Productions, just inked a deal with Microsoft to produce content for all of Microsoft's platforms. The Hollywood Re... posted by Joystiq Dec 06 2011 22:44 GMT
PSA: Xbox dashboard update 'slightly delayed'
After Microsoft announced several new services would miss the December 6 launch of the Xbox dashboard update, it has revealed that another major component will also miss the planned launch, namely the dashboard update itself. Major Nelson tweeted the n... posted by Joystiq Dec 06 2011 15:03 GMT
Toys R Us, Amazon do buy one, get one half-off on all video games
The corporate brain trust at Toys R Us has discovered the ancient retail secret of Yuletide deals and rival Amazon is looking to match. Through December 10 (and until supplies last at Amazon), both retailers' entire stock of video games and video game ... posted by Joystiq Dec 06 2011 02:30 GMT
Kinect Helps High School Duo Win $100,000 National Science Prize
#kinect Who says gaming can't lead to a higher education? Ziyuan Liu and Cassee Cain of Oak Ridge High School in Oak Ridge are splitting a $100,000 college scholarship awarded in the Siemens Foundation's an... posted by Kotaku Dec 05 2011 22:20 GMT
Now Playing: December 5-10, 2011
Magic and online multiplayer come together at least this week with Trine 2...Choose your platform to jump to a specific release list: posted by Joystiq Dec 05 2011 20:35 GMT
Yoostar in MTV is Worth One Drunken Night of Playing
#yoostar It's not everyday that three men dressed like Zach Ryder walk into your apartment at two in the morning. Drunk and looking to play some Xbox, I turned them to my awesome new copy of Yoostar in MTV... posted by Kotaku Dec 01 2011 22:20 GMT
Yoostar in MTV is Worth One Drunken Night of Playing
#yoostar It's not everyday that three men dressed like Zach Ryder walk into your apartment at two in the morning. Drunk and looking to play some Xbox, I turned them to my awesome new copy of Yoostar in MTV... posted by Kotaku Dec 01 2011 22:20 GMT
Dancing Games Hit Their Stride, Show Huge Growth in Sales
#dancecentral The Los Angeles Times has taken a look at the October NPD numbers, which show that dancing games like Just Dance 3 and Dance Central 2 have grown in sales 326% over last year. That far outpace... posted by Kotaku Nov 30 2011 02:00 GMT
Microsoft moves 960K Xbox 360 consoles, 750K Kinect units 'week of Black Friday'
After clocking ten months as the top console on the NPD sales charts, Microsoft had little incentive to lower the price of the Xbox 360 this holiday. Instead, Redmond's strategy has been to partner with retailers to push sale prices, so frugal shoppers... posted by Joystiq Nov 29 2011 20:53 GMT
NPD: Sales of dancing games up 326% over last year
In the US, dancing game sales are up 326% percent year over year, the NPD told the LA Times. That's for the 12-month period ending October 31. Compare that with overall game sales, which rose 3%. Of course, at the end of October last year, Just Dance 2... posted by Joystiq Nov 29 2011 20:00 GMT
Now Playing: November 28 - December 4, 2011
Get into the race this week with Mario Kart 7...Choose your platform to jump to a specific release list: posted by Joystiq Nov 29 2011 03:39 GMT
Robomodo partially funding 'Bodoink' with Kickstarter
Bodoink, a family-friendly XBLA Kinect title, which places player's Avatars inside a giant pinball machine, is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter. The money raised will be put towards the game's polish and "the final push for big fun." Developer ... posted by Joystiq Nov 29 2011 00:10 GMT
Rumor: Kinect 2 to read lips, make french fries, soak up nasty spills
If sources close to Eurogamer are to be believed, Microsoft has some pretty lofty plans for the next iteration of Kinect. According to said sources, the "Kinect 2" will not only offer improved motion tracking and voice recognition, but will also be cap... posted by Joystiq Nov 28 2011 17:23 GMT
The Next Kinect Will Read Your Lips, Know What You’re Feeling
#kinect If you look at the fancy Kinect Effect commercial (seen above) Microsoft's been airing for the one-year anniversary of its best-selling motion-sensing camera, then you're led to believe that all sor... posted by Kotaku Nov 28 2011 15:55 GMT
Rumor: Microsoft in 'early stages of licensing' with Sony for Kinect TV
Microsoft has embraced hacker culture for Kinect, and it now sees the vast possibilities offered by a machine that requires people to just twitch or shout for it to function. Microsoft is now planning to integrate Kinect into next-generation television... posted by Joystiq Nov 25 2011 20:15 GMT
Full list of Amazon Black Friday Lightning Deals (now with times!)
If you're planning your Black Friday around time-sensitive deals popping up at Amazon today, you can find the full schedule over at Thrifty Nerd. Some of the list is guesswork, but all the deals look pretty reasonable to us ... that is, except for for ... posted by Joystiq Nov 25 2011 17:15 GMT
Amazon's Black Friday gaming deals revealed (all hojillion of them)
Cheap Ass Gamer got the early scoop on Amazon's Black Friday deals, so you won't have to stand outside of Amazon all night without knowing what you're in line for. (We might not have the best understanding of how Amazon works). Some of the limited-time... posted by Joystiq Nov 24 2011 16:00 GMT
Kinect for Windows uses a new Kinect camera
Microsoft's Kinect for Windows program doesn't just involve new firmware for PCs. There will be a new version of the Kinect hardware designed for Windows, with "improvements" like a shorter USB cable ("to ensure reliability across a broad range of comp... posted by Joystiq Nov 23 2011 17:00 GMT
New Kinect Hardware For Windows Gets Up-Close and Personal
#kinect Making Kinect Windows-friendly is more than just a fancy new SDK and some marketing materials. Developers are going to need some tweaked hardware as well, and Microsoft is prepared to deliver with a... posted by Kotaku Nov 23 2011 01:00 GMT
Amazon sales today include Ico, Bulletstorm, Xbox 360 Kinect bundle
Amazon's got a set of game-themed Lightning Deals starting at 11am PST (2PM EST). Since all we have are clues, we can't tell you what the prices will be -- with the exception of the Xbox 360 Kinect 4GB bundle with $100 Credit. That'll be the regular pr... posted by Joystiq Nov 22 2011 15:55 GMT
Dance Central 2 adds more Lady Gaga
Dance Central 2 will add two new DLC tracks tomorrow, November 22, from pop phenomenon Lady Gaga. The new routines are attached to "Marry the Night" and "The Edge of Glory," off of Gaga's Born This Way album. The tracks will be 240 MSP ($3) apiece. Pub... posted by Joystiq Nov 22 2011 04:00 GMT
