Kinect Message Board older than one year ago

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NBA Baller Beats will work on carpet, comes with its own basketball
Yes, Majesco has considered the fate of living rooms when faced with the threat of NBA Baller Beats, the Kinect game that asks players to dribble a real basketball in time to licensed music. "In NBA Baller Beats, dribbling is and should be contained very... posted by Joystiq Apr 26 2012 17:30 GMT
NBA Baller Beats: Make Space to Jam in your living room
You're gonna need all of Majesco's Mamas to help clean up after destroying your living room with the publisher's latest Kinect game, NBA Baller Beats. What in the world is NBA Baller Beats, pray tell? Why it's, "a fun, high energy and first-of-its kind p... posted by Joystiq Apr 25 2012 14:50 GMT
Forza 4 'Top Gear' DLC pack drops 10 more cars off at the garage in May
This May, Forza Motorsport 4's already crowded virtual garage gets another set of wheels. The Top Gear DLC pack adds 10 new whips for 560 MS Points ($7).You'll get the usual exotic newcomers, like the '66 Lotus Cortina, along with the '92 Mitsubishi Gala... posted by Joystiq Apr 25 2012 08:30 GMT
Microsoft announces innovative student software as Imagine Cup finalists
Microsoft has awarded finalist positions to a series of innovative software projects put together by student teams in the US leg of the Imagine Cup awards. The event started in January, and promised to award students - who take on tough social problems w... posted by Joystiq Apr 25 2012 06:30 GMT
This NBA Kinect Game is a Joke, Right? Right?
#nbaballerbeats Majesco has tonight unveiled a teaser trailer for an upcoming game called NBA Baller Beats. It is...look, just watch the clip. More » posted by Kotaku Apr 25 2012 04:31 GMT
Microsoft hiring Xbox Skype engineer
It looks like Microsoft may soon make good on bringing its recently acquired Skype services to the Xbox (and presumably Kinect). The company is currently seeking a software development engineer focused on Skype for the Xbox, as spotted by Specifi... posted by Joystiq Apr 20 2012 16:30 GMT
I Shouted 'Fus Ro Dah' At Skyrim, And I Kinda Liked It
#skyrim Here's a confession: I have absolutely no interest in Microsoft's Kinect. More » posted by Kotaku Apr 20 2012 13:00 GMT
Microsoft Q3 results: 1.4 million 360s sold, Entertainment division revenue down year-over-year
Despite being the number one best-selling console in America for fifteen months running, the 360's success wasn't enough to prevent Microsoft's Entertainment and Devices Division from being the only section of the company to post a year-over-year decline... posted by Joystiq Apr 20 2012 00:00 GMT
This Game Uses Not Just Kinect, but the Wii as Well
#wiipop And what's more, it looks awesome, because instead of just asking players to dance to pop music or sing like a teenage girl, it's asking you to pop, lock and boogaloo your way to awesomeness. Mo... posted by Kotaku Apr 19 2012 06:30 GMT
'WiiPop' dance game hacks Wiimotes and Kinect into unlikely tryst
Whether by choice or by force, chances are good you've experienced a dancing game by now. Typically, these games ask users to mimic dance moves for points, but WiiPop, created by one Christian "Mio" Loclair, is completely freestyle.The game achieves this... posted by Joystiq Apr 18 2012 21:00 GMT
Kinect Sesame Street TV, Kinect Nat Geo TV premiere 'autumn 2012'
Two of the kid-friendly Kinect games/apps we caught wind of last October have had their release window specified: Kinect Sesame Street TV will launch in "autumn 2012," according to a tweet from Argonon CEO James Burstall, with Kinect Nat Geo TV launching... posted by Joystiq Apr 18 2012 18:30 GMT
Kamehame-hope nobody sees us playing Dragon Ball Z for Kinect
We knew Dragon Ball Z For Kinect (that's the official name!) was going to be a silly experience, since Dragon Ball Z is inherently silly, but we simply were not prepared for the reality of standing still in your living room punching the air.Even in this ... posted by Joystiq Apr 18 2012 00:00 GMT
Three Video Games Helped This Guy Recover From a Stroke
#cockroachinvasion People fortunate to survive a stroke face a hard road to recovering their full mental and physical capabilities. Canoeist Sam Chick found himself facing that journey after a stroke rend... posted by Kotaku Apr 13 2012 23:00 GMT
Beauty of China, Show the World Your Latest Kinect Copy
#china China already has a handful of Kinect inspired game machines. But that's not going to stop it from getting more. The latest is the iGame Move, a console with the tagline "Beauty of China Show the Wor... posted by Kotaku Apr 13 2012 09:00 GMT
Microsoft's 'Joy Ride Turbo' outed in AU ratings
We haven't seen the end of Joy Ride, at least not according to the Australian Classification Board. The organization has outed "Joy Ride Turbo" from Microsoft Studios. Exactly what Turbo has to do with Kinect Joy Ride is still up in the air (doing tricks... posted by Joystiq Apr 13 2012 03:30 GMT
Japan Finally Makes Dancing Schoolgirl Game for Kinect
#lovetore Headed to the Xbox 360 this year, game developer Boost On will be releasing a series of Kinect-only dance adventure games. More » posted by Kotaku Apr 12 2012 08:30 GMT
Dragon Ball Z Kinect powering up this October
Months after a Korean rating started us thinking up ridiculous fantasies about Dragon Ball Z Kinect, Namco Bandai has announced the game at a press event in Las Vegas, due in October. Players will get control of over 50 characters (including Mr. Pointyha... posted by Joystiq Apr 11 2012 20:00 GMT
Wreckateer Is Like A Kinect Version Of Angry Birds
#wreckateer Here's some video footage of Wreckateer, an upcoming Xbox Live game for Kinect that requires you to smash and destroy castles by moving around your body. I found the game at PAX East last weeke... posted by Kotaku Apr 11 2012 15:00 GMT
Netflix receives underwhelming update on Xbox 360
The Netflix app for Xbox 360 received an update today that improves some functionality, but ignores some long-standing complaints. You now have the ability to skip forward and back during play for movies and TV episodes, and a zoom function for those wit... posted by Joystiq Apr 09 2012 19:30 GMT
Netflix receives hardly noticeable update on Xbox 360
The Netflix app for Xbox 360 received an update today that improves some functionality, while completely ignoring most things we would notice. Adjustments include the ability to skip forward and back during play through movies and TV episodes, and a zoom... posted by Joystiq Apr 09 2012 19:30 GMT
Be Cool about this upcoming Dance Central DLC
Over the next three weeks, Harmonix hopes to sell you three difficult DLC tracks in Dance Central 2 - well, unless you're some big city kid who's moved to a small town, of course. John Lithgow need not apply.First up is "We Speak No Americano" from Yolan... posted by Joystiq Apr 09 2012 18:00 GMT
The Kinect Gears of War Game has Been Cancelled
#gearsofwar Around a year ago, we brought you a look at a new Gears of War title being developed at Epic Games and designed to take advantage of Microsoft's Kinect technology. It looked pretty silly, someth... posted by Kotaku Apr 09 2012 00:00 GMT
HBO Go on Xbox 360 comes to Comcast customers next week
If you're a Comcast customer, the arrival of HBO Go on Xbox 360 was little more than a tease. Starting next week you'll be able to watch HBO content (see: Game of Thrones) on your Xbox 360. You'll need to use your Xfinity login information to gain access... posted by Joystiq Apr 07 2012 22:30 GMT
2013 SRT Viper pulls into Forza 4's garage this summer
The latest car to join Forza 4's immense garage is special because you can't buy it yet. If you want to test-drive it in a video game, however, that's entirely possible. Turn 10 Studios has announced the 2013 SRT Viper will be available in the upcoming V... posted by Joystiq Apr 07 2012 21:30 GMT
Crimson Dragon is Basically Panzer Dragoon Minus a Letter or So
#paxeast2012 Shown off at PAX East 2012, this is Crimson Dragon and if it reminds you of a Kinect-based Panzer Dragoon, there's good reason. Not only is Land Ho, which handled the PS2 version of that game,... posted by Kotaku Apr 07 2012 16:00 GMT
Diabolical Pitch review: Field of nightmares
You are McAllister, a living legend in baseball, hunched over on the mound while gripping your lifeless throwing arm one moment after throwing a record-breaking out. Next thing you know, you're in a car accident, and wake up at a demented, run-down amuse... posted by Joystiq Apr 06 2012 22:15 GMT
Kinect Star Wars Lures Game Critics to the Dark Side
#starwars What a ridiculous, attention-grabbing headline! Everybody knows game reviewers have already succumbed to the dark side; it's a job requirement. Looking at the scores Kinect Star Wars is pulling in... posted by Kotaku Apr 04 2012 01:30 GMT
Here's How You'll Operate Steel Battalion's Kinect-Powered Tanks
#steelbattalion After I played Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor last month at Microsoft's spring showcase, I called it the hardest-core Kinect game yet. More » posted by Kotaku Apr 03 2012 20:30 GMT
This Shooting Game Is Played with Your Tongue
#kinect A group of Japanese researchers is working on a tongue-controlled tech demo to aid those with oral motor function disorders that impacts their ability to speak or swallow—a very admirable goa... posted by Kotaku Apr 03 2012 11:15 GMT
Assassin's Creed on Kinect makes people look like Fools, also it's April
A dark, cynical part of us truly enjoys April Fools' day. We already have severe trust issues with the world at large, and one day a year we're allowed to look at every single person with a complete lack of belief or respect and have it be totally normal... posted by Joystiq Apr 01 2012 20:30 GMT
