Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Message Board older than one year ago

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 'Reverie' DLC released 'in error' on PSN posted by Joystiq Apr 01 2011 01:30 GMT
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David Cox, producer on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, has been all over Twitter recently, responding to complaints about the DLC delay. When he was asked by one disgruntled European gamer wondering why the Xbox 360 delay was holding up the Reverie DLC on PS3 in his region, Cox revealed that the initial DLC launch on PSN was "put up there in error." In other words, Reverie wasn't meant to be released on PS3 in North America (whoops!).

Cox also said that it's "too late to take it down" meaning that presumably whatever bug is keeping it from a larger release isn't catastrophic enough to require it be pulled from Sony's service. Currently the DLC is still available on the US PlayStation Store for $9.99.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 'Reverie' DLC delayed for Xbox 360 posted by Joystiq Mar 30 2011 19:55 GMT
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We just did a double take when we heard that Konami has delayed its "Reverie" DLC for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow -- hadn't we heard this before? We had ... just one month ago when the add-on, originally slated to arrive in February, was delayed until March. Now it's been delayed until -- well, Konami isn't saying exactly.

Once again using Facebook as its conduit for bad news for Lords of Shadow fans, the publisher cites "a last minute issue which we hope to have fixed shortly" as the cause of the delay. "[W]e are working with Microsoft to resolve it as quickly as possible and give you the level of polish you deserve," the statement reads.

Given that the PSN version of the DLC hit the North American PlayStation Store a week ago, the issue must be platform-specific to Xbox Live (though European PS3 players are still waiting on Reverie, too). Whatever the cause, Konami will send word "as soon as a release date has been finalized."
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow DLC Dated posted by Giant Bomb Mar 17 2011 19:47 GMT
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It’s been a long time since our last news bit on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and its impending DLC releases, so here’s a refresher. Back in 2010, Konami promised that two additional content packs would hit the game in 2011. “Reverie,” the first pack, will have you returning to the game’s world as Gabriel in an attempt to aid a vampire handmaiden named Laura. The other pack, “Resurrection,” perhaps the bigger and more meaningful of the two, takes place following the events of the original game and features a “showdown with a very notorious enemy.” The latter pack still hasn’t been dated, but the former? Oh, it’s got a date: March 30, 2011 in Europe and “near that date” (via Joystiq) elsewhere.  

The cost is familiar. Reverie will debut at 800 MSP on Xbox Live and for $10 on the PSN Store. What’s unusual is its connection to the next DLC. According to Konami, this DLC will “segue into the next DLC pack’s stunning conclusion...” That means you don’t want to miss it, right? 

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow hit the Xbox 360 and PS3 back in October 2010. Here’s ye olde Quick Look in case you’re wondering what the game is all about:        

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 'Reverie' DLC dated March 30 for Europe posted by Joystiq Mar 16 2011 07:10 GMT
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Silly heroes, the problem with defeating the little bad guys is that they're usually keeping a bigger baddie in check. This will be Gabriel Belmont's "Reverie" revelation when the Lords of Shadow DLC becomes available on March 30 in Europe. Checking in with Konami for confirmation of a North American release date, a representative informed us the DLC should be available "near that date."

The publisher released a new trailer and screens for Reverie, the first of two planned DLC packs. Continuing the adventure will cost 800 MSP on Xbox 360 and $10 (€7.99/£6.39) on PS3. According to Konami, the download "spans three stages" and segues into the next pack.
Reverie DLC Trailer
posted by GameTrailers Mar 15 2011 19:45 GMT
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Konami teases their Reverie downloadable content for Lords of Shadow, set to provide a new playable character!
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow wins best original game score from Film Music Critics posted by Joystiq Feb 27 2011 17:00 GMT
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The Oscars still haven't deigned to give awards out to video game creators, but the International Film Music Critics' Association is much more open-minded. In among their awards given out this past week was a "Best Original Score for a Video Game or Interactive Media." And the winner goes to...

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Congratulations to composer Óscar Araujo, who got to take home the "Iffy." No, we just made that name up -- we don't really know what it's called. Probably just the IFMCA Award. His score beat out the music in Dark Void (by Bear McCreary!), James Bond 007: Blood Stone, Lego Universe, and the Legend of the Guardians games to win it all.

And apologies to composers Bill Elm and Woody Jackson. Why? Because their Red Dead Redemption score got robbed! Robbed, we say!
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 'Reverie' DLC delayed until March posted by Joystiq Feb 17 2011 15:00 GMT
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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow's "Reverie" DLC, originally set to be released this month, has slipped into March according to an announcement on the Castlevania Facebook page. "Our apologies for the delay but it's going to be worth it!" That "unruly evil" that Gabriel and Laura track down in the DLC is only going to be more unruly the longer we let it stew.

Konami offered no reason for the delay, but a late, complete DLC pack is always preferable to a buggy, punctual release. It is also unknown whether this delay will cause the followup DLC to slip out of its April release window. We're checking in with Konami to find out when it has scheduled the "Resurrection."
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow screens slip into Reverie posted by Joystiq Dec 24 2010 01:20 GMT
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The first screens of "Reverie," next year's first downloadable add-on for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, depict Gabriel Belmont co-operating with Laura, the big-haired brat living in Carmilla's castle. She'll help you -- if you play.
Castlavania: Lords Of Shadow Whips Up A Double Dose Of DLC posted by Kotaku Dec 22 2010 17:00 GMT
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#dlc Castlevania: Lords of Shadow left many unanswered questions lingering after the credits rolled, and Konami plans on answering them with a double dose of downloadable content coming next year to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. More »

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 'Reverie' and 'Resurrection' DLC due in 2011 posted by Joystiq Dec 22 2010 15:35 GMT
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Ready to return to the castle? Konami has finally detailed the long-promised DLC packs for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. The first download pack, entitled "Reverie," sees protagonist Gabriel aiding Laura (the creepy mini-Winehouse you see above) in "destroying the unruly evil" that was kept in check by the vampire queen, Carmilla.

The second download pack, "Resurrection," continues the story after the end of the game and "gives some insight" into "Gabriel's ultimate destiny." According to the press release, "this will be larger in scope than the first add-on" and include a "final showdown with a very notorious enemy." Oh no, it's not the flying Medusa head, is it?

Reverie will be available in February, while Resurrection will launch sometime in April. While no pricing details have been offered yet, we're bound to find out more in the new year.

Konami ships 1 million Castlevania: Lords of Shadow copies, coy about sales posted by Joystiq Nov 23 2010 02:00 GMT
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Konami has announced the apparent milestone shipment of one million copies of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow to retailers across the US and Europe since the game's October 5 release. While the publisher didn't specify just how many of those copies have actually been sold, president Shinji Hirano patted his company on the back with a few vague words of encouragement, saying in a statement, "The remarkable sales achieved in such a short time are a true testament of the work and dedication that went into this project."

Clearly, for Konami to have shipped so many copies to retail, ongoing sales of Lords of Shadow must be reasonably strong, though the title failed to crack the top ten in US software sales last month, and it only lasted two weeks in the UK's top-ten rankings. But Konami is still declaring a victory for the series' "rebirth," adding that it's "extremely pleased at the positive response seen" to developer MercurySteam's effort. The game's Japanese debut is scheduled for December.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3 patch live posted by Joystiq Oct 29 2010 15:55 GMT
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Now that PSN is back in working order, we're happy to inform you that the patch for the PS3 version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is online. It would be a really good idea to install it, too, considering that it addresses the random loss of your save data.

According to the Konami's announcement, the patch also institutes some minor changes, including the addition of scrolling text on loading screens in the interest of readability. It also seems the text will now be easier to read without being distracted by the fear for your save file.

Additionally, Konami said that an upcoming patch for the Xbox 360 version of the game would be detailed "shortly."
Konami Releases Patch for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow posted by IGN Oct 28 2010 17:13 GMT
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Save issues addressed and upgrades added with all new patch for critically acclaimed Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.
Metal Gear Solid 4 Bundled with Castlevania and PS3 in Japan posted by IGN Oct 26 2010 19:05 GMT
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Yes, this actually does make some amount of sense.
Castlevania And Metal Gear Solid 4 Get A PS3 Bundle... Together! posted by Kotaku Oct 26 2010 08:00 GMT
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#onlyinjapan Konami has already released a special PS3 bundle for Metal Gear Solid 4. This new bundle isn't so special. But hey, it's got Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. More »
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3 patch incoming posted by Joystiq Oct 14 2010 01:20 GMT
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These are dark times -- if you're paranoid about losing hours of game progress. Some users have reported an unusual save glitch in the PlayStation 3 version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Affected players report being prompted with a message upon startup, which reads, "Save file corrupt, will now overwrite, press X to continue." Needless to say, pressing X leads to grim results.

Konami has acknowledged the problem -- which it says is restricted to a small number of users -- and promised a patch is en route to eradicate erroneous erasure. We'll let you know when we hear a firm release date, and recommend you keep a backup of your save file on a USB drive in the meantime.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Facebook game lets you combat cross your friends posted by Joystiq Oct 12 2010 10:00 GMT
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Hey, do you like to zap helpless humans with lightning? Then you're probably a super villain. Cool -- and we've got the perfect Facebook game for you: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Friend Challenge. Seriously, it's all about zapping helpless people ... and your friends! It really scratches that sadist itch, trust us.

Developed in-house at Konami, the Facebook game allows you to unlock various bits of content from the console game including "screenshots, videos and items" as you recruit Facebook friends to your army and level up your character. Sorry, it doesn't look like these unlockables are on a two-way street -- performance in the Facebook game doesn't impact your Castlevania: Lords of Shadow game.
Review: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow posted by Kotaku Oct 12 2010 03:00 GMT
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#videogames Gabriel Belmont will have his revenge upon the Lords of Shadow, venturing to the very depths of hell to find retribution against those who have corrupted the ideals of the Brotherhood of Light and murdered his wife. More »
Konami bundles downloadable Castlevanias with Japanese Lords of Shadow special edition posted by Joystiq Oct 12 2010 03:30 GMT
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Hideo Kojima as the Chupacabra isn't the only advantage the Japanese version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow has over its worldwide contemporaries. Those who purchase the special edition in Japan will also have their choice of downloadable Vanias as bonuses.

The PS3 version of the game includes a code for the PSOne Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, playable on PS3 or PSP. The Xbox 360 version gets you a copy of the XBLA game Castlevania: Harmony of Despair. Which means there is now another reason the PS3 version will outsell the Xbox release by a massive margin (other than there being so few Xboxes in Japan).

The Japanese special edition isn't universally better: it carries a price tag of ¥9,980 ($122), and Lords of Shadow won't even be available in Japan until December 16.
A Tasty Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Easter Egg posted by Kotaku Oct 12 2010 00:00 GMT
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#easteregg What dark secret was worth this deceased knight's life? He bears a message regarding the very nature of truth, as it pertains to certain comestibles. I speak no lie when I tell you there are spoilers ahead! More »
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Getting Sequel posted by IGN Oct 11 2010 16:49 GMT
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Game's composer reportedly let slip new game.
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Sequel In The Works posted by Kotaku Oct 11 2010 16:20 GMT
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#sequel With last week's Castlevania: Lords of Shadow pulling in pretty solid reviews, the composer of the game's score outs a sequel already under construction at developer MercurySteam. More »
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow UK Review posted by IGN Oct 07 2010 17:30 GMT
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Something to get your teeth into.
Metareview: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow posted by Joystiq Oct 07 2010 02:30 GMT
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Now that you've read our review of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow -- you have, haven't you? -- let's find out what other outlets thought of the series' latest stab at a 3D interpretation. Turns out, it would seem there are some issues reconciling this as a "Castlevania" game. If we had control of space and time (and, believe, we're working on it), we'd totally want to see the scores if Castlevania was completely removed from the title and the game was released just as Lords of Shadow. It may have scored just a little higher.
  • Game Informer (90/100): "This polished, action-packed adventure has me ecstatic to see not only what's in store for the next 3D Castlevania, but also what talented developer MercurySteam does next. Don't let the deluge of fall releases or the 3D Castlevania stigma keep you from this amazing quest."
  • Eurogamer (80/100): "In the future, we can only hope that a developer finds a way to deliver more of the core series components - of buildings that you piece together through exploration, of back-tracking that never seems like a chore. For now, though, even with a missing piece of that magnitude, MercurySteam has managed to deliver a game that's heartfelt, handsome, and quietly distinct."
  • Gamespot (75/100): "The combat is great and the boss battles are quite memorable, but it degenerates when those core ideas clash--when Castlevania ignores what it does so well (action) for the sake of creating a more diverse experience."
  • IGN (75/100): "Pretty much anything you would expect to find in a Castlevania game is not to be found here. But fans of combat-heavy action adventure games will have fun if they can excuse a lot of mindless button mashing and a couple technical issues."
  • 1UP (B): "This won't replace Symphony of the Night as the oft-argued greatest Castlevania, but it should finally at least put to rest complaints that there are no good 3D Castlevania games. If Lords of Shadow sees a sequel, there are lots of important, obvious improvements that need to be made, but Mercury Steam proves that they're at least on the right track."
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow review: Miracle whip posted by Joystiq Oct 07 2010 00:10 GMT
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Perhaps you're just not as bothered by basic home security when you've harnessed sinister, otherworldly energies and have a legion of vampires at your command. Who's going to march into the Lord of Shadow's spooky castle and tell him, "Sir, leaving the key to your front door in the garden maze outside isn't the smartest thing you've ever done." And what Lord of Shadow is going to believe his advisors when they tell him, "Look, there's this pissed off vampire hunter coming and he's going to demolish every single candelabra in your house. Yes, the nice ones with holy water in them."

Like some of the best video games, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow conceives its world around a hero, obfuscating illogical weirdness with empowerment and an old-fashioned sense of adventure. You might fall off a few cliffs or get trampled by a troll every now and then, but there's no doubting your eventual success. During the course of your journey, you'll get all the training, weapons and abilities you need to best the forces of evil. No jump will ever be too far and no enemy will truly be invincible.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow CE delayed in Europe posted by Joystiq Oct 06 2010 23:50 GMT
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What a horrible time to have pre-ordered the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow limited edition in Europe! Eurogamer reports that the limited edition has been delayed in the region. Retailer GAME initially tweeted that the LE had been canceled altogether, though Konami has since confirmed that it is only delayed and will be released after the October 8 launch of the standard edition. A GAME spokesperson informed Eurogamer that a new release date could be announced as early as today or tomorrow. With any luck, tomorrow's morning sun will vanquish this horrible news.
What Do You Want To Know About Castlevania: Lords of Shadow? posted by Kotaku Oct 06 2010 19:40 GMT
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#feedback Konami's new take on the Castlevania franchise has arrived. We're now in the process of reviewing developer Mercury Steam and Kojima Productions' new action-adventure game and want to know what you want to know about Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. More »
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Hits PS3 Today, Celebrate with Boss Battles posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 05 2010 19:28 GMT
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Not long ago, Konami Producer Dave Cox dropped by the PlayStation.Blog to set up the premise of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, a re-imagining of the classic whip-cracking, vampire-slaying series PlayStation fans know and love. In many ways, Lords of Shadow is a radical departure from previous installments. The combat is more visceral, the visuals are more cinematic, and the scope is more epic.


These qualities are on display in spades in the latest Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Developer Insights video, which Konami has kindly passed along for your viewing pleasure. Not only will you learn about the combat benefit of fairies (no, really), you’ll catch a glimpse of several new boss battles, culminating with a series of Titan encounters that will make any Shadow of the Colossus fan quiver in anticipation.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow arrives today on the PS3 in North America, on Blu-ray. If you picked it up already, be sure to let us know what you think in the comments below. Later today, I can confirm that the playable demo will hit PSN — stay tuned to the PlayStation.Blog for the full PlayStation Store update later today. Happy vampire slaying!

Konami Announces Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow is Now Available posted by IGN Oct 05 2010 16:36 GMT
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Rebirth of one of Konami's most storied franchises comes to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 for the first time ever.