Halo: Reach Message Board

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Posted by Kotaku May 27 2013 06:00 GMT
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Alex Chin Yu Chu is a Taiwanese-born concept artist living in the US who has worked for companies like Bungie, Firaxis, LEGO and Eidos. In that time he's lent his talents to the production of Halo:Reach, Destiny, XCOM and Tomb Raider Anniversary. You can see more of Alex's work at his personal site and CGHub page. To see the larger pics in all their glory (or, if they’re big enough, so you can save them as wallpaper), click on the “expand” button in the bottom-right corner. Fine Art is a celebration of the work of video game artists, showcasing the best of both their professional and personal portfolios. If you're in the business and have some concept, environment, promotional or character art you'd like to share, drop us a line!

Posted by Kotaku Apr 29 2013 05:00 GMT
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It's large, detailed and expensive as only a threeA figure could be, but then, Halo is a series that's long deserved this kind of top-shelf action figure. Though "action figure" kind of sells this thing short. Recreating Halo Reach's Carter down to the tiniest detail (look at those fingers), this thing will cost $220 when it's out next month, but toy fan Luka already has his hands on one, and has taken some lovely photos. That's my Christmas wish list sorted, then. [3A] HALO - Commander Carter [Luka]

Posted by IGN Feb 28 2013 01:57 GMT
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Check out this cool Halo secret that was almost missed. Thankfully after 3 years someone finally discovered this cool little item with a blacklight.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 27 2013 17:00 GMT
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#halo The people at Bungie are famous for putting obscure Easter Eggs into their games. Halo's creators have packed the massive sci-fi shooter franchise with all sorts of references and secrets, and fans love finding them. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jan 21 2013 00:30 GMT
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Reddit user fiscal_ reached out on the forums two weeks ago, asking if anyone had contact info for Bungie, the original team behind the Halo series. His young son was a huge Halo fan, but more importantly he was recovering from an intense liver transplant surgery, and fiscal_ wanted to cheer him up with something from his favorite franchise. Bungie delivered.

Bungie sent over a full-size replica of Carter's helmet from Halo: Reach for fiscal_'s son to keep, along with a t-shirt and a card signed by Bungie staff wishing him well. "My family can't thank Bungie enough," fiscal_ wrote. "I know that they have had a huge impact on how well my son has been recovering after his surgery."

This album of pictures tells the whole, heartwarming story.

Posted by Giant Bomb Nov 28 2012 16:52 GMT
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We may be very close to knowing much more about what Bungie is up to next, as the studio has acknowledged leaks reported on Kotaku and IGN regarding its new game, reportedly called Destiny.

Bungie left Halo behind with 2010’s Halo: Reach, and signed a 10-year deal with Activision for a new, ambitious, multi-game franchise that would finally take Bungie beyond the Xbox platform.

The story goes that someone found a USB key at a coffee shop, and it included concept art and bullet point features regarding Destiny. These images and documents, sent to multiple outlets, come conveniently just a week before the Spike Video Game Awards, where numerous games receive their worldwide debut.

According to the documents, Destiny tells the story of a torn and tattered Earth that’s devastated--once again--by aliens. An enormous alien ship descends over humanity’s last major outpost, seemingly in protection of humanity. Why? No one knows, but it doesn’t matter: Earth has a protector. Players assume the role of “knights” assigned to fending off the surrounding threat and finding a solution.

The rumor’s always been that Bunge’s creating a sci-fi shooter MMO--PlanetSide done right--and while these documents hint at a large “social” aspect to this new game, it doesn’t make it explicit.

Bungie acknowledged the leak on its website, and even posted one of the leaked pieces of artwork.

“Go ahead,” said the company in a statement. “Take a peek. It’s alright. We weren't quite ready, but we will be soon, and we can’t wait to finally show you what we've really been up to. Stick around, we haven’t even started yet.”

Seems like something a studio would say if it had more to show awfully soon, huh? That’s just me speculating, though--I have no inside information of a Spike TV reveal. It just seems very suspicious and well-timed.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 24 2012 12:01 GMT
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#toys A few companies have tried their hands at Halo action figures over the years. McFarlane is one. Square Enix another. Well, you can now add Hong Kong outfit threeA toys - only the best damn toy company on the planet - to the list. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 02 2012 17:30 GMT
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Bungie is out of the Halo stat-tracking biz, but says "so long and thanks for all the fish" with one last nuke of information. Since 2004, over 20.8 billion Halo matchmaking games have been played, with Halo 3 supplying a majority at 11.5 billion, at around 221 million games averaged monthly.

The studio gathered all the data up in a mega infographic, covering stats of the great battles between humanity and The Covenant, red vs. blue. At the end of Bungie's oversight of the online war, the body count exceeded 136 billion, with over 43 billion assists.

Having moved on from Halo, Bungie is currently in a 10-year contract with Activision to produce... something.

Posted by IGN Mar 09 2012 01:05 GMT
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"How does this make you feel?" asked Brandi House, a user researcher while talking to a group of developers. She proceeded to play multiple tracks of music, ranging from ambient to percussive, and asked the panel to choose words to describe it and rate their emotional state. These results took center stage during a panel at this year's GDC...

Posted by Kotaku Mar 01 2012 17:30 GMT
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#watchthisplaythis We all have our secret moves and special style to playing a particular first-person shooter (I like snipers, for instance), but have you ever tried the Bum Bait move? Rooster Teeth introduces this hilarious move in video form. More »

Posted by Joystiq Feb 24 2012 21:30 GMT
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"But wait," you might be thinking. "The original Xbox launched on November 15, 2001. The tenth anniversary was last year, why come out with a 10-year anniversary bundle now? What's the deal? Oh my God, can you hear this? Quit listening to my thoughts! Get out of my head!!"

Whoa, chill dude! The American launch was in 2001, but the console's European debut didn't happen until three months later in 2002, hence the 10-year anniversary bundle showing up on Amazon France in 2012. The €280.00 ($375.50) package comes with a 250-gb Xbox 360, two wireless controllers, a boxed copy of Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, digital versions of Halo: Reach, Gears of War 2 and Fable 3, as well as a 3-month Xbox Live Gold membership card.

The bundle is set to ship on March 9, and while we appreciate the sentiment and everything, we can't help but feel like a 360 reproduction of this might have been a more touching tribute. Make it happen, Microsoft. We'll give you money.

Posted by Joystiq Jan 31 2012 18:30 GMT
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As of March 31, 2012, Bungie will no longer host any Halo services on Bungie.net. Current Halo data will be transferred to 343 and, at that time, "all live Halo data will be managed by 343 Industries, and Bungie will no longer be able to update game stats and player service records, to host new user generated content, or to operate the Bungie Pro service." Using a peculiar bit of language, Bungie notes that "any replacement functionality" will be hosted by Halo Waypoint on halo.xbox.com.

Notice that Bungie doesn't mention whether or not such functionality will be replaced, though it seems unlikely that Microsoft would allow Halo's community features to disappear. They are, after all, a hallmark of the franchise. Because really, what's the point of playing Halo if you can't show off how awesome you are (or, as the image above illustrates, how funny it looks as your Spartan's limp corpse sails through the air).

Posted by Kotaku Jan 02 2012 13:00 GMT
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#toys Next month, McFarlane will release what feels like the 117th series of Halo toys, this time based on the characters and bad guys from Halo: Reach. More »

Posted by Joystiq Dec 30 2011 04:00 GMT
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Another platoon of Halo: Reach action figures from McFarlane Toys is set to be deployed to a toy store near you. Microsoft has revealed the Series 6 figurines, which include new individual Carded Figures and Deluxe Boxed Sets, will be available in February 2012.

New individual figures include Noble Team members Kat and Jun, an Elite Zealot, Brute Major and the Team Objectives set seen above. Finally, Kat can live forever in both our hearts and our toy display case!

Posted by Joystiq Dec 27 2011 18:30 GMT
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It's pretty unlikely at this point that you own an Xbox 360 without a copy of Halo: Reach in some form or another. But if for some crazy reason you just got an Xbox 360 and you're still missing out on Bungie's swan song to the Spartans, Microsoft's got a digital version of the game discounted alongside all of its DLC (well, most of it, anyway -- the Anniversary Map Pack is sadly absent).

Perhaps, like us, you're already got your 360 outfitted with Reach and its many, many downloadable map additions? There's also a handful of Avatar clothing/items, as well as the always thrilling "Anchor 9 Premium Theme," you big collector, you. Head to Xbox.com's Halo: Reach section to see how today's discounts apply to your region.

Should Halo not be your particular bag, a whole mess of other deals are being offering in the coming days and weeks, mostly of the Hasbro variety. Major Nelson has conveniently compiled them for you right here.

Posted by Kotaku Dec 05 2011 22:00 GMT
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#residentevil It might not seem familiar at first, but once you start wandering the corridors you'll realize that this is a faithful scale recreation of Resident Evil's Spencer Mansion crafted using the creation tools from Halo: Reach. More »

Posted by Joystiq Nov 26 2011 16:30 GMT
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Amazon wants to keep the digital pepper sprayings and stampedes to a minimum this Cyber Monday, and has released a teaser list of its deals that will begin on Sunday, Nov. 27, and last throughout the week. So far Amazon has a few nuggets of gaming gold advertised, including an Xbox 360 250GB bundle that includes Halo: Reach and Fable 3 for $200. Check the press release for the full teaser, and make sure to read it all the way to the last sale item. We're pretty sure that's the one you've been looking for all along.

Posted by Kotaku Nov 25 2011 13:30 GMT
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#walmart Starting Nov. 27, "Cyber Week" gets underway at Walmart. So before you rush out to the stores, you might want to look at the deals Walmart is offering. More »

Posted by Joystiq Nov 21 2011 01:30 GMT
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A group of dedicated Halo fans have put some serious time, sweat, tears (we assume) and talent (we can see) into a coming webseries, Halo Helljumper, based on the short story "Dirt" by Tobias S. Busknell. The film series will tell the tale of one ODST battling the Covenant before the fall of Reach. The first episode is set to premiere in January. Check out the trailer above and get some more information about the cast and props right here.

Posted by Kotaku Nov 11 2011 04:00 GMT
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#halo If you have last year's Halo: Reach and aren't interested in the Halo: Anniversary high-definition remastering of the original game, you still can get up the four classic multiplayer maps shipping with it. More »

Posted by Kotaku Oct 01 2011 01:30 GMT
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#halo I'm not above a good multiplayer betrayal every now and then. I use my color-blindness as an excuse the way a good forum troll uses Asperger's or agoraphobia. But this guy, UnstoppableLuck, takes it to the next level. More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 24 2011 04:00 GMT
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#halo The recent title update to Halo: Reach has rendered unplayable the free disc version of the game given to Xbox Live dashboard beta participants earlier this year. Rather than say tough luck, Microsoft is giving all of them a free digital copy of the game. More »

Posted by Joystiq Sep 24 2011 00:52 GMT
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Did you get one of Microsoft's special copies of Halo: Reach? You know, the ones that were sent out to test their recent security update allowing developers more space on Xbox 360 game discs. You were probably super-stoked.

Your stoke-age was halted this week though, in all likelihood, as the most recent Reach title update prevented players using one of those magic free discs to get online - and from enjoying the beta playlists designed to ease players into Halo CE Anniversary's multiplayer tweaks. Microsoft has previously mentioned that a simple title update probably wouldn't get the job done. So today, they've started giving away Games on Demand copies of the game to affected users.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 14 2011 19:30 GMT
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If you spent any considerable amount of time with Halo 2, then you've likely stomped around the Headlong map in your billion-dollar boots, helping to fertilize its soil with a few dead bodies. A new and improved version of that large-scale map, dubbed Breakneck, will ship with Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary, 343 Industries announced today.

Some graphical tweaks have been made, but you may notice some layout differences as well. That teleporter on the Blue base's balcony has been replaced with a man-cannon and some panels have been added up there for better cover when moving from building to building. Red side's had an extension added to the Engineering Hallway and lost a chunk of the ceiling in the Office.

343 also sent word on the next big title update for Halo: Reach, due on September 21. Initially, the title update won't change anything for you, but come October 4 a special beta playlist will become active with 4-on-4 Objective and Slayer game modes. Here is where 343 will monitor games so that it can continue to shape Reach.

Feel free to hop into our gallery below to check out shots of the new and improved Headlong Breakneck. You'll get a chance to see it in person when Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary launches on November 15.

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 12 2011 19:20 GMT
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You can tab between each section or swipe with your hand. The older dash still comes up via the Guide button.

You have to respect Microsoft's endless iteration of the Xbox 360's dashboard interface. It might not always turn out particularly well, but it's staggering to look at how much has changed since Microsoft introduced this console back in 2005. Such drastic changes would usually happen in a new machine, but the dashboard goes under the knife every year.

For better or worse, Sony has done little to change the overall look of the Cross Media Bar, instead focusing on implementing additional features (i.e. PlayStation Plus).

Remember this?! How far we've come.

Microsoft invited a few of us in the office to check out an in-development version of the latest dashboard update last week. Unfortunately, Microsoft wasn't talking about the feature we were the most excited about: cloud saves. The company would only confirm cloud saves are coming in this update, and the team working on it was currently hammering out all the details. Microsoft did made it sound like cloud saves would not be an unlimited affair, but specifics are being ironed out.

Our demo mainly focused how Microsoft has been working to increase what it calls "discoverability." When Xbox Live was originally conceived, it wasn't designed to handle the amount of content that's been pushed onto server farms since. Dozens of games? Sure. Thousands? Not really, which means content ends up getting pushed into the background and quickly forgotten. It hurts everyone involved.

This update goes a step forward to making it easier to find content, through a combination of Bing Search and Kinect. You don't need Kinect to use Bing Search, but does prove useful. Say "Harry Potter" and everything related to Harry Potter on the service comes up. Ask it to sort by movies and the movies will be pushed to the front. Same goes for games, television, music, etc. It's far easier than digging into each individual application, searching desperately for a way to find what you want.

This search aggregation will not extend to Facebook and Twitter, but both of those applications will be updated to better fit the interface introduced with the Kinect last fall. Much of this update helps brings the interfaces together--mostly in a good way. If you want to tab between the different sections with a controller, you can. If you want to wave your hand around, you can. Microsoft's just ensuring there's not an unnecessary interface change that ultimately comes across as confusing.

Quickplay provides easy access to recently used games and now applications, too.

Kinect integration is all over the place now and makes way more sense. There was no clear distinction between what you could and couldn't say last time around. Now, if there are big, bold white words on the screen (which is basically most of the screen), you can say it out loud. That includes movie titles, game names, applications, etc. You can finally both open and close the disc tray, too. Madness!

One thing you can't do is call up features that aren't on-screen at the time. For example, you cannot say "Xbox Netflix" when Netflix isn't featured somewhere in front of you. You'd have to say "Xbox Video" and then "Xbox Netflix." One way around that, however, is the new "Quickplay" option.

Quickplay replaces the Games Library and comes packed with some nifty tweaks. One, it's not featured on a page you need to flick over to; it's there when the machine boots up. Two, it also includes applications, so if you want to hop right into Netflix, you no longer need to tab over the Video Marketplace for the billionth time.

I also learned what the hell a "Beacon" is at this meeting. Every time I read a press release detailing the Beacon program, I'd make note of it...then immediately forget what it was. Beacons represent the first baby step to introduce scheduling into Xbox Live, an evolution of the game invite. You can send out a Beacon to your entire friends list, asking for people to join a game of Halo: Reach. The Beacon can even be pushed out to Facebook (but not Twitter, for whatever reason). Right now, there isn't much user control over the Beacon. You cannot set a Beacon to blast out at 6:00 p.m. When you set up a Beacon, it goes out. Being able to have more hands-on control over its release would go a long way, but that's not coming in this update.

Based on what we've seen and played with, this feels like a solid improvement. There are bugs, there are features we still haven't seen and the Kinect wasn't really cooperating in our demo, but we should we have a better idea soon, as Microsoft said a beta should go live sometime in early October.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 05 2011 23:00 GMT
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#halo The way it's looking there'll never be a Halo movie. Ah well! So long as regular humans keep making killer props like this, we're free to imagine our own. Which is always for the best, because then, they never end up sucking. More »

Posted by IGN Aug 26 2011 21:49 GMT
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At its "What's Next for Waypoint" panel at this year's Halo Fest, the 343i team announced a number of changes and additions to Halo Waypoint due later this year. Waypoint will receive a visual overhaul for the release of anniversary this November. The Xbox 360 portal will get a new look, with a ...

Posted by Kotaku Aug 26 2011 16:00 GMT
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#halo At PAX's Halo-fest, 343 Industries detailed a coming title update for Halo: Reach, slated for release sometime in October. The title update will balance several of the suit abilities, changing Armor Lock's damage absorption to be based on the amount of energy a player has remaining. It will also shorten the duration of Active Camo and allow for configurable reticle bloom. More »

Posted by Joystiq Aug 26 2011 17:01 GMT
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At last night's Halo Fest event, we learned about a rather beefy title update to Halo: Reach that's set to launch sometime next month. The patch implements a number of significant (and, therefore, controversial) changes to the multiplayer title, with the biggest being the nerfing of the Armor Lock ability. Instead of making you an invulnerable juggernaut, Armor Lock now only prevents most of the damage done to you whilst locked, and no longer detaches stuck plasma grenades.

Other changes include: the addition of "Shield Bleed-through," whereby damage done to players with a fraction of their shield remaining can now be carried over to their remaining health; an option to remove reticle bloom; the removal of a player's ability to deflect an oncoming sword lunge by meleeing (unless they too are using a sword); and the wholesale buffing of the pistol, bringing it closer to parity with its Halo: Combat Evolved predecessor.