Splinter Cell: Conviction Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Joystiq Feb 18 2010 20:39 GMT
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Sam Fisher's been tossed into some fairly unenviable scenarios in previous games, but if this new trailer is any indication, Splinter Cell: Conviction might just place the former spy into his most precarious mission to date. Between knife fighting dudes in bathrooms, holding off home invaders and generally being rude to receptionists, Fisher's going to great lengths to prove his bad-assitude. (Little does Sam know, he already proved it during the original Splinter Cell's opening credits.)

Additionally, the trailer provides a bit more of the backstory leading up to Conviction, as well as some of the events we can anticipate in the game. Apparently, Sam's going to be storming the White House after an EMP blast devastates Washington. We wonder if he'll pass the Modern Warfare 2 guys while he's in there?

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 18 2010 17:00 GMT
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They took everything you loved--now do something about it.

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 13 2010 03:43 GMT
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Check out Lumber Mill from the Deniable Ops mode at X10!

Posted by Joystiq Feb 12 2010 14:30 GMT
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Filed under: Features, Microsoft Xbox 360, Action There you are, old Sam Fisher, minding your own business at some unknown cafe when the waiter brings you a cell phone and Bluetooth earpiece, compliments of the caller. It's Grim, it's Third Echelon, and it's the end of his vacation. Some thugs have managed to upset his vacation -- now we know why he's always carrying 12 rounds and a pistol.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 12 2010 07:20 GMT
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Thanks to a hush-hush covert op, we've extracted a handful of new Splinter Cell: Conviction screenshots to whet your appetite. Oh, okay. They were just given to us during the X10 event in San Fransisco -- but we can dream, can't we?

With Splinter Cell: Conviction (finally) hitting stores this April, these images only serve to anger us at the game's numerous delays. Also, these images are so crisp, we're not even sure they are real. If they are, someone needs to do something about that that horrific green couch (above). That is so last year.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 11 2010 15:30 GMT
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We're devoted fans of the Ars Technica mole, who has nailed big stories like the PS3 Slim and the Resident Evil 5 bundle. As a result, we feel pretty comfortable getting excited about two new Xbox 360 bundles Ars highlights today. The first, a Splinter Cell: Conviction-themed bundle, will reportedly include a not-in-any-way-branded system packing a 250GB hard drive, two black controllers and the game, all for $400. The other bundle will, according to Ars, have all the same specs except with Final Fantasy XIII and white controllers.

Considering the the mole's track record, we wouldn't be surprised to see an official announcement any day now.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 04 2010 08:45 GMT
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[Image Source: IGN] Word around the campfire is that Splinter Cell: Conviction has a release date. No, for real this time. Those other two times were just to test your resolve. According to IGN, Ubisoft has announced Sam Fisher's latest adventure will hit the Xbox 360 and PC on April 13, 2010. Poking fun at itself, Ubisoft evidently delivered a rock with the new date etched on one side to the site. Get it? The date is set in stone! Oh, those crazy French-Canadians! If you're asking yourself, "Where's Joystiq's rock?," the answer is simple: Had Ubisoft delivered one to us, we'd use it to break the windows at the Ubisoft Montreal offices for making us wait this long for Badass: The Game. This way is just safer.

Posted by GameTrailers Jan 20 2010 23:40 GMT
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Coste knows what Sam wants, and why you should fear him in Splinter Cell: Conviction.

Posted by GameTrailers Jan 15 2010 02:40 GMT
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Infiltrate one of four areas such as St. Petersburg, Russia in the Hunter mode of Splinter Cell: Conviction's Deniable Ops.

Posted by GameTrailers Jan 15 2010 02:40 GMT
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Take down enemies co-operatively or flying solo in Hunter mode

Posted by Joystiq Jan 14 2010 18:15 GMT
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"Understand this: The Sam Fisher you knew is dead." Spolier alert! Nah, he's very much alive (albeit starring in a game that's delayed yet again), and this latest trailer for Splinter Cell: Conviction features one Victor Coste, private military contractor and veritable encyclopedia on all things that make a (now) former Third Echelon agent go ker-azy. And man, can he lay it on. "He's off the leash and going for answers," Coste says, in an extremely serious tone. We think the first question Fisher's going to ask this guy when he catches him is, "Just how many times have you watched The Bourne Identity, anyway?"

Posted by Joystiq Jan 14 2010 16:45 GMT
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Ubisoft has apparently delayed Splinter Cell: Conviction for "a bit more polish," the publisher told Eurogamer. Although the common wisdom is that the delay occurred due to the unnaturally packed Q1 of triple-A goodness, a representative for Ubisoft stated, "The game looks brilliant, but we want it to be awesome." Play this post off, Keyboard Cat Sam Fisher.

Posted by Joystiq Jan 13 2010 17:18 GMT
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In a financial performance update chock full of thrilling tidbits, like "revised financial predictions" and "sales targets," Ubisoft today announced the unfortunate news that Splinter Cell: Conviction would be bumped back from February 23 to "April 2010" and Ruse even further; to the ambiguous fiscal year "2010-11" (April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011). No reason was given for either delay -- which is at least the second for just this version of Conviction, by our estimations.

Posted by Joystiq Jan 11 2010 16:45 GMT
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While we were flipping through the Facebook this morning, looking for pictures of Bobby Jones with that tramp Kelly Sue Eakins, we couldn't help but notice that our best buds on Ubisoft's Splinter Cell account had put up a sweet new pic. The snap captures our pals helping out some Russian friends with their makeovers (aren't they the nicest guys?), though we can't make any sense of the inexplicable caption below the image that reads, "Co-op mode split screen confirmed!" What does that have to do with makeovers, guys? Come on! [Thanks, SpyderTaco]

Posted by GameTrailers Jan 09 2010 03:21 GMT
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Employ the same tools Sam uses in both co-op and deniable ops with this interview packed with Splinter Cell: Conviction gameplay and information.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 21 2009 17:00 GMT
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On Major Nelson's weekly podcast -- with a host left laughing and teary-eyed due to the Xbox head's dental-related lisp -- Aaron Greenberg did some NPD boasting before ruminating on the first half of 2010. After pointing out Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, and Alan Wake, he confirmed Crackdown 2 as part of Microsoft's list of "triple-A, exclusive" titles heading to the Xbox 360 during "the first half of the year." "Those are just the exclusives, that doesn't include Final Fantasy ... there's no way we had a first half of the year like that last year," Greenberg added. The back end of the upcoming year is no slouch either in his eyes, with Halo Reach and Fable 3 said to be on schedule for launch in the Fall. Considering the first Crackdown's February release date, we're hoping for a similarly timed release of the sequel (just in time for its third birthday!). We've followed up with Greenberg and will update this post if we hear more.

Posted by GameTrailers Dec 18 2009 17:00 GMT
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Splinter Cell: Conviction turns the tables on the opposition and allows you to use the shadows to become the hunter.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 18 2009 15:00 GMT
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The chatter surrounding the multiplayer aspect of Splinter Cell: Conviction began late last month, culminating in yesterday's release of the co-op teaser trailer on Xbox Live. Well, I can one-up the trailer. I've actually played the mode. Everything you may have heard is true: The main co-op mode (either online or local play, with a human partner or A.I.) is a prequel to the events of the game and doesn't star series staple Sam Fisher. Instead, the estimated 5- to 6-hour campaign focuses on two wetworks operatives -- one American, one Russian -- who must work together to recover stolen nuclear warheads before they're sold on the black market. The game will also feature co-op play in what are being called "deniable ops" -- more conventional intrusion missions and the like -- as well as a player-vs-player-vs-CPU "duel" mode. What I played was part of the the prequel campaign: an admittedly brief but eye-opening mission set in Moscow's fortified metro system. You can watch a walkthrough video of the section I played above. Read on after the break for my thoughts.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 17 2009 16:00 GMT
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A new trailer for Splinter Cell Conviction has landed on Xbox Live, giving us the first official reveal of the rumored co-op mode. The game will feature an entire co-op campaign, which will serve as a prequel to the single-player story of Sam Fisher taking on his old organization, Third Echelon. The co-op campaign stars two special agents, an American Third Echelon agent named Archer and a Russian Voron agent named Kestrel. From what we can glean from the trailer, the two agents are paired up to stop a "rogue element within the Russian military" who has acquired "advanced warheads" to sell on the black market. They do this by sneaking, killing hapless guards and blowing things up. In short, it looks like a lot of fun. Download the trailer yourself -- using the handy link below -- and expect some fresh impressions of the game right here on Joystiq very, very soon. Shortcut: Add the Splinter Cell Conviction co-op trailer to your 360 download queue [Via Xbox.com]

Posted by GameTrailers Dec 17 2009 00:30 GMT
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Grab your friends and jump into the cooperative prequel to Sam Fisher's Splinter Cell: Conviction storyline.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 14 2009 20:20 GMT
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Click with conviction to see larger images Paying more for a fancier version of Splinter Cell: Conviction is no longer an exclusively North American privilege. Ubisoft just announced a Collector's Edition of the stealth sequel for "all" European, Middle Eastern, Asian, and Pacific territories -- and it comes with different stuff than the North American version! The rest of the world's Collector's Edition will include the usual steel-book case and soundtrack, and also the distinguished-looking Sam Fisher statue seen above, frozen forever in the act of almost stepping on his night vision goggles. The pack also includes in-game bonuses like an Infiltration Mode, a special "Shadow Armor" skin, and "early access" to the SC300, SR2 and MP5 weapons. Head into our gallery to see images of both the Xbox 360 and PC sets. Update: See the new weapons and the other bonuses in a video after the break.

Posted by GameTrailers Dec 14 2009 22:23 GMT
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The ultimate Sam Fisher collector's kit is available to you for a price with the Splinter Cell: Conviction Collector's Edition.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 14 2009 20:20 GMT
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Click with conviction to see larger images Paying more for a fancier version of Splinter Cell: Conviction is no longer an exclusively North American privilege. Ubisoft just announced a Collector's Edition of the stealth sequel for "all" European, Middle Eastern, Asian, and Pacific territories -- and it comes with different stuff than the North American version! The rest of the world's Collector's Edition will include the usual steel-book case and soundtrack, and also the distinguished-looking Sam Fisher statue seen above, frozen forever in the act of almost stepping on his night vision goggles. The pack also includes in-game bonuses like an Infiltration Mode, a special "Shadow Armor" skin, and "early access" to the SC300, SR2 and MP5 weapons. Head into our gallery to see images of both the Xbox 360 and PC sets.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 11 2009 14:55 GMT
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We've got another two months to go before the release of Splinter Cell Conviction. That's plenty of time, it would seem, for Ubisoft to tease us relentlessly with more information and gameplay snippets, as evidenced by the latest trailer. It's filled with a mess of information for returning Splinter Cell fans, and capped off by the realization that, "For the first time, you'll feel what it's like to be one of those NPCs hunted by a Splinter Cell." And yes, that prospect looks just as terrifying as it sounds.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 10 2009 22:50 GMT
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As you might imagine, it's kind of hard to believe the words coming out of someone's mouth when a gold wrestling championship belt is gleaming in our eyes, which is why we're not sure what to believe coming from the mysterious "Adam" regarding a possible Splinter Cell Conviction demo coming this January. Seen with the Hip-Hop Gamer in a video after the break, Adam -- a gentleman who Ubisoft wouldn't confirm to us is an actual employee -- seemingly announces the existence of an upcoming Conviction demo. When asked by the eccentric interviewer about the possibility, Adam responds, "It's coming out in January, and then the actual game: February 23rd." We asked Ubisoft for verification of Adam's words, and were told by a rep, "I cannot confirm a demo at this time." So, anyone know Adam?

Posted by GameTrailers Dec 10 2009 19:45 GMT
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What conspiracy does Sam Fisher begin to uncover while on the hunt for the person responsible for the death of his daughter?

Posted by Joystiq Nov 29 2009 15:30 GMT
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According to a recent post on CVG, the publishing partner of PC Zone magazine, the next issue of the latter will drop some knowledge on us regarding Splinter Cell: Conviction's multiplayer modes. CVG reports that the last issue of PC Zone teases an article on Conviction, claiming the piece will feature "hands-on, co-op reveal and a brand new mode." If the game truly does have co-operative play, then we're kinda bummed about the aesthetic changes the title has undergone over the past year. Can you imagine: Secret two-man hobo operations to blow up a whole park's worth of hot dog stands? Party game of the year.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 17 2009 22:25 GMT
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[geekadelphia.com] Joystiq has confirmed that the blurry video and NeoGAF forum member's claims of a Splinter Cell Conviction demo voucher shipping inside Xbox 360 versions of Assassin's Creed II were nothing more than an enticing balloon full of hot air. As the picture you see above reveals, copies of ACII sold by GameStop included a Splinter Cell Conviction leaflet meant to solicit pre-orders of Ubisoft's next big game, while a similar leaflet (included in our Amazon.com copy) contains a URL and code ("CONV1C71ON") for ... ringtones and wallpapers? Yes, sad, but true. Looks like we got our hopes up for nothing, folks. [Thanks Eric!]

Posted by Joystiq Nov 16 2009 17:45 GMT
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Look, Sam Fisher is a master of espionage, so it's entirely believable the man could sneak his way into the packaging of Assassin's Creed II this week. Heck, now that his daughter is gone, he's thrown the rulebook out the window and part of his new anything-goes persona could very well be to synergize like he's never done before. Thus, this rumor that all copies of Assassin's Creed II on Xbox 360 will come with a download voucher for a Splinter Cell: Conviction demo.One user over at NeoGAF claims a copy of Assassin's Creed II on Xbox 360 came with said insert, while further evidence from HipHopGamer (it's since been removed from the initial video; but Kouppa-Network Live still has it up) shows what appears to be the alleged insert. Logic points to the demo being the same portion of gameplay we checked out back at E3, though there's no evidence to verify that.We've contacted Ubisoft for comment and update this post when we hear back.[Thanks, tmacairjordan87]Source - NeoGAF postSource - HHG video with insert reveal removedSource - Pulled video showing insert

Posted by Joystiq Nov 13 2009 02:20 GMT
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Imagine this: you're playing one of Splinter Cell Conviction's many "choose your own torture" sequences, as described by Ubisoft's Jeffrey Dickstein. As you're slamming a terrorist's face into a urinal, you might ask yourself, "is this the new Degree deodorant I should buy?" (Seriously, these are his words.) This is actually the pitch Ubisoft delivered at Microsoft Advertising's Gaming Upfront presentation in New York this evening. In-game advertising is rapidly growing, but has typically been relegated to sports and racing games. Splinter Cell Conviction breaks convention by being neither. Expect both static and video ads to appear throughout the environmentt -- including during the game's lengthy torture sequences. Perhaps they should take it one step further: Sam Fisher should grab a Coca-Cola bottle, smash it, and use the broken glass to kill a guy. Talk about refreshing! In addition, Ubisoft showed potential advertisers the "heat maps" they created whilst developing the game. These maps highlight likely places players will go while playing. Advertisers will be able to place their ads in high-density areas, in order to ensure maximum exposure to their brands while in the game world. Considering Splinter Cell is a stealth game, don't be too surprised to see ads inside of the conveniently accessible (not to mention remarkably roomy!) air ducts.