Crysis 2 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Kotaku Apr 30 2011 20:00 GMT
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#theoldcollegecry For about a year, Crytek has offered universities a free license to its CryEngine 3, the guts of this month's big release, Crysis 2. Since it made the offer more than 250 universities have asked for the code, the studio reports. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 30 2011 01:45 GMT
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Back in November of 2009, Crytek detailed plans to offer free licenses to universities wishing to work with CryEngine 3. Apparently quite a few showed interest -- more than 250 different institutions over the last year, to be exact.

A missive on Crytek's site reads: "Academic institutions in a wide variety of fields including physics, computer science, architecture, film-making, art and design use Crytek's all-in-one game development solution for their projects." This should ensure that not only will future video games feature gun-wielding super soldiers in billion-dollar nanosuits, but also movies, paintings, science projects, book reports, fashion magazines and all of the skyscrapers downtown.

[Thanks, Andreas]

Posted by Joystiq Apr 26 2011 18:30 GMT
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We know you're having a hard time choosing between all the different nanomachine-infused, suit-centric first-person shooters set in a ruined New York City. Why not go with the cheap one? Amazon's marked down Crysis 2 to $39.95 as its current deal of the day.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 26 2011 06:53 GMT
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A new splashpage at CryMod, which is currently being overhauled, reveals that this summer will see the apperance of both a Crysis 2 editor and a CryEngine SDK. What does this mean? Well, it means people will be able able to make levels for Crysis 2, but also that they’ll be able to make non-commercial stuff for free using the CryEngine tech. Crytek’s Mr Yerli says: “In August 2011 we will be launching a free CryENGINE SDK. If you want to use it for fun, like all our previous MOD SDKs it will be completely free of charge, to anyone who wants to play with it! You just register, download the SDK with a personalized license key and you’re good to go! If you want to use it to make a game to launch commercially, we’d like to help you with that. If you want to take your product down a traditional commercial route, we will offer an innovative low cost licensing model if you want to release your game digitally.”

More details here.

Posted by Joystiq Apr 23 2011 08:00 GMT
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Cevat Yerli, CEO of Crytek, has posted an extensive open letter to Crysis 2 modders on laying out an impressive future for the CryEngine mod scene. First and foremost, Yerli confirms that a Crysis 2 editor is coming this summer, but that news is overshadowed by the announcement of a free CryEngine 3 development kit, which Crytek is making available in August.

Essentially, anyone who wants to will be able to download "the latest, greatest version of CryEngine 3," and go to town with everything from the engine code to actual game sample code (from Crysis 2), scripts and all of the tools Crytek used to make Crysis 2. This is big news for modders, as it presents a viable, no-cost alternative to Unreal Engine 3 (which has a similar plan available) and access to all of the shiny features for anyone interested -- though developers who wish to release a game commercially will still have to license the engine.

[Thanks, Jackal]

Posted by Kotaku Apr 22 2011 02:00 GMT
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#pc A modding toolkit for Crysis 2 will release in early summer, Crytek said today in an announcement. If that's not enough freedom for you, the CryENGINE SDK releases to developers in August. The Crysis 2 modkit will be free, the company's CEO said. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 20 2011 11:00 GMT
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#itsawonderfultown It's a shame that you miss it while you're too busy kicking cars and shooting things in the face, but Crysis 2 is a love letter to the city of New York, something that really shines through in the game's concept art. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 17 2011 20:00 GMT
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#pc Crytek took it in the shorts from PC loyalists who felt Crysis 2 was handled in a way that catered more to console users than to PC gamers. In an interview, the studio's graphics engineer said Microsoft and Sony have way underweight RAM configurations, and whatever they build next needs 8 GB of RAM, minimum. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 17 2011 07:00 GMT
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When Crytek announced that the third iteration of its ambitious CryEngine technology would appear on both PC and consoles, a portion of its hardcore fans became skeptical -- would the engine's progression be hampered by a dumbed-down ball-and-chain?

The company's R&D principal graphics engineer, Tiago Sousa, responds to that mindset in a new interview with Digital Foundry, saying that a multiplatform approach in developing Crysis 2 was beneficial to the company's central goal -- which is to make big-budget games, not just budget-hostile benchmarks. "The PC market just does not support that cost of development, but going multi-platform does," Sousa said. "If making a game that is bigger, better, more stable, performs better across a wider range of hardware, provides a continued visual benchmark for PC gaming, and more fun with a huge single-player and multiplayer offering is considered selling out, that seems like a really odd application of the phrase. The decision to go multi-platform has allowed us to bring a better game to everyone, which has been our goal all along."

That isn't to say Crytek opted for the easy route. The interview highlights Crytek's struggles with limited memory on consoles (just 512MB on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3), adjusting its workflow to eliminate the reliance on a single lead platform, and a lighting feature that didn't quite make the cut for every system. Oh, and you won't believe how much triangle culling there is. Just ... relentless slaughter of triangles, left and right.

Crytek has posted that, yes, the team is currently working on a DirectX 11 patch for Crysis 2. There are no details yet on when to expect it or what exactly it will do (early rumors of the patch, debunked by Crytek, suggested it would unlock an advanced graphics mode), but of course it will enable DirectX 11 compatibility for the game. Crytek says it wants to "get the best out of DX11."

The patch can't come too soon for poor PC Crysis 2 players -- as you can see above, they're really suffering. Who would bother ever playing a PC game that looked as bad as that?

[Thanks, Brian R.]

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 08 2011 19:46 GMT
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After a couple of weeks of web-wide worrying and shouting and bickering and excellently satirical editorials, you may be glad to hear that Crysis 2 is to receive its in-doubt DirectX 11 patch after all. This comes via the official forums, wherein it was officially said on an official forum, despite being officially said on other official forums that it mightn’t happen. That seals it: all is well in PC gaming tech land. For now.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Apr 08 2011 16:40 GMT
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Details are basically non-existant, but Crytek has officially announced that there will be a DirectX 11 patch for Crysis 2 to take full advantage of modern PC gaming hardware. [] (Thanks, Kyle!) More »

Posted by IGN Apr 05 2011 22:30 GMT
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Every editor at IGN wishes he or she had the time to personally respond to every semi-sane comment from the message boards, but we don't. However, in an effort to raise the level of discourse, we've decided to pick out some of the most interesting comments on Arthur Gies' recent Crysis review and re...

Posted by Kotaku Apr 05 2011 09:30 GMT
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#thebronxisup YouTube user MikeX1978 likes to post videos of video games playing in slow motion. His latest, for example, shows that when you're not running around shooting at things, Crysis 2 can sure get pretty. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 04 2011 23:30 GMT
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In revising its flagship engine to support a wider range of platforms, Crytek has subtly introduced an entirely different kind of obsolescence. This slow-mo video of Crysis 2, infused with glorious explosions and some LCD Soundsystem, can no longer be the setup for a "slow computer" joke.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 04 2011 16:20 GMT
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#graphicscomparison When a great-looking video game imitates a real life place, how close do the two get? More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 04 2011 08:55 GMT
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It’s a top quality Spotlight on Biscuit we’ve got for you this week. Not only do we have Total Biscuit giving his hugely positive impressions on Crysis 2 single player in a video he’s dubbed “How Being Allowed to Fail is Awesome”, a sentiment very close to the hearts of most everyone here at RPS, but I do some thinking about the mighty Party Ring. Just why is it so popular? (more…)

Posted by Kotaku Mar 30 2011 14:30 GMT
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#pc Crytek and EA unleashed the highly anticipated sequel to Crysis last week. While waiting for it to become available Down Under, I found myself reading numerous reviews about the game. Most were highly positive, while informal observations from bloggers and PC gamers noted that Crysis 2 has departed from some of its predecessor's gameplay essentials and feels closer to a Call of Duty-style shooter. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 30 2011 09:20 GMT
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#humor The first Crysis was, and remains, something of a benchmark for PC hardware nerds. Because the second Crysis was also made for consoles, though, some of those aforementioned nerds are angry. And justifiably so! More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 29 2011 22:00 GMT
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#crysis2 Almost 10 years since terrorists destroyed New York City's World Trade Center towers, the building that was supposed to proudly replace it still isn't complete. More »

Posted by Joystiq Mar 27 2011 03:30 GMT
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Though the (already worked-around) errors affecting some Crysis 2 PC players who are trying to activate their game online still haven't been patched out, Crytek launched an update earlier this week which fixes a few other errant bugs. These include measurements for blocking cheaters, hang-ups that affected matchmaking and problems with certain brands of USB headsets. Check out a full list of the updates after the jump.

The most controversial of these changes is the wholesale removal of auto-aim, a decision Crytek made "due to overwhelming community feedback." Sounds like beta participants weren't too crazy about the feature -- though, really, doesn't the idea of guns that aim for you kind of fit into Crysis' nanomachine-enhanced canon?

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 26 2011 13:50 GMT
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Crysis 2 is now available in both Europe and North America. The sequel to the Crytek’s PC-only 2007 technology showcase FPS, Crysis, it’s one of the most intensely anticipated games of 2011. And it’s now multi-platform, too. What does that all mean for us?

Well, it’s a given that many computer dudes will get shot, but just how good is the shooting? And should this sparkling sci-fi spectacle be sat at the top of your shopping list? (Probably.) Here’s Wot I Think. (more…)

Posted by Kotaku Mar 25 2011 18:30 GMT
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#attire Crysis 2 is a wonderful, wonderfully different shooter. The shoes? Not quiet yet. More »

Posted by Giant Bomb Mar 25 2011 03:39 GMT
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This video is for subscribers only. Please visit the site to view it. SSSSSSSSSSSshhhhhhhh...we play Crysis 2 while the office gremlins run amok!

Posted by GameTrailers Mar 25 2011 03:11 GMT
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Can the consoles stand up to the juggernaut PC franchise?

Posted by Joystiq Mar 25 2011 01:00 GMT
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Crytek is working to release a Crysis 2 patch to correct two errors associated with multiplayer activation keys for the PC version of the game, a representative confirmed on the game's official MyCrysis Forums. In the meantime, the developer has laid out a workaround intended to side-step both users' inability to save their keys in the system (and thus forcing would-be players to re-enter the codes) and the erroneous error that claims, "Serial number in use." It's a three-step move, to be precise:
"Load Crysis 2, go to multiplayer and type in your key" "Navigate back to Single Player" "Go back into multiplayer and re-enter your key" The majority of responses in the forum thread indicates that the workaround does bypass the two issues, though apparently it doesn't ameliorate scattered reports of server crashes and game freezing; to say nothing of the two big topics on account login integration and promo code redemption issues.

Posted by IGN Mar 24 2011 22:37 GMT
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Were you hoping for more graphic tweaks in Crysis 2 than is offered by default? Well, user wasdie over on the inCrysis forums decided to get around the system spec settings Crytek implemented...

Posted by Giant Bomb Mar 24 2011 18:47 GMT
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If you like power armor and hate squishy, squidy aliens, you won't want to miss tonight's Thursday Night Throwdown, where we'll be playing Crytek's latest super-powered first-person shooter, Crysis 2 on the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360! If you want in on the action, send a friend request to GBTNT on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, while PC players should send their requests to GiantBombing. The stealthy-jumpy-punchy action begins today at 4PM Pacific Daylight Time! To get you all pumped up, here's a bunch of people crying while eating food, courtesy of 

Posted by Kotaku Mar 23 2011 18:30 GMT
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#review Ensconced in a suit of modern day armor, Force Recon Marine "Alcatraz" can survive high rise drops, turn invisible and absorb the impact of machine gun fire. But his augmented Nanosuit is most powerful when it stops working. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 23 2011 08:30 GMT
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#pc PC gaming site Rock, Paper, Shotgun has kicked off a little campaign called "No Oceans". It's aimed at synchronising PC release dates around the world. And I can't think of a better campaign to get behind. More »