Final Fantasy Versus XIII Message Board

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Posted by Kotaku Feb 21 2013 10:00 GMT
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#finalfantasy There was speculation that Final Fantasy Versus XIII would appear at Sony's PS4 reveal. Shinji Hashimoto, Versus' producer, arrived on stage. Surely, this was the moment. But it wasn't. It wasn't at all. More »

Posted by IGN Jan 18 2013 16:37 GMT
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In an interview with IGN, series producer Yoshinori Kitase has suggested the West will still see Type-0 or Versus XIII.

Posted by Giant Bomb Jul 24 2012 16:02 GMT
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Square Enix is pushing back on rumors of Final Fantasy Versus XIII’s demise.

Company CEO Yoichi Wada joked about the reports on Twitter last night, remarking that he’d just left a “regular” meeting about the project, and one of the city locations shown was awfully pretty.

"Someone has been spreading a false rumor that Versus has been canceled, it seems," said Wada, according to Siliconera’s translation. "[Laughs.] Just now, we finished our regular Versus meeting. If you could see the city in today’s presentation it would sweep you off your feet."

The lack of any information regarding Tetsuya Nomura’s Final Fantasy Versus XIII in the past few years, combined with Square Enix’s decision to apparently just keep producing more direct sequels to Final Fantasy XIII, made Kotaku’s report about its cancellation a believable one, though apparently a false one. We'll have to see.

The easiest way to convince skeptics Final Fantasy Versus XIII is alive and kicking would be to show the long-promised game, but we’ll have to wait a bit longer for that.

Both a Final Fantasy 25th anniversary event and Tokyo Game Show are scheduled for the next few months.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 24 2012 05:20 GMT
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#squareenix The rumor, it seems, was wrong! Today, Square Enix head Yoichi Wada confirmed that he just came out of a Final Fantasy Versus XIII meeting. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 01 2012 19:30 GMT
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#finalfantasy See, yesterday there was this trailer. A leaked trailer. And not just any leaked trailer… it was a leaked trailer for Final Fantasy XV. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 14 2012 08:30 GMT
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#finalfantasy Square Enix has been making Final Fantasy Versus XIII for a long, long time. Gamers aren't playing the game yet; rather, they're playing the waiting for it game. The Versus designer, Tetsuya Nomura said the latest info about the title is ready to roll, but... But.... More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 28 2011 07:00 GMT
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A Final Fantasy Versus XIII job wanted ad lists PS3 package title experience as necessary, "or otherwise an Xbox 360 package title". But Versus is a PS3 exclusive! Just like FFXII was. Well, at one point. [Square Enix] More »

Posted by IGN Jul 13 2011 20:55 GMT
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This week director Tetsuya Nomura talked to Famitsu magazine about Final Fantasy Versus XIII, giving a few details about its visual development. Unfortunately no new images were released to the public; according to Nomura, Square Enix would rather not draw too much attention away from their other up...

Posted by Kotaku Mar 10 2011 09:30 GMT
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#cosplay Cosplay, the art of dressing up like somebody else, is normally happy just looking like the character. Canadian Sheila isn't happy just looking like the character. She has to look like screenshots. More »

Posted by GameTrailers Jan 27 2011 10:07 GMT
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Noctis goes toe to toe with a behemoth, faces squadrons of knights, and pilots a mech in this meaty dose of gameplay across cities and fields.

Posted by IGN Jan 25 2011 17:57 GMT
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Tetsuya Nomura hints at no 2011 release for long awaited Fabula series game.

Posted by Kotaku Jan 19 2011 08:00 GMT
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#finalfantasyversusxiii Final Fantasy games are just that, fantasy. You know, guys with amazing hair swinging big swords around in mystical locations. Part of the setting for Final Fantasy Versus XIII is a little less fantasy, though. A little more ordinary. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jan 18 2011 14:38 GMT
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All of the trailers for Final Fantasy Versus XIII have begun with the tagline: "This is a fantasy based on reality." This new trailer, leaked from this morning's Square Enix conference, shows a city, not unlike Tokyo, under siege. Noctis and crew fight back with swords and, yes, turrets. It's unsurprising that this Nomura-directed game looks a bit like Kingdom Hearts -- for adults.

Posted by Kotaku Jan 18 2011 14:00 GMT
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#squareenix Well, not yet at least. Screened today in Tokyo, the trailer popped up online and is making the rounds via Japanese gaming sites. Watch 'em, right now. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jan 18 2011 12:00 GMT
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#finalfantasyversusxiii For a video game to truly exist, it needs players. Otherwise, it simply stands still. Role-playing game Final Fantasy Versus XIII doesn't have players, it has viewers. More »

Posted by IGN Dec 21 2010 15:58 GMT
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Tetsuya Nomura promises surprises for Versus, Kingdom Hearts and more at upcoming event.

Posted by IGN Dec 13 2010 16:33 GMT
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Final Fantasy Versus and Agito XIII details coming just a bit later than expected.

Posted by IGN Nov 18 2010 01:30 GMT
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Understanding the mysterious project and why you should care about it.

Posted by IGN Oct 18 2010 15:31 GMT
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If you get the job, you can sneak us some gameplay clips.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 11 2010 00:00 GMT
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It's been a while since we've seen any media from the Fabula Nova Crystallis series' other two-thirds -- actually, scratch that. We saw a trailer for Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Agito XIII during TGS last month. Now, thanks to Square Enix's unswerving kindness, you can watch it too.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 08 2010 16:40 GMT
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#squareenix Last month we brought you shaky cam footage of the behind-closed-doors trailers for Final Fantasy Agito XIII and Versus XIII. Now we've got a better look. More »

Posted by IGN Sep 21 2010 08:11 GMT
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Final Fantasy Versus and Agito XIII to get their proper debuts on 1/11/11.

Posted by IGN Sep 18 2010 07:27 GMT
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Mysterious spin-off teases gamers in Japan.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 17 2010 10:30 GMT
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#tgs Here are clips for Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Final Fantasy Agito XIII, straight from Square Enix's supposedly "closed" theatre at the Tokyo Game Show. Many Bothans died to bring you these trailers. More »

Posted by IGN Aug 26 2010 17:08 GMT
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Final Fantasy Versus XIII to be part of a short trailer clip.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 26 2010 05:00 GMT
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#squareenix Role-playing game Final Fantasy Versus XIII was first shown in 2006 at the E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles. It's now 2010, and the game is not out. More »

Posted by IGN Aug 09 2010 18:13 GMT
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Voice casting now underway for much anticipated Final Fantasy XIII sister project.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 24 2010 07:00 GMT
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#ps3 The first in-game Final Fantasy Versus XIII cutscene footage was shown at the 2008 Tokyo Game Show. It's now 2010. Let's see the first gameplay images. More »

Posted by IGN Jun 23 2010 16:13 GMT
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First gameplay shots of Versus XIII debut in Japan's largest magazine.

Posted by Kotaku May 19 2010 09:00 GMT
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#imperialhot At a Tokyo investors meeting, Square Enix president Yoichi "Imperial Hot" Wada stated that the company was "looking into" bringing PS3 exclusive Final Fantasy Versus XIII to the Xbox 360. More »