Dead Rising 2 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Kotaku Aug 02 2010 21:00 GMT
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#map You are here. You may slay virtual zombies there. This is the official map for next month's kill-zombies-in-fake-Las-Vegas game, Dead Rising 2. Via the official Capcom blog. Click it to enlarge it. More »
Ph1r3 App Inventor for Android's visual block language
no jill's sandwiches ):
Fallen Shade
How was the first game like Madworld again other than the fact they were both third person hack and slashes?

Posted by Kotaku Jul 27 2010 09:00 GMT
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#capcom Capcom, fresh off months of sluggish sales, is keen to make more video games. More video games might mean more sales! More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 22 2010 22:00 GMT
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Better refill your Zombrex prescription: Capcom is letting Dead Rising 2: Case Zero out of quarantine and into Xbox Live Arcade on August 31 -- the original release date of the full Dead Rising 2 game (that's now dated for September 28). Capcom has also released a new trailer for Dead Rising 2, which you'll find after the break.

Case Zero, a standalone experience, serves as a prologue to Dead Rising 2. Chuck Greene fights to escape the town of Still Creek and obtain the Zombrex he needs to keep his daughter Katey from coming down with a case of finding human flesh yummy.

The prologue won't take a bite out of your budget: Capcom is pricing the XBLA-exclusive Case Zero at 400 Microsoft Points ($5).

Posted by Kotaku Jul 22 2010 20:04 GMT
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#xbox360 Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, the game that fills in the gaps between the original zombie action game and the sequel, hits the Xbox 360 exclusively on Aug. 31, Capcom confirmed today. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 22 2010 20:00 GMT
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#comiccon2010 Zombies invade a fictional Las Vegas dubbed Fortune City in Dead Rising 2, but the original location was something wildly different. Capcom's Keiji Inafune told Comic-Con attendees today it was previously set in an undead-filled version of Disneyland. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 15 2010 20:40 GMT
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The European special edition of Dead Rising 2 may include a tiny, plastic zombie, but the North American special edition trumps it by helping you avoid becoming a zombie yourself. The Dead Rising 2 Zombrex Edition, available on both PS3 and Xbox 360, includes a syringe of life-saving Zombrex medicine (which looks suspiciously like a pen), along with a Zombrex safety information card, sales brochure, and 25-page prescription pad.

The steelbook case also includes materials not related to fictional anti-undeadifying pharmaceuticals, including a Dead Rising 2 artbook, and a disc with a "Making of" featurette. The Xbox 360 version will also include the Zombrex Dead Rising Sun film, while the PS3 version will include a voucher for a dynamic theme. The Zombrex Edition will be released on the same September 28 date as the regular version, and will retail for $79.99 -- isn't it worth the extra $20 to have the peace of mind that only anti-zombie medication can provide?

Posted by IGN Jul 15 2010 19:00 GMT
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New special edition to see same day release.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 15 2010 18:30 GMT
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#specialedition Exclusive to North America, the Dead Rising 2 Zombrex edition promises to delve deeper into the story of Dead Rising, with the Xbox 360 version containing the 83-minute Zombrex Dead Rising Sun film. That's nice, where's our action figure? More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 15 2010 17:00 GMT
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Those of you eagerly awaiting Keiji Inafune's directorial debut in the awkwardly named Dead Rising movie, Zombrex Dead Rising Sun, will be able to get their fill of zombie drama (or "zomba") from August 4 on Xbox Live. Each week, two or three chunks of the short film will debut on Xbox. They'll be made available on a week later, with the exception of two episodes that will be shown on both places simultaneously.

We've listed the schedule after the break, because it's a lot easier to explain it that way. Bottom line: your entire August is now booked up with extremely brief movie dates. Right now, you can check out some new stills from the film in our gallery, and a trailer at

Posted by Joystiq Jul 09 2010 20:45 GMT
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What you see above is the Outbreak Pack for Dead Rising 2. It's a limited edition version of the game that comes with everything pictured: a zombie action figure, accessories, voucher for a premium theme and other console-specific goods. It'll release alongside the standard edition in Europe on October 1.

But we wanted to know about the potential for a North American release, so we contacted Capcom. A rep told Joystiq "we are not bringing the Outbreak Edition to North America," yet offered that "something special will be announced for North America very soon for Dead Rising 2." As soon as we know, we'll be sure to pass the info along.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 08 2010 19:50 GMT
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The official box art, and a new website, for the recently delayed Dead Rising 2 have shambled out. The website,, follows the exploits of four characters who will help you "discover exclusive content" in the zombocalypse sequel. The website is expected to update weekly, and looks like it'll be a great source for learning how to MacGyver new weapons in the game.

As for the box art, it shows protagonist Chuck Greene sporting the quite handy (for beheading) kayak paddle with duct-taped chainsaws -- if only Frank West had that for his cover shoot instead of a big old busted TV.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 08 2010 15:40 GMT
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#specialedition If there's one thing Europeans can't stand, it's all the bloody tourists. Capcom plays off this fear with the European special edition of Dead Rising 2, showing off the game's official box art alongside one ravishing ravaged high-roller. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 03 2010 01:30 GMT
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#australia Last time a zombie game put in for classification down under, it was refused, appealed and, finally, spitefully whitewashed of violence just to be approved for sale. Dead Rising 2 faced no such difficulties this year. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 02 2010 20:00 GMT
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Australia's OFLC has passed Dead Rising 2 with an MA15+ classification. The game's Aussie distributor tells Gamespot the zombie-survival splatterfest was rated without any edits. Dead Rising 2: Case Zero also passed with the MA15+ rating. A Capcom representative informed Joystiq they don't believe edits were ever made to the original Dead Rising or Chop Till You Drop (its Wii incarnation) for their MA15+ ratings.

The reason why Dead Rising 2 is getting attention for its classification is because of the difficulties Left 4 Dead 2 experienced last year. Valve's game was eventually classified with significant reductions in gore. From our preview time with Dead Rising 2, the game has plenty of gore to spare. Australia's continued lack of an R18+ rating makes the system seem arbitrary when faced with situations like this.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 28 2010 14:16 GMT
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How much time does Dead Rising 2 developer Blue Castle Games need to get its upcoming zombie apocalypse sim ready for consumption by the living? At least one month, it seems, as the game's North American release date has been pushed back to September 28 (from a previously stated late August release). Capcom sent over word this morning of the delay, oddly pointing out that it's "happy to confirm" as much.

No explanation of the delay was offered (we're asking!), though we suspect Blue Castle probably had to re-articulate the limb separator subroutines and upscale the procedural chainsaw collision detection ... matrix. It's technical stuff, you wouldn't understand.

Posted by IGN Jun 28 2010 07:58 GMT
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Capcom shifts release date in North America and Europe.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 28 2010 07:30 GMT
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#capcom Capcom's zombie paradise action title Dead Rising 2 was supposed to be out on August 31 in North America and September 3 in Europe. It'll now miss both those dates. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 25 2010 16:30 GMT
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The Dead Rising movie, Keiji Inafune's directorial debut, will be shambling to North America and Europe this summer, under the title Zombrex Dead Rising Sun. Capcom will release the film online serially, chopped up into eight pieces like a particularly unlucky zombie, including an English dubbed version, as well as releases with Italian, French and Spanish subtitles. Oh, and it'll be free.

Zombrex Dead Rising Sun (good thing it's free with a title like that) is the story of two brothers trying to survive against hordes of zombies. How will they possibly make it? A wheelchair with a chainsaw attached is a pretty good start. Check out our gallery below for some behind-the-scenes photos and enjoy the trailer after the break.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 25 2010 14:40 GMT
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#e3 The scariest element of the original Dead Rising video game wasn't the oil slick of zombies flooding the game's vast shopping mall. It was the game's save system. Series creator Keiji Inafune has heard the screams. The sequel is different. More »

Posted by PlayStation Blog Jun 24 2010 16:01 GMT
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While Sid and I conducted a video interview on Marvel vs Capcom 3 (post coming soon!), SCEE’s James Gallagher traveled across the cavernous Capcom booth to the Dead Rising 2 area. The game has progressed significantly on PS3 since we saw it a couple months back, so he held a chat with Producer Mike Schmitt. And because James is English, he didn’t even realize that the man hit over 500 home runs! Facepalm!

Fortunately, the fact that he wasn’t starstruck allowed him to focus on the game itself. Have at it, James:


Dead Rising 2 is a zombie game with its tongue hanging out of its cheek. You control Chuck Greene, a motorcross champion trapped in a zombie apocalypse in the fictional Fortune City, which is loosely based on Las Vegas. After tearing through a few hundred zombies with a pair of chainsaws attached to a canoe paddle, I lurched over to Capcom’s Mike Schmitt and asked a few questions.

What kind of story is there in Dead Rising 2?

“Chuck is competing in a gameshow called Terror is Reality in order to earn some money and cure his daughter, who has been bitten by a zombie. That’s his main motivation but there’s also a conspiracy against him, with people blaming him for the zombie outbreak at the beginning of the game.”

Given that the story allows for multiple paths and endings, how many unique playthroughs are possible?

“I don’t know the final count but there are multiple endings and we definitely want people to go back and keep playing, because levelling Chuck up opens up new areas and things to do.”

I’ve had some fun here combining weapons; how many combinations are there?

“Again, we haven’t given out an exact number but it’s a lot – dozens and dozens. We want people to search for combo cards and just try putting stuff together at random. Combining weapons is some of the most fun that can be had in the game, as far as we’re concerned, and combination weapons give you double PP, allowing you to level up much quicker.”

What’s your favourite combination?

“My favourite is the Freedom Bear. If you take a jumbo teddy bear and combine it with a machine gun, it turns into a sentry with a Rambo headband that you can place in congested areas, and it will mow down zombies with machine gun fire for what seems like hours.”

4728702692_8a1d2ce43d_m.jpg 4728702770_c630aec8c8_m.jpg

Is the co-operative gameplay integrated into the story?

“Your friends can jump into your game at any point and if you want to play co-operatively from start to finish, then you can do that. The host player controls things like saving but whoever jumps in can carry PP and Combo Cards over to their own game. Playing with friends is particularly useful for things like boss fights and it is fun to just mess around.”

Do you also have competitive multiplayer?

“Yes, we have a four player versus mode which plays off the Terror is Reality theme. There are ten different events to play, including one where you’re all riding motorcycles with chainsaws attached to the handlebars and it’s a race to see who can kill the most zombies before the time runs out.”

Finally, what do you want people to feel when they play Dead Rising 2?

“Excitement… the feeling that you want to keep playing because you don’t know what to expect. I really want people to pick up on the humour. A lot of zombie games are so serious but Dead Rising 2 is about the ridiculous predicament Chuck finds himself in and the way that you’re able to humiliate zombies and use anything as a weapon makes it comical.”

Also, James, Group C champions! USA! USA!

Posted by Joystiq Jun 21 2010 14:00 GMT
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Capcom's Global Head of Production, Keiji Inafune, who started with the company over 20 years ago as an illustrator, oversees production of the publisher's major franchises, including Resident Evil, Lost Planet, Street Fighter and Dead Rising. We talked to Inafune at E3 about the design decisions and criticisms of the Dead Rising series, as well as Capcom's ongoing attempt to balance east and west game design philosophies. (Don't forget to check out our preview on Dead Rising 2 for more.)

Posted by Joystiq Jun 18 2010 01:09 GMT
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Capcom is doing something pretty interesting with the release of Dead Rising 2. Prior to its August 31 launch, Capcom will put out Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, an Xbox Live exclusive prequel sans co-op that takes place two years after the original and three years prior to the second game. In short: it's distilled Dead Rising 2 on a much smaller scale.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 15 2010 23:10 GMT
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Even though things have changed for Capcom's sequel, Dead Rising 2 -- new developer in Blue Castle Games, new protagonist in Chuck Greene and a new venue that swaps out the tried-and-true mall setting for the glitz and glamor of Las Vegas -- it felt very familiar. From the largely unchanged controls to the helpful security guard passing you updates on your walkie talkie (thankfully, this time around the text is actually legible) on to the survivor escort system, Dead Rising 2 is a sequel in the most literal sense.

Posted by IGN Jun 11 2010 16:53 GMT
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The magazines of Dead Rising 2 get saucy as Capcom partners up with the legendary publication to bring the Bunnies into the game.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 11 2010 15:30 GMT
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#capcom Because no one ever signs in-game deals with Hustler, Capcom has teamed up with Playboy to litter Dead Rising 2 with images, magazine covers, and Playboy bunnies galore, including a special upgrade for protagonist Chuck Greene. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 11 2010 16:10 GMT
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What better combination could there be than the sexy ladies of Playboy magazine and rotting, unnaturally ambulatory corpses? Capcom and Playboy have reached an agreement wherein Playboy magazines and imagery will be seen throughout the world of Dead Rising 2, in the form of magazines, as well as billboards and other advertisements. Judging by the costume in one of the new screens, Fortune City is host to a Playboy Club as well.

Playboy is just one of the publications used for the game's new "magazine system," which, like Dead Rising's book system, will offer enhancements to the player's stats. Playboy imbues Chuck Greene with a "unique and special upgrade" -- good that it has an actual gameplay purpose, because on its own, stopping to check out some babes while on the run from thousands of undead monsters is highly questionable, both in terms of tactics and just plain sanity.

Posted by IGN Jun 07 2010 17:30 GMT
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There will be a few surprises, too.

Posted by Kotaku May 17 2010 23:20 GMT
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#capcom After not one, but two Western-developed sales blunders, Capcom is planning to stick with its home turf. More »