Dead Space 2 Message Board

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Posted by IGN Oct 09 2012 22:43 GMT
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Dead space 2 Chapter 9 part 1. Issac meets up with Ellie and learns he must restore power to trains.

Posted by IGN Oct 09 2012 22:09 GMT
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Dead space 2 Chapter 9 Part 2. Issac must fix generators to restore power to trains.

Posted by IGN Oct 09 2012 22:04 GMT
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Dead Space 2 Chapter 8 Part 2 Issac journeys through CEC Processing Plant to regroup with Ellie.

Posted by IGN Oct 09 2012 22:03 GMT
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Dead Space 2 Chapter 8 Part 1 Issac enters CEC Processing plant to find Ellie.

Posted by IGN Oct 09 2012 22:01 GMT
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Issac ejects himself from Solar array room and flys towards the train station to meet Ellie.

Posted by IGN Oct 09 2012 22:00 GMT
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Dead Space 2 chapter 7 readjusting Solar Panels.

Posted by IGN Oct 09 2012 21:58 GMT
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Chapter 7 After reaching the solar arrays Issac must adjust them to power the station.

Posted by IGN Oct 09 2012 21:58 GMT
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Issac searches for the elevator to reach the solar arrays.

Posted by IGN Oct 08 2012 18:10 GMT
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Dead Space, Deadspace, Dead Space 2, Deadspace 2, Issac, Gameplay, Playthrough, Marker

Posted by Kotaku Apr 16 2012 04:00 GMT
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#toys Forget NECA's official Dead Space figures, which make Isaac look like was born disfigured. Remember the Dead Space hero as he should be remembered, with this intricately-detailed, custom-made action figure. More »

Posted by IGN Jan 20 2012 22:46 GMT
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We don't see religion pop up in games very often. The quarian fear of ancestral punishment by way of the geth is the next best thing in Mass Effect. Thane Krios is devoutly faithful to the drell's dwindling faith, and the most spiritual character in Mass Effect 2. With the world ending, we doubt the...

Posted by Joystiq Dec 29 2011 20:15 GMT
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You tried to be grateful, you really did. But with every Snuggie, Slanket and Opiate-Laced Cuddle Cocoon you opened, it became abundantly clear that you were getting none of the EA PC games you asked Santa for this Christmas.

Luckily, Amazon is there to set this sad situation right, with deeply-discounted, digitally-delivered diversions like Dead Space 2 ($4.99), Dragon Age 2 ($5.99), Mass Effect 2 ($4.99) and more. See the full list right here, and try to cut Santa some slack, OK? He always gets depressed this week.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 09 2011 10:30 GMT
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#science Lots of video games claim to be scary. Amnesia, Dead Space, you name it, if it's dark and things jump out of closets at you, it's "scary". Don't let video game developers tell you what's scary. Let science. More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 05 2011 16:30 GMT
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#deadspace Dead Space's Isaac is normally running around in the dark scared out of his mind. Here, he's just a kid. Kickin' it on the playground. Maybe with an imaginary friend. Note I said imaginary friend, which is good times. Not imaginary dead girlfriend. Which is bad times. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 22 2011 02:00 GMT
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If you're a game streaming service like Gaikai that's looking to partner with online retailers, seems like a pretty good option. (In case you're reading this on a mobile platform that can't see italics, we put them on those last three words to emphasize that were were understating the point. Classic Joystiq!)

The retailer has, according to VentureBeat, added Gaikai in-browser game streaming to its GameCenter page for Dead Space 2 and possibly other titles. At the moment, none of us on staff can see the option to stream the game, but we know it's automatically disabled if you don't have the requisite bandwidth. Maybe we all just need to get fatter pipes?

Assuming it'll all work as designed sooner or later, this could set a pretty important preceden for online game shopping. We just selfishly hope you'll still read our reviews when Skynet lets you try everything before you buy it.

Posted by Kotaku May 24 2011 06:30 GMT
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#morebaddreams With Dead Space 2's multiplayer component suffering the same fate most of its peers—namely, being entirely forgotten shortly after release—EA reckons a couple of new maps might be enough to tempt you back into the game. More »

Posted by Joystiq May 24 2011 00:05 GMT
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EA is adding two new multiplayer maps for free to Dead Space 2 in a couple weeks. The "Outbreak Map Pack," which includes The Academy and The Concourse, will send players back to survive multiplayer evisceration in The Sprawl on May 31 and June 3 for Xbox 360 and PS3, respectively.

The sci-fi horror sequel has done well for EA, shipping over 2 million units and the DS2:Severed DLC mentioned as a digital sales highlight for the publisher. EA makes no mention of the Outbreak Map Pack for the PC version of the game.

Posted by IGN May 09 2011 05:12 GMT
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There's a lot of cool stuff hidden within 'The Sprawl' in Dead Space 2 that many players might have missed. Who better, then, to give us the inside scoop on the game, than John Calhoun, associate producer at Visceral Games? Join him as he takes us through a chapter-by-chapter tour that offers us a l...

Posted by Joystiq May 07 2011 08:03 GMT
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The EA Store has taken a plasma cutter to the price of the Dead Space series. The downloadable PC versions of Dead Space and Dead Space 2 can be had for $12 and $24, respectively. The sale runs through Sunday, at which point prices will regenerate to their more terrifying original forms.

Posted by Kotaku May 05 2011 06:00 GMT
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#pewpew If you bought the fancy edition of Dead Space 2, you would have got yourself a little replica plasma cutter, one of the game's more memorable weapons. As is, it's useless, but this guy will show you how to turn it into a laser gun. That can set stuff on fire. More »

Posted by Joystiq May 04 2011 22:50 GMT
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EA enjoyed solid growth in the final quarter of its 2011 fiscal year (ending March 31), thanks in large part to a bump in digital revenue. Digital sales were up $67 million from the same period a year ago to $211 million. Good ol' boxed games weren't slouching though, as packaged goods revenue increased $44 million up to $838 million. In all, EA rebounded from its rough Q3 to record $151 million in profit during the fiscal fourth quarter.

The engine for that growth was a surprisingly impressive quarterly lineup for the company. Seven of its titles from fiscal Q4 have surpassed 1 million units shipped, with Crysis 2, Dead Space 2 and Dragon Age 2 all over the 2-million-shipped mark. DLC for those titles (like Dead Space 2's "Severed" pack) was the cornerstone of digital profits, as well. Over its entire 2011 fiscal year, EA shipped 12 million units of FIFA 11, 7 million copies of Bad Company 2 (released at the tail end of FY10), and five million each of Medal of Honor, Hot Pursuit and Madden 11.

But it seems that, in the grand scheme, these titles weren't enough to alter EA's fortunes for the year, which ended in a $267 million loss for the company. We suppose there's still a bit of a silver lining, however -- those losses would seem to sting considerably less than the $677 million lost by EA just one year prior.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 08 2011 07:30 GMT
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#fanart A little stupid, perhaps, but a game as repetitive and oppressively dark as Dead Space 2 could have done with a few lighter moments. Like this one. More »

Posted by PlayStation Blog Mar 01 2011 22:00 GMT
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Later today, the Dead Space development team will be bringing an all-new experience to your PS3 with Dead Space 2: Severed! Dead Space 2: Severed will follow the story of Gabe Weller, one of the characters from Dead Space: Extraction, as he travels through the Sprawl on a mission to find and rescue his wife, Lexine. Gabe, who is a security officer by trade, will fight his way through the Titan Mines and the Hospital in a journey that will offer lots of new and exciting game-play for the Dead Space community.


Given that Gabe Weller is a security officer by trade, we wanted to create an experience that focused on his skill-set through pacing, game-play mechanics, as well as combat & level design. Gabe Weller will start off with a Pulse Rifle and a Seeker Rifle as his default weapons which will give players a new way to approach combat – he’s equipped to take the action to the Necromorph forces. From the beginning of the Severed experience players should notice the difference in game-play, and there will definitely be a number of curve balls for players throughout the chapters. One of the most exciting additions to the game is the “Twitcher” which was a character from the original Dead Space game who has returned in Severed – he’s extremely fast, eerie, sporadic, and difficult to dismember.

The development team has definitely worked long and hard on Severed in order to create an experience that’s frightening, packed full of action, and a ton of fun to play. We really hope that you enjoy playing Severed, and we’re looking forward to seeing how many people can earn all of the new Trophies within Severed!

Thank you for your continued support!

Posted by PlayStation Blog Feb 28 2011 16:12 GMT
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Dead Space 2 gets an afterlife tomorrow with the PSN release of Dead Space 2: Severed. This downloadable expansion picks up where PlayStation Move-enabled shooter Dead Space: Extraction left off, with (spoiler!) the escape of security officer Gabe Weller and surveyor Lexine Murdoch from the doomed colony of Aegis VII. Fate ultimately brings the pair to another very bad place: the Sprawl, otherwise known as the source of Dead Space 2’s Necromorph outbreak. While Issac Clarke is busy tracking down the Marker and battling his inner demons, Gabe is pursuing a more personal objective – locating Lexine, who’s been abandoned somewhere in the dark recesses of the station. Played through Gabe’s eyes, Severed brings a different perspective to the events of Dead Space 2 and fleshes out the backstory of both characters, complete with a few twists and turns for good measure.

Decked out in high-tech armor and packing a suped-up pulse rifle, Gabe Weller is a bit more battle-ready than series everyman Issac Clarke. “We tailored the level layout and combat design around the fact that Gabe is a security officer,” Producer Scott Probst explains, “which makes Severed somewhat more action-focused.” Severed’s faster, more aggressive pacing is noted in its hair-raising battle sequences, and accelerated even further with the addition of a new Necromorph breed: the Twitcher.


Twitchers were introduced in the original Dead Space, and their blistering speed and spastic movements quickly made them among the game’s most-feared enemies. “Twitchers became fused with a Stasis module and it had an adverse effect,” Executive Producer Steve Papoutsis recalls. “Rather than slowing them down, it sped them up.” Though Twitchers were conspicuously absent in Dead Space 2, Severed drags these terrors back into the spotlight. The Twitchers in Severed live up to their name, bobbing and weaving around shots with unnerving ease. Combined with the brisker combat pacing, Twitchers help give Severed a steeper difficulty that will keep Dead Space 2 veterans on their toes. “You’re getting a challenge, but you’re also getting a different experience,” Probst adds. “We wanted to offer something new and cool from a gameplay perspective.”


While the stronger action hook is a welcome change of pace, I suspect many players will ultimately play Severed to learn what happened to Gabe and Lexine after the events of Dead Space: Extraction. “It’s definitely worth playing Extraction before playing Severed,” Papoutsis notes. “But it’s not required. This story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.” Of course, PS3 owners have no excuses – Extraction is included with the limited edition of Dead Space 2. Whether Dead Space 2 will see further downloadable episodes that will expand the Dead Space fiction in other ways remains an open question. “We’ll see what people want,” Papoutsis says. “It depends on people’s appetite.”

Dead Space 2: Severed hits the PlayStation Store tomorrow for $6.99 with two new single-player chapters and new Trophies.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 26 2011 22:00 GMT
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#screengrab Dead Space 2 Isaac Clarke Lamp, by DeviantArt's TeamLando. Sculpted for a contest and a friend, says the Lando bros. "Nothing fancy, just super sculpey, acrylic paint and LED-shoelaces, with 70 hours worth of batteries in the back," say the creators. More »

Posted by Joystiq Feb 26 2011 00:00 GMT
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Oh dear Dead Space 2 PC players, don't be jealous of your console colleagues clad in all that fresh attire. A patch for your particular version of the game has been released, adding the weapon and armor packs that are available as premium DLC for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions. These new armaments will simply show up in the in-game store for free; a sweet little bonus, and perhaps a minor act of contrition, considering the "Severed" expansion won't be coming to your native platform.

The patch also fixes an error with the limited save function of Hardcore mode and adds support for input binding for up to eight mouse buttons. Wait, eight mouse buttons? What kind of monstrosity are you guys clicking that has eight mouse buttons?

Posted by GameTrailers Feb 23 2011 20:04 GMT
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Visceral Games presents a horrifying new digital download pack, Severed, featuring the return of the Twitcher.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 23 2011 11:00 GMT
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#cosplay Some game character costumes are easy. Link, for example. A pair of tights, a green top and a hat and you're set. Dead Space's Isaac CLarke, however, is about as complex as they come. More »