CryEngine 3 Message Board

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Apparently, The World's Most Realistic FPS Will Be Free To Play
For eight years, a group of modders have been working on reworking DICE's Battlefield 2 into a much more realistic and much larger-scale multiplayer shooter. In August, their journey came to an end, and the 1.0 version of their mod, Project Reality, was r... posted by Kotaku Sep 23 2013 09:40 GMT
Fans Are Making A New Halo Game. For The PC.
It's been forever since a Halo game was released on the PC. Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo Reach and Halo 4 have all come and gone, without a PC version in sight. So it's clear that if fans of the series want a game on their personal computers, they're going to... posted by Kotaku Aug 01 2013 04:00 GMT
Crytek calls for programmer to port CryEngine 3 to Linux
A Crytek job listing outs the company's intent to bring its CryEngine 3 development suite to the Linux platform. The potential new recruit will be responsible for maintaining Linux support in the engine, providing training to internal and external develo... posted by Joystiq Jul 17 2013 01:00 GMT
Maximum Graphicsability: CryEngine Aids Industrial Design
Here is a very interesting thing that just so happens to have yielded intensely pretty results. The short version? We get to go “Ooooooooooooo high dynamic range spectral gazelle mapping slobber slobber moo” but also “Oh yes, hmmm, oh indeed, yes.... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 24 2013 12:00 GMT
Big Is Beautiful: Monster Hunter Online Trailer
I think that’s a giant squirrel in the screenshot. I could find out if it is, but to be told it’s not would only make me sad. And the odd cropping is odd because I refused to chop the tip off that magnificent sword the player is wielding. The two tog... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 19 2013 07:00 GMT
This GDC 2013 CryEngine 3 video is eclectic
Crytek is showcasing the latest version of its CryEngine 3 technology at GDC and has produced this video highlighting various games built using the engine. Games run the gamut from the expected shooters to racing and even some hack-and-slash action stuff... posted by Joystiq Mar 31 2013 03:30 GMT
Crytek-approved TimeSplitters fan project gets title, preliminary details
A dedicated group of TimeSplitters fans have taken it upon themselves to create a new, free game for like-minded folks: TimeSplitters Rewind. Developed with permission from CryTek and using assets from actual TimeSplitters games as reference material, Re... posted by Joystiq Mar 16 2013 00:45 GMT
What a "Next Gen" RPG Could Look Like
#warhorse This video, courtesy of Czech developers Warhorse (currently working on a historical RPG), shows some of the game's assets running as an example of "next gen" graphics. More » posted by Kotaku Dec 10 2012 03:30 GMT
Abduction Does Gorgeous Stealth In CryEngine 3
Can I declare that we’re in the middle of a Stealth Renaissance yet? Because I really want to, but I’m afraid that I’ll frighten our good fortune and it’ll skulk back into the all-consuming shadows from whenst it came. But come on: between Mark o... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 07 2012 15:00 GMT
Hope You're Not Sick of Pretty First-Person Stealth Games Yet
#mods First Deus Ex, then Dishonored...dare we dream that first-person stealth isn't just coming back, but it's coming back better than ever? More » posted by Kotaku Nov 06 2012 08:00 GMT
Get your green thumb going with this new CryEngine 3 tech demo
You know it and I know it, the folks are Crytek are wizards wielding staves that fire picture-perfect environments. A new, gorgeous video showing enhancements made to CryEngine 3 - the power behind the upcoming shooter Crysis 3 - only serves to further p... posted by Joystiq Aug 10 2012 23:00 GMT
Pump Up The Volumetrics: CryEngine 3 Tech Demo
I approach engine tech demos with caution, as if they were primed to explode, or at least deceive me with their promises and lies. They’re not necessarily representative of anything that will actually be seen in a game, unless you’re one of those peo... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 10 2012 15:00 GMT
CryEngine 3 - tech demo
Remember, there's a CryEngine 3 Wii U game in the works... posted by GoNintendo Aug 10 2012 00:57 GMT
What BioShock Would Look Like Running on Crysis' Engine
#bioshock The original BioShock was created using Epic's Unreal Engine 3. Let's imagine, though, just for a second, that it had instead been built using Crytek's fancy new CryEngine 3. More » posted by Kotaku Aug 09 2012 04:30 GMT
E3 2012: Lighting Walkthrough
The possibilities seem endless with the amazing capabilities of CryEngine 3.
posted by GameTrailers Jun 08 2012 02:58 GMT
E3 2012: Level Design Walkthrough (Cam)
Real-time reflections create realistic levels, and real-time AI boundary system removes hours of coding burdens from CryEngine 3.
posted by GameTrailers Jun 08 2012 02:57 GMT
E3 2012: Water Walkthrough (Cam)
Every single rain droplet individually interacts with a body of water in CryEngine 3.
posted by GameTrailers Jun 08 2012 02:49 GMT
You Can Play Warface With Russian Players Right Now, But You Might Get Slaughtered
#warface Crytek's near-future military shooter for the PC, Warface, is currently live in Russia, with a closed beta in China. But the game plays differently in both regions. More » posted by Kotaku Jun 07 2012 21:30 GMT
CryEngine 3 / Beam Physics: Soft Body, Hard Metal
In response to our various sightings of Crysis 3, the RPS stronghold is currently flying these flags: blue with green braiding, taupe with a cyan crucifix and burple with vibrant lavender thistle emblems. And we all know what that says about our opinions... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 29 2012 14:00 GMT
Crysis' Engine Just got an Upgrade, Makes Fish-Men Look Beautiful
#crysis With Crysis 3 on the way, even if we know almost nothing about it, we can at least guess it'll feature improved visuals from the second game in the series. More » posted by Kotaku Apr 16 2012 00:00 GMT
CryEngine SDK 3.4 update shows off its pretty planes
Crytek's latest build of the CryEngine 3 makes things look pretty. We apologize for not offering any more in-depth insight, but it's just really pretty. The above demo video speaks for itself, but if you want the full details, check them out here. posted by Joystiq Apr 15 2012 04:59 GMT
US Army game developers show off CryEngine 3-powered environments
The US Army has been building a training game for its soldiers to play, and the company behind the project, called RealTime Immersive, Inc., has just released two trailers showing off the game's graphics, powered by CryEngine 3. If it looks good, it's ... posted by Joystiq Dec 23 2011 14:30 GMT
Cry Me A Robot: Mechwarrior Uses CryEngine
Still no in-game images yet, but we’ve just learned that Mechwarrior Online will use CryEngine 3. “It is definitely the best choice for us,” said Russ Bullock, president of Piranha Games. “Both the character animation pipeline with the procedural... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 18 2011 08:18 GMT
Someone is Turning the Crysis Engine Into a...Sports Game!
#indie Crysis developers Crytek's proprietary engines are always impressive, but for some reason or another aren't often used by other studios. Or when they are, they're used for shooters. Not this time! ... posted by Kotaku Nov 04 2011 08:30 GMT
Crytek Is Looking at Flash Support
#crytek Here's the beauty of competition. Earlier this week, Epic Games showed off the Unreal Engine 3 supporting</a? Adobe's Flash. Meanwhile, Rival game engine maker Crytek is seeing what flash magic... posted by Kotaku Oct 07 2011 15:40 GMT
CryEngine 3 SDK hits 100,000 downloads in just five days, we expect 100,000 new games to play
It hasn't even been a week since Crytek announced the availability of a free (for non-commercial use!) CryEngine 3 SDK and already the German developer is touting over 100,000 downloads. With everything you need to make a great looking game, Crytek's g... posted by Joystiq Aug 23 2011 12:30 GMT
Class3 runs on CryEngine 3, has some lazy zombies
The above video of Undead Labs' Class3 isn't exactly what we'd call gameplay per se, but it is our first glimpse at what the survival simulator will roughly look like once it eventually shambles its way onto XBLA. The game will run on CryEngine 3, ... posted by Joystiq Aug 21 2011 16:30 GMT
Crysis 2′s Shocking Tech Compromise: Proof
Having played Crysis 2, the latest from the former technical innovators at Crytek, I have to express that I’m not only horrified, but also shocked, at the paucity of graphical accomplishments in what should have been a groundbreaking game. It’s quite ... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 29 2011 12:06 GMT
It’s Real Time: CryEngine 3′s Real-Time Tools
Here’s something excellent that we missed last week. Along with Epic showing off the new Unreal improvements, Crytek had a remarkable tech demo for the latest features in CryEngine 3. It’s mystifying. I’m currently contacting alien lifeforms to arra... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 07 2011 09:53 GMT
GDC 11: Development Interview
Cinema tools, real-time rendering with motion capture and a variety of titles can be achieved with CryEngine 3.
posted by GameTrailers Mar 04 2011 07:30 GMT