Portal 2 Message Board older than one year ago

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Portal 2 DLC coming as soon as this summer
If you, like us, have already completed Portal 2's single-player and co-op campaigns a number of times, you're probably waiting on pins and needles for news about downloadable content. Well, you can now move to much less prickly chair -- in a recent in...
blog.pikimal.com posted by Joystiq Apr 27 2011 23:45 GMT
Valve On Portal 2: Spoiler Interview Part One
In an exclusive interview with two of Portal 2‘s writers, Chet Faliszek and Jay Pinkerton, we take the opportunity to discuss the game now most people have finished it. In the first part of our spoiler-packed chat we discuss the motivations behind the s...
thinkwithportals.com posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 27 2011 11:06 GMT
GLaDOS Is Still Mildly Terrifying, Even When She's Made Out Of LEGO
#ifyoubuilditshewilltest Catsy, the same LEGO fanatic who recreated Mass Effect's Citadel so beautifully last year, is back giving similar treatment to GLaDOS, the mouthy villain of the Portal series. M...
flickr.com posted by Kotaku Apr 27 2011 06:30 GMT
Adorable, talking Portal turret plushie probably won't shoot you
We see a lot of neat, homemade tchotchkes designed by gaming's most craftwise enthusiasts. But nothing has made us want to jump through the internet and steal such a creation quite like Jonathan Guberman's Portal 2 turret plushie. Check out the adorabl...
upnotnorth.net posted by Joystiq Apr 27 2011 00:14 GMT
Valve's "Three Turret Moon" T-Shirt So Behind the Curve It's Ahead Again
#clothing The famous turrets from Portal 2 howl at the moon, having gone feral under the leadership of the mighty Animal King. Twenty bucks from the Valve store. (I'm resisting. If I want it by the next fu...
store.valvesoftware.com posted by Kotaku Apr 26 2011 15:40 GMT
This Portal Turret will Snuggle its way into your Heart
#toys This hand-crafted Portal turret may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts. More »
superpunch.blogspot.com posted by Kotaku Apr 26 2011 10:40 GMT
A Portal 2 intro, Mad Men style
This YouTube video by user Prefim reimagines Mad Men's haunting opening credits with Portal 2's ATLAS. Now we want to see this done with other AMC programs: Breaking Beta with Chell or The Killing (of GLaDOS).
gameinformer.com posted by Joystiq Apr 26 2011 01:30 GMT
InFamous 2 Beta Extended, Thanks to PSN Downtime
With PlayStation Network out of commission, gamers can't test in Portal 2 co-op, maim each other via Mortal Kombat--or create their own missions for InFamous 2. The InFamous 2 beta test had been going on, until forces beyond our current humanly comprehens...
giantbomb.com posted by Giant Bomb Apr 25 2011 22:05 GMT
Portal 2's wall-walking gel would have made you sick
Portal 2's combination of slippery, bouncy, and portal-enabling gel was more than enough to keep our brains confounded during our second rendezvous at Aperture Science, but apparently yet another gel was planned for the game's many puzzles. Valve lead ...
ea.com posted by Joystiq Apr 25 2011 17:00 GMT
Portal 2 Is A Place For Mad Men
#fallingdown Portal 2 and Mad Men. They don't seem like the likeliest of bedfellows, but this reimagining of the hit TV show's opening credits still works! More »
superpunch.blogspot.com posted by Kotaku Apr 25 2011 10:40 GMT
Portal 2's egg-shaped turrets get their own easter egg
Think you've seen all there is to see in the deadly, paneled catacombs of Aperture Science? You might have missed this Portal 2 easter egg: A quartet of hidden-away, musically-oriented turrets, a video of which is posted after the jump. Or maybe you di...
joystiq.com posted by Joystiq Apr 23 2011 03:00 GMT
So many *crag*ing secret rooms and hidden lines of dialogue to find. It is definitely worth playing through again for all that shit.
Conduit 2's Timing Is Downright Depressing
#bytheway Amidst the swell of hype over Nintendo's next console and the release of Valve's latest masterpiece, Sega and High Voltage Software release Conduit 2 for the Wii. More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Apr 22 2011 15:40 GMT
Are We Expecting Too Much Of Game Developers?
#speakuponkotaku In today's absolutely flawless, perfectly scupted edition of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Kadin wonders if gamers have set their expectations so high that no developer can ever hope to s...
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Apr 22 2011 15:20 GMT
Gabe Newell Has Never Meant Business Like He Means Business Here
#gameface If you're unsure what else your $2 is getting you with the "The Final Hours Of Portal 2" application for the iPad, know it includes pictures like this (via weedpoop). More »
itunes.apple.com posted by Kotaku Apr 22 2011 11:15 GMT
Metareview: Portal 2
It appears GLaDOS was still alive after the conclusion of the first game!? What a twist! Our summer crush with the original Portal has now evolved into a full-blown relationship with Portal 2, and we aren't disappointed. Actually, it seems hardly a...
metacritic.com posted by Joystiq Apr 21 2011 23:20 GMT
Portal 2 Wasn't Going To Include Portals, According To New iPad App
#unthinkable For five months in 2008, Valve Software was making a version of Portal 2 that wasn't going to include Portals. And it was going to be a prequel, set in the '50s. The game, based on an internal...
itunes.apple.com posted by Kotaku Apr 21 2011 20:30 GMT
Razer Hydra brings motion controls to PCs this June, bundled with Portal 2 for $140
Despite a release window of "early" this year, Razer wasn't quite able to ship its Hydra motion gaming controller alongside Portal 2 this week. Instead, interested parties will be able to pre-order the $140 package this May ahead of a projected June sh...
press.razerzone.com posted by Joystiq Apr 21 2011 19:40 GMT
Father and Son Bonding Over Hateful Robots and Edgeless Cubes
#glados In a darkened room filled with boxes, we sit side-by-side and play. We talk. We laugh. We think. More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Apr 21 2011 18:30 GMT
That Garage Band Version of Portal 2's Theme Song You Haven't Heard
#watchthis You know what this Dean's List Dropouts version of Portal 2's Want You Gone wrap-up song is missing? Johnny Rotten screaming the Jonathan Coulton-penned lyrics. Oh, to dream. [Thanks Jer] Mo...
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Apr 21 2011 14:30 GMT
Ever Wonder Who The Fat Guy At The Beginning Of Every Valve Game Is?
#lackingsource A Reddit user by the name of vism did, so they emailed Valve boss Gabe Newell. And actually got a response, if not from the big man himself. More »
reddit.com posted by Kotaku Apr 21 2011 10:30 GMT
Shop Clever: UK Retailers Sell Portal 2 Early
It seems that British retailer Game has realised that there are No Oceans on the internet, and has consequently broken the planned Friday release date of the PC version of Portal 2. The company told Eurogamer that the move was a “market reaction” to ...
eurogamer.net posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 21 2011 06:43 GMT
Portal 2's Biggest Secrets
Caution: Portal 2 spoilers ahead. If you raced through Portal 2's single-player mode just to see the (incredibly awesome!) ending, you probably teleported right past some cool secrets. Tucked into Aperture Science's cobwebby recesses are hidden areas that...
xbox360.ign.com posted by IGN Apr 21 2011 00:29 GMT
Spoiler-Free Tips For Enjoying Portal 2
#infrequentlyaskedquestions You've heard of Portal 2, but are you ready to play Portal 2? Do you need help determining which part of the game to play first? Want to know how to find the game's coolest hidd...
marketplace.xbox.com posted by Kotaku Apr 20 2011 23:40 GMT
How To Find Three Of Portal 2's Best Secrets
#spoileralert Have you already finished Portal 2? If not, maybe you shouldn't watch this video, which shows you how to dig up three of the game's Easter Eggs, because at least one of them is seriously spo...
itunes.apple.com posted by Kotaku Apr 20 2011 19:00 GMT
PS3/PC Crossover Gameplay
Hop on your PlayStation 3 and play with PC or Mac users via Steam!
posted by GameTrailers Apr 20 2011 18:47 GMT
Portal 2 review: Alternate dimensions
It was a crush. That was the feeling I and others were trying to relate when we'd hurriedly tell others that they had to drop everything and play Portal. It lingered like the memory of a summer camp romance, cut short and all the sweeter for it. So, if...
joystiq.com posted by Joystiq Apr 20 2011 19:00 GMT
Portal 2 In 4 Hours? The Steam Timer Is A Lie
We have seen some astonishing claims for completion times of Portal 2. When I criticised a number of the recurring nonsensical complaints against the game yesterday, one of the aspects I highlighted was that the game simply couldn’t be finished in four ...
rockpapershotgun.com posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 20 2011 11:49 GMT
Spoil Your Portal 2 Experience And Hear The Ending Song Now
#wantyougone Haven't finished Portal 2 yet? Go on and listen to the game's ending tune. Do it. More »
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Apr 20 2011 04:50 GMT
Portal 2 Easter egg: Valve never meta-ARG it didn't like
A hidden room somewhere within Portal 2 (see the video after the break for more information about its location, if you want) contains a mysterious message from "Adam Foster," which plays a really annoying sound file that turns out to hold three encoded...
valvearg.com posted by Joystiq Apr 20 2011 03:30 GMT
Shrink Wrap Tuesday: Part 02 - Portal 2
We try to stay spoiler free as we peek at the PC and PS3 sides of Portal 2.
posted by Giant Bomb Apr 20 2011 01:26 GMT