Kinect Adventures Message Board

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Deal: $50 gift card with 4GB 360 Kinect bundle at Gamestop
Purchasing the 4 gig Kinect/Kinect Adventures Xbox 360 bundle will run you about $300 no matter where you buy it, but only at Gamestop will purchasing one also net you a $50 gift card, which can then be spent on most of a new game, or 10 to 20 used Barbi... posted by Joystiq Jun 24 2012 03:30 GMT
Report: Japan makes up just 1% of worldwide Kinect hardware sales
Microsoft has sold approximately 114K units of its hands-free motion peripheral, the Kinect, during the last 12 months in Japan. And the bulk of those sales were within the first few months surrounding its launch in November 2010, then dwindling to the... posted by Joystiq Nov 29 2011 15:30 GMT
Microsoft lines up two Xbox 360 bundles for the holidays
Microsoft's annual Holiday bundle streak continues this year, with two different SKUs: one targeting the family crowd that enjoys flailing around together, the other targeting the hardcore gaming crowd that's all about no-scoping domes. Both bundles ar... posted by Joystiq Oct 18 2011 23:00 GMT
Child of Eden Sweetens the Kinect Sensor Bundle
#kinect In case you were still on the fence about dropping $150 on Microsoft's magical camera stick, the company today announced that the bundle is getting updated to include a download code for a free cop... posted by Kotaku Aug 30 2011 18:20 GMT
Kinect Delivers Its Ultimate Slap To The Face (Of A Small Child)
#clips Start at 1:00 in. It's OK to laugh. Because she survives. More » posted by Kotaku Jan 25 2011 05:30 GMT
Kinect standalone power supply now available from Microsoft
So you bought a new Xbox 360 S console bundled with Kinect last week and, like many others, found your new camera doodad doesn't come with its own power supply -- clearly, Microsoft thought you intended to use your Kinect with this console and this conso... posted by Joystiq Nov 09 2010 11:00 GMT
Consumer Reports: Kinect ID problems related to light level, not skin color
Respected outlet Consumer Reports has concluded that the Kinect ID functionality in Microsoft's new peripheral has equal difficulty recognizing users of any skin tone in low light. The organization did a series of tests after GameSpot reported that some ... posted by Joystiq Nov 05 2010 19:30 GMT
PSA: Xbox 360 S Kinect bundle doesn't come with Kinect AC adapter
Here we are, having our own little private November Christmas, tearing apart the freshly delivered Xbox 360 S console bundle, replete with Kinect and Kinect Adventures, only to make an inconvenient discovery -- the Xbox 360 S Kinect bundle doesn't contai... posted by Joystiq Nov 04 2010 20:30 GMT
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gg microsoft
PSA: Xbox 360 S Kinect bundle doesn't come with AC adapter
Here we are, having our own little private November Christmas, tearing apart the freshly delivered Xbox 360 S console bundle, replete with Kinect and Kinect Adventures, only to make an inconvenient discovery -- the Xbox 360 S Kinect bundle doesn't contai... posted by Joystiq Nov 04 2010 20:30 GMT
Review: Kinect Adventures
#review Kinect Adventures is the game that every Kinect owner will soon be playing. That's because it's the one that comes with the hardware. So it should give players a taste of what they can expect from ... posted by Kotaku Nov 04 2010 04:10 GMT
Kinect Adventures Review
Does the Kinect pack-in sell us on controller-free gaming? posted by IGN Nov 04 2010 04:01 GMT
Rumor: Kinect beta testers can keep sensor, get free Kinect Adventures
According to an image sent to Joystiq by an anonymous tipster, it looks like Microsoft is rewarding all the participants of the Kinect beta program. A letter, purportedly written by Xbox Live VP Marc Whitten, is offering to let testers to keep their Kine... posted by Joystiq Oct 29 2010 23:45 GMT
Kinect algorithm updated by Microsoft to better detect seated players
Worried that Kinect won't work when you're not standing directly in front of it, despite the assurances given by developers? Worry not -- Eurogamer has heard that Microsoft has changed the configuration on the body recognition system, switching a node on... posted by Joystiq Oct 15 2010 22:40 GMT
Game Boat 'accessory' ideal for Kinect Adventures, perfect for the reality of your home
Microsoft's Kinect may have jettisoned controllers from the living room, but Atomic Accessories isn't ready to be swept away in a sea change. "Game Boat is de facto the first accessory for the peripheral which doesn't need any," mumbles the product descr... posted by Joystiq Oct 08 2010 00:00 GMT
Kinect Adventures Includes Underwater, Space Games, Online Play
#rumor Kinect Adventures will include at least five game types and support both online play and the ability to show off and share your favorite moments in the Xbox 360's upcoming motion game, sources tell... posted by Kotaku Sep 16 2010 14:00 GMT
Kinect Xbox 360 250GB bundle announced
A month after popping up on the side of the Aussie Kinect bundle box, Microsoft has officially announced the existence of the Xbox 360 Kinect bundle with 250GB hard drive. The package, launching November 4, includes an Xbox 360 with a 250GB hard drive, b... posted by Joystiq Sep 08 2010 14:58 GMT
Kinect launching Nov. 18 in Australia, Foxtel TV service in October
IGN reports that two big announcements have been made at a Microsoft Open House event in Australia. First and foremost, Kinect will launch in the land down under on November 18. The unit will be bundled with Kinect Adventures for AUD $199 (USD $181). A c... posted by Joystiq Sep 01 2010 23:30 GMT
Kinect priced at $150, includes Kinect Adventures
The question of Kinect pricing is over ... insomuch as there was any question. As was widely assumed - and widely listed on retailers, from GameStop to Microsoft itself - the Xbox's newfangled motion-sensing camera will retail for $149.99 this fall. Ther... posted by Joystiq Jul 20 2010 17:00 GMT
Don't Think Of Kinect As 'Casual,' Think Of It As Super Mario Bros.
#xbox360 Worried that Microsoft's E3 showcase of its Kinect controller for the Xbox 360 was a little too "casual," a little too Wii Sports rewarmed? Kinect's creative director sees it otherwise, that Micro... posted by Kotaku Jun 28 2010 23:40 GMT
Kinect Adventures Is Surprisingly Fun
#e3 While my favorite Kinect game of the show was most certainly Dance Center, the game that had me jumping up and down on an imaginary river raft was my number two choice. More » posted by Kotaku Jun 18 2010 15:00 GMT
E3 2010: Going on a Kinect Adventure
It's a never ending adventure. posted by IGN Jun 15 2010 16:35 GMT
E3 2010: Kinect Adventures Video
If you're feeling adventurous, check out this demo. posted by IGN Jun 15 2010 04:44 GMT
E3 2010: Kinect Adventures Screens
If you're feeling adventurous, go ahead and click to see more. posted by IGN Jun 14 2010 20:54 GMT