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Posted by Kotaku Oct 17 2012 00:00 GMT
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#howweplay Most video game-players have someone in their life—an uncle, a parent, a cousin, a co-worker—who just doesn't play video games. Time and again, we try to poke and prod at those people, to better understand where they're coming from and more importantly, how they view our favorite pastime/livelihood/obsession/etc. More »

Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 15 2012 21:26 GMT
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The roll-out of The Art of Journey up to this point has been simply amazing! Today though, we’re here to announce the release of the Art of Journey and its availability from Amazon for fans both in the US, and in countries around the world.

We are so excited about the book and all of its special features that we wanted to share one of them with you today by giving away some of the exciting technology that is included in The Art of Journey. Our talented friends at Daqri have out done themselves and put together a truly unique experience for the Art of Journey. The Daqri team has developed an app that you can download for iOS here or for Android here and use it to enhance the book in a way we’ve never seen done.

The images literally come to life with scenes taken from some of your favorite moments in Journey! Check it out!

We’ve posted one of the images used for the 4D experience at, labeled page 57, so you can try it on your own smart phone or tablet. There are several more 4D experiences in the book that you can play with once you have your own copy!

It works directly off your monitor if you don’t have access to a printer, but it works best when printed out in color so you can move it around however you like and show all your friends. Just launch the “Journey AR Viewer” app on your smart device, and point the camera at the image, and that’s it!

So be sure to order the book right away! And don’t forget that you can also now pre-order the Journey Soundtrack by Austin Wintory on CD here!

One final note: We wanted to say thanks to everyone who showed up at the book’s launch event hosted by Bluecanvas during the LA Art Walk! That night was really special for all of us, and we’re glad you could be a part of it. Also, For those lucky individuals that pre-ordered signed copies of the book, know that your books are on their way! We’re very excited to finally get to pull the curtains back on this spectacular book and release it to all the fans.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 10 2012 18:00 GMT
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The soundtrack to thatgamecompany's Journey is now available on CD thanks to Sumthing Else Music Works. You can snag it from Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Best Buy, Amazon or GameStop. If you can abandon your lust for physical media, it's still available on iTunes for significantly less.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 28 2012 19:40 GMT
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The beautiful art of Journey - and we're talking about the PS3 game here, and not the band, although the cover design for Escape is a total classic - will be available in a coffee table-appropriate format next month.

The Art of Journey, a hardcover book designed and written by art director Matt Nava, includes art from the game, and discusses the influences and ideas behind its development. It also includes in-game 3D models, visible AR-style by pointing a smartphone at a special code on the page. For more multimedia satisfaction, the book also includes a PSN voucher for a copy of the Journey soundtrack.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 28 2012 16:50 GMT
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Journey: Collector's Edition is out today. The collection bundles together thatgamecompany's Flow, Flower and, of course, Journey into a single package - but that's not all. It also includes three never-before-seen mini-games from internal "24hr Game Jams." We put together a short video showcasing all three of these new games: Gravediggers, Duke War and Nostril Shot.

If that isn't enough to entice you, know that there are cat ninjas at one point.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 28 2012 06:45 GMT
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#journey In an age where games are given art books before they've earned them - ie, before they have a fanbase that cares - it's nice to see Sony working the other way around, putting a nice Journey book together months after the game's release. More »

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 27 2012 23:11 GMT
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Seeing how Journey has resonated with players across the world, we wanted to work with the Santa Monica Studio to provide a deeper look into the visual development behind this critically acclaimed hit. So, we’re excited to let everyone know that we will be presenting you with a wonderful first-time look at the extensive artwork that went into bringing Journey to life. It’s the first book directly inspired by one of our games and is titled The Art of Journey and will be available for purchase in September.

This book, designed and written by Matt Nava, art director on Journey, provides an insider’s view into the stylistic influences, narrative functions, and game design goals that shaped the final look of the game. Readers will discover how Journey’s landscapes, cut-scenes, and much-loved robed traveler came to be. For your enjoyment, The Art of Journey will come bound as an embossed hardcover book filled with gorgeous concept art, intricate pencil drawings, and 3D models printed in full color on art-quality paper.

In addition, the book has an innovative “augmented reality” feature powered by the Daqri 4D platform. By downloading a free companion app, readers will be able to point their smartphone or tablet’s camera at special images and see animated 3D models appear straight from the game. It’s a truly unique and innovative way to more fully experience the artwork of Journey.

We are especially proud to include a tribute in the book to the game’s players. Journey’s touching experience and memorable visuals have inspired many players to create their own artwork. Matt has collected some of the team’s favorites in a special fan art section which I hope will speak to those of you who have been moved by the Journey experience.

The Art of Journey will be accompanied by a voucher that will allow readers to download a free copy of the game’s soundtrack to their PS3.

Please continue to stay tuned for updates and sneak peeks for The Art of Journey. In the meantime, don’t forget to check out the Journey Collector’s Edition, which will be available on store shelves this coming Tuesday, August 28, and take a look at the video below for some insight into The Art of Journey.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 07 2012 01:00 GMT
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#horn Even in a banner year for great game music, Austin Wintory's living, breathing score for Journey stands apart. I've been looking forward to seeing what he's been up to—as it turns out, he's been working on the soundtrack to Horn, an upcoming game by Phosphor Games (that, yes, will be published by Zynga.) More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 31 2012 14:00 GMT
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#journey Since the year before I got married, it's become an annual ritual, an immutable part of my life. For one week every summer, my husband's family all get together in a bunch of little apartments down by the beach, on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The horde of us are about thirty strong, these days, and with the sun and sand and waves, it's the perfect chance to step away from the worries of the world. That's where I was last week. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 27 2012 21:30 GMT
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#speakuponkotaku Have you ever wished you knew less about a video game before playing it? Commenter Sloopydrew played through ThatGameCompany's magnificent Journey twice before realizing he had missed an important bit of information. Imagine his surprise in today's episode of Speak Up on Kotaku. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 24 2012 22:00 GMT
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#journey ThatGameCompany's Journey is a wonderful game, a beautiful experience with universal wonder. The first time I played it, I felt a often felt a sense of childlike wonder. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 20 2012 00:30 GMT
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One of the three minigames included in the Journey Collector's Edition is Gravediggers, a title (un)borne from thatgamecompany's first 24-hour game jam in 2008, though it looks more like it comes out of 1980. The static visuals belie a complex multiplayer game, wherein up to six players have to shoot the heads off of zombies and other players alike, and deposit them in crypts, with the first player to 50 heads winning the round.

Polygon reports that zombies can kill you, as can other players, and opponent's heads are worth five points rather than the one point for each zombie cranium. Watch (or mostly listen to) the action above and prepare to pack your pistols come August 28.

Posted by Kotaku Jul 03 2012 15:00 GMT
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#journey Journey is, in many ways, the story of a scarf. Or at least, the scarf represents the breadth and depth of the story Journey has to offer. It lists your avatar's story and encounters; it follows you from scorching desert sands to frozen snowbound wastelands. It flutters in the breeze behind you as you fly, or takes hits for you if you don't shelter quickly enough from a stone beast. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 26 2012 17:00 GMT
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European fans hoping to pick up the upcoming collector's edition of Journey may be waiting a long time, possibly forever. It appears that the special boxed edition of Journey won't be available in Europe at all, according to thatgamecompany's Twitter account. "We wish Europeans could get it, but there's nothing we can do," reads a TGC tweet, adding further that perturbed fans should make their complaints known to the PlayStation EU Twitter account.

Journey: Collector's Edition was fully revealed over the weekend, and features lots of goodies for the discerning thatgamecompany devotee. In addition to copies of Journey, Flower and Flow, the disc also includes a 30-minute documentary on Journey, commentary, art, screens, soundtracks and three additional mini-games: Grave Digger, Duke War!! and Nostril Shot.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 25 2012 18:00 GMT
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#journey ThatGameCompany's Journey was an immaculately constructed game; one that felt like it didn't have an ounce of fat on it. From beginning to end, not a single experience was repeated. More »

Posted by PlayStation Blog Jun 25 2012 15:53 GMT
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Journey, thatgamecompany’s most recent and largest project to date, represents three years of intense collaboration and growth for our small studio. As such, in conjunction with Santa Monica Studio, it is an honor to announce the Journey Collector’s Edition, launching for the PS3. This is our first disc-based release, and will be available at retail outlets across North America for just $29.99 on August 28.


From the simplicity of flOw, to the beauty of Flower, to the awe of Journey, this special Blu-Ray bundle features thatgamecompany’s three award-winning PlayStation Network-exclusive titles, paired with exclusive new content and previously released digital content.


The complete set of bonus flOw, Flower, and Journey content includes:

  • Thirty-minute behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of Journey
  • Creator Commentary playthroughs of all three games
  • Three exclusive mini-games from thatgamecompany
  • Concept art and screenshot galleries for all three games
  • Original soundtracks for all three games
  • PS3 dynamic themes and wallpapers
  • PSN avatars including eight exclusive new Journey avatars never released before
  • Official game trailers and developer diary videos
  • Reversible cover art

We are particularly excited about the Creator Commentary play-throughs of all three games, because we get to share with fans insights about flOw, Flower and Journey straight from the minds of the designers, artists, engineers and composers who worked together to make these games so special.


Another really great treat for fans featured on the disc are the three exclusive mini-games. These were born out of a tradition we have here at thatgamecompany: the 24hr Game Jam. As the name implies, each of these games was created start to finish in just 24 hours. For the first time ever, thatgamecompany’s mini-games Gravediggers, Duke War!!, and Nostril Shot, will be available to play outside of our studio. We share these extra treats as a “thank you” to our players for supporting us over the years. In case the names didn’t already give it away, these mini-games showcase thatgamecompany’s lighter side with screwball competitive multiplayer action. We hope you sincerely enjoy their silliness as much as we have.

Please enjoy the official trailer for Journey Collector’s Edition, which highlights what’s in store for fans when thatgamecompany’s first Blu-ray disc release hits stores on August 28.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 25 2012 16:00 GMT
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Journey Collector's Edition's contents got a lot clearer this morning, as thatgamecompany revealed the box art and more details on its website. The collection comprises all three thatgamecompany PSN games - Flow, Flower, and Journey - and also includes a one-month PS Plus membership, "exclusive mini games," creator commentary audio tracks, soundtracks for all three games, and a variety of other bonuses (the full list is below the break).

The re-release launches on August 28 for $30 in North America ("info for additional territories to be announced soon"), and the minigames are described as "three exclusive mini-games born out of a thatgamecompany tradition: the 24hr Game Jam." The three games, "Gravediggers," "Nostril Shot," and "Duke War!!," were each created by TGC "start to finish in 24 hours," and their release with this collection marks the first time the trio can be played (except for those who played the games while visiting TGC).

There's also reversible cover art on the box - TGC's first physical release - which excites us greatly. Remember that sweet Ico/Shadow of the Colossus reversible cover art? That was pretty much the best. We're hoping this woos us even more.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 21 2012 14:30 GMT
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thatgamecompany confirmed early this morning that a disc-based Journey collector's edition, which will include Flow and Flower, is a thing for PlayStation 3, but "can't say anything more."

That's okay, we'll let retailers do a little more of the talking: both GameFly and Play-Asia list the compilation with an August release date. There is no speculation on price at this time.

None of thatgamecompany's PlayStation Network PS3 titles were previously available on disc, but Flow was available on PSP. The most excellent Journey concluded the developer's three-game deal with Sony and now thatgamecompany is moving toward unknown horizons in self-publishing.

Update: Added full statement from company after the break.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 16 2012 04:00 GMT
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#journey Ha, ha, Journey reviewer. You think you're so clever, inserting Journey lyrics into your game review. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 15 2012 06:00 GMT
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#cosplay While it's not as cute as the feline edition, this round of cosplay featuring humans dressed as the characters from PS3 game Journey is just as impressive. More »

Posted by Giant Bomb Jun 14 2012 18:52 GMT
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The path to independence is long and fraught with peril, but thatgamecompany has arrived.

Up to this point, Journey and Flower developer thatgamecompany has been largely in the corner of Sony Computer Entertainment, thanks to a three game deal the developer signed with the company. With that deal now fulfilled, thatgamecompany has officially made the move to become its own independent company.

Posting on the company's official blog, creative director Jenova Chen announced that the developer has received a $5.5 million infusion of cash from Benchmark Capital, and will be striking out on its own from here on out. This means that the studio is now free to pursue multiplatform development for its next, as-yet-unannounced project.

For those hoping for an eventual port of Journey on other consoles, don't hold your breath. As part of the original deal with Sony, those three games remain exclusive to PlayStation platforms. But considering the consistent rise in quality thatgamecompany has shown with each successive release, there's still good reason to be excited about whatever the team has cooking coming to a wider slate of platforms.

Posted by Kotaku May 18 2012 18:30 GMT
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#journey Jenova Chen thinks that video games don't access enough of the human emotional spectrum. Sure, they do revenge and aggression well but they struggle to handle love or other kinds of deep connection. More »

Posted by Kotaku May 16 2012 06:30 GMT
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#journey While this is on one hand the very worst the internet is capable of conjuring, namely putting human clothes on cats, I don't care. This is Journey cosplay. For cats. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 27 2012 20:07 GMT
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You're reading Reaction Time, a new weekly column that claims to examine recent events, games and trends in the industry, but is really just looking for an excuse to use the word "zeitgeist." It debuts on Fridays in Engadget's digital magazine, Distro. I'm not sure I've seen anyone describe Journey as a well written game. It's praised as an earnest, emotionally stirring masterpiece, and a subtle success that nearly denigrates other games just by existing alongside them. But the topic of writing in games is often confined to scripts, spectacle and whatever is said in a cutscene, and Journey doesn't have any of that. If you completed it, you'll probably agree: There are no words.

As I wandered through an orange-hued desert, coming dangerously close to outright frolicking, I noticed a figure striding into distant view. Here I met another nameless nomad, and one that shared my appreciation of tasteful, unfettered fabrics. A friend? Another traveler compelled to reach the mysterious obelisk at the center of the world? "Would u like 2 work 2gether," he said in a text bubble. "I know how 2 get 2 the mountain and beat the game."

Posted by Kotaku Apr 25 2012 15:30 GMT
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#brainygamer In an article published by The Atlantic earlier this month, writer Taylor Clark posited that "video games, with very few exceptions, are dumb." More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 18 2012 07:30 GMT
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#journey The moody, desolate affair that is Journey isn't an obvious choice for a hip-hop remix, but it's got one anyway. Don't worry. It's been tastefully done. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 10 2012 20:47 GMT
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Austin Wintory's beautiful soundtrack to Journey is now available on iTunes and PSN for a mere $4.99. A worthy purchase if ever there was one. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 08 2012 01:30 GMT
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Joystiq: Oh, hello! We love your costume. What's the secret to effective, truly evocative cosplay?

Posted by PlayStation Blog Apr 06 2012 16:01 GMT
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It’s pretty clear that March was a banner month for PlayStation Network. As you may already know, Journey was recently proclaimed PSN’s fastest-selling game. It should come as no surprise to see that it’s also March’s top selling PSN game! Our hats are off to thatgamecompany for making a truly unique experience that you can only find on PSN. We also saw the debut of the free-to-play Killzone 3 Multiplayer, Motorstorm RC and Mass Effect 3. All of them proved to be big movers and shakers as they all made their debut in the top 20.

Also of note is Escape Plan’s second month in a row in the #1 spot on the PS Vita lists! Can Lil and Larg go for a third month in April? Or will the releases of new PS Vita content like Disgaea 3 and The Pinball Arcade shake things up a bit?

Check out the full lists below for all the details from March. Did you help get Journey to the top spot? What are your predictions for April’s top PSN Game? Let us know in the comments below.

Top 20 PSN and PS3 Full Games

PSN-tower.jpg1) Journey – A true gem; Journey surpassed expectations with many gamers. Be sure to pick up the soundtrack when it drops on April 10th.
2) inFAMOUS Festival of Blood
3) Resident Evil 4
4) MotorStorm RC
5) Killzone3 Multiplayer
6) Mass Effect 3 – Debuting on the PlayStation Store the same day as it was available at retail, Mass Effect 3 took PSN users by storm.
7) Gotham City Impostors
8) Grand Theft Auto IV
9) Mass Effect 2
10) The Simpsons Arcade Game
11) Rayman 3 HD – Part of Spring Fever, Rayman 3 HD brought 3D platforming goodness in style!
12) NBA JAM: On Fire Edition
13) Warriors Orochi 3
14) The House of the Dead III – PlayStation Plus armed subscribers with a day-one discount that many felt was too good to pass up.
15) Limbo
16) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
17) Real Steel
18) Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection
19) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
20) Sonic CD

Top 10 PS Vita Games

EscapePlan_Title_Thumb_ALL.jpg1) Escape Plan – The free Bakuki’s Lair level for Escape Plan hits users on April 10th!
2) Unit 13
3) Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
4) Super Stardust Delta
5) Plants vs. Zombies
6) MLB 12 The Show
7) Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
8) Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
9) Rayman Origins
10) Hustle Kings

Top 5 PS3 Add-Ons

MPB12theShow_6000Tpoints_PS3_Add-On_Thumb_EN.jpg1) MLB 12 The Show Road to the Show Training Points (6,000) – Boost your Road to the Show player’s stats instantly.
2) Mass Effect 3: From Ashes
3) Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand
4) MLB 11 The Show Road to the Show Training Points
5) Final Fantasy XIII-2 – Sazh: Heads or Tails?

Top 5 PSone Classics

FinalFantasyVII_PSoneClassic_thumbs_US_.jpg1) Final Fantasy VII – The king returns, along with Square-Enix’s other PS one Classics to take over the top 5.
2) Final Fantasy IX
3) Final Fantasy VI
4) Final Fantasy VIII
5) Chrono Trigger

Top 5 PSP Games

FinalFantasyTacticsWarOfTheLions_title_thumb_ALL.jpg1) Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions – This classic may be benefitting from new life as a downloadable on PS Vita.
2) Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection
3) Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
4) Dissidia 012[duodecim] Final Fantasy
5) Mega Man Maverick Hunter X

Posted by Kotaku Apr 06 2012 05:30 GMT
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#3ds PlayStation Network amazement-inducer Journey is very much a PS3 exclusive. But let's just pretend, for a moment, that it was also on the Nintendo 3DS. It might look like this! More »