From Dust Message Board

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 23 2012 09:00 GMT
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Yesterday, I noted that I haven’t played many god games lately, so I suppose it only makes sense that some RPS-reading deity would start flinging the things at me. “Know my burden,” it seemingly bellows from on high. “With great power… you know the rest.” And hey, remember that neato whizz-bang pow space streaming technology that allowed Bastion to run in your browser – as if by teleporter from Mars and also the future? Well, it’s back to from said future, this time with Ubisoft’s once-DRMed, still poorly ported From Dust in tow. So maybe it could’ve brought a better god game, but still, I can’t entirely knock something of this fidelity when it’s playable in my browser almost instantly.


Posted by IGN Dec 02 2011 21:36 GMT
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Ubisoft has revealed that half a million copies of From Dust were purchased across Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network. In a new interview, Ubisoft EMEA digital publishing manager Thomas Paincon says he credits the success to downloadable games' lower prices compared to retail...

Posted by IGN Sep 13 2011 19:00 GMT
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Ubisoft's From Dust, a quiet and unassuming god-game tucked into the middle of Microsoft's Summer of Arcade Xbox Live lineup, proved to have unexpected godlike powers of its own, becoming Ubi's most popular day-one downloadable XBLA game ever. From Dust Video ReviewThe PlayStation Network versi...

Posted by IGN Sep 09 2011 21:45 GMT
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Update: The PlayStation Blog today announced that From Dust's North American release date has been pushed up. It's now coming out this coming Tuesday, September 13th...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 09 2011 08:12 GMT
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Ding dong, the witch is dead! As promised, Ubisoft have now removed the legitimate consumer-punishing always-on DRM from the disappointing PC port of their strategy/puzzle/sorta-god game From Dust. Let Steam auto-update it and the unpleasant eggy stench of a constant internet requirement will be gone, plus it’ll grab your savegames from Ubi’s servers and sync them to your PC.(more…)

Posted by Valve Sep 08 2011 16:34 GMT
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Updates to From Dust have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

From Dust
  • Title can be played in offline mode (no connection to the Internet is required after installing the patch)
  • Save file is moved from the Uplay/Ubisoft server to the local machine

Posted by PlayStation Blog Sep 08 2011 14:13 GMT
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The wait to experience Eric Chahi’s award-winning strategy game, From Dust is almost over. We’re happy to announce that From Dust will be coming to the PlayStation Network on September 27th. In a little less than three weeks, players will get a chance to experience the winner of Game Critic’s Awards Best Strategy Game of E3 and what Game Informer called “a breath of fresh air.”


From Dust puts players in control of The Breath, a mysterious power used by a primitive tribe to battle against the forces of nature. Players will use this power to help the tribe regain the knowledge of their ancestors. However, regaining this knowledge won’t be an easy task for players as the world of From Dust hosts volatile natural elements, including volcano eruptions and tidal waves.


From Dust will be available on the PlayStation Network on September 27th for $14.99.

Posted by IGN Sep 01 2011 09:32 GMT
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God games are usually all about power. They give you omnipotence and the choice to do with it what you will be good or evil, vengeful or merciful, kind or cruel. They give you power over your worshippers, the ability to command, help or destroy them. They court player fantasies...

Posted by IGN Aug 24 2011 12:54 GMT
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Valve are offering refunds to purchasers of From Dust who are annoyed that the game requires a constant internet connection in order to play. Even though the DRM will be soon removed through a patch, Valve has begun to offer refunds. A message issued by Steam support states, "If you don't wa...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 24 2011 09:53 GMT
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With peculiar timing, Valve seem to finally be offering refunds on From Dust. Customers who bought the game under the belief its DRM required a one-time only activation angrily responded to the revelations (as brought to the world by the fine eyebrows of RPS) that the game required a connection for every launch. Demands for refunds were being met with stony silences in every direction, with Ubisoft pointing customers to the retailers. And while there were rumours of Steam giving some money back, most were being met by their questionable stance that they don’t offer refunds for anything. Well, despite the recent announcement that the DRM would soon be patched out, that seems to be changing, as it appears (from the text of Valve’s emails) Ubisoft have specifically asked Valve to return the cash. (Let’s put in a disclaimer here – this is based on reports from a couple of readers, and Valve are notoriously fickle in these regards.)


Posted by Giant Bomb Aug 24 2011 04:01 GMT
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It's too bad most of what's been written about From Dust lately is about a bad PC port. It's a great game!

The sordid tale of From Dust's is-it-or-isn't-it digital rights management appears to be finally coming to a close. Ubisoft has promised a patch within the next few weeks to make the game completely playable offline, and I've just received word that Steam is offering refunds to unsatisfied owners of the game.

There were reports of Steam offering refunds to aggitated From Dust owners last week, but when I personally submitted a customer support ticket asking about a refund, Steam flatly denied it was a possibility.

In light of recent events, appears Ubisoft has asked Steam to give players the option to get their money back.

"Ubisoft has just announced that they are working on a patch that will eliminate the need for any online authentication for From Dust," reads the updated support ticket sent my way tonight. "The patch will release in approximately two weeks. If you don’t want to wait for the patch or if you haven’t played the game, per Ubisoft’s request, we will issue refunds for this title. If you would still like your purchase of From Dust refunded, please reply to this ticket."

I haven't purchased From Dust on PC, only inquired about the refund through my Steam account, but it appears anyone who has picked up From Dust and would like to reverse that decision has the option.

Customers were upset at Ubisoft for originally announcing From Dust would not have any DRM. When the game arrived on PC, in addition to other port issues, the game required users to login online at the start. Ubisoft has a history of flip-flopping on DRM for its PC ports, which has given the publisher a bad reputation amongst PC gamers.

Posted by Giant Bomb Aug 23 2011 00:40 GMT
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Ubisoft has a history of going back and forth with PC players about its approach to DRM.

Positive or negative, slap DRM in the headline and expect a flood of comments.

The response to From Dust's DRM, however, has been exceptionally negative, fueled by Ubisoft's poor communication of what kind of DRM would be included in the PC version of Eric Chahi's latest. Ubisoft suggested there would be no DRM, but when the game arrived, there actually was DRM, asking players to be online to start the game.

Ubisoft's been buried in criticism ever since (including from myself), and it appears the publisher is cutting its losses.

"We recognize that one of our posts in the From Dust forum regarding the need for authentication in the game was not clear," said Ubisoft forum manager bukowski113 on the company's boards.

To try and make things right (or at least better?), Ubisoft is working on a patch for the PC version, scheduled to be released in about two weeks.

"This development time is required as we are working to ensure that those who have already started the game, and who’s progress is currently saved on our servers, will receive and save their game information locally," continued the post.

After the patch is installed, players will apparently be able to play offline--no questions.

"We sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding," reads the post.

If players will still be there two weeks from now, however, remains to be seen.

Posted by IGN Aug 22 2011 23:20 GMT
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Ubisoft promises to remove its digital rights management protection from its PC version of From Dust via a patch...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 22 2011 22:09 GMT
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Well blimey, here’s a thing. After Ubi’s frankly dreadful performance over From Dust, there appears to be a degree of capitulation afoot. On the From Dust forums (which now appear to be the only way to learn such news from the publisher) it has been revealed that the team are working on a patch that will remove online authentication DRM entirely. Which would be, well, brilliant!


Posted by Giant Bomb Aug 19 2011 14:00 GMT
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Those three dots are Ubisoft's forum moderators. That wave is made up of Reddit commenters.

What the hell, Ubisoft? Just a few weeks ago, everything seemed so simple.

"Ubisoft lied to us. The DRM requires you to have a constant internet connection, when they explicitly said this would not be the case."

"The DRM on this ass nugget is hilarious. I suggest you all get the *crag*er taken off. Stop slaughtering this game Ubisoft."

These are just a few comments pulled off From Dust's Facebook page, as fans take Ubisoft to task.

Ubisoft's DRM policies for PC games are handled on a case-by-case basis. The rationale behind each decision is sometimes difficult to figure out, but at the end of the day, it's Ubisoft's right to swing one way or the other, just as it's the right of PC customers to complain about the policies Ubisoft enacts. And complain they have.

Up until today, we were under the impression From Dust wasn't supposed to have DRM. Just a few weeks back--my email from Ubisoft is dated July 28--the company said From Dust would be an exception to the always-on Ubisoft DRM rule.

"I can confirm that From Dust will not require online connection to play the single player campaign and challenges," said company spokesperson Alex Monney.

Hackers were able to take down Ubisoft's login servers, a move done out of DRM protest.

This would be different than Ubisoft's handling of another upcoming Ubisoft product coming out on the PC, Driver: San Francisco, which would require an Internet connection to boot up and a constant connection to keep playing. Vocal concerns over this type of DRM, principle aside, stem from an incident where hackers brought Ubisoft's authentication servers down, stopping some users from playing Assassin's Creed II. This DRM was then stripped in favor of an online login. After that, no online connection was required. This altered DRM found its way into newer PC releases like Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

Still, Ubisoft hadn't settled on a consistent policy. Maybe it considered From Dust special; a new game from Out of this World developer Eric Chahi isn't something players would be as likely to torrent. Ubisoft has consistently cited piracy and DRM's effectiveness as the driver behind its DRM policies.

"[We have seen] a clear reduction in piracy of our titles which required a persistent online connection, and from that point of view the requirement is a success," said an unnamed spokesperson to PC Gamer last month.

On one torrent search engine site alone, there are nearly 2,000 players downloading a "cracked" version of From Dust. Piracy would happen anyway, but it's easy to see how much of that would be fueled by From Dust unexpectedly having DRM.

It doesn't help that, by all indications, the PC version is coming up short in a bunch of other areas, too: the frame rate is bizarrely capped to 30 frames-per-second and the camera control hasn't been optimized for a mouse.

"We are aware of some confusion over the inclusion of DRM in the release of From Dust on PC," said the company in a statement on the official Ubisoft message boards.

That would be an...understatement.

"To prevent any on-going confusion we would like to clarify From Dust PC will release with DRM requiring a one-time only online activation," continues the statement. "After which you will be able to play the game offline."

It's sort of "one-time only."

"After you have signed in and the game is running, you no longer need the internet connection for that session and can disconnect and play offline you so wish," said the company.

The key phrase here is "for that session," whereas Ubisoft's original statement suggested "no sessions."

Besides the DRM issues, the PC version has a capped frame rate and poor mouse controls.

Technically, Ubisoft has some wiggle room from its original statement. You don't need to be online in order to play the singleplayer or challenge modes, but you do need to be online to access them at all. It's a frustrating splitting of hairs. Given Ubisoft's communication issues with DRM in the past, however, if that's what it really meant, it should have been more upfront from the very start. It's not like players aren't used to this stance before.

"When we first introduced the connection requirement last year, we stated that our decision to implement it into our PC titles would be considered on a case by case basis and this remains true," said Ubisoft representative Dominic DiSanti last month, when I asked about Driver: San Francisco's DRM. "We will assess each future PC title and strive to offer the best gameplay experience possible while also ensuring that we are protecting the amazing work and effort of our talented creative teams."


PC gamers have a point when it comes to fears potential servers woes could prevent them from playing, but I'm sympathetic to the profound effect piracy's had on PC gaming, and I'm hard pressed to find too many instances where someone would find themselves with a connection.

That said, Ubisoft has no one to blame but themselves for this situation. It's not like its consumers haven't been actively asking for clarification on the DRM issue. The reason most of Reddit's gaming section has been flooded today with stories about From Dust's DRM is because the users feel lied to. If there's anything Ubisoft should have learned at this point, having gone through this combative cycle several times before, it's to be upfront. Consumers may push back, they may bitch to the heavens, but Ubisoft could say "We told you what to expect."

In that respect, Ubisoft failed.

Some users around the Internet are claiming Steam is offering refunds to upset users over the DRM. I've contacted Ubisoft about this but have not heard back. If you've managed to secure a refund, let me know, but when I submitted a customer service inquiry to Steam about the possibility of a From Dust refund, a representative basically told me it wasn't possible:

"As with most software products, we do not offer refunds or exchanges on games, DLC or in-game items purchased on our website or through the Steam Client. We will make an exception and refund preorders as long as the request is received prior to the release of the game. This only applies to preorders purchased from your account, preordered titles received or sent through the Steam Trading system cannot be refunded."

For now, PC users will continue raging. And while I think they're being a tad hyperbolic, they have a point.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 18 2011 19:20 GMT
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Astonishing. Ubisoft have yet to respond to our questions today, when we asked why From Dust was requiring an internet connection to launch despite their making it very clear it would not. They also have yet to respond to our queries as to why it hasn’t been properly ported, despite the weeks of last-minute delay for the PC version. And now, incredibly, rather than apologising to the huge numbers of people who had been deceived by the previous untrue claims about the game’s DRM, they’ve instead just deleted the post, and put up a new one. From Dust requires an internet connection to launch, and tough shit if you bought it when they were saying otherwise. (Edit: They’ve now somewhat confusingly edited in the original post to the new post.)


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 18 2011 10:28 GMT
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It’s hard to know what to say. After their insisting that From Dust, the delayed PC version from Ubisoft, would not require an internet connection to launch after the first time, of course it does. It’s impossible to launch From Dust, even from Steam in offline mode, without being online. Launching the game fires up their new Ubisoft Game Launcher, which refuses to work unless it can find a connection. And that’s ignoring the fact that the game is in no way properly ported.


Posted by Valve Aug 17 2011 17:03 GMT
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From Dust is now available on Steam!

Immerse yourself in a world as exotically beautiful as it is dangerous! You control the destiny of a primitive tribe against the backdrop of a world in constant evolution—a universe where mighty Nature reclaims what is hers; and your mastery of the elements is your peoples only chance of survival...


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 28 2011 15:44 GMT
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Ubisoft has told VG247 that the delayed From Dust won’t require their wretched “always online” DRM. What DRM it will require is as yet unknown, but we’ve contacted Ubisoft to find out. It’s pretty likely that it will require a connection for a first-time authentication, but whether it’s going to demand the internet be there to launch each time is what we want to know. And why does From Dust escape it, and Driver: San Francisco not? Not even God knows. You can read Alec’s impressions of the 360 version of From Dust here.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 27 2011 20:47 GMT
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With the PC version of Eric Chahi’s god-game delayed by a few weeks, I’ve opted to sully my body and mind with the now-out Xbox version in order to get a sense of what we’re in for. I can’t tell you anything about the PC take on From Dust’s performance or controls or DRM, and nor can I until I’ve spent good hours with that version, but I can give you a sense of how it plays presuming it’s broadly unchanged from its console cousin.(more…)

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 26 2011 15:59 GMT
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Will this environmental shift-sim satisfy your hunger for Godly power?

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 26 2011 15:58 GMT
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Play a bit of God with the land-shifting powers in From Dust!

Posted by IGN Jul 25 2011 22:31 GMT
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Ubisoft confirmed to Joystiq today the PC version of From Dust has been delayed until mid-August...

Posted by Giant Bomb Jul 14 2011 00:38 GMT
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Sometimes people tell me I have a god complex. Sometimes those people get lava poured on them.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 08 2011 14:15 GMT
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The news-horn of VG247 has sounded: Ubisoft will be releasing Eric Chahi’s quirky terraforming God-sim From Dust on PC on 27th of July. We still don’t know all that much about this game, but a little more is revealed in the latest developer diary which is, conveniently, posted below. We seem to lack God-sims of late, so I am looking forward to seeing how my insane whims and weird omnipotence might threaten the lives of tiny hat-wearing people.

And. In. The. Game.(more…)

Posted by IGN Jul 07 2011 18:16 GMT
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SAN FRANCISCO - Today, Ubisoft announced that From Dust, a modern God game from visionary creator Eric Chahi, will be available for PC on UBIShop, Steam, GameStop and other online digital services for $14.99 on July 27, 2011...

Posted by Kotaku Jul 07 2011 16:00 GMT
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#preview I've played as army men, bounty hunters, spies and killers. I've built towering office buildings as a city planner. Raised beasts as a super being. Strategized as a world-conquering general. But I've never been the breath of god. More »

Posted by IGN Jun 30 2011 15:27 GMT
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Eric Chahi isn't known for making happy games. His first success, Another World or Out Of This World, if you're American was an enormously unforgiving, evocatively cinematic one-man project about escaping from an alien world, with instant death around most corners. Heart of Darkness was ostensibly...

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 15 2011 00:53 GMT
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New environments and worlds of your own creation highlight this E3 2011 trailer!