Mega Man Legends 3 Project Message Board

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Posted by GoNintendo 13 years ago
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I guess it's better than nothing, but does it really make up for the lack of a game? Of course not, but it's still nice to see the dev team send something out.

Posted by Kotaku 13 years ago
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#megaman Keiji Inafune split from Capcom about a year ago, clearly burned out—at one point he said he "hated" his job. However, he still was committed to finishing the 3DS game Mega Man Legends 3, whose cancellation set off a firestorm of anger this summer. Inafune threw more gasoline on the blaze when he suggested that Capcom turned down his offer to finish the game under contract. More »

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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The long-awaited new game in the Mega Man Legends series, Mega Man Legends 3, was recently cancelled on the Nintendo 3DS. And plenty of drama surrounded the cancellation. Was Capcom trying to cut its losses with the diminishing and watered-down value of Mega Man? Did they want to reboot the franchis...

Posted by Kotaku 13 years ago
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#megaman Ever since Mega Man Legends 3 was canned, fans of the franchise have been going bananas, wondering how Capcom could ever do such a thing. More »

Posted by Kotaku 13 years ago
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#portal The folks at Dorkly have been mighty free with those Portal guns lately, but Mega Man has to work for it. Enter Aperture Man! More »

Posted by Viddd 13 years ago
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However, if the fans really want to bring back [Megaman Legends 3], at least show them your support. It is all I can say, thank you. - Keiji Inafune

There's no way in hell we can abandon this when even Inafune supports this.

Posted by Kotaku 13 years ago
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#megaman Despite a push by tens of thousands of fans to revive recently canceled Capcom game Mega Man Legends 3, the Japanese developer tells Kotaku that they have no plans to resume development. More »
love you too capcom
Well shit.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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You don't realize how much you love something until it's gone, it seems. In response to Capcom's cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 over a lack of Devroom participation, an activist group calling themselves "100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3" has taken it upon themselves to, well, bring back Mega Man Legends 3.

As the name implies, the group intends to reach a collective 100,000 members, marching with their Mega Busters held high, yellow scarves trailing in the wind. As of press time, the movement is well on its way with over 22,000 Likes at its Facebook page, as well as 300-plus followers on Twitter. "We exist to show Capcom that Mega Man Legends 3 has real fan support," reads the group's About Us page. Seeing as Operation Rainfall was, if nothing else, successful in raising public awareness, 100KSFBBMML3 has nothing to lose by giving people the opportunity to make themselves heard.

Personally, all we want is our own Data. That little guy is adorbs.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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You don't realize how much you love something until it's gone, it seems. In response to Capcom's cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 over a lack of Devroom participation, an activist group calling themselves "100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3" has taken it upon themselves to, well, bring back Mega Man Legends 3.

As the name implies, the group intends to reach a collective 100,000 members, marching with their Mega Busters held high, yellow scarves trailing in the wind. As of press time, the movement is well on its way with over 22,000 Likes at its Facebook page, as well as 300-plus followers on Twitter. "We exist to show Capcom that Mega Man Legends 3 has real fan support," reads the group's About Us page. Seeing as Operation Rainfall was, if nothing else, successful in raising public awareness, 100KSFBBMML3 has nothing to lose by giving people opportunity to make themselves heard.

Personally, all we want is our own Data. That little guy is adorbs.

Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago
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See you later, space cowboy.

You have to wonder who at Capcom figured this week, the start of Comic-Con, was the right time to announce the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3. It was a game crafted not only for fans, players who have been waiting 11 years, but by fans, as well.

It's not like Comic-Con is, you know, an entire convention dedicated to the fandom of geek entertainment.

"We are thinking about having all of you help by participating in the development of this game in a variety of different ways," said Mega Man Legends 3 director Masakazu Eguchi when the project was announced last October. "Your efforts will help us launch the rocket we are building to rescue Mega Man! Once the rocket is launched and successfully lands on Elysium, the game all of you have been working will be complete, and will usher in the release of Mega Man Legends 3!"

An early shot from Mega Man Legends 3. The prototype content was never made clear.

Comic-Con jokes aside, Capcom shouldn't be surprised by the bitter comments and ugliness after inviting fans on day one, asking them to be part of the development process. While there was always the chance that Capcom would decide to cancel the project, nothing like this had been attempted before. It was bold. Incorporating fan feedback is one thing, but to actively solicit their ideas and build them in midstream is another.

When the project was announced, Capcom made it sound like, "Hey, this is happening! Rejoice!" At the point that you're ready charge gamers to play a prototype version of the game on eShop, expectations are set.

And yet, Capcom fell back on the "oh, development" excuse when explaining the cancellation. It rang hollow--so fans pounced.

"From the outset the MML3 Project was intended to give gamers across the world insight and input into the development process," said the company this week. "Part of this process includes an assessment of whether the title will go into full production, and is based on a number of criteria with input from different sectors of the company. Unfortunately it was not felt that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project met the required criteria, and it is with regret that we must announce that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project has been cancelled, meaning that Capcom will not be releasing the Prototype or the full game."

"Assessment [is based] on a number of criteria." "Not felt [it] met the required criteria." Those are vague explanations that are understandably infuriating for fans who had invested their own personal time into this project.

The outrage has even extended to Comic-Con, which kicked off yesterday. There were rumors floating around that Capcom wasn't allowing Mega Man cosplayers into its booth, actively kicking out anyone who violated this rumored corporate policy.

"We welcome all cosplayers to our booth at Comic-Con," the company said. "Anything else you've heard is outright false."

This is...probably not the right way to respond to fans who are feeling burned.

Adding insult to injury were the bizarre explanations from Capcom Europe's Twitter account, which insinuated the fans had not put enough enthusiasm behind the project, resulting in the decision.

"We weren't asking people to do much but response to dev rooms was cool at best," said an update last night. "It's a shame the fans didn't want to get more involved :-( if we saw there was an audience for MML3 people might change minds."

Naturally, people were pissed off. This prompted Capcom Europe to quickly roll out a more nuanced explanation.

"Seems I upset some of our friends across the pond," said the retraction. "Sorry. We're not blaming anyone. Especially those that worked so hard on the Dev room. The original comment was in relation to the interaction in the Dev rooms NOT the fans who have been nothing but supportive. [...] That was a flippant answer, it was a shame lots of people didn't get involved in Dev room to devleop [sp] the game was my point."

Here's the problem with that, though. Capcom told fans they didn't have to get involved in order to show their support for Mega Man Legends 3. The evidence is found within Capcom's own videos (scrub over to 1:55):

Oh, okay! Except that's not true at all, if you believe Capcom Europe's line about Mega Man Legends 3.

Of course, the president of Capcom is not managing Capcom Europe's Twitter--it's the community team. The hyperbolic response and ensuing dogpile was a reaction to Capcom's unsatisfactory answers for why the game would never see the light of day.

Confusion over how to respond to Mega Man fans spilled over to Capcom USA, too, with vice president of strategic planning and business development Christian Svensson taking to the Capcom Unity message boards, unable to explain what happened on the Capcom Europe Twitter account.

"As far as the Capcom Europe thing, I'm not sure what that's about," said Svensson. "I do know that the European fanbase for MM [Mega Man] in general is far smaller than NA [North America] or Japan."

Capcom USA's Twitter account never referenced the comments by Capcom Europe. In fact, it never mentioned Mega Man Legend 3's cancellation at all.

Mega Man Universe, aka LittleBigMegaMan, was shown at Tokyo Game Show, then cancelled.

Svensson seemed to be grasping at straws to provide fans with hope regarding Capcom's plans, as the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 comes not long after the cancellation of Mega Man Universe.

"I wish I had some other nugget of MM news to share for you guys to get excited about (we had Legends to focus on when we cancelled Universe) but I'm really at a loss," he continued. "I've got nothing I can share right now. I know it seems difficult to believe (and I expect loads of neg[ative] comments after this because of that lack of information) but MM is still really important to the company as a brand."

The official line from Capcom offered little to cling to.

"Mega Man is still an important franchise within Capcom’s portfolio and we will continue to pursue opportunities to create new titles in the series," said the company.

Svensson did confirm the fan and media anger had been vocalized to Capcom Japan during his most recent weekly meeting with higher-ups, but Svensson did not indicate what, if any, kind of response he'd gotten.

Bummer feelings extended to the development community, too. Skullgirls developer Reverge Labs poked fun at Capcom Europe's insinuations regarding fan interaction and the vocal disappointment the game would never come to fruition.

"They’ll never get to play Mega Man Legends 3 because, you know, the fans didn’t make enough art or program enough of the engine," cracked the studio on its blog. "Stupid fans--here’s some art to make you feel bad for what you didn’t do."

And, lo, a single tear did run down Mega Man's cheek, upon hearing the cancellation news.

Even series co-creator Keiji Inafune couldn't help but chime in on the cancellation of the game. Mega Man Legends 3 is a game Inafune had been pushing for at Capcom for years. Inafune left the company in late October, just weeks after the initial reveal.

"The decision for the cancelation was out of my sphere, but as someone who took part in the development," he said on his personal blog, translated by Andriasang, "I'd like to convey something to the staff: I'm sorry that I couldn't be of assistance."

Inafune launched his new company, Comcept, in December of last year.

"I'm truly sorry I couldn't take part through the end," he added. "I didn't buy a 3DS for this project, but at the very least I'd like to have played the demo."

Players probably would love that, too, but Capcom has already said no.

Mega Man 10 was the last major Mega Man release. Mega Man Online, an online MMO not being developed internally at Capcom, is scheduled for sometime this year. It has not been confirmed for release outside Korea.

If you'd like to show your support, there's a Facebook group called "100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3" that's well on it's way to passing 10,000 likes on the social network.

Posted by Slim 13 years ago
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Words cannot express the deep sorrow I feel... I wish to die...


Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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The Mega Man Legends 3 Project "Devroom," a forum where fans could vote on elements to be added to the game, always seemed like a stunt to drum up interest in the 3DS game. However, it appears to have been used as a gauge of existing interest ... and the numbers it presented were unsatisfactory.

Speaking on Capcom Europe's Twitter account, one representative said, "Unfortunately so few fans took part in the creation of the game. It was felt the project was not worthwhile." The rep later clarified that the disappointment didn't lie with fans as it appeared, but with the Devroom as a marketing tool.

For a fan perspective, Game Informer spoke to one of the most dedicated Mega Man fans anywhere, Brian "Protodude" Austrin, who runs the excellent Protodude's Rockman Corner. He explained his dedicated work in the Devroom, and then gave an indication of how even the most loyal Capcom fans are feeling right now.

"I really think that their trust bank has been shattered," he said. "This isn't the first thing that they've done, not just with Mega Man, this is the second Mega Man cancellation within four months," he says. "Then we have the other stuff like the Mercenaries 3D DRM, and it just keeps going and going, and they're establishing this track record."

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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It was a sad day for Mega Man fans everywhere this past Monday, when Capcom announced that Mega Man Legends 3 was officially cancelled. This bombshell was rumored for a long time, especially since the demo version never made it to the 3DS eShop, even though it was promised to be available at launch...

Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago
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Can't really argue with quad wielding, you know?

It's bad news day, apparently.

Following Capcom's cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 and Sega's decision to push back both Crush 3D and Shinobi for 3Ds, 2K Games announced today The Darkness II will now arrive on February 7, 2012.

That's my birthday, by the way.

The Darkness II had been set to arrive on October 4--no more. 2K Games didn't provide a reason for the delay in the press release, preferring to point people towards the game's Comic-Con presence.

The sequel's in development at Digital Extremes, also developing the video game spin-off of J.J. Abrams' Star Trek. The studio's last major release was Dark Sector, and originally made a name for itself working alongside Epic Games on the Unreal Tournament franchise.

If you happen to be at Comic-Con, though, there will be playable kiosks of The Darkness II.

The rest of us will have to wait.

Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago
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You can play Shinbo on 3DS in September...or February. The two months are pretty similar.

It's a bad day for 3DS early adopters, with Capcom announcing the cancellation of the long-desired Mega Man Legends 3 (was there any doubt when Keiji Inafune left?), and Sega pushing back the release dates of both CRUSH3D and Shinobi.

CRUSH3D, originally scheduled for September 6, is now arriving on November 15.

Shinobi, also previously set for a release in September, now won't release until February 12, 2012.

The most pressing issue for Nintendo's new handheld is a glaring lack of quality software, and while there were no guarantees either game would fit the bill, now we won't know for quite a bit longer.

How barren is the upcoming 3DS lineup? Just look at the road to this fall via GameStop.


Posted by Kotaku 13 years ago
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#megamanlegends3 In case you couldn't tell from the lack of serious updates or the departure of the game's creator, Capcom's Mega Man Legends 3 has now officially been shitcanned. More »

Damn. It's a sad day for fans, and an even sadder day for people who bought a 3DS.
And I had just told my brother minutes ago that they were working on the third installment of the series. How am I going to break the news to him without breaking his heart?

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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Here's an aspect of the 3DS Mega Man Legends 3 Project for which Capcom didn't consult fan input: the publisher has ceased development of both the game and the downloadable "Prototype Version." This marks the second (and third) Mega Man game to be canceled in 2011, following the death of Mega Man Universe in March.

In a FAQ on Capcom-Unity, Capcom denied that Keiji Inafune's departure had anything to do with the cessation of his pet project. "Unfortunately it was not felt that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project met the required criteria" to go into full production, and thus the plug was pulled. Our guess is that Capcom is backing off from the 3DS after it didn't achieve stratospheric sales immediately.

This news comes immediately after the start of a fan campaign in support of the continued development of Mega Man Legends 3. Combine that with the already beleaguered nature of Mega Man Legends fans who had to wait over ten years for news of a sequel, and, well, there's going to be a giant Servbot-shaped shadow cast over any announcements Capcom makes at Comic-Con this week.

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Capcom said tonight it has cancelled development of Mega Man Legends 3, a project that was previously in prototype form, for the Nintendo 3DS...

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version, arguably the biggest title planned for the launch of the 3DS eShop, has been delayed. The news was delivered today by producer Tetsuya Kitabayashi in a post on the Capcom-Unity Devroom.

It would seem the game has been delayed to craft a finer experience, as Kitabayashi stated the team will continue development with " a renewed desire to create a product of the highest quality."

Kitabayashi didn't provide a new release date, instead urging fans to "please wait just a little longer!"

Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago
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Shell out or kiss this game goodbye.

The launch of Nintendo's 3DS marketplace, eShop, has just taken a hit. A serious god damn hit. Capcom announced today Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version has been delayed and will not be hitting the launch window.

"It's always been our aim in the production of this game to create something that would provide a fun time for all," explained producer Tatsuya Kitabayashi in a blog post on Capcom Unity, "and from here on out, we will be maintaining this aim with a renewed desire to create a product of the highest quality. Please wait just a little longer!"

Nintendo recently revealed the 3DS firmware update adding eShop is coming on June 7.

If you're not familiar, the Prototype Version subtitle comes from the strange nature of the game's development. Mega Man Legends 3 is not a sure thing. Prototype Version is a paid in-development slice of the game, designed to do two things: gauge financial interest in the game and allow dedicated fans who've been working with Capcom to influence the game's development a window into the work.

It's a demo...but it's not. Thus, the pay model. Capcom has not announced the price point for Prototype Version in the US, but it's charging 200 yen ($2.40) in Japan. Pretty similar pricing would make sense.

"The nature of games development is that sudden changes are prone to occur at any time, one after another," said Mega Man Legends 3 web planner Kinako Ikawa in another post. "But to make you all wait even longer for this game is an incredibly regrettable outcome that all of us are sorry for."

Capcom told me more details on what's happening with Prototype Version is coming soon.

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Today, Mega Man Legends 3 Producer Kitabayashi made an announcement on Capcom's Unity blog describing a delay of an undetermined length in the launch of Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version, a paid demo/prologue available through Nintendo's upcoming eShop service. Prototype was originally scheduled to debut alongside the eShop on June 6 (United States)/June 7 (Japan)...

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Capcom has been using their Unity blog for sometime now to narrow down Mega Man's design for Mega Man Legends 3. Last night marks the start of the "Decisive Round," where the audience can vote to finalize the appearance of the legendary hero. Voting ends on Thursday, 5/26 at 6:00 PM PST. To vote you just have to go to their site and let your voice be heard. At the time of this post, design D is in the lead...

Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago
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No, for real, I ran it through Google Translate and everything.

Nintendo updated its Japanese site today with news about the upcoming web browser and eShop update for the 3DS. Originally scheduled as a "late May" update, the new firmware will now hit on June 7... at least in Japan.

That said, it seems reasonable that this will be a worldwide push, since June 7 is also the first day of this year's E3 and the date of Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference, which will take place early that morning. I mean, getting up on stage and saying "And that eShop will let you download all of these amazing new hits (dramatic pause) right now" only works if you don't have to tack "in Japan" onto the end of that sentence. It also only works if you actually have a lineup of amazing new hits to launch along with the eShop.

In addition to the news about the update, which I initially spotted on Andriasang, there's a list of games floating around out there that apparently comes from the latest Famitsu. I haven't seen the magazine for myself, so I won't spend too much time talking about it. Anyway, that supposed list includes a 3DSWare version of the Japan-only DSiWare release, Petit Computer, among other things. So far, the only fully confirmed launch-time release for 3DSWare is Capcom's Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version.

While you ponder what this means for 3DS owners around the world, here's a video of a game someone programmed in the DSiWare version of Petit Computer, which looked cooler than I thought it would.

Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago
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UPDATE: Nintendo of America has also confirmed the coming firmware 3DS update. It'll hit on the evening of June 6... which'll be June 7 in Japan. Time zones are real!


No, for real, I ran it through Google Translate and everything.

Nintendo updated its Japanese site today with news about the upcoming web browser and eShop update for the 3DS. Originally scheduled as a "late May" update, the new firmware will now hit on June 7... at least in Japan.

That said, it seems reasonable that this will be a worldwide push, since June 7 is also the first day of this year's E3 and the date of Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference, which will take place early that morning. I mean, getting up on stage and saying "And that eShop will let you download all of these amazing new hits (dramatic pause) right now" only works if you don't have to tack "in Japan" onto the end of that sentence. It also only works if you actually have a lineup of amazing new hits to launch along with the eShop.

In addition to the news about the update, which I initially spotted on Andriasang, there's a list of games floating around out there that apparently comes from the latest Famitsu. I haven't seen the magazine for myself, so I won't spend too much time talking about it. Anyway, that supposed list includes a 3DSWare version of the Japan-only DSiWare release, Petit Computer, among other things. So far, the only fully confirmed launch-time release for 3DSWare is Capcom's Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version.

While you ponder what this means for 3DS owners around the world, here's a video of a game someone programmed in the DSiWare version of Petit Computer, which looked cooler than I thought it would.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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New screens and brief videos of Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version outline the abilities of the new playable character, Barrett. Like his ability to star in a Mega Man game despite not being Mega Man.

Barrett has the new ability to run up walls, as well as a combination of long-range (i.e. gun) and close-range attacks at his disposal -- unlike Mega Man, whose general close-quarters strategy is just point-blank shooting. Barrett also has the power to own a flying motorcycle. Check our gallery for the screens, and find the videos after the break.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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Capcom has given fans a vote about character designs, voice artists, and other aspects of Mega Man Legends 3 -- and now it wants your opinions about which content to recycle. The company posted a list of "Reaverbot" enemies from previous Mega Man Legends games (including some from the wonderful spinoff The Misadventures of Tron Bonne), along with a poll asking fans to choose their favorite.

Do you want to face off against a walking treasure chest? A robot frog? A skull-headed worm? You have the power to decide what you'll be shooting at!

Posted by GameTrailers 13 years ago
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More than five minutes of commentated gameplay and more in Japanese!

Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago
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Some kind of unfinished demo/beta/prototype Mega Man Legends 3 thing!