StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Message Board

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 22 2014 15:00 GMT
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This is bold. The part I already knew: you can now play any of StarCraft 2‘s three races in multiplayer for free. The part I didn’t expect: you can also play any of the user-created custom maps and modes available in StarCraft Arcade for free, too. That’s a huge amount of free game, and a huge boon for the mod community.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Nov 29 2013 00:00 GMT
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Digital artist Zachary Knoles really touched the spot when he redesigned video games and its characters as aged, dusty covers of classic paperback novels.Read more...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 18 2013 08:00 GMT
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Blizzard might want to consider firing its acronym-wrangling-keeping-washing-and-redeploying department (or AWKWARD, for short), because it seems to have run out of ideas. Once upon a time, there was this little expansion pack called StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, but its friends just called it HOTS. And now Blizzard’s MOBA, once known as Blizzard All-Stars, has been rechristened Heroes of the Storm – aka, er, HOTS. Gee, this sure is awkwar– wait, I get it now! Oh AWKWARD, you clever scoundrels, you. But yes, Blizzard’s officially chasing dreams of MOBA glory again, and a big re-reveal is set for BlizzCon next month.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 11 2013 20:00 GMT
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It probably won’t come as any shock to learn that none of the current RPS team have gone the distance in StarCraft II’s incomparable multiplayer, but I can at least tell you what I made of the expansive singleplayer campaign in its first expansion, Heart of the Swarm. No throwaway side-dish, this is a vast, bubbling, consciously epic, setpiece-filled cauldron of scifi RTS-RPG. This time around, the stars are hiveminded alien nasties the Zerg and their sometime ruler Sarah Kerrigan, seeking a comeback and revenge after the events of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. Scuttle this way and I’ll you more.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 09 2013 12:00 GMT
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Playing through the StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm campaign this weekend, I couldn’t help but be struck by Blizzard’s equality-minded approach to how it depicts its characters’ hindquarters. I’ve just been through every cutscene again, and screengrabbed every bottom I could spot (barring repeat shots and most of the slow zooms). See if you can spot where the game’s noble determination to not objectify its female star, Sarah Kerrigan, really proves itself.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Mar 12 2013 22:00 GMT
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#review Near the beginning of StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, as the noble pirate Jim Raynor and the psychic-soldier-turned-evil-Zerg-queen-turned-confused-human Sarah Kerrigan are escaping from a squad of invading marines, Kerrigan picks up a gun. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 12 2013 12:00 GMT
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“… and over to Craig, who you might say is at the ‘heart of the launch’. Ahahah! Craig?”

“Thanks, Cara. I’m reporting live from the StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm launch. You might say I’m at the ‘heart of the launch’.”

“I just said that, Craig.”

“I know you did. I was just, er, vamping. You know? Okay. Look, I’ll admit. I wasn’t paying attention. Someone just told me Heart of the Swarm had been released. I was asleep 10 minutes ago, dreaming about helping Vince McMahon’s daughter choose survival clothes. It wasn’t even Stephanie. So, yes: Heart of the Swarm, the second game of the second StarCraft, went live just over eleven hours ago, and the always-on-the-ball RPS have a barely awake Scotsman telling you all about it.”


Posted by Kotaku Mar 11 2013 21:26 GMT
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#starcraft StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm doesn't officially go live until tonight at midnight Pacific time, but if you've got the new StarCraft II expansion installed already, you can play it right now. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 11 2013 14:00 GMT
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#starcraft Let the zerg rushing begin. StarCraft II's first expansion comes out tomorrow, and to celebrate, Blizzard is streaming StarCrafty things all day. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 26 2013 20:29 GMT
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#starcraft Oh man. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm is coming out in two weeks. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 14 2013 06:00 GMT
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#starcraft Anthony Eftekhari works at Blizzard as a digital matte painter, environment designer and concept artist. You probably saw some of his most recent work in the amazing Heart of the Swarm trailer for StarCraft II. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 22 2013 14:00 GMT
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Yes, I’m aware that “power overwhelming” is a Protoss line – not Zerg. But that’s really the only way to adequately describe what’s being depicted in StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm‘s ultra-lavish CG opening. Well, that or “ooky, pukey Overlord insides,” but a) those don’t show up for too terribly long and b) I wanted to forget that they showed up at all. So mainly, Blizzard continues in its rich – if all-too-predictable – tradition of titanic armies clashing and beating each other over the head with kitchen sinks the size of Death Stars. Oh, but this time, there’s also A Twist. I wish I could tell you that I mean The Twist – implying that everyone sets aside their differences for a scintillatingly choreographed dance number – but sadly, you’ll just have to settle for a surprise reveal at the end.


Posted by Kotaku Jan 22 2013 08:59 GMT
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#starcraft StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm is the upcoming expansion for StarCraft II. And as this opening cinematic shows, it starts with a bang. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 21 2012 15:00 GMT
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The Big Lizard send word that they’ve opened Heart Of The Swarm’s beta to people who pre-ordered before December 18th. People who pre-order from now on will be placed in a kind of vat and liquidised. No wait, I read that wrong, they will be added to the beta in subsequent waves. That’s right. There’s a download link for the client through the link, but unless you’ve got beta access it won’t work, no way, no how. Unless you’re a magician. Or a magic hacker. Or a time-traveller. Any of those is fine.

The game itself is all set for a March 2013 launch. I’ve posted a trailer below, in case you’ve forgotten what a Starcraft 2 is, for some reason.(more…)

Posted by Giant Bomb Nov 13 2012 19:40 GMT
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Blizzard Entertainment has been as cagey about the release for StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm as the company has been about any of its other products, but the expansion now has a date: March 13, 2013.

It is likely not a coincidence that Activision’s fiscal quarter ends on March 31, 2013.

Heart of the Swarm will be available for both PC and Mac for $39.99, a lowered price point because it’s not a complete sequel to StarCraft II. Rather than try to jam the full story Blizzard wanted to tell into StarCraft II, it’s expanded the storytelling across this expansion and another one in the future.

Posted by Giant Bomb Nov 13 2012 19:40 GMT
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Blizzard Entertainment has been as cagey about the release for StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm as the company has been about any of its other products, but the expansion now has a date: March 12, 2013.

It is likely not a coincidence that Activision’s fiscal quarter ends on March 31, 2013.

Heart of the Swarm will be available for both PC and Mac for $39.99, a lowered price point because it’s not a complete sequel to StarCraft II. Rather than try to jam the full story Blizzard wanted to tell into StarCraft II, it’s expanded the storytelling across this expansion and another one in the future.

Posted by Kotaku Nov 13 2012 12:15 GMT
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#starcraft The upcoming StarCraft II expansion, Heart of the Swarm, now has a release date. According to (first spotted by Eurogamer), it will be out on March 12, 2013. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 13 2012 12:00 GMT
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Oh, that was such a dick move of me, wasn’t it? To do a … and everything to make you read the story? It’s not even because I’m chasing hits. Hits, shmits – it’s just that I’ve got a tiresome headcold and am feeling highly belligerent as a result.

I’ll make up for this awful wasting of your time by definitely not posting the StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm release date underneath the ‘Read the rest of this entry’ jump.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Nov 07 2012 21:52 GMT
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#starcraft The first StarCraft II expansion is currently in beta, and many hoped that it would be out by the end of this year, but Blizzard shot down those hopes during an investors call today. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 26 2012 07:00 GMT
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Sometimes, I view my mundane day-to-day tasks as a series of experience-endowing quests. Go the grocery store. 300 XP! Obtain vegetables (x10). 400 XP! Defeat the checkout line – which is, in fact, a hideously undulating centipede monster – and escape the store as it collapses into an all-consuming void of infinite nothingness. 7 XP! Is it any wonder that I see things that way, though? I mean, everything has a leveling system these days. Even when they don’t really make a whole lot of sense. Case in point: StarCraft II.


Posted by Kotaku Oct 25 2012 18:54 GMT
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#starcraft A new patch for StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm will introduce a progression system to the popular real-time strategy game. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 03 2012 14:00 GMT
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RPS chum Rich Stanton has been contemplating the loss of a classic Terran unit over in the Heart Of The Swarm beta. Here are his thoughts on the matter.

Let’s not beat around the bush: I love building Marines. Starcraft II may as well be called ‘Marines’ for me, because making lots of these little guys and then sending them off to destroy alien forces is pretty much all I’ve done for the past two years. Terran scrubs represent! Starcraft II rather encourages this, I think, because there isn’t really a better option for the Terran army than Marines. Sure, the odd fancy-pants will try Hellion openings, and gods among men like Thorzain can dominate with all-mech strategies – but for a bog standard Terran like me? Marines mate. A few Marauders, couple of Medivacs, if it’s Zerg or Terran then add a few Siege Tanks. It is often said that the Terran army in Wings of Liberty has more options than any other, which may be true, but things begin and end with the Marine.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 03 2012 14:00 GMT
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RPS chum Rich Stanton has been contemplating the loss of a classic Terran unit over in the Heart Of The Swarm beta. Here are his thoughts on the matter.

Let’s not beat around the bush: I love building Marines. Starcraft II may as well be called ‘Marines’ for me, because making lots of these little guys and then sending them off to destroy alien forces is pretty much all I’ve done for the past two years. Terran scrubs represent! Starcraft II rather encourages this, I think, because there isn’t really a better option for the Terran army than Marines. Sure, the odd fancy-pants will try Hellion openings, and gods among men like Thorzain can dominate with all-mech strategies – but for a bog standard Terran like me? Marines mate. A few Marauders, couple of Medivacs, if it’s Zerg or Terran then add a few Siege Tanks. It is often said that the Terran army in Wings of Liberty has more options than any other, which may be true, but things begin and end with the Marine.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 06 2012 17:00 GMT
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It’s been quite the day for long-awaited project launches. First Natural Selection 2 got a release month, and now StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm‘s beta has all its Overlords in a nice, neatly organized row. Also, I guess Farmville 2′s taken to Facebook’s oh-so-fertile pastures. So that’s… yep. Anyway, StarCraft! The beta’s officially up and running, and you could very well be in it. But probably not – because the initial round of invites went out to “a select group of pro-gamers, members of the press, Arcade contest winners, and shoutcasters.” Soon, though. Sooooooooon.


Posted by Kotaku Sep 06 2012 14:40 GMT
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#watchthis This is what I'm doing today while I wait for Blizzard to extend me an invitation to the beta for StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. Watching other people play StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 18 2012 19:00 GMT
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#starcraft The people behind StarCraft say that while nobody's currently working on the infamously-delayed StarCraft: Ghost, there's a chance that could change in the future. More »