Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Message Board

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Posted by Joystiq Mar 05 2014 11:15 GMT
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Uncharted writer and creative director Amy Hennig parted ways with Naughty Dog this week, and the circumstances surrounding her departure aren't clear. Following an IGN report claiming Hennig left her post on March 3, Sony confirmed with the site that she's no longer employed at the studio.

"We can confirm that Amy Hennig has left Naughty Dog," A Sony representative told IGN. "Amy has made significant contributions to the game industry and we appreciate all she has done for Naughty Dog. The development timeline of Uncharted will not be impacted."

Hennig served as the creative director for Uncharted, Uncharted 2: Drake's Fortune, and Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, and she also penned the script for the three games. She was understood to be reprising her role for the Uncharted PS4 game.

Neither Hennig nor Naughty Dog have commented, but IGN sources claim the writer, a Naughty Dog veteran of more than ten years, was "forced out" by The Last of Us directors Neil Druckman and Bruce Straley, and the pair may take over the Uncharted series. Hennig worked with Druckman and Straley on the first two Uncharted games, before the two men switched to developing The Last of Us. [Image: @amy_hennig]

Posted by Joystiq Oct 31 2013 00:30 GMT
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Instead of requesting gifts for the second anniversary of the Uncharted 3 launch, developer Naughty Dog has decided to reward players by making each of the game's multiplayer map packs available for free.

Pay a visit to the PlayStation Network store and you'll find that the three DLC map packs released for Uncharted 3 now feature zero-dollar price tags. Naughty Dog has also reduced the price of a number of multiplayer items found on the PlayStation Network, though that part of the deal will expire on November 4.

While this celebration is meant to send the game into retirement with a bang, there is still one more piece of content headed for Uncharted 3. The next time you fire up the game, your PlayStation 3 will download a patch that includes the new "Dry Docks" multiplayer map, as well as numerous balance changes, all of which have been helpfully outlined on the developer's website.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 29 2013 22:19 GMT
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It’s been two years since Uncharted 3 was released. Our community is simply amazing, and we’re looking to make it stronger than ever. To that end, we combed over a multitude of comments and forum posts to see what you wanted changed in the multiplayer game. We took the most highly-sought changes mentioned and made them happen. The list of those changes is below, and it’s an epic patch that rivals patch 1.13.

If you want to talk to us more about any of the changes, please join us in our Reddit AMA celebrating the Uncharted 3 two year anniversary Friday, November 1st from 3:00 PM to 4:30PM PT. Uncharted 3 Game Director Justin Richmond and Lead Game Designer Robert Cogburn will be answering your questions.

We wanted to celebrate our two biggest changes to the multiplayer in a video.

A new map, and all our DLC maps, meaning all the multiplayer maps are now free… pretty cool, huh? We asked Lead Game Designer Robert Cogburn to shed a little insight on the making of the Dry Docks map.

Robert Cogburn: When the Dry Docks map was pitched as a single-player level for Uncharted 3, the talented Game Designer Junki Saita was working on a number of setups for the level. All these level setups were represented in a blockmesh format — this is a 3D representation of a playable space using rudimentary geometry made in Maya (the 3D program we use at Naughty Dog). We’ve shown a number of maps like this for Uncharted 3 Multiplayer via our Block Mesh Lab Maps.

Junki was working on one particular setup that showed a lot of promise for a multiplayer map, so I grabbed the blockmesh and started editing it for competitive multiplayer. After some time had passed, it was determined the setup for single player would not be used, and instead the single-player layout you see in the final version of the game was completed. This meant what I had done to make Dry Docks would ONLY be used for multiplayer.

Making games is very time consuming, so you cut things when it makes sense. It made sense to prevent our art team from investing time into the multiplayer version of Dry Docks to match the level of quality we adhere to at Naughty Dog — therefore the Dry Docks map was cut.

A little less than two years passed and the map was forgotten.


With the two year anniversary for Uncharted 3 and its multiplayer, and the number of cool things we’re doing for 1.18, we decided to resurrect this map and release it to our fans. It’s quite different than the original version, but the changes we’ve implemented have made Dry Docks all the better.

We hope you enjoy it.

As for the full breadth of the patch, here’s the rundown of changes we made:

  • All DLC maps are now available to download for free! Go to the in-game store and download the Flashback Map Pack 1, 2, and Drake’s Deception Map Pack.
  • Dry Docks makes its triumphant debut and is available in all competitive playlists and custom games!
  • Old Quarter map has been added to Co-op arena mode.
  • The drop rate for all co-op treasures has been increased.
  • Old Quarter has been removed from the Hunter Arena playlist.
  • Hipfire accuracy has been greatly reduced on all weapons, along with the angle and distance at which the auto lock engages. But Blindfire from cover has not been changed.
  • Increased recoil on the M9.
  • Decreased recoil on FAL-SS.
  • Rate of Fire mod has been decreased on the M9, Arm Micro, and KAL-7.
  • The recoil of the last round fired in a G-MAL burst has been significantly reduced.
  • The burst delay and recoil have been reduced on the Raffica.
  • The accuracy mod on the Raffica has been slightly improved.
  • The recoil has been reduced on the Tau Sniper and the weapon does not automatically scope.
  • The rate of fire mod has increased effectiveness for the Tau Sniper.
  • Sprint maneuverability moderately reduced.
  • Mega Bombs and Cluster Bombs can no longer be thrown back (competitive mode only).
  • The Marked Man power play now occurs when a team is up 8 kills instead of 6.
  • The Exposed power play occurs when a team is up 10 kills instead of 8, and the range that player names appear has been reduced from 40 meters to 20.
  • The Double Damage power play now occurs when a team is up 15 kills instead of 10, and the damage the losing team does is only x1.5 instead of x2.
  • Deathmatch has been removed from Team Objective.
  • Increase score limit in three-team Deathmatch from 20 to 25.
  • Increase score limit of free-for-all from 15 to 20.
  • Multiple steps have been added during the matchmaking process to help find games with lower ping. Wait times to find matches during off peak hours may increase.
Medal Kickbacks
  • The Medal Kickback Creepy Crawler now costs 12 medals and lasts for 25 seconds.
  • Quick Boom now costs 12 medals and lasts for 12 seconds.
  • Explosives now costs 5 medals.
  • Slot 1 now has Kickback Endurance, Ammo Award, Bargain, and Team Safe
  • Slot 2 now has Beast Mode, Regeneration, Explosive Expert, and Explosive Shell Expert.
  • Bargain paid booster cost increase from $100k to $250k.
  • PING paid booster cost increase from $100k to $250k.
New 3rd Buddy Boosters
  • Cutter — Cutter KAL-7 — Jade Para 9 — Sugar Buddy
  • Eddie — Eddie’s AK — Jade Para 9 — Booty Buddy
  • Draza — Draza’s Dragon — jade Para 9 — Thanks Buddy
  • Flynn — Flynn’s G-MAL — Jade Para 9 — Explosive Buddy
  • Lazarevic — Lazarevic’s FAL-SS – Jade Para 9 — Stealth Buddy
Map Adjustments
  • Gate added to London Underground tunnel to block off dead end.
  • Plunders chests have been rebalanced on Syria and Museum.


A minor note: if you notice any doubling of boosters, reconfigure your loadouts. Once you un-equip and re-equip your boosters there should be no more visible doubling effect. This effect is purely aesthetic (in the UI) and has no impact on gameplay.

And there it is. This will be the final major patch to Uncharted 3 unless there’s a dire need for a future one. Our support for the game will continue via Lab updates and community events.

We’re also offering up some super deep discounts on select Uncharted 3 multiplayer items. Check the in-game store and on PlayStation Store to see what’s on sale in your region. These deals are incredibly sweet, so don’t miss out as they’ll end November 4th.

Enjoy the Dry Docks map, the discounts, and now having all multiplayer maps for free. Thank you for an incredible two years. We’ll see you online!

Posted by Joystiq Oct 20 2013 03:00 GMT
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A technical issue has caused Naughty Dog to delay an Uncharted 3 double XP event until next Tuesday, which was set to begin this weekend. The double XP event will now begin on October 22, starting at 12PM Pacific, and go until October 29 at the same time.

"This week the Lab will see the return of Lead Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Designer Robert Cogburn's first Block Mesh Map," notes the studio's blog. "If you didn't get a chance to play it when it was first released, it's a ton of fun. Check it out."

The first week of November marks the two-year anniversary of the game's launch. It was, and still is, a pretty, good game.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 18 2013 22:15 GMT
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Looking for a cheap PS3? Good news: a flash-based 12GB PS3 is available starting today. You can order the system online or pick it up in-store through Best Buy, which has the system for $199.99, and in a bundle that includes the system and two games (Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception GOTY Edition and The Last of Us) for $259.98. For our Canadian friends, you can pick up the system via FutureShop.

If the low memory won't cut it for you, the new model supports external storage through the system's USB ports.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 18 2013 22:15 GMT
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Looking for a cheap PS3? Good news: a flash-based 12GB PS3 is available starting today. You can order the system online or pick it up in-store through Best Buy, which has the system for $199.99, and in a bundle that includes the system and two games (Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception GOTY Edition and The Last of Us) for $259.98. For our Canadian friends, you can pick up the system via FutureShop.

If the low memory won't cut it for you, the new model supports external storage through the system's USB ports.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 26 2013 23:15 GMT
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Naughty Dog is hosting a summer sale this weekend, highlighting deals on select Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception DLC across PSN.

Uncharted 3's single-player campaign has been knocked down to $25 for a download, which is the price of a physical copy through Amazon, and all of the multiplayer DLC map packs are available in one bundle for $18.

The free-to-play version of Uncharted 3's multiplayer has a level limit of 15 right now, but if you want to raise that to 25 you can do so this weekend for $3. Otherwise, spending $12 unlocks unlimited leveling. Both the Adventure co-op add-on and Arena co-op add-on are priced at $8 and $6.

This sale will conclude on Monday, July 29 at 12pm PT, at which point everything will revert back to its full price. To purchase any of this content, simply head through the Extras menu within Uncharted 3.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 25 2013 16:00 GMT
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With the next generation of consoles so very nearly here, we should see some tasty deals for current-gen systems cropping up in the next few months. Witness today's Amazon Gold Box, which has the all-day offering of a 320GB PS3, complete with Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and 30 days of PlayStation Plus, for $250, down $50 from the regular price.

If that doesn't take your fancy, then as with any Gold Box there's a smattering of short-lived Lightning Deals throughout the day. Looking through the not-so-cryptic list, we can see probable discounts on Ni no Kuni, Dead Island: Riptide, and Black Ops 2, among others.

Posted by IGN Apr 08 2013 19:30 GMT
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Which cable show is better? Is Nolan North going to voice Solid Snake in the next Metal Gear? Find out!

Posted by Joystiq Apr 04 2013 11:00 GMT
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April is dedicated to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and Naughty Dog is participating with some animal-themed items for the free-to-play multiplayer component of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.

The proceeds from a pair of t-shirts, depicting Naughty Dog spokescanines Pogo and Trumpet, will go to relevant charities. Other items include various head masks in the shape of sharks, eagles, horses and more. This month's tournament rewards are also animal-themed, including a croc-skinned gun and matching t-shirt.

Posted by Joystiq Mar 19 2013 23:45 GMT
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At the end of February, Sony and Naughty Dog flipped the freebie switch on Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception multiplayer. Since then, over 350,000 individuals worldwide have downloaded the free client.

The news comes as part of a DLC announcement over on the PlayStation Blog, where Naughty Dog reveals it will offer new DLC every month until June, starting first with "Oddball" avatar accoutrements celebrating Extraterrestrial Abductions Day. Some "Oddball" items include a duct tape mask, a bag for your avatar's head and a burlap sack, also for your head - because nothing celebrates alien abductions quite like a sombrero.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Mar 19 2013 14:59 GMT
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The UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play launched a few weeks ago and we’ve seen a healthy uplift to our community, to the tune of over three hundred and fifty thousand downloads of the Free-to-Play client to date globally. We’re very excited to see our community grow, and we’re stoked to keep expanding the world of UNCHARTED to as many people as possible.

To keep that momentum going, as promised, we’re making new DLC available for purchase every month until June 2013. This month we’re recognizing Extraterrestrial Abductions Day – or a day around it anyway – by unveiling our Oddball themed character parts for your UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer characters. Why Oddball? Well, these character parts defy classification as they don’t quite fit among the numerous other parts we’ll have coming out over the next few months, and Extraterrestrial Abductions Day is a bit of an odd holiday anyway. Here’s a glimpse at some of the Oddball parts available now:


There are many other Oddball parts available for purchase as well. Check out the in-game store or the PlayStation Store after PSN updates today to see what’s available.

Our Oddball theme means that new Tournament rewards can be earned. You can earn the Gas Mask Gun and Gas Mask Shirt as Tournament rewards. If you hit the gold tier you can earn the rare British Guard Hat for Cutter as well as Raptor Mask for Drake and Dive Helmet for Talbot by achieving Platinum status. Use your tickets to enter into the weekly Tournament and unlock these items as a testament to your skills.

A full rundown of everything that’s available with our Oddball theme is over on our UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play page. We’ll have a bundle of all Oddball parts with an exclusive bonus item available for purchase in early April. Check it out and be sure to read our UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play FAQ for answers to most of your questions about the newly available UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play.

Log in and let’s all get a little odd! See you online!

Posted by Joystiq Feb 26 2013 16:50 GMT
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This week, Naughty Dog will try its hand at the free-to-play market by making the multiplayer component of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception available for all to download.

As a standalone PSN download, the free-to-play version of Uncharted 3's multiplayer introduces a host of microtransactions for players to compile the online version of Uncharted 3 they want to play, with the first 15 levels of competitive multiplayer available for free.

Naughty Dog lead game designer Robert Cogburn told Joystiq that the studio's plan to go free-to-play is an attempt to accomplish two goals: reinvigorate the pool of Uncharted 3 players and test the freemium waters.

Some of the transactions available, according to Cogburn, include raising the level cap to 25 or removing it completely. Cooperative content won't be included in the free-to-play version of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, rather the 'Co-op Arena' and 'Adventure' modes have been split into their own separate pieces of premium downloadable content in the new free version.

For game owner completionists, the 'Game of the Year' edition of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception will be available to purchase digitally, eschewing the franchise's adventure into the world of microtransactions all together.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 25 2013 07:15 GMT
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It seems the competitive world of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is expanding to the realm of free-to-play.

According to a post on the official PlayStation Blog detailing upcoming PSN releases, a heading revealed the multiplayer component of the latest Uncharted title would be free-to-play; information found under the apt heading "Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Multiplayer (Free to Play)."

No further details were revealed and the section has since been removed from the official PlayStation blog's post. In a year-end post on Naughty Dog's official blog, the company promised "very exciting information about multiplayer" was coming in 2013.

Joystiq has contacted Sony for comment and will update this story as more information becomes available.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 19 2012 18:00 GMT
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Naughty Dog is getting a little nuts with the holiday goodies this year. They're giving away a free new map and some free custom avatar items for Uncharted 3 multiplayer, and the look of these freebies makes us wonder if there's been a little too much egg nog drinking around the offices over there in Santa Monica. The goofy "present head" hat above is only the beginning - there's also a t-shirt with Naughty Dog Co-President Christophe Balestra as an elf that everyone gets for free.

And the wildest thing is a "Block Mesh Lab map," made completely of polygons by former Naughty Dog Richard Lemarchand (who's now teaching interactive media at USC). It's quite funky, especially when you imagine the relatively realistic forms of Nathan Drake and friends wandering around it with guns. All of these items are free for all players in the game right now until January 8, after which they'll only be available in the weekly tournaments, so pick them up now. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good Nate!

Posted by PlayStation Blog Nov 01 2012 15:01 GMT
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Last November we launched 3.8 million copies of Drake’s third adventure day one. We received amazing critical reception and some remarkable fan response. Fifteen patches later our design ideas and your comments on our forums continue to help us make it even more amazing. Today marks a special day, as Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception turns one year old.

We are still hard at work making Uncharted 3 an even more robust experience by fleshing out our multiplayer, including things like the Tournament System that we recently introduced. We’ll be letting all our next ideas free once they are ready, but today we are celebrating by unveiling a long standing project. It’s a beauty:


We teamed up with Sideshow Collectibles to produce this Nathan Drake Premium Format Statue. It won’t be available for pre-order until January 2013 but Sideshow is giving one away starting November 7, 2012 along with four Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Collector’s Edition boxes as runner-up prizes. So mark that date on your calendars as you celebrate the one year anniversary of Nathan Drake’s third adventure with us!

If you participate in the giveaway you’ll get an exclusive first look at another Uncharted project we’ve been at work on with Sideshow Collectibles. Make sure you enter the giveaway between November 7th, 2013 and December 7th, 2013 as that’s the duration — then it’s gone. It’s an international giveaway, so everyone can enter!

Thank you for all your support, feedback, and game play hours during Uncharted 3’s first year. We have some great surprises in store for you and look forward to fortune hunting online with you in the coming months. See you online!

Posted by Joystiq Aug 21 2012 16:00 GMT
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The Game of the Year Edition of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (not to be confused with the "Gotye" version, Uncharted 3: Some Treasure That I Used to Know) will whip-swing its way onto European PlayStation 3s next month, on Wednesday, September 19.

No word yet on an official US release date, but we do know that the European GOTY box will feature a smörgåsbord of DLC, including four class skin packs, two different co-op multiplayer modes and six different multiplayer maps. It also comes bundled with an artistic music video and additional vocals by New Zealand singer/songwriter Kimbra. Wait, we might be confused again.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 08 2012 02:00 GMT
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You know that new content Naughty Dog teased? Well, aside from the usual balance fixes that come with a game patch, the 1.13 update for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception installs a pipeline for weekly DLC updates to the multiplayer side. Each week will bring a new flood of items and other goodies, either unlockable in-game by leveling up and completing certain actions, or purchased directly through the game with micro-transactions.

There's also a new Sniper/Pistole game type for online matches, and a Tournament feature where players will be gifted 10 tickets each week that can be used to participate in special tournaments - don't worry, if you run out of tickets, you can always purchase more with real-life cash.

Naughty Dog released a pair of video overviews showcasing this new content - one above the text here, the other just past the break.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 25 2012 19:30 GMT
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Naughty Dog has issued an update to Uncharted 3 with a brand new experimental Lab playlist to play around in. The playlist is going back to a 5v5 format, this time giving players a combination of riot shields, uzis, and grenades to carry out to the battlefield. Kickback and boosters are disabled, too, so it sounds like your best strategy is to be vicious: Shoot everything until you get close enough to stab them in the back.

With this update, Naughty Dog also fixed an issue with DLC maps not showing up properly in the rotation, and there's a full rundown of what you'll see when on the company blog. The developer also promises a full schedule for upcoming labs and events soon, as well as more news about a new character coming to the game (from a Sony contest) and other updates in the next patch, 1.13.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 18 2012 15:50 GMT
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A new Uncharted 3 patch due "around this August 14th" brings a raft of balance tweaks and alterations - like switching Deathmatch from round 3 to round 5 of Team Objective games, and increasing the vertical distance required for the "Death from Above" medal.

In addition to more unannounced gameplay fixes (see the full list so far after the break), Naughty Dog is teasing even more content - including an "exciting new system" and more DLC - to come alongside the update.

Posted by Joystiq May 13 2012 00:30 GMT
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A free content update/patch is headed to Uncharted 3 sometime before the end of this month, bringing with it new multiplayer modes and the promise of a better tomorrow. Well, the promise of more updates in the future, at any rate.

In addition to an Advanced Settings menu and various other gameplay tweaks, Patch 1.11 reintroduces two features from Uncharted 2's multiplayer functionality: The Lab and Elimination Mode. The Lab, which is more of a playlist than a gameplay mode itself, contains unique variants of other multiplayer modes. It's set to launch with a T-bolt/Pistole-only version of Team Deathmatch, with "other game types" to be added "as the year progresses," according to Naughty Dog's patch notes.

Elimination Mode splits players into two teams of five, with the obvious goal being to eliminate the opposing team. Unlike Team Deathmatch, however, players do not respawn during Elimination Mode matches - victory is claimed once one team has been fulled killed three out of five times.

Posted by PlayStation Blog May 11 2012 23:31 GMT
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It’s back! We are very excited to unveil patch 1.11 for UNCHARTED 3, which will be live for download by the end of May. First of all, we can hail the long anticipated return of the Lab. However if your memory is fuzzy about what the Lab is, we first introduced it in UNCHARTED 2 multiplayer. The Lab is a playlist featuring a unique series of multiplayer game types that our designers have concocted that focus on, above all, being fun. We’re kicking things off with a T-bolt and Pistole only map. So once the patch drops later this month, log onto UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer and give it a whirl. Let the experiments begin!


As for other changes happening in patch 1.11 UNCHARTED 3’s Lead Multiplayer Designer Robert Cogburn and Game Director Justin Richmond have something to say:

Or if you’d rather read everything in list form here is the full rundown of changes for 1.11:

- The Lab returns and we begin the playlist with a T-bolt/Pistole-only map. We will be rolling out other game types as the year progresses.

  • The Lab will contain treasure drops from whatever the base game type is (the T-bolt/Pistole map is considered Team Deathmatch)

- Elimination Mode has been added.

  • Elimination mode will contain treasure drops from Team Deathmatch

- Message of the Day returns – a daily message will pop up with news, tips, and other information.

- The following custom game settings are now available via a menu in Custom Game mode called “Advanced Settings.”

  • Respawn Time
  • Buddy Spawning toggle
  • Health Multiplier – by percentage
  • Sprinting toggle
  • Weapon Mode (Default, Basic Weapons, Pistols, RPG-7)
  • Medal Kickbacks toggle
  • Boosters toggle
  • Grenade Throw Back toggle

- If you leave a game, disconnect, or turn off your PS3 mid-game, it will be counted as a loss.

- Kill and deaths no longer count towards your career stats in Plunder and Team Objective modes

- The technical hooks to make the Game of the Year edition (EU) work properly with DLC were added

- In Team Deathmatch mode the Airstrip and London maps now are listed with “No Intro” variations. If these variations are selected you’ll start those maps with no convoy events.

- The Long Ranger Medal can now be earned by achieving 3 kills at 50 meters in a match instead of 3 kills at 70 meters.

Very important note: Similar to patch 1.09, all cinema files created pre-patch 1.11 will no longer work once patch 1.11 is released. Therefore if you want to preserve your cinema files please be sure to upload them to YouTube BEFORE downloading and installing patch 1.09. Do it now!

If you’re curious as to why we jumped to 1.11 and the last patch we talked about was 1.09, well, 1.10 had minor fixes so we kept rolling up the changes so we could get 1.11 out for you. We’re thrilled to open the Lab for UNCHARTED 3 and can’t wait to see you online! Be ready for more information about The Lab and future UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer plans in the coming weeks.

Posted by IGN Apr 24 2012 17:28 GMT
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Sony has announced the Uncharted 3: Game of the Year edition. The new version will include all previously-released DLC, adding up to 14 pieces of content in total...

Posted by Joystiq Apr 18 2012 03:30 GMT
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Today's PlayStation Store update extracts The House of the Dead 4 from its forgotten existence in arcades, planting it in your tastefully lit abode for $9.99. You can also purchase the Vita's StarDrone Extreme, an enhanced and now cross-compatible version of the fast-paced PlayStation 3 hurtling game. (Yes, that's a genre. You hurtle.)

Sony has expanded the store with tongue-in-cheek strategy RPG Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention, new Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception DLC and a downloadable version of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. PlayStation Plus subscribers can begin downloading the beta for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, which opens up on April 19.

For a full list of this week's additions, check out the PlayStation Blog.

Posted by Joystiq Apr 11 2012 23:00 GMT
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Uncharted 3 didn't just pop out of Naughty Dog's studio, polished and fully formed, without any work from the developers themselves. Part of that "work" process involves pitching and sometimes discarding a level idea or two -- or 12. Naughty Dog has released a dozen images of the Uncharted 3 that could have been, along with a brief description of each, to IGN.

One canceled level is the "Foggy Forest," pictured above, which transformed into the French Chateau setting in the final game, with less mist and early-morning light. "The Sand Pit" had Sandlantis hidden in a desert sinkhole and the "Floating Reservoir" would have seen Drake fight his way up the inside of an oil reservoir in the shipyard.

Check out all of the would-have-been, could-have-been ideas here.

Posted by Joystiq Apr 06 2012 20:15 GMT
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Naughty Dog has announced four new stomping-and-shooting grounds for the multiplayer side of Uncharted 3, all of which will be available for download on April 10 -- either as a separate download of $9.99 or as a complimentary download to all Fortune Hunters' Club members.

The Drake's Deception Map Pack is comprised of multiplayer maps Graveyard, Old Quarter, London Streets and Oasis. This will be the last offering in the Fortune Hunters' Club DLC program, which grants players a discount after they drop $24.99 for a collection of multiplayer maps and skins. On April 17, when the PSN Store updates, the Fortune Hunters' Club will no longer be accepting applications, at which point all DLC will only be available a la carte.

Posted by IGN Apr 05 2012 17:25 GMT
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Naughty Dog has announced that four new multiplayer maps are headed to Uncharted 3 next week...

Posted by PlayStation Blog Apr 05 2012 14:00 GMT
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You camped out on your favorite ledges to earn the kickoff medal on the Highrise and Yemen maps. You’ve mastered sniping fools that run carelessly through the Desert Village and Airstrip. You’ve perfected your ninja stealth kills in the secluded nooks and crannies of the London Underground and City of Brass. Okay, maybe you haven’t perfected any of that yet. Maybe you’re just looking for something different and new. Whether you’re a rugged UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer fortune hunter or a causal explorer, this trailer should get you amped for Tuesday’s new multiplayer map pack.

Four all-new UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer maps will be available for download on Tuesday, April 10th on PS Store. The Graveyard map sets you in motion as you fight among ships and shipping crates on rolling waves. Old Quarter seems like a lovely scene on a cool Yemen night, but it’s full of dangerous alleys and dimly lit rooms. The bar, the back alleys and the broadways of the London Streets map offer some prime spots for a knock-down, drag-out turf war, so be sure to stop by the Pelican Inn for some more brawling. The Oasis map used to provide respite for a Bedouin camp, but now serves as a sun-drenched battlefield for your multiplayer matches.



We put a lot of love and polish into each map, including new dynamic events that occurs as the match progresses. In Graveyard, a patrol boat will circle the border and launch grenades. In Oasis, a passing plane will drop a shipping crate that can flatten you (or your enemy!) if you don’t make way. If you’re smart enough to stay out of the crate’ shadow, you may score the power weapon that resides inside. London Street and Old Quarter contain dynamic events as well… but we want to leave you a couple big surprises, don’t we?

Standalone, this new map pack will cost $9.99. If you’re already a member of the Fortune Hunters’ Club this collection of maps cost you only the initial price of joining the club – just log into your PSN account and you can download the Drake’s Deception Map Pack for free.

If you still haven’t become a member of the Fortune Hunters’ Club, you’ll have until the PS Store updates on April 17th, 2012 to join in the action. In just 12 days, the Fortune Hunters’ Club will shut its doors. Joining the FHC costs $24.99, saving you more than 60% on 14 packs of UNCHARTED 3 DLC. If you’re game for that much UNCHARTED 3 goodness, buy the FHC today by clicking the icon below, or visiting the PS Store or the in-game UNCHARTED 3 PS store.


While the Fortune Hunters’ Club is shutting its doors, this doesn’t mean the DLC for UNCHARTED 3 will stop. For starters, for those of you itching for new play types and experimental modes, The Lab will make its return to UNCHARTED multiplayer. We’ll be talking with and polling you in our forums about various potential ideas we have for the future of UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer, so be sure to join in our community and voice your opinion. And stay hungry, as we will have additional news about future DLC and other plans for UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer in an upcoming blog post.

For now, let’s hit the new maps and see if you sink or swim. See you online!

Posted by IGN Mar 27 2012 03:15 GMT
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Every once in a while, Naughty Dog's Twitter account likes to tease gamers with a little taste of what's to come. Two such Tweets have come in the past week -- including one today -- that shows-off to Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception players two new multiplayer maps...

Posted by Joystiq Mar 08 2012 21:00 GMT
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Naughty Dog has revealed that the Uncharted 3 "Shade Survival" DLC will be released this coming Tuesday, March 13. The DLC sees players facing off against multiple waves of Djinn, which are capable of hurling fire and teleporting at will. Members with a Fortune Hunters' Club pass can pick up the mode for free. For everyone else it's $6. A trailer for the new mode is embedded above.

Speaking of the Fortune Hunters' Club, Naught Dog noted that next month will see the release of the fourteenth piece of Uncharted 3 DLC, and thus marks the end of the promotion. Details on just what the final DLC is should be revealed soon.