Naughty Dog is getting a little nuts with the holiday goodies this year. They're giving away a free new map and some free custom avatar items for Uncharted 3 multiplayer, and the look of these freebies makes us wonder if there's been a little too much egg nog drinking around the offices over there in Santa Monica. The goofy "present head" hat above is only the beginning - there's also a t-shirt with Naughty Dog Co-President Christophe Balestra as an elf that everyone gets for free.
And the wildest thing is a "Block Mesh Lab map," made completely of polygons by former Naughty Dog Richard Lemarchand (who's now teaching interactive media at USC). It's quite funky, especially when you imagine the relatively realistic forms of Nathan Drake and friends wandering around it with guns. All of these items are free for all players in the game right now until January 8, after which they'll only be available in the weekly tournaments, so pick them up now. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good Nate!
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