Uncharted 3's v1.13 update adds tournaments, micro-transactions, more Drake dress-up
Posted by Joystiq Aug 08 2012 02:00 GMT in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
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You know that new content Naughty Dog teased? Well, aside from the usual balance fixes that come with a game patch, the 1.13 update for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception installs a pipeline for weekly DLC updates to the multiplayer side. Each week will bring a new flood of items and other goodies, either unlockable in-game by leveling up and completing certain actions, or purchased directly through the game with micro-transactions.

There's also a new Sniper/Pistole game type for online matches, and a Tournament feature where players will be gifted 10 tickets each week that can be used to participate in special tournaments - don't worry, if you run out of tickets, you can always purchase more with real-life cash.

Naughty Dog released a pair of video overviews showcasing this new content - one above the text here, the other just past the break.

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