Nintendo 3DS Message Board older than one year ago

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Nobody's Calling Nintendo UK With 3DS Dizziness
#uk Not everyone can stomach 3D like a pro. Some gamers might feel dizzy or even ill. According to British tabloid The Sun, "HUNDREDS of furious gamers have slammed Nintendo's new 3DS console - for making... posted by Kotaku Mar 30 2011 12:29 GMT
Resident Evil Is Still Looking Good On The 3DS
#video Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D may not be the most original game on the 3DS, but it's certainly shaping up as one of the best-looking. More » posted by Kotaku Mar 30 2011 09:40 GMT
Retailer Buys 3DS Units From Competitor, Then Marks Up The Price
#3ds Console launches are normally times for absurdity, but this report coming in from the UK - of GAME staff popping down to their local supermarket to buy 3DS units - is something else. More » ... posted by Kotaku Mar 30 2011 08:40 GMT
Don't Count On Nintendo's Next Console Using 3D Technology
#3d Displaying content in 3D is the main draw for the new Nintendo 3DS. So will Nintendo's next home console follow suit? Don't hold your breath. More » posted by Kotaku Mar 30 2011 04:30 GMT
Report: GAME bought 3DS stock from Tesco to resell as pre-owned
If you were confused by the presence of a pre-owned 3DS on the shelves of your local GAME outlet on the handheld's launch weekend, Eurogamer's uncovered a possible shady explanation. According to an unnamed source who works for the retailer, a company ... posted by Joystiq Mar 30 2011 02:20 GMT
Nintendo 3DS gets torn apart on video
We've seen the guts of the Nintendo 3DS ripped open (and valuated!) in photos, but its hard for us to get our grisly tech-pleasure unless we see the teardown in action. Check out PimpMyConsole's audiofree 3DS surgery video posted below while we conside... posted by Joystiq Mar 30 2011 00:30 GMT
Reggie: Nintendo's next home console unlikely to feature 3D
Nintendo believes strongly in glasses-free 3D. The company wouldn't be able to achieve this feat on a home console, short of shipping an innovative TV in the box, so ... it's probably not going to do that. "I think at Nintendo, we realize that any sort... posted by Joystiq Mar 29 2011 23:00 GMT
Nintendo claims best first-day US handheld sales ever for 3DS
Nintendo is staring at some three-dimensional stacks of cash today. Nintendo of America issued a press release claiming that "U.S. day-one sales numbers for Nintendo 3DS were the highest of any Nintendo hand-held system in our history." The publisher d... posted by Joystiq Mar 29 2011 18:28 GMT
Users report 3DS crashes, loose hinges
Two issues have come up with the new 3DS -- one kind of serious, and one kind of not. NeoGAF users and a GoNintendo post, among others, document a periodic error screen that appears during gameplay, which requires the system to be shut off and turned b... posted by Joystiq Mar 29 2011 17:30 GMT
Nintendo 3DS - Another look at the black screen of death
As you guys know, there’s two variations to the black screen of death on the 3DS. One variation will cause your game to go black, followed by an error warning. As you can guess, this screeching halt ‘kills’ your game until you restart ... posted by GoNintendo Mar 29 2011 06:18 GMT
How To Tear A 3DS Apart With Your Bare Hands
#3ds These days it seems breathing on your gaming hardware is enough to void your warranty, so there's something cathartic about watching a man turn a 3DS from a single unit into hundreds of tiny, tiny pi... posted by Kotaku Mar 29 2011 04:30 GMT
Nintendo Suggests You Send Them Your Frozen, Your Locked Up 3DS Systems
#video System freezes are starting to crop up on an unknown number of Nintendo's new 3DS portables. While we don't know how frequent the problem is, it's happening enough for Nintendo to include the issue... posted by Kotaku Mar 29 2011 01:30 GMT
Load up your 3DS AR cards on your internet-equipped phone
Last week, Android users got their hands on an app which let them load up images of the 3DS AR cards on their smartphones -- but the rest of the world had to go without. Today, a more accessible mobile site has launched, opening up the doors to anyone ... posted by Joystiq Mar 29 2011 00:30 GMT
Now Playing: March 28 - April 3, 2011
Oh Yeah! Diggit?!Choose your platform to jump to a specific release list: posted by Joystiq Mar 28 2011 23:00 GMT
3DS - Did Nintendo overestimate response or adequately supply units?
There’s all sorts of armchair speculation and analysis going on today concerning the 3DS launch sales. Are people ignoring the launch or did Nintendo actually put out enough stock in stores to cater to the launch demand? We’re so used to Nin... posted by GoNintendo Mar 28 2011 21:02 GMT
3DS - Let the ‘dirty’ word hunt begin
Whenever you have a method for text input, people will try to cram every dirty word they can into it. Case in point, the 3DS text input options. As you can see from the screen above, the Big N has let something slip through, which is odd because they do... posted by GoNintendo Mar 28 2011 19:26 GMT
3DS - Let the ‘dirty’ word hunt begin
Whenever you have a method for text input, people will try to cram every dirty word they can into it. Case in point, the 3DS text input options. As you can see from the screen above, the Big N has let something slip through, which is odd because they do... posted by GoNintendo Mar 28 2011 19:26 GMT
Nintendo responds to 3DS headache complaints
Nintendo UK Head of Communications Robert Saunders recently responded to a post on MaxConsole, which corralled a number of Twitter users complaining that their time with the 3DS was causing headaches and dizziness. Saunders explained, "When viewing any... posted by Joystiq Mar 28 2011 19:00 GMT
Netflix Preps to Add 700 Miramix Movies to Streaming Service
The Wall Street Journals is reporting that Miramax and Netflix are nearing a five-year deal to add 700 films to the movie-rental companies streaming service. That means more movies to watch on your laptop, console, phone, pad and soon, your... posted by Kotaku Mar 28 2011 15:35 GMT
The Great Nintendo 3DS Friend Code Exchange
#speakuponkotaku In today's 3D edition of the Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter JoetheArachnid figures we need a post where new 3DS owners can exchange their friend codes. What a lovely idea. Let's run with i... posted by Kotaku Mar 28 2011 15:20 GMT
The Pros and Cons of Early 3DS Ownership
#wellplayed Being a fan of technology and gee-whiz gadgets can take its toll on your bank account and your faith in innovation at times. More » posted by Kotaku Mar 28 2011 14:30 GMT
What The Hell's With The Flood Of 3DS Fishing Games?
#oddities In late spring and early summer this year, the Nintendo 3DS will be inundated with one thing in Japan: fishing simulators. More » posted by Kotaku Mar 28 2011 12:00 GMT
Handcuff Yourself For Extra Battery Life
#oddities The Universal Gadget Wrist Charger sports a 1,500mAh 5.5V rechargeable lithium ion battery that comes with nine different adapters to charge a whole host of portable devices like the iPhone, the... posted by Kotaku Mar 28 2011 08:45 GMT