Nintendo 3DS Message Board older than one year ago

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3DS - Skyward Sword, New Super Luigi U/New Super Mario Bros. U, Xenoblade and Princesses puzzles
@GoNintendoTweet Skyward Sword Puzzle. NSMBU SS coming in a moment!— Daniel Coniglio (@DanusConiglius) June 18, 2013 @GoNintendoTweet NSMBU/NSLBU— Daniel Coniglio (@DanusConiglius) June 18, 2013 ... posted by GoNintendo Jun 18 2013 06:43 GMT
Fake Smash Bros. Character Screens Flood The Internet
For me, probably the funniest thing during last week's E3 was the reveal trailer of Smash Bros. for the Wii U and all the hilarity that followed. The internet picked up that poor villager character from Animal Crossing quickly, which was followed by craz... posted by Kotaku Jun 17 2013 16:30 GMT
The World of A Link To The Past Has Changed in the New 3DS Zelda
The upcoming 3DS Zelda game, A Link Between Worlds, shares much of the same terrain with the classic Super Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. But the game's lead creator tells Kotaku that there are key map changes in this sequel. The ... posted by Kotaku Jun 14 2013 17:30 GMT
Meet Four New Pokemon, The First Gym Leader, And Everybody Else In X/Y
You'd think The Pokemon Company would have gotten all of its Pokemon X and Pokemon Y news out during the major gaming trade show that just blew through, but no — the info train keeps rolling. Meet your trainer's pals, the first gym leader, and four new... posted by Kotaku Jun 14 2013 13:30 GMT
You Know What The Morning After E3 Needs? Mighty Switch Force 2 Music
After being assaulted by a mix of horrific dubstep and "epic" video game trailer music for four days straight, it's time for something a little more traditional — something like Jake Kaufman's fantastic soundtrack for Mighty Switch Force 2. ... posted by Kotaku Jun 14 2013 11:30 GMT
Here's What The New Handheld Zelda Looks Like In Action
At E3, our very own Jason Schreier had the opportunity to spend a few minutes with the new handheld Legend of Zelda game, A Link Between Worlds. There's a little bit of everything: exploration, combat, and Jason even demonstrates the new Merge feature fo... posted by Kotaku Jun 13 2013 20:45 GMT
No More Tripping In The New Smash Bros
Good news for Smash Bros. fans: there's no tripping in the newest one. For the uninitiated: Tripping is the colloquial term for those moments in Smash Bros. Brawl when your character runs, stumbles, falls, and is temporarily stunned. Most fans hated it. ... posted by Kotaku Jun 13 2013 18:40 GMT
Moneysaver One-Shot: $10 Bonus Pre-order Amazon Credit On Trade-Ins
Out with the olds. Well that title was a mouthful. Basically, you're gonna sell Amazon some games, and in addition to the money they give you for said games, they're going to give you an additional $10 to put toward pre-orders. We feature lots of pre-ord... posted by Kotaku Jun 13 2013 16:15 GMT
Sonic the Hedgehog leads the march of digital offerings for Nintendo hardware this week.
Sonic the Hedgehog leads the march of digital offerings for Nintendo hardware this week. The line-up also includes games like Mighty Switch Force! 2 and Shining Force: Sword of Haiya. Here’s the full list. posted by Kotaku Jun 13 2013 14:40 GMT
Nintendo To Boost Western 3DS Sales With An Overhauled StreetPass
At their E3 analyst briefing yesterday, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata revealed the company's plans to revitalize sales of its handheld 3DS system in the US and Europe by fundamentally changing the way its StreetPass feature works. Currently, StreetPass ... posted by Kotaku Jun 13 2013 12:30 GMT
Even Shin Megami Tensei IV Has An E3 Trailer
And it's lovely. Atlus, keep doin' what you're doin'. posted by Kotaku Jun 13 2013 06:30 GMT
3DS - UK market share on the rise
Nintendo analyst briefing-saying uk market share of 3ds in uk has grown from 19% in jan-mar, 23% in apr and 26% in may— David Gibson (@gibbogame) June 12, 2013 posted by GoNintendo Jun 12 2013 16:40 GMT
Don't Hold Your Breath For Pokemon Red or Blue On Virtual Console
Here's a mystery: why aren't the original Pokemon Red and Blue on the virtual console? People love those games, surely they'd throw money at them if they could. But judging from Game Freak's response to whether or not we could expect those games on the VC... posted by Kotaku Jun 12 2013 03:45 GMT
Super Smash Bros.' Creator Breaks Down All That's New in the Game
Super Smash Bros. had me giggling all day with the inclusion of the Wii Fit Trainer—unlike Fahey, I find that to be an inspired choice by Masahrio Sakurai, the series' creator. Here he gives an 8-minute debrief of new features and characters in the gam... posted by Kotaku Jun 12 2013 00:30 GMT
Breaking Smash Bros. news out of Nintendo's E3 booth event — along with Mega Man and Animal Crossing
Breaking Smash Bros. news out of Nintendo's E3 booth event — along with Mega Man and Animal Crossing's villager, the Wii Fit trainer girl will be joining oh who cares. posted by Kotaku Jun 11 2013 18:57 GMT
Disney Infinity: Pirates of the Caribbean Play Set Trailer - E3 2013
Commandeer a ship, sail with your mates out of Tortuga, hunt for hidden treasures, and explore the possibilities! posted by IGN Jun 11 2013 18:29 GMT
Don't Forget About Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
It's the year of Luigi, but apparently Nintendo doesn't want him headlining a major trade show, so instead we get a charming little video about the game that takes place partially in his mind. It's the Herman's Head of video games. Yeah, I just pulled th... posted by Kotaku Jun 11 2013 15:24 GMT
No Retro Games in Future Animal Crossings—With One Possible Exception
The first Animal Crossing game released in the U.S. in 2001 let players add joy to their villager's treasure-digging and furniture-arranging lives by collecting and playing emulated Nintendo Entertainment System games. There were Nintendo games within tha... posted by Kotaku Jun 08 2013 15:00 GMT
I Played The New Animal Crossing With The People Who Made It
I'm a lucky gamer. I get to play games with the people who make them. I know it's the job and that it's usually tied to selling something, to puffing up a preview or what have you, but, hey, it's also fun. It's odd, too. You're in this virtual world with... posted by Kotaku Jun 07 2013 21:00 GMT
The Mad Rush For Skylanders: Swap Force Begins October 13
Okay parents, we've been through this twice before; this time we get it right. The latest installment of the franchise your children go crazy for is officially launching on October 13 in North America and October 18 in Europe. You should probably be taki... posted by Kotaku Jun 07 2013 15:30 GMT
Shockingly, Six Critics Really Like Animal Crossing: New Leaf
I mean, come on, it's Animal Crossing. Nintendo's addictive life sim series has always maintained consistently high review scores, and New Leaf is no exception. Although a few chided New Leaf for its stubborn refusal to shake up the series' gameplay, the ... posted by Kotaku Jun 06 2013 21:00 GMT
Oh, If Only This Mother-Themed 3DS Were Real
Alas, it's just a Mother-themed mock-up created by a poster named Mazza on the Nintendo Blast forums (via Tiny Cartridge). I would buy the crap out of this. Nintendo, c'mon. posted by Kotaku Jun 05 2013 22:00 GMT
Animal Crossing: New Leaf: The Kotaku Review
Let me tell you, I've done some fantastical things while playing games. Saved the world. Visited galaxies. Destroyed evil—you know, that sort of thing. And yet none of that has baffled me as much as the idea that there's a game where I accrued a home mo... posted by Kotaku Jun 04 2013 17:30 GMT
One Year Later, Did Nintendo Keep Their E3 2012 Promises?
E3 is just around the corner and, for the fifth year in a row, we're taking a look back at the big three's big E3 promises. What came true, and what didn't? Coming up now is Nintendo, following yesterday's look at Sony. Microsoft will have its turn tomor... posted by Kotaku Jun 04 2013 15:00 GMT
“Sweaty Hands” or “Why I Hate Touch Screen Gaming”
Time to level with all of you. I have an embarrassing secret. My hands sweat… a lot. This condition (hyperhidrosis, if you want the fancy medical name) has been a part of me ever since I was a little kid. Luckily, aside from being cripplingly embarrasse... posted by Kotaku May 31 2013 11:00 GMT
Super Sonic The Hedgehog Galaxy Is Looking Pretty Sharp
It's the first Sonic the Hedgehog game of the current generation of consoles, technically, and it's bringing Sonic up-to-date, Super Mario Galaxy style. Sega may be calling it Sonic Lost World, but to me it'll always be Super Sonic the Hedgehog Galaxy. ... posted by Kotaku May 29 2013 20:30 GMT
Sonic's New Move in His Nintendo-Exclusive Adventure Is...a Wall-Run?
This fall's Nintendo-only Sonic game, Sonic Lost World, looks like it'll feature 2D and 3D gameplay, similar to the other recent pretty-good Sonic games. IGN just ran the game's first trailer, which you can see above. The trailer hypes Sonic's new moves.... posted by Kotaku May 28 2013 19:46 GMT
This Year's Most Embarrassing Japanese Game Magazine Article
You might know Japanese celebrity Mari Yaguchi from her appearance in Yakuza 4. Or maybe you remember her days in pop group Morning Musume. Or you might have recently heard Yaguchi's husband caught her screwing another man. On May 21, Japanese magazine J... posted by Kotaku May 24 2013 12:00 GMT