Nintendo 3DS Message Board older than one year ago

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Shameless Angry Birds Clone Shows Up On Nintendo 3DS
There are clones of video games, and then there are clones of video games so shameless that you wonder how the hell Nintendo approved them.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 31 2013 19:00 GMT
How The New Zelda Game Is Different (Hint: It's Not Microtransactions)
I've done a lot of things in Zelda games—sailing, time travel, saving name it. Much of it—the bulk of what you do in Zelda games—could be considered old hat, depending on who you ask. That's kind of always the vague fear when there's a ... posted by Kotaku Oct 31 2013 17:30 GMT
Proof that Nintendo Still Rules Japan
If there's ever been any doubt, this should settle it. Over the past decade, Nintendo hasn't been doing well in Japan – It's been dominating.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 31 2013 12:00 GMT
Waiting for the Next Profesor Layton Gets Harder Thanks to New Trailer
Japanese players have had the latest Professor Layton game for more than half a year now. Folks in Europe are getting it next month, specifically on November 8. But the poor SOBs in North America need to hold on until some unannounced date next year. So... posted by Kotaku Oct 30 2013 16:30 GMT
Sonic, Other Sega Games Go 3D Later This Year
If I could go back in time and tell 1990s Jason that one day, he'll be able to play Sonic the Hedgehog on a portable 3D system, he would probably say something like "Whoa, is the Game Gear gonna have 3D?"Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 30 2013 15:37 GMT
Nintendo Wants More Dragon Quests... What Are They Waiting For?
Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime says he wants more Dragon Quest. That's great! Bring'em over!Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 29 2013 22:30 GMT
Most Players Will Never Know About The Best Change In Pokémon X And Y
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y are the friendliest Pokémon games ever, both to new players and to jaded old-guard types like myself. The series has never been easier, and at the same there are more options than ever before. But there's one tiny change in the ... posted by Kotaku Oct 28 2013 20:00 GMT
Club Nintendo is Giving Out Color 3DS XL Charging Cradles on Oct. 31
Oh SHIT. How many Club Nintendo Coins do I have?! (rummages through couch.) Not enough! Shit!!!! (Completes survey for Game & Wario.) Oh thank God, I have 500. Now I can get a 3DS XL charging cradle when they start offering them on Oct. 31.Read more..... posted by Kotaku Oct 26 2013 19:00 GMT
Today's New Batman Games Tease A Very Cool Possible Sequel
We don't want to ruin any of the surprises in the new Batman: Arkham Origins and Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate games today—not if you don't want to be spoiled. But if you do want to know about the very exciting future of the franchise that both game... posted by Kotaku Oct 25 2013 17:00 GMT
Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate: The Kotaku Review
The worst thing Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate has going for it is its mouthful of a title.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 25 2013 07:30 GMT
Last Chance To Be Batman At A Discount
Batman's latest adventure, Arkham Origins, releases in just a few hours, which means that your time to take advantage of the various pre-order discounts available for the game is winding down quickly.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 25 2013 00:41 GMT
OBJECTION! Here's the official launch trailer for Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies, out today on the 3DS eShop. Whether you're a series veteran or a newcomer, this game is well worth your time. (Read my full review.)Read more...
posted by Kotaku Oct 24 2013 23:30 GMT
Video Game Tries To Be Cute, Is Instead Horrifying
This is My Little Baby 3D. It came out for the 3DS today. It's... well... let's just say it's a work of art.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 24 2013 15:30 GMT
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies: The Kotaku Review
A shout. “Hold it!” The camera cuts between stunned faces as everyone waits, sweating, wondering what sort of interjection will shake things up next.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 24 2013 07:00 GMT
Dear Pokemon Players: Your Animal Crossing Town Misses You
It was your home, once. You built it up, and made a lot of friends there. Then you set off on another adventure; on a quest to become the very best, like no one ever was. You left one home for another.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 23 2013 21:30 GMT
Wanna Catch Your Pokémon In A Shiny New Color In X & Y? Here's How.
Forget legendaries. The rarest Pokemon, aside from certain event Pokemon, are shiny Pokemon—as in, Pokemon with a different color scheme from that of its bretheren. Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 23 2013 18:00 GMT
Think Pokémon X & Y Are Too Easy? Try This.
As much as I enjoyed Pokemon X & Y, even I will admit that the games are kind of on the easy side. If a lack of challenge is a thing that bothers you, good news, chief. There are things you can do to keep things interesting in Pokemon X & Y.Read m... posted by Kotaku Oct 21 2013 17:30 GMT
The Guy Behind Zelda Says He Sucks At Mario Games
You might know peppy Nintendo game designer Eiji Aonuma as the man in charge of all things Zelda. You might also know that he came up underneath the tutelage of Shigeru Miyamoto, the man who created Mario. But did you know that Aonuma isn’t that good a... posted by Kotaku Oct 21 2013 16:30 GMT
Quietly, Nintendo Perfected A Whole New Type of Video Game This Year
You may have missed it this year amid all the arguing about whether Nintendo should bail out of making gaming hardware and just stick to making games.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 21 2013 14:40 GMT
Voice Talent Trailer
he voice cast of SpongeBob SquarePants discusses Plankton's latest scheme to steal the Krabby Patty formula. posted by IGN Oct 18 2013 22:38 GMT
A Plea To All Pokémon X & Y Players Out There
Hey. How's it going? Are you having a fun time catching monsters and being the very best? Yeah? I'm glad. Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 18 2013 21:30 GMT
Sonic: Lost World: The Kotaku Review x2
There are two new games called Sonic: Lost World coming this month. I'd like to refer them as "the good one" and "the bad one," if you don't mind.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 18 2013 20:00 GMT
Apparent GameStop Leak Shows Zelda 3DS XL For North America
Congratulations, Nintendo—you just got my $219.99. A leak of GameStop's Black Friday deals confirms that the super-slick Zelda: Link Between Worlds 3DS XL, announced earlier this week for Europe, is indeed coming to North America.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 18 2013 14:00 GMT
The Internet Reacts To Pokémon X & Y's Silliest Feature
If the fantasy in Pokemon is that we get to travel the world with our trusty monsters by our side, it only makes sense that we'd get to play and pet them too, right? Now, with Pokemon Amie—a new feature in X & Y—we finally do exactly that...and th... posted by Kotaku Oct 17 2013 22:00 GMT
An Ode To Magikarp, The Saddest Pokémon Of All
Poor Magikarp. Over the past decade and a half, the flopping fish has been verbally walloped not just by Pokémon players, but by the creators who made him so pathetic in the first place.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 17 2013 17:30 GMT
The Best and Worst of the New Mega Evolutions In Pokémon X & Y
Mega Evolutions let Pokemon trainers take it to the next level...but not all Mega Evolutions are made equal. Some are better than others! Let's discuss, shall we?Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 16 2013 17:30 GMT
Kirby! No! What did you eat this time? Fortunately this is not a screenshot of Kirby in the new Smash Bros. game, but a nightmarish painting, made by Lal0-90 on deviantART. Kirby is unleashed, with 100% more teeth and power.Read more... posted by Kotaku Oct 16 2013 12:30 GMT
Mario Games Are Better When They Change
Do you know Mario? Do you really know Mario? The long and storied history of the plumber (ahem, not janitor) has been a crazy ride through all sorts of changes, new settings and new features. And it's those changes that make up the core of the games he s... posted by Kotaku Oct 15 2013 15:32 GMT
If Nintendo Made A Legend of Zelda Film, It'd 'Change What A Movie Is'
We all remember the diasastrous Super Mario Bros. movie. It’s pretty much the entire reason that Nintendo generally doesn’t put its properties in other media. But, Eiji Aonuma—the guy in charge of all things Zelda—says that if there ever were a fi... posted by Kotaku Oct 15 2013 15:00 GMT
The Closest Thing We Have To An Official Pokémon MMO So Far
If a developer announces that a loved franchise is suddenly turning into an MMO/multiplayer/MOBA title, the initial public response can look like disappointment. Those aren't the types of genre shifts that people typically clamor for...unless the game in ... posted by Kotaku Oct 15 2013 00:30 GMT