Final Fantasy XIII-2 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Kotaku Dec 21 2011 16:40 GMT
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#finalfantasy Remember when Final Fantasy games were a hot-damn, big-deal reason to get a PlayStation console? That era ended a little while back, and the very fact that Final Fantasy XIII showed up on the Xbox 360 meant that things would never be the same. Now that game's sequel will be offering an exclusive weapon that you'll only be able to use on Microsoft's game console. More »

Posted by IGN Dec 21 2011 16:39 GMT
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Fresh on the news of PlayStation Vita's software sales comes word of how Final Fantasy XIII-2 is selling in Japan. And it's selling very, very well...

Posted by PlayStation Blog Dec 16 2011 20:03 GMT
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This week, Final Fantasy XIII-2 for PS3 is hitting stores across Japan with critical praise, garnering perfect scores from respected gaming magazines Famitsu and Dengeki PlayStation. Granted, the original FFXIII is the best-selling PS3 title in Japan by a wide margin, but this direct sequel isn’t resting on the laurels of its predecessor. For starters, it will offer a dynamic narrative, addressing one of the main complaints about FFXIII – linearity. The new game also has a darker and more serious tone, in line with the conclusion of the previous game, putting the glitter and glam of FFX-2.

When FFXIII-2 reaches US stores on January 31st, making it the fastest localization cycle among numbered episodes of the franchise – it will also deliver an improved combat system, an area full of mini games, branched dialogue trees with NPCs, and even multiple endings based on your time-traveling journey. To learn more about how Square Enix plans to “exceed Final Fantasy XIII in every aspect,” we reached out to Motomu Toriyama, who is reprising his role as director for Final Fantasy XIII-2. Read on for more details about Serah’s quest to find out what happened to her sister Lightning.

PlayStation.Blog: Of course, the Final Fantasy series was always known for its rich storylines, but Final Fantasy XIII had an unusually heavy focus on a linear narrative. Does Final Fantasy XIII-2 offer more opportunities for players to stray from the main narrative path this time?

Motomu Toriyama, Director, Final Fantasy XIII-2: In Final Fantasy XIII, our concept was to be story-driven and so the game had a very linear development. In XIII-2, we changed the concept to being player-driven and so we’ve prepared story options based on the area and time period the player chooses with plenty of side quests. We have changed it so that the player can enjoy just the main story, or progress in the game while straying from the main narrative path.

PSB: Square Enix typically does not utilize play testing for its Final Fantasy titles during development, but FFXIII-2 is reportedly incorporating user feedback from focus groups into its development process. How has this improved the game? Did users pinpoint any particular issues you did not expect?

Toriyama-san: During the development stage, we conducted numerous play testing and focus group interviews in Japan, North America, and Europe. By incorporating user feedback before the game was complete, we were able to analyze the level of completion objectively, which in turn polished not only the UI but the gameplay elements as a whole. In terms of elements that the users found positive, the US audience enjoyed the Cinematic Action, which is one of the action elements, and the Japanese audience liked the Live Trigger, which gives choices in dialogue. It was a great experience for us, and it let us know what the different sensibilities are between users of the different countries.


PSB: Final Fantasy XIII-2 will feature time travel elements and multiple endings. Will it work in a similar way to Chrono Trigger? How many different endings will we have?

Toriyama-san: We have introduced a new system called “Historia Crux”, which is a portal menu that allows time travel. To best describe it, it’s as if you’re browsing videos on YouTube to get a preview of one part of the story, then the game progresses when you choose which time and area to go to next. It’s a system that’s geared towards busy adult users of this age. Plus, if you want to go back to work on a particular part of the game, you can always rewind the time of that area and try again as many times as you like. It’s designed to be an RPG style of the new generation, different from that of “Chrono Trigger.” We hope you enjoy your journey with this interface with which you can freely travel through history. In terms of how many different endings we will have, I recommend playing the game and checking it out on your own.

PSB: Considering the different phases of its development process, Final Fantasy XIII took more than five years to be concluded. Now, this sequel comes about two years after the original. What contributed to speed up the development process?

Toriyama-san: In the previous installment, we had to start with developing a new engine intended for a next-generation console from scratch, that’s why it took so much time. In this installment, the foundation engine is that of XIII, and so we were able to devote more time to development of the new game, which in turn shortened the development period. Of course, since we were able to use our time to build the game, we were able to make the game better than the previous installment.

PSB: Although there were plans for DLC in the original Final Fantasy XIII, these plans were eventually put on hold. Are you considering DLC for Final Fantasy XIII-2?

Toriyama-san: We were aiming for the previous installment to be in its ultimate form as a packaged software, so DLC in the form of later additions didn’t come to fruition. For this installment, we have designed and planned for content including DLC that would expand on the world of XIII-2 since the beginning of its development, and so I’m sure you will be able to continue playing the game long after its release. In terms of a lineup of specific DLC, please stand by for more information.


PSB: Are there any special treats reserved for those who are holding on to their Final Fantasy XIII save files? Can you share any details on how that will work?

Toriyama-san: If you have any save files from XIII, they will be recognized upon the start of XIII-2, and you can get extras. Some of the bonuses include adornments for monsters that can be used in-game, and a bonus that can be obtained from the title screen. You don’t necessarily have to have save data of the finished game; you can still get something even if you’ve only played a little.

PSB: The most prominent Moogle from the series, Mog, makes a return as a companion to main character Serah. Can we expect more references to the series’ recurring elements?

Toriyama-san: We weren’t able to showcase the Moogle in XIII, and so in this installment we’ve made the Moogle much more prominent, like a mascot. The Chocobo will make its appearance throughout this installment as well, so if you’re a fan, I hope you look forward to it.

PSB: When will we finally be able to play Final Fantasy Versus XIII? You know, the game has been in development for eons. Do you have anything to share at this time? Anything!

Toriyama-san: First, please enjoy XIII-2 while you wait for additional information.

Posted by Kotaku Dec 16 2011 12:30 GMT
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#finalfantasy Idol Yuko Oshima didn't only work as the "official" Final Fantasy XIII-2 tester, she also designed outfits for the game. More »

Posted by Kotaku Dec 15 2011 22:00 GMT
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#fetish Fire up a Japanese video game, and you'll see it—just look at the newly released Final Fantasy XIII-2, if you don't believe me. There it is: hair. The West has its bald Space Marine. Japan, where it's not cool to be bald, has hair wax and luscious locks. More »

Posted by Joystiq Dec 14 2011 17:45 GMT
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This is so cool. Well, maybe "cool" isn't the right way to describe a service that lets you stream Final Fantasy music from anywhere, but we like the idea. In Japan, Sony just started a "PlayStation Game Music" service that allows subscribers to several mobile services to play music from first- and third-party PlayStation games.

The official (again, Japan-only) launch is accompanied by music from Final Fantasy XIII-2, and the Monster Hunter, Dynasty Warriors, and Yakuza series. It would be dangerous for us to walk around Tokyo to the music from Yakuza -- we'd be liable to start throwing bicycle wheels at anyone we saw in a suit. And it's always dangerous for us to hear the FFXIII-2 Chocobo theme.

Along with those, the service will also stream PS3 system sound effects. That "cool" label is looking really hasty now.

Posted by Kotaku Dec 01 2011 14:00 GMT
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#finalfantasy Paradigm Shifts? Cinematic Action? Sounds pretty but what does it all look like? You'll get to see some of the features that I discussed in my hands-on preview of Final Fantasy XIII-2 in the new teaser released today by Square Enix. Will these features change the way you approach the game when it hits in January? More »

Posted by IGN Nov 29 2011 16:47 GMT
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Square Enix has announced that Ezio Auditore's costume will come to Final Fantasy XIII-2. The Assassin's Creed hero's clothing will be available as DLC and will be an optional outfit for Noel Kreiss...

Posted by Joystiq Nov 29 2011 06:10 GMT
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Not content to sequester himself to his own game and Soulcalibur V's stage of history, Ezio Auditore is making an appearance in Final Fantasy XIII-2 ... or at least his outfit is.

Ezio's Assassin's Creed Revelations get-up will be offered as a DLC outfit for Noel -- Noel Kreiss. "Release details for this downloadable content will be announced at a later date," the press release notes.

Posted by Kotaku Nov 28 2011 19:40 GMT
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#finalfantasy In my hands-on preview, I talked about how Final Fantasy XIII-2's trying to shake things up a bit. You'll find some new things in these screens, including a bizarre new character who'll be popping up throughout the game. The woman in the feathered suit is Chocolina, a flamboyant chicken woman who's a traveling merchant in FFXIII-2. She'll be providing the usual hook-ups and providing some comic relief when the sequel comes out next year. More »

Posted by IGN Nov 22 2011 19:00 GMT
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Japanese blog Andriasang has reported on an interview in the ultra-popular Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu with Motomu Toriyama, in which Toriyama confirms that Final Fantasy XIII-2 is finished...

Posted by Joystiq Nov 22 2011 00:30 GMT
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If you pre-order Final Fantasy XIII-2 from GameStop, you'll get an exclusive costume for Serah. If you pre-order the game and you're a PowerUp Rewards member, you'll get her "Genji Bow" weapon as well. It's retroactive, so if you meet both of those conditions and pick up the game before February 2, the bow is yours.

There's no word on whether you'll be able to switch this weapon from bow to sword form in real time, or what magnitude of damage it will do to giant enemy crabs. Square Enix did, however, say it allows players to attack more frequently.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 21 2011 16:40 GMT
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Apart from numerous re-releases and spin-offs, the Final Fantasy series isn't exactly known for its frequency. The most recent title, Final Fantasy XIII, was released in Japan in 2009 - four years into the lifespan of the current generation of consoles. Speaking to GameReactor, Final Fantasy producer Yoshinori Kitase expressed his belief that Square-Enix needs to speed up development times to keep the series successful.

Kitase pointed to annual western franchises like Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty and Battlefield, saying that the one to two year development cycle would be "the best way to keep [Final Fantasy] fans interested and attracted to the franchise." He elaborated that Square "learnt a lesson" from the long development of Final Fantasy XIII, and that subsequently, Final Fantasy XIII-2 has taken around one and a half years to complete.

It's worth pointing out that XIII-2 reuses many of XIII's assets and, indeed, some of its characters, which probably helped speed things up considerably. Of course, there are other ways to shorten development time ... opening a new studio, perhaps?

Posted by IGN Nov 18 2011 17:15 GMT
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Final Fantasy XIII brimmed with sprawling cities, war, magic, and even a host of demigods. It told the story of a group of outcasts branded with a cruel fate, and it did so with all the grandiose spectacle I expected from the franchise. All of this echoed a distant note of realism. The world had r...

Posted by IGN Nov 11 2011 20:07 GMT
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Anyone who played Final Fantasy XIII will receive a bonus when they play Final Fantasy XIII-2 next year. In an interview with the official Japanese Xbox site, Final Fantasy producer Yoshinori Kitase revealed that any player with a Final Fantasy XIII save file will get a "special item" when they play Final Fantasy XIII-2. Kitase didn't say exactly what the item would be, but added that it will be helpful to players and won't affect the game's balance...

Posted by IGN Nov 10 2011 17:07 GMT
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Square Enix has revealed the Collector's Edition of Final Fantasy XIII-2. Along with the game, the package will include a four-disc soundtrack and an art book containing concept artwork from Final Fantasy XIII-2, featuring illustrations, environments and more...

Posted by Kotaku Nov 10 2011 14:30 GMT
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#finalfantasy We're still a few months away from the release of the Moogle-riffic sequel to Final Fantasy XIII, but that ain't stopping Square Enix from tantalizing fans with a beefy Collectors Edition. Plunking down the extra $20 dollars gets you a fancy sleeve illustrated by the legendary Yoshitaka Amano, along with a high-end concept art book and a four-disc official soundtrack set. More »

Posted by IGN Oct 14 2011 20:45 GMT
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This morning at New York Comic Con, Square-Enix provided gaming fans with an extremely interesting panel regarding the artistic approaches that western and Japanese teams tend to take with their respective games. What do Japanese developers do that differs from developers in North America, Europe an...

Posted by IGN Oct 11 2011 14:30 GMT
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Andriasang reports that Yoshinori Kitase, Final Fantasy XIII-2 Producer and Director, has told Japanese magazine Dengeki Playstation that there will be several pieces of DLC for the game every month...

Posted by Kotaku Oct 10 2011 17:00 GMT
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#finalfantasy Comics aren't the centerpiece of comic-cons anymore. For better or worse, the nerd gatherings that bear that nomenclature feature all sorts of pop culture, but I guess "culture-con" doesn't roll off the tongue quite so appealingly. More »

Posted by IGN Oct 03 2011 18:09 GMT
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Today, Square Enix announced the preorder incentives for Final Fantasy XIII-2. Three different preorder bonuses will be available to potential buyers depending on the retail outlet selected. Preorders made at GameStop will unlock an alternate costume for protagonist (and Lightning's sister) Serah. P...

Posted by IGN Sep 19 2011 11:36 GMT
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Although Final Fantasy XIII received no downloadable love, DLC will be provided for FF XIII-2. Speaking at Tokyo Game Show, series producer Yoshinori Kitase said that they will make costumes, monsters and weapons available to download at a later date, according to Siliconera...

Posted by IGN Sep 15 2011 19:45 GMT
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Final Fantasy XIII-2, the eagerly-awaited follow-up to Final Fantasy XIII, finally has across-the-board release dates, as reported by Siliconera...

Posted by Joystiq Sep 12 2011 00:30 GMT
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Final Fantasy XIII-2 is 90 percent complete and we can expect a solid release date at Tokyo Game Show 2011, which runs September 15-18, Andriasang reports. XIII-2 director Motomu Toriyama answered questions at a fan event in Tokyo and revealed some juicy, pre-TGS details -- XIII saves will receive some bonuses, XIII-2 will have more than 150 monsters to raise, Chocobos will be rideable anywhere in the game and it includes a series-unique red Chocobo.

XIII-2 will be just a tad shorter than XIII, but with time travel, that truly is a relative feature.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 31 2011 16:40 GMT
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In early August, I asked where the hell Final Fantasy Versus XIII was. This could change, but it's apparently not at this year's Tokyo Game Show! Final Fantasy XIII-2, among other FF games, will be there too. [TGS2011] More »

Posted by IGN Aug 22 2011 14:50 GMT
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We've got five new screens of Final Fantasy XIII-2 to show you, along with a narrated trailer by Producer Kitase Yoshinori and Director Toriyama Motomu that hints at new story and character details...

Posted by IGN Aug 11 2011 12:53 GMT
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The Final Fantasy series has some of the most devoted fans of any gaming franchise. Whether it's cosplayers dressing as their favourite characters or die-hards who collect every piece of merchandise going, people care about Final Fantasy. It's no surprise considering the love and emotion the development teams have poured into the games since the original Final Fantasy launched almost 25 years ago...

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 29 2011 18:35 GMT
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The Japanese version of the E3 2011 trailer!

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 22 2011 19:55 GMT
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Character explanations and more from San Diego Comic-Con 2011!

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 22 2011 02:49 GMT
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Find a former cemetery in the ruins in this gameplay from San Diego Comic-Con 2011!