Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Message Board

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Posted by Valve Dec 14 2011 18:56 GMT
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Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon is Now Available on Steam and 25% off for the launch!

Thousands of giant insects and aliens once again ravage the earth, and only the Earth Defense Force can stop them. Defend the city of New Detroit against an infestation bigger and meaner than ever before. Destroy these monsters at all costs, even if it means turning entire city blocks into rubble!

Enjoy raw arcade shooter satisfaction on a gigantic modern scale. Collect over 300 weapons: assault rifles, rocket launchers, energy weapons, sniper rifles, grenade launchers and more! Play with 4 upgradeable armor types: Jetpack, Battle, Tactical, and Trooper. Experience Massive replayability through arcade style scoring, tons of weapons to collect, and multiple difficulty levels in every game mode!


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 08 2011 15:39 GMT
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“OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!OMFG!” said Kieron Gillen when I sent him the link to Eurogamer’s story. Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon is to receive a PC release. “EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!EDF!” he continued.


Posted by Joystiq Aug 10 2011 03:30 GMT
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Killing bugs is like a marriage: If you wanna keep the spark alive, you've gotta add some variety. If you feel a distance growing between you and the insects of Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon, the new Death From Above! Jet armor and Pounds of Pain! Battle armor weapon packs ($3 a piece, 15 weapons in each pack) may be just what you need to close the gap.

With 30 new ways to say "I miss you," isn't it time you remind that special bug in your life that he/she/it is the only insectoid menace that's worthy of your bullets?

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 22 2011 22:19 GMT
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Engage the ravagers in this babealicious trailer!

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 12 2011 02:48 GMT
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Which would be your tool of destruction? See for yourself how the Insect Armageddon stacks up on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360!

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 12 2011 02:44 GMT
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Should you bug out from the Insect Armageddon? Grab your pesticide cannons and dig in for the GT Review!

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 08 2011 18:51 GMT
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Have you got what it takes to solve the massive bug problem? Splattering gameplay within!

Posted by Joystiq Jul 07 2011 19:25 GMT
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It's not that it's a failure.

I can see what Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon wants to be: A mindless, explosive shooting gallery. I can also see that it does a pretty good job of meeting that goal. It's mindless, stuff explodes, there's shooting. Top marks all around.

But no matter how I tried to see the brighter side of this basically good-hearted game, I couldn't shake an inescapable truth: This is dumb, and you deserve better.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 03 2011 20:45 GMT
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Reports are coming in that local GameStop stores have taken to selling the new Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon early this weekend. The title's not due out until Tuesday in North America, but we called our closest purveyor of giant ant-killing interactive entertainment, and sure enough, they confirmed it's available for the standard price of $39.99.

As with all of these early release deals, your mileage may vary, so don't come bug us when a store near you says they still can't sell it until the release date. But all indications are that the launch date's been moved up, perhaps to take advantage of the holiday weekend. Because, you know, there's nothing more American than fireworks, BBQ, and destroying an army of huge insects?

Posted by Kotaku Jun 30 2011 18:20 GMT
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#ewbugs We're less than a week away from the alien insect carnage of Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. In order to best prepare, be sure to consult this handy field guide to see what killer bugs you'll need to kill dead. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 30 2011 03:00 GMT
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Judging by a few quick shots in this trailer, we believe Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon might have destructible environments. Watch the video and see if you can spot any buildings taking damage.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 29 2011 19:31 GMT
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Bug-splattering weapons blow up everything in sight in this trailer of destruction.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 22 2011 18:38 GMT
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Need a bigger gun? Try our mech! Mech gameplay abounds!

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 22 2011 02:27 GMT
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Prepare a loadout for your character on Trash Island and ship out!

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 22 2011 02:27 GMT
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Elite enemy pickups, weapon drops and more details on Trash Island!

Posted by Joystiq Jun 15 2011 10:00 GMT
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Bugs don't have emotions. Bugs don't have a sense of right and wrong. All they know is that our delicious human bones are delicious. And that's why we've gotta kill 'em all ... apparently.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 13 2011 22:08 GMT
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This time around, we'll be ready for the Insect Armageddon. See what types of gadgets and weapons you'll be toting in this trailer from E3 2011!

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 09 2011 17:28 GMT
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Split-screen Armageddon countermeasures initiated.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 09 2011 09:04 GMT
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We take a look at the different types of armor and enemy types in split-screen co-op.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 09 2011 09:03 GMT
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A Hector shows up, multiplayer features are discussed, and unlockable weaponry is shown off.

Posted by Joystiq May 25 2011 15:32 GMT
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Okay, let's see if we can get this straight. Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon is the first game in the series to be developed outside of Japan. As part of its promotion for the Western release of this game, D3 Publisher sent Western press (like us) the following Japanese trailer, which is about how the game was not made in Japan.

It's also about shooting giant spiders, and luckily there are no language or cultural barriers there. EDF comes out in North America July 5, and, as the trailer says, July 7 in Japan.

Posted by GameTrailers May 24 2011 18:54 GMT
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The Earth Defense Force makes its move to the Land of the Rising Sun with this trailer featuring story and gameplay.

Posted by GameTrailers Apr 23 2011 06:59 GMT
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Hit those bugs where it counts solo-style in Earth Defense Force's Single-Player campaign.

Posted by GameTrailers Apr 23 2011 06:59 GMT
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Get some split-screen Earth Defending action with this multiplayer gameplay from Insect Armageddon!

Posted by Kotaku Apr 04 2011 17:00 GMT
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#getthemoff Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon is a simple shooter that raises one of life's great questions: Which is worse, giant-sized bugs or normal-sized bugs? More »

Posted by PlayStation Blog Mar 08 2011 14:00 GMT
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Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon is the follow-up to the highly regarded Earth Defense Force 2017, and we’re bringing three-player co-op and six-player Survival Mode over PSN to this fight! The series comes to the PlayStation 3 for the first time on July 5th, 2011.

First, some history. The Earth Defense Force series originated in Japan and started out with two titles appearing on the PlayStation 2 known as The Earth Defense Force (2003) and The Earth Defense Force 2 (2005). America’s first dose did not come until 2007 when Earth Defense Force 2017; Prior to that, only a handful of savvy importers knew what the series was about; insane numbers of huge insect enemies, massive destruction, boatloads of crazy weapons, and non-stop arcade action.

As the fourth game in the series, Insect Armageddon stays true to its predecessors. The Ravagers, an insectoid race from the stars, has come to Earth to dominate it and extinguish all human life. You play as Lightning Alpha, the leader of Strike Force Lightning and a downright badass. This elite squad of the EDF is equipped with four upgradable armor types and over 300 unlockable weapons to help kick the Ravagers off of Earth.

If you’ve never played any of the EDF games, then you might not know that the series is all about trimming the fat and distilling gameplay down to the purest fun. This isn’t some dramatic space opera with a convoluted twisted RPG storyline and moral choices. You are dropped into a level and enemies (LOTS of enemies) come at you. Your only option is to shoot!

EDF has always been about destruction, too! Pretty much everything you shoot blows up in some fantastic way. Skyscrapers come down with a single rocket and the feeling of sheer power is undeniable … if not slightly ridiculous. In EDF Insect Armageddon, we’ve kicked it up another notch with way more stuff to blow up!

The last piece of the EDF equation is the arsenal. When creating the weapons, we strived to make them as fun and destructive as possible. We utilized different shot patterns, spreads, visual effects, sound effects, and rates of fire to give weapons feel significantly different from one another. Because weapons are such a heavy focus of the EDF franchise, we wanted to allow players to expand their arsenal if they felt that 300 weapons just weren’t enough. We’re bringing out two DLC packs that players can get if they pre-order the game from Best Buy or GameStop. Fifteen far-out new weapons are included in each pack.


The first pack is called “Death From Above” (available at Best Buy) and focuses mostly on new weapons for the Jet Armor (a nod to the character Pale Wing from EDF2). In the video, you’ll see some of the offerings like the Neptanzer QH Proto; somewhat of an electric flamethrower. There’s also the Wallagis 1776L which is a heat-seeking missile launcher that sends missiles on divergent trajectories, but has super high accuracy.

The second pack is called “Pounds of Pain” (available at GameStop) and brings a slew of new weapons to the EDF’s all-new Battle Armor! The video shows off the five-shot-spread rocket launcher known as the Grimhegern Splitzer B. For fans of the Trooper Armor, there’s the RLF-17 Floorboard Rocket Launcher which shoots a volley of warheads straight upwards before they come back down and decimate everything below.

If you’re hungering for more, we’ll be writing more blogs like this leading up to launch. If you just can’t wait any longer, go pre-order the game, then come by and get a sneak peak of the game at PAX East in Boston from March 11th – 13th. It’s going to be epic with a Survival Mode contest and giveaways. I hope to see you there!

Posted by Joystiq Mar 07 2011 11:00 GMT
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It's natural to worry about the new Earth Defense Force game, Insect Armageddon. D3 has taken the series away from developer Sandlot and handed it to a Western team, its own Vicious Cycle, best known for the Matt Hazard series. However -- and this works out in the new game's favor -- the EDF games were never technically good to start with. So if Vicious Cycle designed it too well, it would feel inauthentic.

So far, it seems that the team has been good to the source material, making worthwhile changes and keeping what works, all in an engine that can actually keep up.

Posted by GameTrailers Mar 04 2011 14:00 GMT
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Go online with up to six players against never-ending waves of giant bugs and ravagers!

Posted by GameTrailers Mar 04 2011 14:00 GMT
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Promising non-stop bug-stomping action with online co-operative multiplayer.

Posted by GameTrailers Mar 04 2011 14:00 GMT
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Face a boomer spider and tour core gameplay elements in this walkthrough.