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Posted by Kotaku Aug 02 2012 23:00 GMT
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#doom We've got ourselves a new trailer for October's Doom 3: BFG Edition. This one highlights the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 game's new eight-level "Lost Mission." More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 19 2012 14:11 GMT
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The remastered edition of Doom 3 announced a few weeks ago will hit PCs, PS3s and Xbox 360s this October. The BFG edition of the classic first-person-shooter will also include full versions of Doom 1 and Doom 2, along with seven new Doom 3 levels and the Resurrection of Evil add-on. The whole shebang will cost $29.99 for PCs and $39.99 for consoles. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 14 2012 18:30 GMT
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#doom The latest game from one of the architects of the first-person-shooter genre probably isn't what you expect. There are no BFGs, no demons and no space marines. There is conflict of a furry nature, though. More »

Posted by Kotaku May 30 2012 14:00 GMT
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#doom A Doom 3 BFG Edition is coming to the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this fall with "hours of new content" including a seven-level solo section called "The Lost Mission". More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 30 2012 13:45 GMT
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Wrack is an indie, super-retro FPS very much in the high-speed vein of the original Doom, but pinning proper, and attractively cel-shaded, 3D graphics to those old bones. It even boasts the musical involvement of Bobby Prince, the composer of Doom, so it’s not exactly making any bones about its inspirations. In a bold breaking from the nu-tradition of crowdsourced pre-funding, it’ll soon be selling a 3-level early version to anyone who cares to pick it up, with promises of the finished version once it’s, er, finished.

I’ve been playing said early build, and while I’d argue there’s still work to be done (it feels a tad sparse and the enemies are brazenly robotic in their behaviour) it’s definitely recaptured something substantial of the Doomsome spirit – fast-paced wild abandon in wide-open yet maze-like levels against hordes of foes.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 06 2012 20:00 GMT
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After a number of ventures that took him from an ill-fated N-Gage Red Faction spin-off to an ill-fated Gauntlet sequel, Doom co-creator (with locks that flow like choruses from the mouths of angels) John Romero is eyeing his old-school bread-and-butter. Speaking with Eurogamer, he described his previously hinted at shooter as a “MMO-ish” and “PC first.” I like both of those things. Let us hope his new game is fated to be ill in the colloquial, “that was totally ill” sense and not the one that’s, er, more commonly come to be associated with John Romero.


Posted by Kotaku Mar 23 2012 23:00 GMT
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#doom This is a painting of Doom, one of the greatest games of all times. And surely this must be one of the coolest video game paintings of all time. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 02 2012 14:29 GMT
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Over Christmas I drew up a list of little things about games that have always intrigued, interested, or appealed to me. I’ve been adding to it over the past couple of weeks, and I’ll be writing about these little nuances of gaming in the coming months. These are just idle musings, but I hope you’ll find them to be food for thought. Today’s is about the odd joy in seeing AI entities getting into a fight.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Mar 01 2012 19:00 GMT
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#karateka Before John Romero co-created Doom he was just a kid. A very smart kid. When he was a teenager, he wrote a letter to Jordan Mechner, a very smart man who made a game young John Romero liked very much. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 13 2012 07:30 GMT
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#doom This was once, in a former life, an entire army of Warhammer 40K miniatures. It is now one of the greatest tributes to id's classic Doom I've ever seen. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 01 2012 18:30 GMT
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#watchthis Check out this student-made Flash advertisement for… an iPod skin? We'll take it! Mario and Luigi cope with an invasion straight out of Lemmings and Space Invaders before reinforcements from everyone's favorite Mars-bound marine. Things get 3D, and decidedly less innocent. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jan 30 2012 20:30 GMT
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#angrybirds Filed under news I was too busy playing Final Fantasy XIII-2 to notice last week, Rovio's pig-popping physics-powered sensation Angry Birds makes its Facebook debut on February 14, just in time to give the loveless something to do on Valentine's Day evening. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jan 19 2012 02:30 GMT
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Doom, one of the progenitors of the first-person shooter genre, has returned to the Xbox Live Marketplace after a mysterious three-month hiatus. The classic PC title is available for 400 Microsoft Points ($5). More »

Posted by Kotaku Dec 21 2011 22:00 GMT
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#johncarmack Today's high-end gaming consoles can play games in 1080p resolution, but many Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 games still run at 720p or less. The average person may not see a difference, but the graphics-minded co-creator of Doom does. More »

Posted by Kotaku Nov 23 2011 17:40 GMT
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#doom In the latest mash-up of the Pepper Spray Cop image that came out of the Ocupy UC Davis protests, Lt. John Pike finds himself on Mars on the cover of id Software's classic first-person shooter DOOM. More »

Posted by Kotaku Oct 20 2011 19:40 GMT
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#technology First wireless controls, then motion controls, then motion-tracking like the Xbox Kinect... sooner or later, someone's going to come up with a computer (and therefore a video game) that can be controlled entirely with our minds. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 01 2011 15:45 GMT
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Are you a German teenager? Then do we have some good news for you! After a short seventeen year-long wait, you are now legally allowed to buy a copy of Doom. And, indeed, Doom can now be stocked in normal shops, not just ones ominously deemed ‘adults-only’ – which was basically putting the game right up there with porn.

As of yesterday, Germany’s Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons (Bundesprufstelle) has removed Doom – and Doom II – from its list of ‘controlled’ games, following an appeal by id’s owners Bethesda. Their reasoning? Because the Bundesprufstelle thinks Doom is ‘now only of artistic and scientific interest and will not appeal to youngsters’, according to the BBC.


Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 01 2011 15:30 GMT
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Plop down a modern teenager in front of a PC running a copy of the original Doom, and you're likely to get a response similar to what you might get if you handed Yngwie Malmsteen a lute, or asked Travis Pastrana to tool around in an Edsel for a few races. That is, of course, because teenagers are all awful, spoiled brats who clearly don't know how good they have it, compared to how things were back in our day. That's especially true of any kid who might have tried to play Doom in Germany. They couldn't, because the German government banned any non-adults from playing it, due to its then-considered "violent content."

Oh, the vile filth of it all...

Evidently, the Germans no longer view that violent content as particularly harmful to the minds of teenagers, as the ban on both Doom, and its follow-up, Doom II: Hell on Earth, was allowed to expire as of midnight last night, according to a report from the BBC. The Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons (or Bundesprufstelle, if you're into the whole "German" thing) recently heard arguments from Doom creator id Software's parent company, Bethesda Softworks, and opted to let the ban lapse, due to the fact that the game is really only relevant at this stage of its existence as an "artistic and scientific" curiosity.

What this means is that Doom and Doom II could actually go on sale in Germany--though the version of Doom that contains swastikas and other Nazi symbols remains banned--and be sold to anyone 16 or older. While the likelihood of Doom somehow finding its way into retail stores seems...unlikely, at best, this would allow digital re-releases of the game to finally be legally sold to teens.

Interestingly, the BBC notes that other versions of Doom, such as the Game Boy Advance version of the game, have been sold at various times in Germany, but the PC versions and most other iterations remained banned, for seemingly inexplicable, and perhaps somewhat hypocritical reasons.

If nothing else, this story does show that, as time rolls on, recognition of games like Doom for their historical significance is becoming a more commonplace assessment. With any luck, perhaps this signals that the days of banning games for the sake of "protecting the children" are perhaps finally beginning to come to a close, albeit in exceedingly belated fashion.

We at Giant Bomb look forward to 15 years from now, when the Bundesprufstelle finally gets around to unbanning Gears of War. We figure it ought to be a historical curiosity by that point.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 01 2011 02:00 GMT
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#doom When they were released in Germany, Doom and Doom 2 were immediately "indexed" into a government regulated category that includes porn. A successful appeal of that decision has them now rated for older teenagers to buy, Joystiq reports. More »

Posted by IGN Aug 31 2011 18:40 GMT
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When Doom arrived in Germany back in the 1990s, the country's censorship board gave it a resounding 'Nein', judging the game harmful to the moral well-being of children. Since then, id's beloved shooter has effectively been 'verboten', languishing in the same bracket as pornography, indexed by the F...

Posted by Kotaku Aug 26 2011 19:12 GMT
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#irene (Send to me by my pal Alex Colby. Original source unknown, but let me know and I'll add it!) More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 23 2011 03:00 GMT
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#watchthis Filed in things I'm going to do when I'm a dad: when my lazy punk of a son refuses to get out of bed, he's going to get shot with a super soaker. With no mom in sight, he's dead meat. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 04 2011 21:00 GMT
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During his kenote speech this afternoon at QuakeCon 2011, id Software's John Carmack revealed that the source code for Doom 3 would be released to the public later this year, sometime after the October release of Rage. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 10 2011 14:00 GMT
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#rumor The last Doom movie was released in 2005, which should be enough time for viewers to erase the dreadful picture from their brains. More »

Posted by IGN Mar 04 2011 01:30 GMT
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Why John Romero and Tom Hall's first look back at id's game-changer was such a letdown.