Pac-Man Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Kotaku Apr 24 2012 09:00 GMT
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#oddities The logo of South Korean electronics company LG is supposed to resemble a human face. The "L" forms the nose, and the forms the face and mouth. But after seeing this GIF, all I can think of is wakka wakka. More »

Posted by GoNintendo Apr 21 2012 18:10 GMT
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Grab your set of wind-up toys here

If Pac-Man toys aren't your thing, perhaps you'd like to go with a bit of Pac-Man coffee?

Posted by Kotaku Apr 06 2012 16:00 GMT
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#watchthis Production company Steelhouse and writer James Farr have just answered one of life's greatest questions: How do you make a live-action film about a yellow ball with eyes that runs about a maze eating dots and ghosts without resorting to a man in a giant foam suit? More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 04 2012 16:00 GMT
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#watchthis Easter eggs are fun, usually somewhat hidden references to games you might recognize. They're a friendly nudge in their direction. A wink even. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 29 2012 19:45 GMT
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#pacman Yesterday's Champions League quarterfinal pitting AC Milan against Barcelona resulted in some light-hearted support from the Milan fans in the San Siro stadium. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 12 2012 04:00 GMT
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#pacman If you play Pac-Man by running around controlling a yellow blob eating pellets and either chasing or running away from ghosts, you're doing things the hard way. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 02 2012 01:00 GMT
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#menumusic Welcome back to "Menu Music," our regular Kotaku Melodic feature where we look at (and listen to) the best and worst menu music the video game world has to offer. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 29 2012 13:30 GMT
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#pacman One of the most iconic character in video game history gets another shot at small screen glory in 2013, when the Avi Arad-produced 3D animated Pac-Man: The Adventure Begins makes its Disney XD debut. So who's this cute little round girl with the pink streaks? More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 10 2012 12:00 GMT
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#pacman For the 30th Anniversary of Pac-Man way back in 2010, the 3331 Arts Chiyoda gallery on the outskirts of Akihabara held an exhibition showcasing the most complete collection of all things Pac-Man the world has ever seen. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jan 27 2012 20:30 GMT
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#pacman Look at that badass up there! That, ladies and gents, is a Suriname horned frog, dubbed the "Pac-Man Frog." According to Prensa Latina, scientists in the South American country of Suriname found 46 new species of animals, from insects to fish to frogs. One of those frogs was a new species of Pac-Man Frog, which are called that because their bodies are almost spherical, and their mouths are large enough to allow them to wolf down prey that almost match them in size. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jan 21 2012 00:30 GMT
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NPR has posted an interesting article about the eye's defense mechanisms, referring to how defensive enzymes open and close "almost like a Pac-Man mouth" as they chomp harmful bacteria. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jan 11 2012 15:40 GMT
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#pacman I am sure you have Pac-Man skills. We all do. I'm sure you're good at turning the corners of getting Inky, Blinky & Clyde to trail you just as you're approaching the power pellet. More »

Posted by Kotaku Dec 21 2011 18:00 GMT
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#government Video game preservation, educational robot dragons and Department of Homeland Security Sno Cones are just some of the "outlandish" federally funded projects called out in U.S. Senator Tom Coburn's annual big book of wasteful government spending this week. More »

Posted by Kotaku Nov 19 2011 00:40 GMT
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#rip Gary Garcia, who teamed with Jerry Buckner to perform the 1982 hit "Pac-Man Fever," a song synonymous with 1980s pop culture and America's early love affair with arcade gaming, died yesterday at his home in Englewood, Fla. He was 63. More »

Posted by IGN Nov 18 2011 20:26 GMT
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According to the official Buckner and Garcia band website, Gary Garcia has passed away in his home in Englewood, Florida. Inspired by the thriving arcade culture of the early 80s, Gary Garcia and Jerry Buckner wrote an extremely rockin' album of novelty pop songs based on popular games like Frog...

Posted by Kotaku Oct 27 2011 22:20 GMT
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#pacman ! Not only did Nathan and Jen Glemboski use the lure of sweet, puffy marshmallows to lure their child into playing a real-life version of the arcade classic Pac-Man, they then sent the link into a gaming blog for our amusement. As long as you're living under my roof you'll eat those marshmallows! More »

Posted by Kotaku Oct 27 2011 06:30 GMT
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#puckman Sometimes I get stupid email from readers. Sometimes I get nice email. And sometimes, I get email from people with questions. Reader Joel sent me one of those: A question. More »

Posted by Kotaku Oct 04 2011 01:30 GMT
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#pacman I've seen mock musicals for a good number of video games, but still I enjoyed this excerpt from Pac-Man The Musical entitled "A Pacapella Song." (Though if I'm being a stickler, it's not technically a cappella, since the song is instrumental musical accompaniment.) More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 30 2011 01:00 GMT
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#pacman Blik, maker of fine stickables, and Namco Bandai, the people who own Pac-Man, are combining their respective powers to bring Inky, Pinky, Blinky, Clyde and other memorable 8-bit sprites to your wall. Starting today, you can put only the finest of Pac-Man decals on your walls, safely and stylishly. More »

Posted by IGN Sep 02 2011 06:50 GMT
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Pac-Man is a great game, but this is not a great version of it. This edition of the 1980 arcade classic is an emulation of its 1991 Game Boy port. At that time, in 1991, this portable version was wonderful playing Pac-Man on a handheld was a rare treat, and its conversion's compromises were understandable. But now, 20 years later, this take on Pac is way too outdated to go back to...

Posted by Kotaku Sep 01 2011 19:30 GMT
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#pacman Newly opened dim sum joint Red Farm, in New York's West Village, is serving "Pac-Man Dumpings". Sweet potato Pac-Man is cute! (And the Katz's pastrami spring rolls sound kind of amazing, as well.) The decor has a spiffed up tin-roof-rustic thing going on, too, as well as one of those big long common tables that driver out-of-towners insane with intimacy. More »

Posted by Joystiq Sep 01 2011 14:35 GMT
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In case you missed it yesterday, the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program has officially launched. Those who signed up to the eShop before August 11 can now download ten NES games from the eShop, though it's an annoying process.

If you can't get into the 3DS Embassy, it's a much less exciting week. The Game Boy version of Pac-Man awaits 3DS owners, and a House, MD game is up on DSiWare. There's a bit of intrigue, however, in a WiiWare tower defense game called Trenches Generals.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 18 2011 15:20 GMT
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#speakuponkotaku Commenter UnstableArk has trouble recalling the very first video game he played, and wonders if there are more people out there like him in today's Speak Up on Kotaku. More »

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 10 2011 21:25 GMT
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A portion of a Nintendo Life review...

The Game Boy version of Pac-Man plays the same as always, but in terms of presentation it's a bit less appealing, with the price tag potentially being another reason to think twice about picking this version up. You're better off getting one of the dozens of other versions, including the NES game on Wii Virtual Console, or Namco Museum DS, which includes the arcade game plus several other titles.

Full review here

Posted by Kotaku Jul 13 2011 20:00 GMT
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#lookatthis First artist Fabian Gonzalez taught us the video game ABCs. Now he delivers the ultimate expression of retro gaming love, three full hearts and a handful of classic game references. Visit his Society6 store page to plaster this banner everywhere. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 01 2011 01:30 GMT
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#ohlawd When they cashed in on the video game crazy nearly 30 years ago, Jerry Buckner and Gary Garcia didn't have to worry about licensing. Columbia/CBS records took care of that as Pac-Man Fever soared to No. 8 on the charts in 1982. Of course, the price they paid came later, in the form of CBS's insistence that they think up songs about Mousetrap, Frogger and Centipede, and the attendant decline in dignity. More »

Posted by Giant Bomb Jun 30 2011 14:59 GMT
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In case you haven't noticed, it's summer, which means two things for video game enthusiasts: more screen glare and less new games to play. In lieu of any compelling new releases, we're taking a break from our usual Thursday Night Throwdown format this week to bring you the return of the Whiskey Media Scrub League. Last time, it was Mortal Kombat, but with last week's release of "Pac-Man Fever" on Rock Band Network, and the unbridled celebration of the classic arcade experience known as California Extreme happening next week, we've decided to take it back, all the way back to 1980, with one of the games that sparked this whole video craze, the original Pac-Man.

We've got 15 contestants from virtually all walks of life and every branch of the Whiskey Media family tree. You'll see familiar faces from Giant Bomb and Tested, as well as members of our video production, engineering, and business teams; hell, we're even giving a couple of the interns a crack at it. Since Pac-Man's not really a head-to-head competitive game, we'll be running a simple high-score contest: whoever can pop the most pellets and chomp the most ghosts with their allotted number of lives gets to walk away with the glorious title of Whiskey Media Pac-Man Scrub League Grand Champion.

Folks at home can get in on the action by registering over at Bet Win Place Show and betting on your favorite contestant in the Pac-Man Scrub League. (If you're already registered from our last Scrub League, there's no need to re-register.) You've only got one point to wager, but we'll be giving away prizes--including copies of Buckner & Garcia's magnum opus, Pac-Man Fever, complete with an autographed Pac-Man cheat sheet, courtesy of Ozone Entertainment--to select viewers who correctly pick the first, second, or third place contestants, so choose wisely. We'll also be chatting on the phone with a couple guys who know a thing or two about Pac-Man: Jerry Buckner and Gary Garcia. It's gonna be a straight-up Pac-Party, y'all!

It all starts today at 4PM PST. Until then, I recommend getting amped up by alternating between Buckner & Garcia's "Pac-Man Fever" and this soothing, informative clip from Curtis Hoard's Conquer the Video Craze.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 30 2011 10:30 GMT
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#watchthis It's not the premise of this short film, but all I could think while watching it was, this is what would happen if EA got the rights to make Pac-Man games. More »