What will EA gain by buying PopCap? Plus, does Call of Duty Elite mean no more free Call of Duty Multiplayer? Pachter called his shot and gets vindication this week on the Attack!
The power of the goatee compells you! Bring your questions to the Ask Pach page for vindication of your own!
What will EA gain by buying PopCap? Plus, does Call of Duty Elite mean no more free Call of Duty Multiplayer? Pachter called his shot and gets vindication this week on the Attack!
The power of the goatee compells you! Bring your questions to the Ask Pach page for vindication of your own!
Which games and consoles does the Pach play? Plus, will LucasArts produce better Star Wars games in the future? Pachter is in a galaxy far, far away, but we bring him back to you at the speed of light in the Attack!
Don't forget to submit your questions for the Fiscal Jedi Master at the Ask Pach page!
Can Microsoft bring the core gamers back into it this year? Pachter lays down the law with Microsoft and what to expect from the E3 2011 Press Conference if they want to see success!
Why are PC games cheaper? Plus, what kind of games will we see on Kinect in the future? Will the frequency of game releases ever be regulated? Dance to the music this week on the Attack!
Got your own questions Pachter can groove to? Shuffle them on over to the Ask Pach page!
Pachter addresses everything you want to know about the PlayStation Network outage! Why was it down so long? Will we be compensated? All this and more in the 25 minute PSN Outage of 2011 Special! Have more questions for the Pach? Take them to the Ask Pach page!
Is the 3DS Lite already on its way? Plus, are DVDs going out of style? Pacther gets hardcore with the hardware in this episode of the Attack! Keep those questions coming down the pipes at the Ask Pach page!
What does GameStop's purchase of Impulse mean for you? Plus, Pachter gives us top tips to help us enjoy the spoils of success! Start building your future by asking Pachter more questions at the Ask Pach page!
Can games like Arkham Asylum break the mold of crappy movie based games? Plus, was the 3DS launch a success?
Enter the Pach-Cave for your weekly dose of wisdom! Don't forget to be a hero to your fellow babies and bring your questions to the Ask Pach page!
Are limited editions and preorders just money-hungry schemes? Plus, will there ever be cross-platform multiplayer between Xbox 360 and PS3? Pachter's got money on his mind again this week on the Attack!
Keep those questions flowing at the Ask Pach page page!
What would becoming a publicly traded company mean for PopCap Games? Plus, do video game awards mean anything? Pachter sets the high score on this week's edition of Pach-Attack Championship Edition DX! Don't forget to follow the pac-dots over to the Ask Pach page and submit questions of your own!
What impact will net neutrality's outcome have on gaming? Plus, what effects do corporate planning have on video game markets across the globe?
Pachter plots for World domination one IP address at a time on the Attack! If you're nursing a question that needs answering, bring it over to the Ask Pach page!