Resident Evil 4 HD Message Board

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 06 2014 19:00 GMT
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The problem with a classic is that it’s a classic. The medium doesn’t matter – if enough people agree something’s great, then discourse around it is reduced to little more than glowing generalisations and snarky counter-thrusts. Some consider Resident Evil 4 one of the best vidyagames ever created; others counter that, good as it may have been, the world has long since moved on from grotesque monsters, tank controls and rescuing the president’s sizeably-bosomed daughter.

Resi 4 deserves more so, with a little help from director Shinji Mikami, let’s look at the anatomy of a classic. … [visit site to read more]

Posted by Joystiq Jan 24 2014 23:00 GMT
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Anxious to see just how purty Resident Evil 4's textures will be on the PC when the game makes its HD return to the platform? Capcom-Unity has released some comparison screens showing the greater detail afforded by the new port.

Capcom has added a lot more detail to Leon's jacket as well as the many trees littered around Resident Evil 4's rural Spanish setting. Wooden boards have more defined textures too, and the HD version supports maximum resolutions of up to 2560x1600 and 2560x1440.

Resident Evil 4 first launched on the PC in 2007 from developer Sourcenext. The original PC port, screens for which you can see in our gallery below, included multiple widescreen resolution options along with bonus content previously only available through the PS2 version of the game. Capcom issued only one post-launch patch designed to correct issues around Resident Evil 4's problematic shadows and lighting on PC.

Resident Evil 4 HD, compatible with Windows PC, launches on Steam next month, on February 28 for $20. Resident Evil 4 HD is also available on Xbox 360 and PS3.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 10 2011 11:00 GMT
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We get it: every October, it's all about basketball and bank robberies for us, so naturally the top-grossing games on PSN for the month revolve around similar subject matter. The PlayStation Blog reports that the two top games purchased and installed in October are NBA Jam: On Fire Edition and Payday: The Heist in first and second place, respectively.

Taking third place was the re-release of Crysis, followed by Chrono Trigger and Resident Evil 4 HD. Also, we're glad to see Odin Sphere debut in the charts at number 15 -- you may recall, its release is part of the "Only on PlayStation Network" campaign where select PS2 games were given new life as PSN titles. We're all for older games (especially good ones) finding a new audience!

You can see the full list of October's top-earners through the source link below. Just try not to flip out too much when you see Real Steel rank higher than God Hand.

Posted by IGN Sep 21 2011 01:13 GMT
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Considering the sheer number of versions that exist for Resident Evil 4, there's a good chance you've played this survival horror/third person shooter classic. What started with the GameCube exclusive creeping over to the PlayStation 2 shortly after its initial release has bled into ports aplenty. The latest takes shape as Resident Evil 4 HD for the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. How'd it turn out? Glad you asked, stranger...

Posted by IGN Sep 06 2011 11:22 GMT
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It's hard to believe but on September 25th Resident Evil will turn 15 years old. Yes, it's been that long...

Posted by IGN Jul 28 2011 14:29 GMT
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Capcom has announced that the HD remakes of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil: CODE Veronica X will cost 1600 Microsoft Points or 19.99/15.99 on PSN...

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 27 2011 18:01 GMT
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Gameplay from the downloadable HD remake of Resident Evil 4 HD!

Posted by IGN Jul 23 2011 01:52 GMT
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Capcom's considerable presence at Comic-Con 2011 has mostly revolved around two major fighting games - Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Street Fighter X Tekken. Today, during its Resident Evil panel, the publisher gave fans of the Resident Evil franchise a bit of good news - specific release dates for Resident Evil 4 HD and Resident Evil: Code Veronica HD...

Posted by IGN Jun 21 2011 17:17 GMT
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It's a time for birthdays in the video game industry. Over the last twelve months we've seen three well-known series - Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda and Dragon Quest - observe their 25th birthdays. The festivities have so far comprised of some pretty standard fare, including re-released and re-mastered games, musical performances, limited edition merchandise and more...