Spider-Man: Edge of Time Message Board

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Posted by IGN Oct 24 2011 22:59 GMT
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As a follow-up of sorts to last year's Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, developer Beenox brings us another dose of web-slinging action in the form of Spider-Man: Edge of Time for the Wii and 3DS. Though the game has some things going for it, it ultimately doesn't live up to its predecessor. If you'...

Posted by IGN Oct 24 2011 22:46 GMT
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As a follow-up of sorts to last year's Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, developer Beenox brings us another dose of web-slinging action in the form of Spider-Man: Edge of Time for the Wii and 3DS. Though the game has some things going for it, it ultimately doesn't live up to its predecessor. If you'...

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 24 2011 21:33 GMT
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A portion of an NWR review...

The game looks okay and there's voicework in the narration, but the game itself is pretty weak. There are good ideas here, but they're just not well implemented.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 21 2011 19:49 GMT
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A portion of a Modojo review...

What's Hot: Interesting narrative, seeing both time periods displayed on the 3DS screens, well animated cut scenes.

What's Not: Super repetitive, unimpressive graphics, subtitles look horrible in 3D, annoying camera.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 18 2011 01:04 GMT
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Get More: GameTrailers.com, Spider-Man: Edge of Time - Review Pod, PC Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Posted by Giant Bomb Oct 13 2011 22:00 GMT
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2 out of 5

There have been plenty of highs and lows for Spider-Man video games over the past decade-plus that Activision has held the license. Typically, he’s at his best in the games that celebrate the webslinger’s high-flying, acrobatic abilities as well as his underdog wiseacre persona. In Spider-Man: Edge of Time, Spider-Man--playable in both his traditional Amazing and darker futuristic 2099 forms here--feels literally boxed in by the high-tech skyscraper that the entire game takes place in, as well as a story that spends more time fiddling with a superficial time-travel plot device than it does with the characters trapped in its machinations.

Even as a follow-up to last year’s Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, Edge of Time feels like a step backwards, reducing the number of unique Spider-Men you get to play as from four to two, completely eliminating the unique stealth stylings of Noir Spider-Man--arguably the most interesting aspect of Shattered Dimensions--in the process. It’s a Spider-Man team-up where Spider-Man is inessential to much of the experience, and it's not hard to imagine an alternate reality where Edge of Time doesn’t feature any Spider-Men.

It all starts when the clearly evil CEO of the clearly evil conglomerate Alchemex--voiced by a clearly phoning-it-in Val Kilmer--travels back from the year 2099 to the late 1970s to jump start the dastardly company's rise to power, affecting the realities of both present-day webslinger Peter Parker and his 2099 counterpart Miguel O'Hara in the process. Tapping into some ill-explained 2099 tech, O'Hara is able to communicate across time with the time-distorted Parker--now an Alchemex employee, though the rest of his reality as Spider-Man is inexplicably unchanged--and the two proceed to do what they can in their respective time frames to reverse the damage. Other than appearances by Eddie Brock as Anti-Venom and a relatively benign Dr. Otto Octavius, Edge of Time is largely free of Spider-Man’s supporting cast or his colorful rogue’s gallery. Even those that do appear are barely recognizable for most of the game, and are secondary threats at best.

Time-travel as a plot device can be a tricky thing. It's just as easy to introduce overly complicated logic as it is to whitewash any paradoxical dead-ends you might find yourself in, and Edge of Time manages to fall victim to both pitfalls. The idea of a character’s actions in one timeframe having an instant impact on the reality of another is promising, particularly from a gameplay perspective, but all of those turns in the story here are completely pre-scripted, eliminating any sense of player agency in how things unfold. Even Spider-Man himself vocalizes his concerns about the dubious “quantum causality” effect that Edge of Time uses as a lazy catch-all whenever it needs a new obstacle for its heroes.

In the game’s earliest example, Spider-Man 2099 is faced with a giant robot he has no hope of defeating, so Amazing Spider-Man dismantles the giant robot before it can even be finished. Everyone involved, including both Spider-Men, assume this will erase the robot from existence, but instead, it’s replaced with a similarly marauding gang of smaller robots. It’s the first sign of many that “quantum causality” is just a paper-thin way of saying “random things happen because the writer wanted them to.” The timeline might not be linear, but your path through the game most certainly is.

Narrative clarity isn’t helped by the fact that both characters are traipsing around the same drab building for the whole damn game. Even if the game didn’t deliberately revisit certain interiors, which it does frequently, there’s never a terrific sense of place in Edge of Time, just one dark, vaguely high-tech room after another. Other than a single, relatively open-air greenhouse environment, this game takes place mostly within narrow corridors, which, in addition to adding to the monotony, really marginalizes Spider-Man’s web-swinging ability. Flinging Spider-Man through wide-open spaces has been one of the greatest pleasures of past Spider-Man games for me, and the risky, improvisational feel of his particular style of traversal can represent a great shorthand for the character’s persona. Here, the traversal feels clumsy and cramped, and the game ultimately leans on its beat-’em-up combat for its five-or-so hours more than anything else.

So, you go back and forth between playing as Parker and O’Hara as the story sees fit, bashing squads of jackboot thugs or faceless robots, respectively. Both Spider-Men share a number of fundamental abilities, and even though the game tries to differentiate them with unique skill trees, the practical differences in combat feel pretty negligible. The key exceptions are the free-fall sections that are played exclusively with Spider-Man 2099, which themselves rely on too much trial-and-error to provide particularly satisfying respite from the repetitive and mashy combat. In a better game, Edge of Time’s in-line combat and the traversal challenges that pop up during the game (and which are easily revisited after the fact) could be a compelling reason to come back for more, but this game already overstays its welcome as it is.

I suppose some slack should be given to developer Beenox, which had roughly a year to turn around from its last Spider-Man game. But that’s not really material to the player, who is expecting, if not a great game, at least a great Spider-Man experience. Spider-Man: Edge of Time makes good on neither.

Posted by Giant Bomb Oct 08 2011 13:00 GMT
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Ryan and Patrick face off against Anti-Venom and Val Kilm- wait, THE GUY FROM TOP SECRET IS IN THIS?

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 06 2011 22:57 GMT
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A portion of a 1up review...

I admire that Beenox was able to put together another decent Spider-Man video game only a year after its previous entry. After all, they are the Spider-Man video game developer for foreseeable future. With this being their sophomore effort I expect great things from the next entry. Hopefully they'll get Spidey outside of these corridors and back to swinging between skyscrapers where he belongs (and to stop traversing times and dimensions).

Full review here

Posted by Kotaku Oct 06 2011 22:00 GMT
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#spiderman What defines Spider-Man? Is it his special powers? His great responsibilities? His Jenga prowess? No, true believers. Spider-Man's most definitive trait is his witty banter, and double the Spider-Man means double the snappy patter right? Thank goodness Edge of Time had Peter David. More »

Posted by IGN Oct 06 2011 19:39 GMT
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Oh what a tangle web we weave, when first we practise to deceive. That sentiment, sadly, also applies to Edge of Time. It fails rather spectacularly to capitalise upon the potential of last year's Shattered Dimensions. Despite coming from the same developer, Beenox, it unstitches most of the things Shattered Dimensions did so well, creating a game that is in so many respects an unworthy follow-up...

Posted by Kotaku Oct 05 2011 19:40 GMT
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www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPJBCWhg1f0 In Spider-Man: Edge of Time the whole of reality is warped into something darker and more sinister, all because of the death of one Peter Parker. We're in charge of making sure it doesn't happen again. More »

Posted by Joystiq Oct 05 2011 18:00 GMT
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Before I grew to the chiseled, abs-carved-from-stone man I am today, I was a chubby kid. Like most chubby kids, I loved pretending to be a superhero, and I had a fairly robust stable of go-tos. Superman, that's easy. You jump off a couch, get a moment of weightlessness, boom. Superman.

Spider-Man, he's trickier. The key is nailing the feel of the swing, speeding up your run and then slowing down as you flick your inverted devil horns to the sky. I even nailed the costume. Between the ages of four and six, I was known to occasionally keep my Spider-Man PJs on under my street clothes, which was especially precious during the summer months.

This is Spider-Man. It's the idea that underneath a nerdy exterior lies a super-strong acrobat that can, at any moment, leap high above the bullies and teachers and swing away from it all.

The staffers of Beenox may have done their research and read plenty of back issues, but if Spider-Man: Edge of Time is any indication, they never, ever wore the PJs.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 04 2011 17:00 GMT
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#spiderman When everyone else is busying themselves with Rage, Dark Souls, or Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove 3D, I'll be taking Spider-Man: Edge of Time for a spin to see if two spiders are better than four. Here's what that might look like. More »