Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights Message Board

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Posted by GoNintendo Apr 23 2012 19:40 GMT
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A portion of a Dtoid review...

Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights is impossible to recommend to even the most ravenous puzzle players. Even if this game were available for free, I wouldn't recommend spending time with it.

Full review here

Posted by Giant Bomb Mar 26 2012 19:17 GMT
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Posted by GoNintendo Feb 22 2012 02:02 GMT
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A portion of a Siliconera review...

If you’re willing to overlook the tedium, box-shoving and running around the entire city, it really isn’t all that bad. As long as I only played it in one hour bursts, I was able to forget I was doing the same activities over, and over, and over, and over again. Maybe you will be able to too

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Nov 24 2011 01:55 GMT
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Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights was due out in North America this week. I had my copy reserved, but it didn't end up hitting retail. Turns out the game isn't going to see release in North America until the 13th of December. I'm fine with that, as it gives me time to catch up on other titles from November!

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 04 2011 17:36 GMT
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This information comes from the most recent Nintendo Power...

- Describes the game as “uneven”
- high production values
- great anime-style cinematics
- good amount of high quality voice acting
- great soundtrack
- 3D is effect is nice
- Story is also nicely done with compelling characters
- Game takes place in Paris
- setting becomes the real star in the game
- learn about the history of the city
- mechanics are a bit rough
- a lot more varied than Professor Layton
- slow-paced and boring stealth gameplay
- puzzles lack complexity of Professor Layton puzzles
- more 'spot the difference' style puzzles
- turn-based battle system is somewhat redeeming
- gameplay needs to be refined

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 07 2011 22:14 GMT
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Visit the Parisian catacombs in this trailer from E3 2011!

Posted by Joystiq May 13 2011 07:00 GMT
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The first developer diary for Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights introduces the characters, the story, and shows a lot of footage from cutscenes. It also does nothing to dispel the constant, prevalent comparisons with the Professor Layton series.

If you want us to be able to talk about anything else, Konami, you have got to show us more of the actual game, which looks legitimately different. Until then, we can only comment on what we see ... and what we see is French Layton.

Posted by GameTrailers May 13 2011 00:44 GMT
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Go behind the scenes at Konami with the producer/director of Doctor Lautrec, Noriaki Okamura!

Posted by GameTrailers Apr 13 2011 23:24 GMT
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Konami takes a spin at the animated puzzle adventure genre with Doctor Lautrec and The Forgotten Knights on Nintendo 3DS.