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Posted by GoNintendo Nov 16 2012 18:42 GMT
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Renowned Japanese video game company LEVEL-5, best known for their critically acclaimed Professor Layton video game series, today announced that airport-simulator and puzzle game, AERO PORTER, will release November 29 via the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™ in both North America and Europe at $4.99 USD and €4.99 / %u20A44.49 respectively (please check the Nintendo eShop for pricing in other available countries).

AERO PORTER was created by legendary game designer Yoot Saito, the creator of some of Japan’s most innovative titles including Seaman, The Tower, and Odama, and was originally released only in Japan as part of GUILD01, a multi-game pack featuring works by some of the industry’s most respected game creators.

As the second game from GUILD01 to release in Europe and North America, AERO PORTER stands as a testament to the creative and visionary design legacy of Yoot Saito, offering an approachable and addictive addition to the Nintendo eShop that gamers of all ages and skill levels can enjoy.

Posted by GoNintendo Nov 16 2012 00:47 GMT
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A portion of a Siliconera interview with Level-5...

S: What happened to the "Omasse Rental Weapon Shop" game? Is LEVEL-5 International America planning on bringing this over?

L5: We’re still wholeheartedly considering how to or whether or not we can make that title work at the moment. The game is actually extremely text-heavy, and it functions on the expressive power of its text and language. Hirai-san, the creator, is a famous comedian in Japan, and the game is deeply rooted in his talent for expressing Japanese culture through language. We need to consider the high pedigree of translation required, and the time and money needed to do that with this amount of text may surprise you. Another factor we need to consider is whether or not a large enough audience outside of Japan would appreciate a game that relies so heavily on knowledge of Japanese culture.

S: Is LEVEL-5 considering to release GUILD02′s games overseas?

L5: We hope to do so at this point, but the Japanese version is still in production, so we kindly ask for your patience for an announcement if we do decide to bring them over.

S: What else is LEVEL-5 International America working on? Will we see any other titles like Time Travelers, Fantasy Life or The Little Battlers Experience in the West?

L5: LEVEL-5 International America works alongside LEVEL-5’s headquarters in Japan to assess the markets for titles in both North American and Europe. Their goal is to figure out how to maximize the potential of LEVEL-5’s entire spectrum of current and future properties in each region, whether that be for existing franchises such as the Professor Layton series, which is popular in the West, or for Inazuma Eleven, currently being broadcasted in over 10 countries throughout Europe and South America.

Essentially, L5IA doesn’t exist solely to self-publish titles that have already been released in Japan; its mission is to explore all the possibilities of a given title and how best to deliver it to our fans. The feasibility of releasing our titles sometimes hinges on business decisions, but the goal of L5IA is to make our titles available to as many people as possible.

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 19 2012 23:07 GMT
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A portion of a Game Informer interview with Level-5’s president and CEO, Akihiro Hino...

GI: Would you consider collaborating with Studio Ghibli on another video game in the future? Any chance we’d see a sequel to Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch?

AH: Right now we don’t have any plans for a sequel or another collaboration. But if we were to create a sequel, I would actually like to make a different Ni No Kuni world where the main character is an adult.

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 04 2012 19:50 GMT
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SANTA MONICA, CA (October 4, 2012) – Renowned Japanese video game company LEVEL-5, best known for their critically acclaimed Professor Layton video game series and the upcoming game Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, is bringing three of the studio’s most popular Japanese-only releases to North America this Fall via the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™. The three titles – LIBERATION MAIDEN, AERO PORTER and CRIMSON SHROUD -- were previously released only in Japan as part of GUILD01, a multi-game pack featuring works by some of the industry’s most respected game creators.

“LEVEL-5 is dedicated to empowering the world’s best game designers with the freedom to create the innovative games they truly want to make featuring the immersive stories they want to tell, and these three games are great examples of that strategy,” said Akihiro Hino, President and CEO of LEVEL-5. “We are extremely proud to bring SUDA51’s LIBERATION MAIDEN to North America and Europe as the first release from the series, offering true game design and production values of the highest quality through a downloadable platform.”

Additional details about North American release dates and pricing for each of the titles will be released soon.

LIBERATION MAIDEN is a full-scale 3D sci-fi shooter created by critically acclaimed developer Goichi Suda, better known as SUDA51, from Grasshopper Manufacture, creators of fan-favorites Lollipop Chainsaw, No More Heroes, Shadows of the Damned and many more. Set 100 years in the future in New Japan, LIBERATION MAIDEN puts players in the role of Shoko Ozora, piloting a humanoid robot called Kamui. The game brings AAA production values to the downloadable market in an unprecedented collaboration of all-star creators in music, art, and design, including breathtaking animation by the acclaimed animation studio, bones. More information on LIBERATION MAIDEN can be found online at http://level5ia.com/blackbox/liberation-maiden/.

AERO PORTER combines puzzle elements with a simulation of airport operations. Designed by Seaman creator Yoot Saito, the player sorts color-coded luggage onto conveyor belts while avoiding mishaps and delays. Players are also able to design and share their own planes with a wide range of colors and patterns.

CRIMSON SHROUD was created by game designer, Yasumi Matsuno, whose previous works include industry cornerstones such as Final Fantasy Tactics, Vagrant Story, and Tactics Ogre. CRIMSON SHROUD is a new RPG that reimagines the table top RPG, and puts the power of the dice in the player’s hands to determine their fates.

PR email

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 20 2012 17:50 GMT
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“Yes, we’d like to work on some joint projects with them in the future – if there is, of course, a possibility.” - Akihiro Hino

When Hino was asked if there was a Ghibli property he'd like to work on, he suggested Castle in the Sky.

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 20 2012 08:28 GMT
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Not fun news to report, but not the final word either. Level-5 has stated that none of their games on display at TGS are confirmed for Western release. I wouldn't take that as a sign of these games staying in Japan forever. We know the latest Professor Layton will definitely make its way here. I'm sure others will as well. Level-5 just isn't ready to talk about them.

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 19 2012 19:19 GMT
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“Our U.S. office mainly works to efficiently release the Japanese titles that Level-5 has created overseas and they are involved in production and distribution in the overseas territories. With Ni no Kuni, they are helping bring it to the overseas markets and potentially with other titles. In the future, we would potentially like to develop title overseas where Level-5 International America is taking the lead on developing for the overseas market.” - Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino

Sounds like a smart plan to me. Have the team work on localizations first, then move onto creating some new content. Let's hope the plan pans out!

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 30 2012 17:18 GMT
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Fantasy Life (3DS)
Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney (3DS)
Professor Layton and the Legacy of Advanced Civilization A (3DS)
Layton Brothers Mystery Room (iOS)
Little Battler eXperience W (PSP/PS Vita)
Inazuma Eleven Go 2 (3DS)
Inazuma Eleven 1,2,3 (3DS)
Inazuma Eleven Atsumeyoze!! (Mobile)
Three unannounced games (?)

Three unannounced games to be revealed at the show. I'm hoping at least one of those will be for a Nintendo platform. Now I'm definitely excited about TGS! Thanks to Robertaitor for the heads up!

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 28 2012 18:02 GMT
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Earlier this week we posted up an exhibitor's list for TGS 2012. What we didn't specifically point out was the fact that Level-5 is appearing at this year's show. After skipping out last year, it looks like Level-5 feels it's time to make their triumphant return.

Posted by GoNintendo May 28 2012 17:22 GMT
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Looks like European Wii owners are going to get some Inazuma Eleven love! Level-5 has registered a trademark for Inazuma Eleven Strikers in Europe, pointing to a localization for the title. No word on a release for North American at this time.

Posted by GoNintendo May 22 2012 18:46 GMT
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Looks like North American fans of Professor Layton can start getting excited for his next outing. Level-5 just registered a trademark for Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask in the US. I'm sure we'll be hearing more about this localization at E3.

Posted by GoNintendo May 07 2012 17:54 GMT
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Coming from Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino...

"If there was an Inazuma Eleven MMORPG, would you play it?"

I'm not really into soccer and I don't have the time for MMOs...but that's just me. What do you guys think of the idea?

Posted by GoNintendo Apr 17 2012 21:28 GMT
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The following bits of information come from Akihiro Hino, Level-5 president...

- general framework for the next Layton title has been outlined
- it’ll be a while before they can announce the game officially
- the game will have a long title in Japanese

Posted by GoNintendo Mar 11 2012 02:04 GMT
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The following information was tweeted by Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino...

- labeled as "time travel adventure"
- once again being turned into a number of projects
- may include anime, manga and more
- game is still an RPG
- anime staff is already far along in their creation of the scenario
- first episode has been recorded
- next Coro Coro should have more info

Posted by GoNintendo Mar 05 2012 20:03 GMT
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"Our newest members' varied backgrounds and wide range of quality products exemplify the diversity, innovation and growth of the video game industry. The ESA looks forward to collaborating with our newest members to further advance our industry and address the important issues and opportunities facing computer and video game companies today." - Michael D. Gallagher, president and CEO of the ESA

It's no surprise to see Level-5 join up with the ESA. With the company trying to expand their presence in the states, a move to join with the ESA just makes sense.

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 29 2011 19:54 GMT
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Get More: GameTrailers.com, Level - Duck Tales: The Moon, PC Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 10 2011 22:27 GMT
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The following comes from Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino...

- could possibly develop Ni no Kuni into a series
- this would include additional package game releases
- if this is going to happen, there are many things that need to be finalized
- Level-5 would like to expand the current world
- the DS version was made to get the game in the hands of as many people as possible

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 08 2011 17:18 GMT
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Level-5 has three different anime projects that they're involved with, which is quite a feat for a game company. Surprisingly, it looks like they might be unveiling a 4th project come Level-5 Vision next week. Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino has teased a bit of news for the show concerning the company's anime output, but we'll have to wait for the event to find out what's up!

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 03 2011 16:38 GMT
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What does the above tweet from Level-5's CEO mean? We have no idea, and Mr. Hino isn't saying anything either. Some are wondering if Mr. Hino sent this tweet out by accident, as he's done that in the past. Hino has admitted to accidentally tweeting while putting his phone into his pocket, but both of those instances he acknowledged the issue and apologized. He's yet to say anything about this Kua message, which leads many to believe that it's a tease for something at Level-5 World.

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 22 2011 08:45 GMT
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The following information comes from Level 5 CEO, Akihiro Hino, and Capcom director, Shuu Takumi...

- both wanted to try something completely new with this game
- Takumi felt that the idea of a collaboration is something he’d never seen before
- Hino had been the one to originally bring the idea to Takumi
- the goal was to surpass the Ace Attorney series when creating Professor Layton
- Hino wanted Layton and Wright to join arms one day and fight together
- Takumi wanted the game to be in a place where magic still existed
- the dev team worked hard to create a gothic-styled game
- the witch trials in this game are called “Mob Trials”
- Layton and Wright will have to face off against mobs claiming “I saw it!” and “I saw it, too!” when it comes to magic users
- the style of trial is said to irritate even the normally cool-headed Layton
- the game was made so that the style of trial presentation bothered both Layton and Wright
- the girl seen running away from the witch hunt is Mahoune
- the leader of the hunt/investigator is Sir Jiiken Barthlord
- he wears a full suit of armor and carries a sword
- he is the medieval-styled rival for both the protagonists
- the naming of characters includes various puns (“Mahou” means magic, and “Jiken” means a case; as in a murder case)
- Takumi had doubts about Wright's translation into 3D, but was happy when he saw the results
- Hino was worried about the transition as well, with Layton’s abnormal growth spurt (as well as his lengthened silk hat)
- in response, Phoenix had to be shrunk a bit
- the game will be discussed at two promo events: Level 5 World 2011 and the “Phoenix Wright 10th Anniversary Memorial Courtroom.”

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 22 2011 18:47 GMT
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Last week we learned about Level-5 World, an even where Level-5 would show off all sorts of upcoming projects. Along with this news, we learned that Level-5 would have a reduced presence at TGS this year. Apparently 'reduced' is a big understatement.

If the latest round of information is to be believed, Level-5 isn't going to be present at TGS at all. You can be sure that the team behind TGS will not be happy to see Level-5 holding back for its own even. Level-5 definitely brought in very big crowds with its TGS booths, and not having a presence at the show this year will surely hurt attendance.

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 18 2011 16:52 GMT
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- show will feature playable builds of the latest Level-5 games
- stage events for franchises like Inazuma Eleven
- official details coming to the site in the near future

Site here

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 22 2011 03:14 GMT
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Challenge the Gargoyles and the Silent Chief himself who populate the impossibly tall towers of Latria.

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 08 2011 20:48 GMT
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The Woodland Hills Warehouse helped put Tony Hawk games on the map! We serve up a few kick-flips and grinds as we honor the hours spent glued to the TV in the early PlayStation days!

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 08 2011 20:48 GMT
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The Woodland Hills Warehouse helped put Tony Hawk games on the map! We serve up a few kick-flips and grinds as we honor the hours spent glued to the TV in the early PlayStation days!

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 08 2011 15:56 GMT
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The following information comes from Akihiro Hino, Level-5’s president, founder, and chief creative force… “I was originally on the creative side of things, so I had to give a lot of thought to how we were going to sell Layton. The platform was going to be the DS from the start to keep costs down, [...]

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 08 2011 14:28 GMT
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The following information comes from Level-5’s Akihiro Hino… “More than the new system, I’m watching the 3DS strategy. I was hoping for at least some color variation announcements.” If that’s his biggest disappointment of the show, than I think things went rather well for Hino! I’m sure we’ll get to new colors in awhile, but [...]

Posted by GameTrailers May 24 2011 18:51 GMT
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The first stage of Hard Corps comes out with all guns blazing! We honor the explosive opening of Contra's 1994 SEGA Genesis classic!

Posted by GameTrailers May 06 2011 22:01 GMT
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In one of the most explosive opening sequences in gaming, Kratos faces a fearsome enemy: The Colossus of Rhodes imbued with devastating Godly powers!

Posted by GameTrailers May 04 2011 02:26 GMT
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Join the Star Fox team and friend Bill in the whirlwind of aerial combat in the battle of Katina in Star Fox 64!