TrackMania 2: Canyon Message Board

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Posted by Giant Bomb May 25 2012 02:00 GMT
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Jeff turns manic once again and this time the Internet does all it can to keep him from going over the edge.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 16 2011 18:51 GMT
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I can’t say I stuck with Trackmania 2: Canyon because I, uh, didn’t stick with Trackmania 2: Canyon. It was fine! But it was also basically doing the same thing as I’ve been doing in a half-decade of preceding Trackmania games, except with prettier graphics, no choice of cars and a mad menu system. Others have stuck with it, however, and have been making the very best of its most impressive feature: the track-builder tool. While the below video is, realistically, pure promotion for the game, it also makes me go ‘ooh’ and ‘wow’ and ‘cor!’ and ‘wouldjalookitthat’ and ‘BLIMEY’. Especially for the guy who managed to replace cars with toilets.

Basically: the community is slowly making the game into the game it should have been, and then into the game it could never otherwise have been. I salute you, virtual architects and paint scheme-designers.(more…)

Posted by Giant Bomb Oct 18 2011 01:00 GMT
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4 out of 5

You can skin your cars using the in-game editor, if you like.

You drive cars in TrackMania 2: Canyon, but it's not really something that I'd call a racing game. Actually, it's sort of hard to pin down what, exactly, TrackMania is. I suppose it's a time trial, really. Rather than racing against cars, wheel-to-wheel, it's primarily about getting the best lap times you possibly can--even if you're doing it on a server filled with up to 200 players, that really just means you're connected to a chat room full of other people doing the same thing, and you can see their racing ghosts as you all try to best one another before time expires. It's also a predominantly online game with a weird, vibrant community that's pumping out so many new tracks that you might not ever see the same one twice. It's quirky and does an awful job of explaining itself to new players, which might make it practically impenetrable, but the core of it is astounding and exciting fun that's perfect for sucking up whatever free time you happen to have available at any given moment.

There's a single-player component to TrackMania 2 as well as an online side, and between them you end up with a few different (and sometimes confusing) ways to measure progression. Offline, you can race on the game's official tracks. By default, there are three different ghosts to choose from, which gives you a visual representation of the track's bronze, silver, and gold times. But you can also turn to the game's online leaderboards and download the (way faster) ghosts of the speediest strangers in the world. After beating the gold medal time, you'll be offered the chance to set an "official" time on a track. This is the one that gets sent up to the game's centralized leaderboards, and depending on how you do, you'll earn a number of "skill points," which in turn gives you an overall ranking for your offline performance. If you totally crap it up on your official run, you can try again--but you'll have to wait five minutes before you're allowed to try again. You could probably use the extra practice time, anyway. This has been a somewhat controversial change amongst the game's community, as in the previous game you could simply try your official run again right away after sending in a nominal amount of your in-game currency. Personally, I think they're sort of freaking out about nothing, but maybe that's because I don't put a lot of stock in the game's single-player side to begin with.

But if you do care about the single-player side of TrackMania, you should know that Canyon is reduced compared to TrackMania United Forever. Part of that is made obvious by the name. This is strictly a Canyon environment, and not a collection of seven different tile sets, like United was. But on top of that, many of the modes and level styles found in the previous game are simply missing. So if you liked Platform, Stunts, or Puzzle, you'll be disappointed with the solo portion of TM2. The game also seems as if it doesn't track stunts at all, yet stunts is still listed as a game mode in multiplayer. Again, this isn't something that's really dragging me down, as the Canyon environment is quite good and the time trials and online racing is the part about the game that really gives TrackMania its staying power. But it's a little odd to see a sequel cut so many features.

The default Canyon car can be skinned however you like, but they all drive the same.

That Canyon environment is probably the biggest change in TrackMania 2, since it provides both the look of the game and the way the car handles. Yeah, I said car. In TrackMania, all cars are created equal on a per-environment basis. So there are multiple skins to choose from, and you can find a handful of user-created 3D models online, but the car will always handle and drive the way it was designed to handle and drive. The Canyon look gives the game a Southwestern vibe, with plenty of plateaus and caverns surrounding the tracks. The car handling feels sort of similar to the Island environment from the previous TrackMania. The car's capable of super-fast speeds and it's very easy to kick the rear end out into a drift, in case you need some help making some corners. Figuring out when you can take a turn at full speed and when you'll need to drift around a turn is one of the keys to keeping your lap times low.

But maybe I'm beating around the bush. The best part about TrackMania is that it's weird. The block-based track editor makes it relatively easy for folks to construct their own tracks, and thousands of tracks have already been created. So if you get online and start hopping around the various servers, you'll usually be able to find a ton of tracks you've never seen before. Some are designed to be "full speed" tracks, where you never need to take your finger off of the gas once you've lined up the right angles for all the corners. Others get more technical, requiring you to think about when to drift and how to line up and handle tricky sets of curves. Some are just ridiculous, gimmicky tracks built around figuring out and exploiting some little secret. You'll start to recognize a lot of the various blocks used to make tracks almost immediately, but the best track authors are putting the blocks together in crazy ways. The amount of variety, as you might have guessed, is what gives TrackMania its replayability. But it'd sure be nice if it was easier to see all this stuff.

How'd this get here?

TrackMania's community is extremely dedicated. They'd have to be, because TrackMania 2: Canyon's cooler options and features feel hidden below the surface. You can import a lot of user-created content, from new car models and skins to tracks, horns, avatars, and so on. The game has a built-in system of user-created minisites that let users hawk their wares for an exchange of in-game currency. But this system feels buried and is poorly explained, leading to a better alternative: community websites built to distribute tracks, modes, and other in-game information. Via the server software's plugin system, users have created mods that sit on top of the server and add music players, better chat options, widgets that let you vote on if you like or hate tracks, a unified records system that tells you the fastest times on a given track, regardless of which server the time was set on, and so on. Much of these plugins were created for the previous TrackMania, and it's kind of insane that Nadeo hasn't worked to integrate more of these now-crucial features directly into the game itself. Out of the box, a TrackMania 2 server simply tells you what place you're in at that moment. It's great that the community has filled in the gaps, but in some ways it's disheartening that so little has changed.

That's the only major problem here. The main change in Canyon is the new environment and a new, higher standard for graphics. When you turn it all the way up, it's a great-looking game. But it's surrounded by an awful UI that feels like it wasn't designed to be used by actual humans and, due to a serious lack of an instruction manual for this digital-only release, it's not easy for new players to figure out what, exactly, is going on. It all holds TrackMania 2: Canyon back a little bit. A streamlined front-end and more clearly spelled-out progression would probably go a long way. But if you're up for digging around and find the idea of a driving game that's a little left-of-center exciting, TM2 is kind of incredible.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 27 2011 11:00 GMT
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With Trackmania having made its triumphantly quirky return with Canyon, we thought it might be opportune to have a little chat with Nadeo about what they are up to. We spoke to Edouard Beauchemin, who talked about the inexhaustibility of the game, Nadeo’s plans for the near future, and the power that their games put into the hands of players.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 21 2011 18:39 GMT
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I’ve spent three or four hours playing Nadeo’s latest slice of science-defying racing absurdity – nowhere near enough to tell you conclusively Wot I Think, but plenty to witter about what I’m starting to think.

If there’s one factor that’s bedevilled the ever-joyous Trackmania series, it’s that naming conventions and cross-pollinated content has made it ever harder to work out exactly which one’s which. While the 2 here marks a chance to start with a clean slate, the series’ latter day focus on being a service rather than a self-contained entity means the confusion doesn’t quite go away. Initially, as a relatively casual player of Nadeo’s driving fantasy games, I struggled to quite appreciate that I was playing a different Trackmania to whichever the last one I played was. Be it product or be it service, Trackmania is also a state of mind, and 2 took me right back there. I knew how to play, and knew it well.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 15 2011 09:55 GMT
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Trackmania 2 Canyon is available right now as a digital purchase straight from its very own official website. It’s the game with an obscene amount of player-controlled cars racing around thousands upon thousands of physically impossible tracks. The game uses Nadeo’s own ManiaPlanet system for updates and downloads, which is why it’s only available direct from the website. That may change but don’t count on it. As we reported previously, despite Ubisoft being the publishers they have stated that there will be no always-online DRM check. John checked exactly how the game does work offline and his findings are below, along with a launch trailer.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 31 2011 08:16 GMT
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What’s educational about it? Well, it teaches you about the game, I suppose. It shows you how there’s a bunch of customisation options, and how the game’s editor allows you to build elaborate race course for the cars wot go fast. Most of all though, it teaches that Trackmania is basically crazy. And that is why we love it. (It’s the bit at 1:35 which really sums up what the game is all about, I think.)(more…)

Posted by Joystiq May 30 2011 21:15 GMT
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Even fans of Nadeo's legendary TrackMania racing series (which, even if you haven't played, you might remember from the wild 1k Project videos) might be forgiven for thinking they've been abandoned. The last game in the series was released for the Nintendo DS two years ago, and while a full sequel to the popular original game and its many addons was announced in 2009, those plans were apparently derailed a bit by a Ubisoft acquisition in 2010.

Last year at E3, Ubisoft revealed that it would be turning the series into a platform called ManiaPlanet, with not much more than a name and an ambitious release plan (including not just the long-awaited racing sequel, but also highly customizable RPG and shooter titles as well). Since then, we haven't gotten much more than a screenshot, and a promise that the game's still coming.

Finally, last month at a pre-E3 event, we got to see the title, now called TrackMania 2 Canyon, in action. This is indeed a brand new TrackMania game, featuring all of the kooky customizable tracks and over-the-top physics-based racing that's made the series so popular. But rather than TrackMania 2, Canyon is actually the beginning of the TrackMania platform, one that will depend as much on user creations as what the developers actually assemble.

Posted by GameTrailers Apr 26 2011 18:49 GMT
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Race through perilous tracks amongst the canyons in the new track set for TrackMania 2.