Postal III Message Board

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Posted by Valve Feb 17 2012 17:54 GMT
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Postal III in now available on Steam.

Following the Apocalyptic end to the Postal Dudes week in Paradise, we follow him and his insane pitbull Champ as they emigrate to its appropriately named sister city, Catharsis. Unfortunately, due to the Global Economic Meltdown, psychotic left-wing Green extremism and hypocritical Government corruption, it turns out Catharsis isnt a much better place to live.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 26 2012 12:01 GMT
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I’ve been playing the oddly quietly-released latest third person action’n’ urban psychopathy game from Running With Scissors, Postal III. Needless to say, I wish I hadn’t.

I have a large tumbler full of Scotch (I know, I know, you’re supposed to use a tulip-shaped glass for the full effect, but the only Scottish person currently writing for RPS is Craig and he says “it offends me” of whisky, so I think I’m safe). I have a vaguely misanthropic attitude towards life, the universe and everything. I have a deep distrust of conventional employment. I have a low attention span. Oh look, there’s a magpie outside. It’s all black and white and… oh yes. And I have a copy of Postal III installed on my personal computer. I AM READY.

Postal III is… well, any such encapsulation would entirely miss the point. Postal III is. That’s about the most accurate way of putting it. So, instead, let’s talk about some of the things Postal III simply includes. First, a warning.(more…)

Posted by Giant Bomb Jan 04 2012 14:00 GMT
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Ryan, Brad and Vinny kick this year off with the best Postal game to come out in 2011.

Posted by Kotaku Dec 09 2011 17:20 GMT
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#postal Do not fret, Postal guy fan! The third entry in the PC game series so over-the-top offensive that everyone pretty much forgot about will be ready in time for wrapping paper. Who's excited? Show of hands! More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 07 2011 07:08 GMT
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#watchthis That's right, it's Postal III! The third entry in the Postal series features cameos from Ron Jeremy, Uwe Boll, Playmate Jennifer Walcott, and the cowboy from the Village People. It also features face-humping monkeys. More »

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 06 2011 03:40 GMT
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Get ready to go Postal with this utterly ridiculous trailer featuring the likes of Ron Jeremy and the late Osama Bin Laden from E3 2011!