Go Vacation Message Board

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Posted by GoNintendo Nov 10 2011 20:07 GMT
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A portion of a CVG review...

Looks like it should be fun but the minigames are mostly sub-Monkey Ball rubbish and the controls leave us as cold as Kawawii's frosty peaks

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Nov 04 2011 18:14 GMT
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A portion of an ONM review...

If you're a mini-game snob and wouldn't be seen dead playing this sort of thing, Go Vacation isn't going to change your mind. Anyone else will find a surprisingly vast selection of well-made games that, while not as fun as those in Wii Sports Resort, have a better single-player mode wrapped around them.

Full review here

Posted by IGN Oct 14 2011 00:58 GMT
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The Wii plays host to more mini-game collections than probably any system in existence. Most of them can only be called cheap cash-ins, but a few examples - specifically Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort - manage to rise above the sea of mediocrity to provide players with something truly fun they can enjoy with friends and family. Go Vacation, despite its flaws, makes for another fine addition to this category...

Posted by IGN Oct 12 2011 00:35 GMT
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The newest addition to the plethora of mini-game collections on the Wii comes in the form of Go Vacation, developed by Namco. I'm in the middle of plowing my way through all 50 activities Kawawii Island has to offer, so look for my full review in the next day or so. In the meantime, check out some of the things Go Vacation has to offer that should get gamers who are sick of seeing lackluster mini-game compilations a reason to get excited...

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 26 2011 20:06 GMT
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The following information comes from producer Kenya Kobayashi...

- game has been in development for two and a half years
- over 100 staffers have worked on the project
- goal was to deliver the ultimate family game/definitive Wii title
- 50 mini-games included
- 4 resort areas
- walk, swim and ride across these areas
- explore to find new mini-games
- resorts have hidden treasures and areas
- normal run-through will take you 15-20 hours
- looking to do everything can make for a 100 hour play experience, if not 200 hours
- 8 save slots
- due out Oct. 20th in Japan

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 31 2011 17:21 GMT
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Go Vacation! is due out in Japan on Oct. 20th. You can check out more screens here or at the