Fishing Resort Message Board

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Posted by GoNintendo Jan 06 2012 22:51 GMT
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A portion of an NWR review...

Fishing Resort is a very good package. There are a lot of things to do, and the world they’re done in is attractive and inviting. The slight quirkiness adds a touch of seasoning to what might otherwise be somewhat dry.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Jan 03 2012 23:22 GMT
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A portion of a Siliconera review...

...I feel that the fishing experience is less dominant than the exploration and discovery aspects, which are almost reminiscent of monster-collection games like Pokémon. After all, who does monster variety better than Mother Nature?

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 28 2011 19:19 GMT
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The following comes from XSeed's Twitter...

[Aquatic Delights] Rods at the ready! Fishing Resort has a new password!


Posted by IGN Dec 12 2011 03:42 GMT
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Of all the sports in the world, fishing isn't exactly the most exciting. So to most gamers, a fishing game, no matter how well-executed, is going to have a hard time keeping their attention - especially with an ocean full of amazing gaming experiences out there. But despite building on an already rather dull premise, developer Xseed's latest Wii game, Fishing Resort (produced by the creator of Sonic, Yuji Naka, funnily enough) does a remarkably good job of making this a full, fun experience...

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 09 2011 04:15 GMT
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A portion of a GameSpot review...

The Good
Easy to grasp controls A lot of activities outside of fishing to take part in.

The Bad
Long periods of time where nothing is biting Takes a long time to get better equipment Improving your equipment doesn’t immediately improve what you catch.

Full review here

Posted by Kotaku Nov 28 2011 23:20 GMT
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#fishingresort Around this time of the year the surprise UPS and Fedex shipments begin to fade and the flow of new games fades to a trickle, making it an excellent time to fish for the illusive video game blogger with a mysterious rainbow suitcase. More »

Posted by GoNintendo Nov 10 2011 00:02 GMT
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Sorry to make you click through for this trailer, but embedding lets it auto-play, and I figured most people wouldn't appreciate that. Enjoy!

Click here for the trailer

Source: XSeed

Posted by IGN Aug 31 2011 02:18 GMT
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Let's be honest -- unless you're a huge fan of the sport, most fishing games have a tendency to be on the boring side. It takes a lot of creativity to translate something that, even in real life, is more about patience than anything else into a fun video game experience. But from what I've played of Fishing Resort, coming to Wii later this year, it might just be the exception to the rule...

Posted by Joystiq Jul 24 2011 18:30 GMT
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XSEED is continuing its cozy relationships with both Bandai Namco (which has resulted in Retro Game Challenge, among other things) and developer Prope (whose Ivy the Kiwi? was published by XSEED), announcing a North American release of the Wii fishing game from Yuji Naka's company, Fishing Resort. It's a third-party Wii game in 2011, and thus a rarity.

The Wii game puts equal emphasis on both the "fishing" and "resort" aspects -- of course you'll be able to cast for over 200 varieties of fish (and play fishing-related minigames), but you're also given the choice to explore your island surroundings at your leisure, finding spots in different locales from which to fish. And should you develop some skill at the art of virtual fishing, you can take part in competitive play for up to four, and tell the world an incredibly accurate fish story via the leaderboards.

Posted by IGN Jul 22 2011 17:30 GMT
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Torrance, Calif. - XSEED Games, an independent-minded publisher, today announced a partnership with NAMCO BANDAI Games that will bring Fishing Resort, a new title themed around arcade-style fishing and recreations, to North America exclusively for Wii. Developed by PROPE in Japan, the studio led by...