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Posted by IGN Nov 25 2011 09:29 GMT
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EA and developer Starbreeze may have ruffled a few feathers when it was confirmed that the long-rumoured reboot of the beloved RTS series Syndicate was going to be a first person shooter, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The really good news is that after going hands-on with the game and chatting with Syndicate's Executive Producer Jeff Gamon, it feels like the spirit of the previous titles is very much intact...

Posted by Joystiq Nov 16 2011 22:00 GMT
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If you thought Starbreeze was running out of fingers or pies in which to stick them, think again; in a recent CVG interview, studio head Mikael Nermark revealed that the company was also working on a smaller-scale PSN title. Nermark said the "self-financed" project is currently running with a much smaller dev team than that of its Syndicate crew, but didn't expound on what the game would actually, you know, be.

We've contacted Starbreeze to try and find some elucidation on the subject, though we wager it has something to do with the new IP it's developing with film director Josef Fares. Still, we've petitioned any and all powers that be that the response to our email will be "Oh, we're making a new Chronicles of Riddick, and it's going to be super good this time, and hey, you know what, here it is. You go ahead and just have it right now."

Posted by Joystiq Nov 16 2011 14:00 GMT
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In the future, machines will be the least of our worries -- it's the humans with advanced machines in their bodies we'll have to watch out for. Advanced chips, to be exact, will unlock seemingly limitless potential in human beings. This is the world of Syndicate.

Governments of tomorrow will play second fiddle to massive corporations, and the game's four-player co-op mode focuses on exactly that. It's sort of a quasi-espionage affair: your team is sent in to various locales in order to steal advanced technology. It's just, uh, not very sneaky.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 16 2011 09:42 GMT
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There has already been a short trailer showing the chip-fipping, face-slamming action of the Syndicate reboot, this being the boot that may stamp on the face of your gaming past forever. This longer video shows an actual play session on the same map, jumping between agents’ viewpoints to confuse me but otherwise giving a fairly good idea of how things will play out. There will be lots of violence, death and use of cover. Strategy? Well, you’ll have to wait for team-mates before opening certain doors and really tough men will absorb thousands of bullets so you’ll need to heal one another during those fights. Oh, just look at it.


Posted by IGN Nov 15 2011 17:51 GMT
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Bullfrog's original Syndicate (1993) was an isometric action-adventure featuring a group of four-players hell-bent on global dominance, so it's fitting that EA's update offers a meaty four-player co-operative campaign that pays tribute to Peter Molyneux's original...

Posted by Joystiq Nov 03 2011 09:00 GMT
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Syndicate's protagonist won't be helping Granny cross the street or rescuing any kittens stuck in trees -- well, okay, maybe there's some kind of holo-tree mission, we don't know. The point is that you won't be playing the classic hero in EA's reboot. He's a bad dude there to do bad things.

"You're certainly not playing a good guy," producer Ben O'Donnell told Videogamer. "You follow him in the narrative, and that narrative will obviously unfold in different ways. When you first start you're playing as this agent working for EuroCorp, and you do their wet work for them. You have this really high-end chip in your head, and you can do things to people that they really wouldn't want to do -- like commit suicide or change allegiance. You're by no means a good guy, you're there to do the dirty work."

However, if you're expecting the main character to have some great moral epiphany or change of heart, don't. This isn't a game about "good and evil," O'Donnell promises. Sounds fine to us, especially since we just got one of those.

Posted by Kotaku Nov 01 2011 16:40 GMT
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#syndicate The controversially re-booted Syndicate will be sporting co-op play, shown off in this shiny cyberpunk trailer. We've got seeing-through-walls vision power, enemy-tracking bullets and some kind of area-effect blast. Also: Everyone wears trenchcoats. Except the rent-a-soldiers, of course. More »

Posted by Joystiq Nov 01 2011 16:30 GMT
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The latest Syndicate trailer suggests your team will sport enough extraneous buckles on their clothes for a fluid Final Fantasy crossover.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 24 2011 11:00 GMT
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#syndicate The Syndicate of 1993 was a strange beast, part strategy, part action. The Syndicate of 2012 is all action, leaving those who preferred the strategy of the original wanting. More »

Posted by Kotaku Oct 18 2011 11:15 GMT
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#syndicate This new trailer for Starbreeze's upcoming Syndicate shooter tries to show the common ground between the 1993 original and this new reboot. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 18 2011 08:39 GMT
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This is one for the young people, perhaps – as part of another trailer for the upcoming Syndicate enshooterising, we get a potted history of Bullfrog’s original game. “A cyberpunk wonderland,” apparently. Then it segues into a pic’n'mix of previous and new Syndishoot footage, and I guess we’re supposed to think “gosh, the reticule-based adventures of MILES KILO sure are highly thematically similar to an isometric tactical game.” Still, it’s nice to see the original Syndicate (“quite a unique experience”, claims robo-lady in the video) given a proper nod – never thought we’d see that as part of a bombastic, noisy trailer like this.


Posted by Joystiq Oct 15 2011 09:34 GMT
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Syndicate is looking pretty hot so far, but you don't need to take our word for it. Here's 10 minutes of gameplay featuring corporate espionage. Actually, is it still "espionage" when one kills everyone in sight?

Posted by Kotaku Oct 14 2011 05:00 GMT
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#syndicate This Syndicate clip runs for 11:06. Which is enough time to show you one mission from the upcoming shooter. It's also 11:06 of you walking around just...holding a gun. More »

Posted by IGN Oct 13 2011 19:06 GMT
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A lot of our audience is skeptical about the re-imagining of Syndicate as a first-person shooter. The original game was an isometric strategy title, so it's definitely a leap for it to take on an entirely new pacing and perspective. A recent demo impressed the hell out of Colin Moriarty, and EA has released footage from the same level. Care to see it for yourself? Check out the video below, complete with commentary from the developers...

Posted by Joystiq Oct 13 2011 17:55 GMT
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Syndicate's latest trailer does a little peep show of the past, which may be painful for some with fond memories of the original. But, with how the new game is shaping up, we look toward the future.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 29 2011 18:00 GMT
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Starbreeze's Syndicate is everything a particular group of PC gamers fears it is.

It's not isometric. It's not particularly focused on slow, methodical strategy. And you have direct control over your character, a departure from the CEO-using-mindless-drones-as-chess-pieces schtick of the original game. So for some of you, the fight's already lost. You can stop reading now.

For everyone else, you'll definitely want to keep reading. Because the new Syndicate is pretty cool.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 29 2011 14:12 GMT
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Starbreeze's slick, deadly and dour vision of the future is compiled with panache in this first trailer for Syndicate, the FPS reboot of Bullfrog's classic tactical game of the same name. Backed by a Syndicate remix from electro house producer Skrillex (download it here), the visuals cut between flashy combat, aerial takedowns and remote brain-hacking.

The trailer concludes with a tease for "The Executive Package" pre-order bonus, likely another one of EA's "limited edition" bundles tied to first-run copies of the game. It's out on February 21, 2012 (or: 0221 2012).

Posted by IGN Sep 29 2011 13:06 GMT
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Few names in our industry are as recognizable as Peter Molyneux. Known today for his projects with Lionhead Studios, such as the massively popular Fable series, Molyneux's earlier days in the 1980s and 1990s saw him at Bullfrog Productions, where he designed titles like Populous and programmed games like Theme Park. And then there was Syndicate, the futuristic, story-heavy cult classic that Molyneux produced...

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 29 2011 13:00 GMT
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Just another company man.

Hey guys, what do you want out of a Syndicate reboot? OK, fair enough, it's a loaded question, but it's been hard to ignore the rising voices of those who are, shall we say, less than satisfied with the news that Starbreeze has been working away at a first-person shooter that will bear the Syndicate name. It all feels like a replay of the recent XCOM hubbub, where longtime fans of a strategy game stood up and said something like "a first-person shooter? Great, we really need more of those.

So here's the potentially crazy twist. I got to play a brief chunk of Starbreeze's Syndicate recently, and it has tons of potential. The quick mission I embarked on--which showed off the basic powers at your disposal, a couple of weapons, and a few puzzle-type situations--might only be looking to capture the basic spirit of Bullfrog's classic, but if it pans out, it might also make for a great shooter with a skill tree. I was pretty taken aback by what I saw and played.

Syndicate is set in a chipped future, where most every human and plenty of inanimate objects contain embedded chips that, in the right hands, enhance humans. In the hands of an evil corporation bent on taking out their rivals at any cost, though, they can be subverted to do all sorts of nasty business. In the game, you'll play as an agent named Miles Kilo, a prototype that has the ability to hack nearby chips, allowing you to carry out said nasty business on behalf of your bosses. Kilo, raised by the corporation, is totally controlled by his chip and, at the beginning of the game, has no real moral compass. This will allow, or perhaps even demand that you behave in a ruthless manner. And, based a brief conversation I had with someone associated with the game, you probably don't need to be a genius to guess how this plot's major story beats go.

But enough about that. Manipulating, or "breaching" the world is your main way of interacting with things. In some cases, you'll need to turn on a vision mode to find a breachable object, which opens a secure door. There's no hacking minigame here, you're simply holding down a button until a meter fills up. The demo, which has you seeking out a member of a rival corporation, who is in possession of a chip that you need, opens with a moment that you'll see in the game' s trailer. You happen upon an interrogation room and are, in a tutorial-like fashion, commanded to breach one of the two authorities inside the room. This causes him to grab his head in pain and go into suicide mode. He quickly pulls out a pistol, guns down his associate, shoots the guy they're apparently interrogating, and then, just for the heck of it, he stuffs the barrel of the pistol into his mouth and finishes the job. The force from that blast sends the body crashing through the window between you and the room, giving you access to the next area.

But the abilities aren't strictly for scripted moments or opening doors. After acquiring the chip you're searching for--another bloody moment involving a guy that seemingly can't wait to off himself--you gain access to the three basic powers. Suicide works as advertised, causing any enemy to flip out and kill himself. If you're lucky, he'll choose to use a grenade, which might take out other nearby targets. The backfire ability appears to cause gun malfunctions, and it essentially knocks your target down for a bit, giving you time to react. Persuade flips the alignment of the targeted enemy, causing him to shoot at his own guys for a bit. Each power has its own meter, and the meters are charged by adrenaline, meaning that you'll fill them up by killing enemies the old fashioned way.

The vision mode is called "DART." That probably stands for something.

You start the mission with a pistol, and some augmented reality HUD elements put ammo counters right next to the pistol. When running and holding the pistol, Kilo cocks the gun slightly diagonally, letting you run and fire wildly as you are doing so. It looks pretty awesome. I was also told that you can slide and shoot at the same time, but didn't see this in action. The other weapon was a gauss rifle that lets you hold the left trigger to lock onto targets. Once you're locked on, you can step around a corner and fire. The bullets will curve to find their target. This is useful for flushing out enemies that are behind cover, and is especially useful when you combine it with the game's vision mode, which reveals enemies that are behind walls. The gun is also used for a bit of puzzle-solving, as one sequence requires you to lock onto a door's vulnerable side and blast it open.

Along the way, you'll earn experience points that funnel into a skill tree. The usual assortment of number tweaks for health, recharge time, and so on appear to be present, though your three powers will also develop, too. Doing things like gunning down several enemies in a row will give you a little XP bonus.

It's stylish, though its high-tech look is sure to draw some initial comparisons to Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It's a sensible comparison, but even though these are both first-person shooters with RPG elements and a futuristic, cyber sort of theme, the brief bit of Syndicate I played didn't feel too similar. Syndicate appears to be leaning more on its fast action and shooting than Deus Ex usually does. We'll have to hold tight and see how the rest of it turns out, but the sort of crazy part about all this is that we won't be waiting that long. Alongside the game's first trailer, EA announced that the game is due in February 2012. That's pretty soon.

Posted by IGN Sep 28 2011 13:32 GMT
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EA has confirmed that the new Syndicate game will be released on February 21, 2012 in the US and on February 24 in Europe...

Posted by Joystiq Sep 28 2011 14:10 GMT
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EA has announced an early 2012 release date for Syndicate, an action-oriented reboot of Bullfrog's sci-fi classic. It's set to arrive on February 21 in North America, and February 24 in Europe. Barring any delays, that makes for two Q1 shooters that have divorced themselves from tactical, isometric origins.

Developed by Chronicles of Riddick studio Starbreeze, the new Syndicate thrusts you into the year 2069 as a "prototype agent" for Eurocom, a large corporation with a nice armory. Starbreeze also says it will include a separate, four-player co-op mode. Can four organized individuals be classified as a syndicate?

Posted by Kotaku Sep 28 2011 10:15 GMT
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EA has announced that it's upcoming reboot of the Syndicate universe will be out in February 2012. That's, wow, not long after the game's reveal, but remember, Starbreeze has been working on this game for years. More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 21 2011 14:40 GMT
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Paradox's Cartel is shaping up to be more of a sequel to Syndicate then the official sequel that EA announced last week. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 13 2011 07:59 GMT
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This isn’t going to help. Quote the opposite, of course. But, for the record, here’s Starbreeze’s explanation for why they’ve so controversially made revered RTS Syndicate into an adrenalised FPS. Convinced? Me, not so much.(more…)