Splinter Cell: Blacklist Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Kotaku Jul 29 2013 21:30 GMT
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Here's an in-depth look at the stealthier side of Splinter Cell: Blacklist's much ballyhooed "Spies vs. Mercs" multiplayer.Read more...

Posted by PlayStation Blog Jul 24 2013 16:03 GMT
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As you can see in the video above, we’ve got three very distinct playstyles in Splinter Cell Blacklist. The Ghost is someone who likes to get in and out of a mission, leaving absolutely no trace of their presence. You can either avoid contact with the enemy altogether (undisturbed hostiles give you the greatest challenge and reward), or knock them out. There are plenty of gadgets tailor-made for Ghosts; the proximity shocker is one of my favorites, especially when I feel like messing around with the AI. I’ll lay down mines, fire off a sticky cam for reconnaissance and/or distraction (you can play sounds from the sticky cam to serve as a decoy), and then lure the baddies into my playground.

There’s something completely satisfying about knocking out a terrorist, leaving his body out in the open, then watching one of his buddies take notice and race over to investigate… only to get zapped. I’ll clean up my mess after that, and hide those guys in the comfort of the darkness.

The Ghost is always non-lethal, though. That’s imperative to the playstyle. If you want to use your karambit (the Indonesian knife that Sam uses in Blacklist), you’re trudging into Panther territory.

Panthers remain hidden as well, but strike with lethal force from the shadows. The close-quarter kills are impressively quick and quiet. There’s also plenty of weaponry that either comes with built-in silencers or which can be equipped through the robust customization system. The Five-seveN isn’t your default handgun anymore, but earning cash to get it (or, dare I say, even better guns) is plenty of fun. In all, we’ve got nearly 40 weapons – each individually tuned – that feel distinctly different. As long as you’ve got a silencer, and you take guys out without being detected, you’re playing as a Panther.


Assault is a different beast altogether.

If you are detected and start eliminating threats – with or without a silencer – you’ll be earning cash under the Assault playstyle. You can obviously opt into it, by going loud from the get-go, but be warned: that this will not be easy. You’ve got to accept the consequences of alerting the enemies to your whereabouts and risk getting taken out quickly. Make sure you fire first, or have your explosions be bigger than theirs. Proximity mines, grenades of various flavours, and high-calibre weaponry will be your best friends, along with your “Last Known Position.” This is the best way to get a beat on the opposition if you’re out-numbered. Your LKP pops up as a ghostly silhouette and resides where the enemy last saw you. You can use this to your advantage by being quick, using cover, and repositioning yourself to get a strategic angle on your threat.

Ideally, your survival and success will be more probable with a hefty dose of tactics, but if you just want to let off some steam… this is a solid option for you.

There’s still a lot we’re not disclosing – we want to save some surprises for you! But keep in mind, there are many ways to play Splinter Cell Blacklist. Ghost, Panther, or Assault… you can basically make your own version of Sam Fisher, equip him however you like, and have fun.

You’ll be rewarded no matter how you play, but you’ll always do better mastering one of them (even if you switch it up in different missions).

What playstyle are you hoping to master?

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 24 2013 15:00 GMT
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It is arguable that I have slightly misunderstood what this minute’s Splinter Cell Blacklist trailer is actually about, after I read that the video title was “Ghost Panther Assault”. But that isn’t going to change anything – I’m insisting that rather than being about Ghost, Panther and Assault modes, this is about Ghost Panther, the greatest hero of our time.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 18 2013 09:00 GMT
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How times have changed. It used to be that the British ruling hawks would not allow our delicate eyes to witness a snapped neck. And madly recently, too. For instance, British viewers of Buffy were left completely oblivious to what happened Ms. Calendar, since the scene where Angelus unscrewed her head never appeared. She just stopped being in the show. Thanks, censorship! But now look at things – today’s trailer for Splinter Cell: Blacklist contains a neck-snapping scene that would have had the footage banned barely ten years ago. Also, SERIOUS TALK ABOUT HOW SERIOUS THE SITUATION IS.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 16 2013 17:00 GMT
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I gassed a dog, wore its limp body like a stole, and threw the conked canine at a guard. Because of that my trousers are now more tactical, a room on my flying fortress has nicer decorations, and now I’ll have more information about missions. Splinter Cell: Blacklist is a bizarre game.(more…)

Posted by IGN Jul 11 2013 16:00 GMT
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Get a glimpse of Splinter Cell Blacklist's Perfectionist mode and why it has us so excited for the game's August 20th release date.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 09 2013 16:00 GMT
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Splinter Cell: Blacklist is basically Splinter Cell: Conviction 2. I spent a few hours with it last week and came to that conclusion, but I’m not allowed to say anything else. The NDA is watching me. That’s not a complaint, btw. I really enjoyed Conviction, and more of that will do me just fine. Anyway, I also think it’s obvious from the videos they’ve released that Blacklist is sitting on Conviction’s shoulders. There’s a bit in the video below where Sam has to break cover and chase the boss of a terrorist cell, which is one of the previous game’s more annoying additions to the series. They’ve brought the bad with the good.(more…)