Wii Fit U Message Board older than one year ago

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Wii Fit U - more meter pics
gonintendo.com posted by GoNintendo Oct 31 2013 17:25 GMT
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Thanks to Ben for the heads up!
Wii Fit U - new UK website launched
gonintendo.com posted by GoNintendo Oct 31 2013 16:44 GMT
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Find out how #WiiFitU reinvents fitness fun (and how you can enjoy a free 31-days trial on #WiiU) at the new website: http://t.co/pLzkxrx3i9

— Nintendo UK (@NintendoUK) October 31, 2013
Wii Fit U - Japanese activity meter packaging
gonintendo.com posted by GoNintendo Oct 15 2013 16:49 GMT
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Wii Fit U meter Japanese packaging #Nintendo #WiiU http://t.co/ysP5kVUiVv

— NintendoTweet (@NintendoTweet) October 15, 2013
Wii Fit U - meter, Puzzle Squash and Rock Climbing detailed
nintendoworldreport.com posted by GoNintendo Oct 11 2013 17:35 GMT
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- Fit Meter features readouts that can be scrolled through with the face buttons
- view your Mii with a Calories burned count, distance walked, elevation, temperature, and tiny graphs of changes
- even includes an altimeter
- can also detect when you're in a vehicle
- meter transfers data through the infrared port on the top of the Wii U GamePad
- GamePad gives you are a more detailed view
- set both distance and elevation goals, which are graphically related to the scales of various worldwide location
- share your stats with communities of your choice
- Puzzle Squash is a Wii Fit U mini-game that mixes the Wii Remote Plus with the Balance Board
- objective is to gain a high score
- the back wall of the court is filled with different colored blocks
- hitting those blocks with the ball will earn the player points
- the score is multiplied if the block the player hits is connected to blocks of the same color
- after blocks are hit, they vanish and more blocks, which can be seen above the playable field, fall down to fill the gaps
- hitting the ball depends on timing
- if the returning ball is far away from the on-screen character, the player must then shuffle their feet back and forth in order to run to the ball’s next location
- player is given three misses with the racket or until time runs out
- rock climbing is more geared towards coordinating movements
- uses two Wii Remote Plusses in conjunction with a Balance Board
- move your hand toward a grip and then latch onto it by pressing the B button
- make stepping motions on the Balance Board to pull yourself up
- some rocks allow both hands to grip them, but most are limited to one
- if you wait too long hanging by one hand, you risk falling off the wall
- reset the calibration by pressing down on the Control Pad
Wii fit u nintendo direct was hilarious, go watch it
posted by Super-Claus Sep 18 2013 12:28 GMT
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god knows half the people here would benefit from this
Nintendo Giving Away Wii Fit's Sequel For Free (For A Month)
kotaku.com posted by Kotaku Sep 18 2013 12:02 GMT
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This is novel. Nintendo just announced that it'll be letting people download the full version of Wii Fit U and play it for a month, without paying a cent.Read more...
Wii Fit U - Japanese release date, another look at the Fit Meter
nintendo.co.jp posted by GoNintendo Aug 30 2013 18:16 GMT
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According to the official Japanese hub site for Wii Fit U, the title is due out in Japan on Oct. 31st. We'll see if Nintendo actually gets this game out around the world this year. I have my doubts! Thanks to Mantello for the heads up!
Wii Fit U - updated fact sheet
nintendo.co.uk posted by GoNintendo May 07 2013 22:31 GMT
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Take your fitness routine to the next level with Wii Fit U, exclusively for Wii U. Work out with new exercises that use the Wii U GamePad, Wii Balance Board or both, as well as returning exercises from Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus.

The combination of the Wii Balance Board and Wii U GamePad creates all-new body training possibilities – and Wii Fit U has plenty of new activities that’ll get you working out in a fun and engaging way. In Dessert Course, you’ll take steps on the balance board to deliver desserts while balancing the GamePad like a tray. Core Luge will see you sitting on the balance board and tilting your weight to steer down an icy track. In Trampoline Target you’ll need to lean carefully to land in the centre of the trampoline – as the TV shows how high your Mii character is leaping, the GamePad's integrated second screen gives a helpful bird's-eye view to help you hit the bull’s-eye.

Exercises and activities that use a single screen can be played without the TV, so you can always work out even if the TV is in use. Take your Body Test by using the GamePad's screen to check your progress, keeping your results and weight visible only to you, and add photos with the GamePad's camera to chart your physical development over time.
The included Fit Meter tracks your activity level throughout the day. This portable accessory records your steps and detects changes in activity level, altitude and atmospheric pressure, and can even estimate what kind of exercise you're doing aside from Wii Fit U. Using the built-in infrared technology of the Wii U GamePad, you can quickly and easily add this information to your Wii Fit U profile and chart your overall physical activity level during the day.

Work out and track your progress even when the TV is in use, with the Wii U GamePad's integrated second screen

Enjoy new activities, as well as select exercises from previous Wii Fit games

Use your existing Wii Balance Board and transfer your previous save data to continue to work towards your fitness goals in Wii Fit U

Please note: terminology may not be final as this title is still in development.

Thanks to WelshGamer for the heads up!
Wii Fit U - Euro boxart resurfaces
t.co posted by GoNintendo May 07 2013 22:22 GMT
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Hmm, that is the European box art for Wii Fit U popping up. Update soon? nintendo.co.uk/Games/Wii-U/Wi… twitter.com/NintenDaan/sta…

— Daan Koopman (@NintenDaan) May 7, 2013

This boxart appeared shortly before the Wii U came out, but disappeared soon thereafter. Now the boxart resurfaces once again on retailer sites. Could we see news on an official release date soon?
E3 2012: Family Fitness Trailer
posted by GameTrailers Jun 07 2012 00:34 GMT
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It's time to luge the weight with Wii Fit U's Family Fitness.
Watch Dogs' Best Version Might be the Wii Fit U Edition (What?)
kertgartner.com posted by Kotaku Jun 06 2012 03:15 GMT
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#humor Not a real thing, sadly, but reader Kert thought it could/should be. Seeing the look on this guy's face, I can't help but agree. More »
E3 2012: Debut Trailer
posted by GameTrailers Jun 05 2012 17:43 GMT
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Nintendo reveals their calorie killer, Wii Fit U.