Assassin's Creed IV Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by GoNintendo Oct 24 2013 21:19 GMT
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"My objective with Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag was to create a very fresh and moving experience on the artistic side. We have the chance to explore more than 50 unique locations in this game and this was the opportunity to give them specific flavors and have a very dense and varied immersion. We are not doing the usual caricatured version of piracy but a more grounded and realistic interpretation of history." - art director, Raphael Lacoste

More samples here

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 24 2013 09:00 GMT
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Despite the pointed mockery of John’s Assassy Creed trailer post, Ubisoft haven’t let up in their desire to tell expose every little detail about the fourth (but not really fourth) Assassin’s Creed game in trailers. There have been three this week. They are shameless. I was going to do a post with them all again, but the weight of that many Flash instances on one page breaks my browser, so I am instead posting the latest one. It handily manages to distill everything we know about the game into a scant 9 minutes. Think about that, Ubisoft: you have one trailer doing the job of more than thirty.(more…)

Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 22 2013 14:30 GMT
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Today we’re rolling out more PS4 game pre-orders on PlayStation Store. Last week, we made Knack and Warframe available for pre-order, and today we’re releasing pre-orders for Killzone Shadow Fall, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, and Battlefield 4.

If you pre-order these titles today, you’ll have them when they launch for PS4. As an added bonus, all four games feature exclusive pre-order bonuses.

Game Title Pre-order Bonus Killzone Shadow Fall The Shadow Pack Call of Duty: Ghosts Free Fall Map Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition Free Fall Map Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Exclusive Aveline Figurehead Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Gold Edition Exclusive Aveline Figurehead Battlefield 4 China Rising Expansion

If you’ve already pre-ordered or purchased the PS3 version of Call of Duty: Ghosts, Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, or Battlefield 4, you can upgrade to the PS4 digital version at the discounted price of $9.99 for a limited time. Get all the details on how to take full advantage of this program here.

Also, if you purchase a season pass for the PS3 version of Call of Duty: Ghosts, Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, or Battlefield 4, you’ll be able to download the PS4 version for free. You’ll need to purchase the season passes for the PS3 versions of Call of Duty: Ghosts and Assassin’s Creed IV by May 31st, 2014, in order to take advantage of this deal.

Which PS4 games are you going to pre-order? Let us know in the comments below.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 21 2013 23:00 GMT
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FINALLY. Long have I waited for Man At Arms to make the iconic hidden wristblade from Assassin's Creed, better known as one of the raddest weapons in video game history. Now he has, and he has not disappointed.Read more...

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 21 2013 19:54 GMT
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Placed after the jump due to autoplay...

Read the rest of the story...

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 19 2013 16:21 GMT
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Coming from Jeux Video magazine

AC4 received 18/20.

4/5 For Gameplay
4/5 For the gaphics
5/5 for the soundtrack
5/5 for the length of the game

Full details here

Posted by IGN Oct 17 2013 17:00 GMT
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Meet Edward Kenway and see how devs designed gameplay for a new Assassin in Part 3 of IGN's behind-the-scenes documentary shot on location in Montreal and Singapore.

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 17 2013 16:53 GMT
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- Biggest game map for the series so far.
- Seamless transition between land and sea. No loading for most island. Larger cities will require loading.
- Production has gone smoothly.
- Showed tech demo that was originally used internally to demonstrate to executives what Black Flag can accomplish on next generation hardware.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 09 2013 20:00 GMT
- 1 1 Like?
The Wii U Won't Be Getting Assassin's Creed IV DLC. Yesterday, Ubisoft detailed the downloadable add-ons coming Assassin's Creed IV, among which is a cool-sounding standalone adventure that casts the player as an escaped slave. Unfortunately for Nintendo fans, today Ubisoft confirmed to Kotaku that the Wii U version of the game won't get that add-on, or any other AC IV DLC. (H/T Gamereactor)Read more...
Who cares

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 08 2013 17:19 GMT
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Direct link here

This trailer goes hand-in-hand with the announcement of a Season Pass, but the Wii U isn't getting that option. We're not even sure if the Wii U is getting the DLC at all. Just incase it does, here's the DLC revealed thus far.

- Freedom Cry: Born a slave, Adewale found freedom as a pirate aboard the Jackdaw as Captain Edward Kenway’s second-in-command. Fifteen years later, Adewale has become a trained assassin and finds himself shipwrecked in Saint-Domingue with no weapon nor crew, starting a new adventure of his own.

- The Exclusive Kraken Ship Pack – Only available to Season Pass owners, this pack includes personalization elements for the Jackdaw

- New ways to personalize the player’s pirate experience – Additional single player missions, weapons, skins, and collectibles

- More Multiplayer Mayhem – Unlock new characters for an even more expansive multiplayer experience


Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 08 2013 16:00 GMT
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We’ve got a bunch of Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag announcements for you this week, PlayStation Assassins! Let’s get right to it with the announcement of our single-player DLC: Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag: Freedom Cry.

Over the course of AC4, you will get to know the Jackdaw’s Quartermaster Adewale very well… but in the upcoming downloadable episode Freedom Cry, you will lead him from despair to victory! Captain Edward Kenway knows Adewale to be a trusty and capable deck officer, but what mysterious circumstances led him to the brash and brutal life of a pirate?

You’ll get a peek in AC4, but you’ll get the full story — along with what comes after — in Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag: Freedom Cry.

This forthcoming DLC episode in the saga of AC4 will deliver the following features:

  • An Imposing Assassin: In addition to being an exceptional sailor and pirate, Adewale has become the master of several types of melee weaponry and commands the will to use them.
  • Fight Slavery in 18th Century Haiti: Journey to exotic Port au Prince and rebuild the Maroon resistance using skills honed by Assassin training and fueled by a hunger for justice.
  • All Fear Captain Adewale: Adewale commands the Experto Crede, a daunting brig you’ll be able to customize and strengthen into the terror of the slave trade in the Caribbean!

Purchase the Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Season Pass and get Freedom Cry at no additional cost, as well as exclusive ship customisations for Edward Kenway’s Jackdaw, extra single-player missions, weapons, costumes and collectibles… not to mention new characters in AC4’s multiplayer.

Finally, we have a video highlighting the awesomeness of working with a great partner like PlayStation, particularly when it comes to creating exclusive content like the Aveline missions for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4! Watch AC4 Game Director Ashraf Ismail discuss the fruits of our close cooperation with PlayStation…

Aveline has quickly become a fan favorite, so we’re delighted to be able to bring more of her story exclusively to PlayStation consoles!

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 07 2013 19:47 GMT
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Information comes from Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag game director Ashraf Ismail...

On why ACIII didn't getting a spin-off

"Not so much. We have this brand team at Ubisoft. It’s the Assassin’s Creed brand team. They are outside of the development team. So this team that is outside of the developers and overlooks this brand, we did the trilogy of Ezio and for the next set of games, we didn’t want to do the sort of trilogy of Connor.

We like the idea of when we announce a new game, people get excited about the new setting and time period, but they also get excited about the character. In our case, what we decided is we have this Kenway family and so we told the story of Connor and a little bit of Haytham and then they have this grandfather named Edward.

So the point was always to tell Edward’s story as well. We really didn’t want to do a trilogy with Connor. We also pay attention to fan feedback. If fans were going ballistic and saying ‘we need more Connor, we need more Connor,’ I’m sure someone in business would’ve said, ‘push another Connor game, eventually.'

Honestly with Connor, I think he was a bit more polarizing than Ezio, there were some people that loved him and then there were some people where he didn’t connect with them at all. For business reasons, our job is to make characters that are more intriguing and interesting and if you don’t like them because of who that person is in the world, then that’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with that.

If we made a really boring character that is not interesting, then that’s bad for us. But the goal has always been to tell the story of the Kenway family saga with these sets of games. We of course, always listen to what people have to tell us though."

On the ending of ACIV defining who Edward is

"I’m super proud of Edward’s story that we’ve done here. Altair was duty bound. Ezio was revenge, effectively. With Edward, we wanted to tell kind of a more human story where it’s about a guy who hasn’t figured out who he is in life. So yes, we do explain his origins a bit.

We explain why the life of piracy attracted him. You start to see that he is a guy that’s looking to figure out, what does life mean to him? I always say the ending to this game, it’s not about Edward saving the world or saving the pirates. It’s a really human ending, he effectively decides who he is in life. I’m really proud of that because it’s much more humble, but I think it makes him much more human.

You can connect to him because he’s going through problems that a lot of us face. They may be a bit more extravagant, but at the end of the day it’s a human issue he’s trying to figure out."

Link, Link

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 06 2013 23:04 GMT
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- special serialization from Japanese publisher Shueisha
- appearing in Jump magazine
- all-original story
- fills in bits and pieces of the tale of Edward
- created by artist Kenji Oiwa
- historical novelist Takashi Yano also on board