*they split apart*wow, I didn't relize we could do that on our own.that leaves a lot of options for us. - Sat Sep 12 00:00:06 CDT 2015
Thgil: Feh... i'm fine... ............. thanks though *Shoots light ray at Koopa Clown* - Fri Sep 11 20:00:03 CDT 2015
I love doing speed runs on Blast Corps. (an old N64 game). I actually made a world record of two seconds on a certain mission in that game - Fri Sep 11 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Versu: ...*A strange door appears*Versu: What?*Versu gets pulled into the door* - Fri Sep 11 16:00:03 CDT 2015
......or....you could ude this one - Fri Sep 11 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Heelp!3399143133473331133113133113124331224NN22511NNCBLuigi£££££££Mario Test££££1500££££££00000000000000000000000000220000 - Fri Sep 11 10:00:03 CDT 2015
DP: Hmm hmmm hmmm *humming* WHOA *a pit opens up... DP falls in*.............................OW X_X - Fri Sep 11 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Ouch. o.< A friggen' 21 out of 256? T.T[Roll=100]*edit* Clearly, I fail life. v.v - Fri Sep 11 06:00:03 CDT 2015
woah you shaved. . . - Fri Sep 11 04:00:04 CDT 2015
No. - Fri Sep 11 00:00:04 CDT 2015
DP: And! we are back.... *falls alseep on ground* zzzzzzzzzzzzzz - Thu Sep 10 22:00:04 CDT 2015
Cool butterfly. I see now that its a common butterfly because I see those things a lot and I actually didn't know they were butterflies til - Thu Sep 10 20:00:05 CDT 2015
*follows him.* - Thu Sep 10 18:00:04 CDT 2015
It's a joke. - Thu Sep 10 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Francis, you Hi-Technicaaaal dude. I say you make us all mods. I have indeed had experience. I was an Administrator for a site. The site, u - Thu Sep 10 14:00:06 CDT 2015
* That appears and throws a "Godmodding stone of anti-godmodding" at King Oho Jee and the fortress, blowing it up. She then dissa - Thu Sep 10 10:00:05 CDT 2015
Oh oh. Uhhh, Star Dust! *blows Star Dust into Mimi's eyes* What to do, what to do... *jumps into a nearby pipe* - Thu Sep 10 08:00:07 CDT 2015
Vaati: *appears to check the boards again* ah it seems some more have signed up*disappears - Thu Sep 10 06:00:06 CDT 2015
Howsabout my Mojo Jolene, which is somewheres in the Fanart forum right about now? o_o; - Thu Sep 10 04:00:07 CDT 2015
there is alway others - Thu Sep 10 02:00:05 CDT 2015
Do you have any specifics you would like? - Thu Sep 10 00:00:05 CDT 2015
(whatever then. perhaps a name now existing can be cool.)very well. but... you are aware, in that form I can rival the powers of even you. - Wed Sep 09 22:00:05 CDT 2015
I don't think you're any better than any of the members here, SoF. And same goes for Lord Bowser! It's really rude to make lists of people - Wed Sep 09 20:00:05 CDT 2015
It broke teh forumness... - Wed Sep 09 16:00:06 CDT 2015
I think Luvbi's a fake! She doesn't talk in Olde English - Wed Sep 09 12:00:04 CDT 2015
I know 99.9999997% that I'm totally NOT official, so y'all knowz... =P - Wed Sep 09 10:00:05 CDT 2015
Krush: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! That probably would've killed me... IF I didn't train to experience that exact blast!*Krush regains composure poi - Wed Sep 09 08:00:05 CDT 2015
Well I'm not following anyone, see? I don't work like that. - Wed Sep 09 06:00:05 CDT 2015
must... overcome... PAIN!*a large flash takes place, and after wards a stream of pure darkness is swirling around him*hmm...*scan the darkn - Wed Sep 09 02:00:04 CDT 2015
Mr chicken is nice. I wonder if my tank idea is too much, though... - Tue Sep 08 20:00:08 CDT 2015
hmmm Where did i put that thing at *starts looking in his blue cap**looks at Big Boo for a moment then Continues to look in his cap* - Tue Sep 08 16:00:03 CDT 2015
you get a smooshed gold barinserts next poster - Tue Sep 08 12:00:03 CDT 2015
orangesodas? lol - Tue Sep 08 10:00:03 CDT 2015
no problem! - Tue Sep 08 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo 64, GameCube, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, and GameBoy Advance! - Tue Sep 08 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Dunno, seems like a lot of people are gone this weekend. Last time the pot got up to over 200 coins. - Tue Sep 08 00:00:03 CDT 2015
.... Oh... oh my... this wasn't what I paid you for!!! ><!!!*spontaneously pulls a fire hose out, and hooks it up to a little water-s - Mon Sep 07 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Yeah, I know that already. The manga finished some time ago, IIRC, but the anime is only on the SPOILER ALERT Near and Mello arc.But that - Mon Sep 07 20:00:03 CDT 2015
DELETED!!!Last edited by Lord Bowser on Thu May 10, 2007 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total - Mon Sep 07 10:00:03 CDT 2015
We arent declaring war. We are at ceasefire for now and I really don't feel like being attacked. - Mon Sep 07 06:00:04 CDT 2015
*Gets teleported back**Over Walkie-Talkie*Piccolo: Mission complete Mr. I♪ I'm taking my break after a while♪ - Mon Sep 07 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Rather than fully charging his jump, luigi can hit some dumber enemies with a single "fold" when doing the +down. It's good for t - Mon Sep 07 02:00:04 CDT 2015
You ACTUALLY wasted your time to listen to those pathetic STORIES? You sir, are an IDIOT! - Mon Sep 07 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Just take a Healing Shroom and it'll fix your back pain - Sun Sep 06 22:00:04 CDT 2015
*Mails a Fission to Pure-???*That's how.FISSION MAILED!...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! - Sun Sep 06 20:00:03 CDT 2015
See you tommorow on digibutter! - Sun Sep 06 16:00:03 CDT 2015
**Name: Dimentio*Picture: To the left! The left!**Species: Unknown*Gender: Male**Powers: Cloning myself, throwing star-like rifts at people - Sun Sep 06 14:00:03 CDT 2015
*Mr I and Krush come back*Mr I: Anything happen?Green: CHICKEN FEET!Krush: -_-Red: Some scary guy asked for that silver thingy... and said - Sun Sep 06 12:00:03 CDT 2015
'AyeSo, Caprtian #42, Who's it gonna be? - Sun Sep 06 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I know, I've heard that Season 5 was pretty good. - Sun Sep 06 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Today's poll: Glameow and Purugly VS. Stunky and Skuntank! Will the cat or the skunk win? That's up to you!Last edited by Fancy Wario on - Sat Sep 05 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Yep. The land of ice hockey has won the championship! Eat it, Finland! - Sat Sep 05 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Versu: A.....leader? I don't understand..... - Sat Sep 05 16:00:04 CDT 2015
Confusing?Hmm....now I really want to see those cards...DP, could you take a picture of them or do you not have them/Know where they are? - Sat Sep 05 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Oh wow! There's lots I've never seen before! Like this. :3 Awwww....*huggles them* XD - Sat Sep 05 12:00:03 CDT 2015
[image]A rather large one, but a butterfly nonetheless! I took this pic from a distance zoomed in, so it's not that great! But it's a rare - Sat Sep 05 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Here's an update! He made a thread already! WOO!!But nice animation, I dabble in flash too!I suck - Sat Sep 05 04:00:03 CDT 2015
I need the most evil of evil doers for my greatest scam yet see? You must be willing to but your lives and the lives of others on the line - Sat Sep 05 00:00:04 CDT 2015
WOO HOO!But I have to do homework now >_>I hate karma. - Fri Sep 04 20:00:03 CDT 2015
fine, I'll just wait to go on another mission....*waits**waits some more* - Fri Sep 04 18:00:02 CDT 2015
Software pirate. Yarrrr. - Fri Sep 04 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Judging by a completely random dice, I'd say 3.Judging by REAL TESTERS, i'd say 6/10. - Fri Sep 04 10:00:03 CDT 2015
DK: Me have the feeling we killed lots of babies...*DK gets mauled by a Paratroopa. Another Bellossom falls from the sky*Paratroopa: FINALL - Fri Sep 04 04:00:04 CDT 2015
Welcome to my new game called, Black Dice. The proposal is simple and fair. You will put up a sum of money, between 10 and 30 coins. I will - Fri Sep 04 02:00:03 CDT 2015
O2, dead eyeball.Weird. O_o - Fri Sep 04 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Nar:Gulp - Thu Sep 03 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Hm...looks like a guy to me. Yeah, it's definitely a guy. - Thu Sep 03 18:00:04 CDT 2015
So, how's about a straight-down choice for meh? - Thu Sep 03 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Wha? How come I never got the memo?!Whoever this I is, I'll speak to him. I'm not gonna work for him though. - Thu Sep 03 14:00:03 CDT 2015
How about some Shonen Jump Anime, like the following:BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBoHikaru No GoThe Prince of TennisNaruto (definite)and when it gets red - Thu Sep 03 12:00:04 CDT 2015
???: yes...pure ΩΩΩ: stop it!*??? is once again subdued in the war of minds*MM: does anyone know where the pure hearts are? - Thu Sep 03 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Oh snaps, SPM 2 and 3! Hmm...Hmm... - Thu Sep 03 08:00:04 CDT 2015
[eye beams penetrate dimentio's shield then dimentio warps out befor any harm can come to him]dimentio: caio! - Thu Sep 03 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I LOVE TO CHEAT! - Wed Sep 02 18:00:03 CDT 2015
This looks of interest....Severus: NO! It wouldn't be fair! Don't you remember my stats from our CYOA?!HIR: Max HP: 950, attack: 15, defens - Wed Sep 02 16:00:03 CDT 2015
wait... no, he has fled, but my all seeing-ousity (wow that's fun to say) says he is at the I in the sky, mister I's space base. wel, now D - Wed Sep 02 12:00:03 CDT 2015
*Nightshade reappears*Nightshade: Yes, I believe that's enough judgment for one day... - Wed Sep 02 10:00:03 CDT 2015
alright by me! again... - Wed Sep 02 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Simple. I use all my power to fire a laser to get rid of the dust! Same thing with itching! - Wed Sep 02 06:00:03 CDT 2015
So, I, lord Bowser, would like to say:PUT A SECTION TO DISCUSS OTHER WEBSITES! NOW!!! - Wed Sep 02 04:00:04 CDT 2015
AGREED!HAIL LORD BOWSER!!!!! - Wed Sep 02 02:00:04 CDT 2015
*X appears*Pure Hearts: hi lolX: yeah hi can u come with me?Pure Hearts: sure lolX: AND DAMMIT, STOP MAKING US TALK LIKE THAT!Jonathan: Sor - Wed Sep 02 00:00:03 CDT 2015
me 2 - Tue Sep 01 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr Krushesfailures: You'll see in the end... but, it's time for the history quiz! Name every power-up and item (excluding coins, blocks, et - Tue Sep 01 20:00:04 CDT 2015
I can make that fake Bowser shut up in my way. - Tue Sep 01 16:00:03 CDT 2015
I think cap'n #42 should pick out ranks like 1st and 2nd mate, and all the other ones as well, see? - Tue Sep 01 14:00:03 CDT 2015
jeez, that guy's the worst - Tue Sep 01 12:00:03 CDT 2015
I'm talking about the boss, not the arwing. XPIt's currently up for sale for about... 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 BEANBEAN COINS!! - Tue Sep 01 08:00:03 CDT 2015
............................................come ooonnnnnnn peeeepoooooosss... - Tue Sep 01 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Is there gonna be other purposes for these? I mean besides getting to know each other and stuff. >_> - Tue Sep 01 04:00:03 CDT 2015
That's because it's so much easier to dodge atacks than with turn based fighting - Tue Sep 01 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Welcome back!Mimi still hasn't been on - Tue Sep 01 00:00:03 CDT 2015
None.The best part of the game is the pit of 100 trials, because I'm at the bottom. - Mon Aug 31 22:00:04 CDT 2015
95 - Mon Aug 31 20:00:08 CDT 2015
(I'm sticking with having a scout attached to your brain, it's quite ingenious actually, nothing can remove it, they would have to put the - Mon Aug 31 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Wait, I now know! It's SNIGROLAG! - Mon Aug 31 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Mimi: And what about the Pure Hearts and the Chaos heart! You should absorb their power! - Mon Aug 31 14:00:03 CDT 2015
tails:i thougt you were dead traitor!dimentio:enough of you.. [snaps fingers and traps tails in that glowy box thing] [turns to vg] huh?[ge - Mon Aug 31 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Mmmm... lemons. - Mon Aug 31 10:00:03 CDT 2015
[eye beams penetrate dimentio's shield then dimentio warps out befor any harm can come to him]dimentio: caio! - Mon Aug 31 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Aw... Come on... - Mon Aug 31 04:00:03 CDT 2015
*a clone walks out from behind a pillar*wow. everyone here is an idiot.*picks up B block* - Mon Aug 31 02:00:03 CDT 2015
On Paris Hilton - Sun Aug 30 22:00:03 CDT 2015
I have a life shroom just incase + =Evil laugh! - Sun Aug 30 20:00:03 CDT 2015
MUST.... KEEP....TRYING! - Sun Aug 30 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Then your pet is dead and now the sprits of Agunimon, BurningGreymon and Aldamon(But not EmperorGreymon/Susanoomon, as they require the oth - Sun Aug 30 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Skelobit: Hang on...*Seklobit Librarain makes all of Mr L's books turn into one*Skelobit: That's one book... - Sun Aug 30 14:00:03 CDT 2015
(sure, let's go with that. the idea was that the money came out of the bag, so it was a source of infinite money. but let's say I gave you - Sun Aug 30 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Well i think an official topic is good enough for now >_>But yeah everyone is welcome ^_^Yeah i never played any digimon video game t - Sun Aug 30 08:00:03 CDT 2015
*Regenerates back to normal* - Sun Aug 30 06:00:03 CDT 2015
neat! and stuff. - Sun Aug 30 04:00:03 CDT 2015
I'm the real Mimi! That other one is a fakeMimimi! - Sun Aug 30 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Yeah.Like Pure-???'s Info Emporium(Did I spell that right?). - Sun Aug 30 00:00:04 CDT 2015
As well as X,Y,Z, Piccolo, ???, and I think !!!, all on a team. - Sat Aug 29 22:00:03 CDT 2015
*??? appears, and !!! fires a blast at him*???: who are you!?!!!!: I am pure-!!!, your alternate universe form, and the one who will end yo - Sat Aug 29 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Tray: *appears* Claiming to be a Star creature, eh? I do not have time for you. I have existed since the beginning of time itself and have - Sat Aug 29 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Luvbi: Hm. Thanks. * Luvbi flies off with the box *(OOC: What do scouts look like, anyway?) - Sat Aug 29 12:00:04 CDT 2015
knnnnnnnnnnngghhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!! my head burns!!!! - Sat Aug 29 10:00:03 CDT 2015
pokemon meets yogioh. I swear, it this showed up at my school, you'd be beaten to death with various fruits. - Sat Aug 29 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Piccolo: For now, it's just the important people to be captured, and the important items they hold. - Sat Aug 29 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Must...buy...game when it comes out!!! *twitch* - Sat Aug 29 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Goomb: AHH! MY HEAD'S ON FIRE!*Starts running around in circles* - Sat Aug 29 02:00:03 CDT 2015
19 posts total this month.
Maybe a second Glitz Pit arena that's run by someone else might help. Maybe the Glitz Pit could be split into two leagues (minor and major) - Sat Aug 29 00:00:05 CDT 2015
Yes I have. In fact, I draw on oekakis most of the time. xD - Fri Aug 28 22:00:03 CDT 2015
ME KING. YOU LACKEY! - Fri Aug 28 20:00:03 CDT 2015
I'll tell you my other accounts. Popples Bank, happy?Now please stop disrupting my casino with this random chatter. - Fri Aug 28 16:00:03 CDT 2015
I'd say bonechill and wracktail. Even though those wrackles did a flippin' 10 damage, they hardly ever fired their "lasers" (as q - Fri Aug 28 12:00:03 CDT 2015
* Bones and rocks turn purple and come out of the ground. The purple debris forms a shield around It. The debris then floats back into the - Fri Aug 28 10:00:04 CDT 2015
*High fives Pure-???* - Fri Aug 28 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Bye. Have fun - Fri Aug 28 06:00:03 CDT 2015
squigs they're just so cute and fun to jump on. - Fri Aug 28 04:00:03 CDT 2015
If there really were ninjas, you would not not know about it....until it was too late - Fri Aug 28 02:00:03 CDT 2015
And Francis, that isn't at all what I had in mind... - Fri Aug 28 00:00:04 CDT 2015
Pirana plants are awesome - Thu Aug 27 16:00:03 CDT 2015
*Uses bracelet to warp to Count Bleck's library* - Thu Aug 27 12:00:03 CDT 2015
**Name: Spike winged muth*Picture: **Species: muth*Gender: male*Place of Originality: ??**Powers: Flight*Weapons: spike**Basic Information: - Thu Aug 27 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Congratulations, Mimi! You put me through a lot of crap, and fought me 4 times and called me a stupid head because I forgot you weren't an - Thu Aug 27 08:00:03 CDT 2015
If you ask me, there should just be badges. - Thu Aug 27 06:00:03 CDT 2015
From now on, all my posts will be in SCREAM-o-vision. This heightens your reading experience by simply prompting you to scream. Let's try i - Thu Aug 27 04:00:03 CDT 2015
*Y appears in Flipside*Y: ...Well, you don't appear very friendly. What're you looking for? - Thu Aug 27 02:00:04 CDT 2015
114It's hard to say you were fun, because the battle was over so quickly; can't tell if fun was to be had or not.I think you may have said - Thu Aug 27 00:00:03 CDT 2015
I suggest that we force him to give us his coins! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! - Wed Aug 26 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Coolest puppet ever posessed by a star. - Wed Aug 26 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Yes, Mario Party The Eighth. I think the best one in the series was six, but eight seems like it'll take over that spot.I wonder what Bloop - Wed Aug 26 18:00:04 CDT 2015
Charold should have his own dump. - Wed Aug 26 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Heave-to! I haven't been hearin' o' this! I like it! - Wed Aug 26 14:00:03 CDT 2015
The lunesta butterfly!...but I can't find a picture. Will somebody please? - Wed Aug 26 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Here's another question: How did it feel to swallow Bowser? - Wed Aug 26 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Charold: O'Slob, what did they do to you? - Wed Aug 26 08:00:03 CDT 2015
And our first order of buisiness would be making sure that our resident lemon joins us. *tosses a lime into the heroes' group* OH LOOK! A L - Wed Aug 26 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Versu: You can enter solo if you wish. If you wanted to, you could also use your elemental powers to create monsters under your control.*Dr - Wed Aug 26 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr R: Can we hury this up?Mr R 2: Seriously!*The Mr R's get bored and stare at the strange substance* - Wed Aug 26 02:00:03 CDT 2015
I know that it is an Umbreon. I'm just making an obscure reference to colosseum. - Tue Aug 25 22:00:03 CDT 2015
I'm in. Already donated the 2 coins. - Tue Aug 25 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Actually, Bowser+Thudley=Total Pwnage. Cudge's power don't change with Bowser. - Tue Aug 25 18:00:03 CDT 2015
YOU ARE GOOMBA, MINIONGGGRRRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!Last edited by Crappy Shifty Luigi on Mon May 14, 2007 1:51 pm; edited 1 time in tota - Tue Aug 25 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Ruki Motomiya and I are Pairing up ^_^ - Tue Aug 25 12:00:03 CDT 2015
(that's stupid. nightshade has beena little one sided though, hasn't he?)WAIT! I know why he *almost chokes* is being hurt! he absorbed ene - Tue Aug 25 10:00:03 CDT 2015
If all your wishes would come true and that it could be of any number,what would you wish for? - Tue Aug 25 08:00:03 CDT 2015
DP: *wakes up* Mr. I isn't back yet? ((XD darn luck)) - Tue Aug 25 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: YEAH!*Mr I rolls up to Blanblandon*Blanblandon: AAH! TALKING EYEBALL!Mr I: AAH! TALKING PTERODACTYL!Blanblandon: Toshe.Mr I: So... ta - Tue Aug 25 04:00:03 CDT 2015
You play Neo? COOL! - Tue Aug 25 02:00:03 CDT 2015
lol - Tue Aug 25 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Maybe he only has a reading monocle? - Mon Aug 24 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Awesome, pink is my favorite color. :3 - Mon Aug 24 18:00:03 CDT 2015
So bye-bye, miss American pie.Drove my Chevy to the levee,But the levee was dry.And them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and ryeSingi - Mon Aug 24 16:00:03 CDT 2015
It: Stay away you. - Mon Aug 24 12:00:03 CDT 2015
*gives Johnson all of The Mushroom World's money* - Mon Aug 24 08:00:03 CDT 2015
*Goshi runs through the castle while gobbling up various pieces of food and dragging a leash with a very scared Greg holding on for dear li - Mon Aug 24 06:00:04 CDT 2015
Too bad >_> - Mon Aug 24 04:00:03 CDT 2015
these are the images:Vaati:and 0² vg's avatar: - Sun Aug 23 22:00:03 CDT 2015
*Warps in*Versu: Damn it! Where does he keep going!?*Warps out* - Sun Aug 23 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Item Name-Tingle's FariyItem Type - ?????????????Item Description - a one sentence summary of the itemItem Action - Gives rank of "tin - Sun Aug 23 18:00:03 CDT 2015
I got one too. - Sun Aug 23 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Hmm...since I'm assuming the price is 3 coins. I guess I can afford it : D - Sun Aug 23 12:00:03 CDT 2015
C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!! - Sun Aug 23 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Coins are now back, but off-topic is now reserved for real discussion. Everything else should go into The Dump. - Sun Aug 23 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I like cheese, but I'm also neutral on digimon. - Sun Aug 23 04:00:03 CDT 2015
X: Well...either way, I think we've learned our lesson.Y: Yeah...I don't think we should try our plans again...Z: ...So, brothers...are we - Sun Aug 23 02:00:04 CDT 2015
....I suppose I have a fraction of villainry in me...... - Sat Aug 22 22:00:04 CDT 2015
I thought we agreed not to do this anymore By the way, I have a message for anyone who posts stupid posts. . . - Sat Aug 22 20:00:04 CDT 2015
I recommend Bowser, pure-???, ? Block, and myself. Because I have held higher positions than a Forum Moderator in the past. - Sat Aug 22 14:00:04 CDT 2015
seattle! - Sat Aug 22 12:00:03 CDT 2015
*#42 realizes he was too late in replying and goes back into the past to fix it, thus causing more temporal paradoxes.* - Sat Aug 22 10:00:03 CDT 2015
What an interesting idea...I can't wait to see what these coins get used for. The Green Thunder - Sat Aug 22 04:00:03 CDT 2015
ME PUNISH YOU!Last edited by Dyliss on Tue May 08, 2007 8:49 pm; edited 1 time in total - Sat Aug 22 02:00:04 CDT 2015
*shambles up to Lord Bowser*You want I should eat someone's brain master? I've been craving brains since I was knocked down to 0 HP. - Sat Aug 22 00:00:05 CDT 2015
Mitri:Wow i flew really fastJimbob:Um i dont get it where is the whoas?Mitri:Jim? How did you get hereJimbob:Um TIKI BARBER!Mitri:No jim th - Fri Aug 21 22:00:04 CDT 2015
Schweet - Fri Aug 21 20:00:04 CDT 2015
Versu: Do you have any control over what you see or when you see it? - Fri Aug 21 18:00:03 CDT 2015
? Block: Ah, Fleep. You've returned. Excellent. Anyway, we've caught an Amazee Dayzee. Now then, End Boss, put it in the Blockifier.End - Fri Aug 21 16:00:05 CDT 2015
I just said that - Fri Aug 21 14:00:03 CDT 2015
hahahahahahahaha - Fri Aug 21 12:00:04 CDT 2015
I think post = coin is the best way to go. But you could probably give coin boosts when people become mods, or something. - Fri Aug 21 10:00:05 CDT 2015
*Drybones #42 latches onto Vaati's head and starts trying to eat his brains.* - Fri Aug 21 08:00:10 CDT 2015
If they have anything to do with Digimon, then you can skip it. - Fri Aug 21 06:00:05 CDT 2015
*comes back* What? No of course not...now Mario, I need uh...699 coins to buy a...thing...that definately isn't a keyboard...Heh, could yo - Fri Aug 21 04:00:05 CDT 2015
I take many things, but then again not all things. I mean no one wants that Luigi guy at home, I should know. I had that dudes foot all up - Fri Aug 21 02:00:06 CDT 2015
LR:which goomba type are you right? - Fri Aug 21 00:00:18 CDT 2015
*Uses Brobot to kick X-naut at poster 28*Heh heh heh.The Green Thunder - Thu Aug 20 22:00:04 CDT 2015
Two CowsYou have two cows. You try to use them to make a pathetic generalization about something. You've found my secret message. I plan to - Thu Aug 20 20:00:04 CDT 2015
(Um... you could just give her an account on hotmail, and then remake the account) - Thu Aug 20 18:00:04 CDT 2015
I am a bigger hero than Sonic - Thu Aug 20 16:00:05 CDT 2015
*Explodes* - Thu Aug 20 12:00:05 CDT 2015
This here is "Brat #16,127.50124/Mimi dressed up as Mario![img] http://t.co/yqerH4dOWX - Thu Aug 20 10:00:04 CDT 2015
*sends the entire fortress and everything in it escept the dempa bros the dimension of PURE ITCHY! (really, you know the reference?)* - Thu Aug 20 08:00:07 CDT 2015
And it's Saturday night and we're watching the news - Thu Aug 20 02:00:06 CDT 2015
*That night...**A shadowy being appears under the moon. It gazes upward, then disappears* - Thu Aug 20 00:00:04 CDT 2015
*Random 5 year old kid comes and beats Grodus for no reason* - Wed Aug 19 22:00:04 CDT 2015
oh right, sorry, I forgot, they're all me, I couldn't get my email to work so I had to keep signing up again - Wed Aug 19 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Versu/Valera: No. Everything is fine.*Comes back to pure*Versu/Valera: Find anything yet? - Wed Aug 19 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Those dont' scare me...I dunno why cuz usually I'm suprised by sudden things. o.o - Wed Aug 19 16:00:03 CDT 2015
What happened to your Koopa Cannon 1.0? Oh here it is! I found it at a garage sale in the 25 cents section and took a picture... - Wed Aug 19 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Very interesting... I also have a butterfly specimen. It looks somewhat similar, though my specimen is a more purple color...what do you t - Wed Aug 19 12:00:03 CDT 2015
*Luigi gets up*Luigi: You made me lose a life! (Not drunk) - Wed Aug 19 10:00:04 CDT 2015
Mario Kart is a racing game, but not a sim. Racing sims imitate real-life cars and physics.I agree with your statement Francis, even though - Wed Aug 19 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Lily: *rolls around* Oww! Hot! D: Ouchies!! - Wed Aug 19 06:00:04 CDT 2015
Check this out...http://t.co/fpYkQsJ4kN - Wed Aug 19 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Doopliss:are you going to kill me? - Wed Aug 19 02:00:04 CDT 2015
Ya, nintendo should make a "Mushrooms of War" featuring mario, luigi, peach, bowser, even toadstoll having guns with chainsaws! t - Wed Aug 19 00:00:04 CDT 2015
Please do a lense of truth on Pure ??? because I swear he is a spy =o;;THIS MAY sound stupid but I have a feeling. - Tue Aug 18 20:00:03 CDT 2015
I want spots 43000, 92, and 3. - Tue Aug 18 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Lol XD Miracle for you, atleast. See, if I get poisoned ill become a walking poison orange soft drink! Sucks for the person who doesnt know - Tue Aug 18 14:00:04 CDT 2015
Well, it's pretty simple. When you join, you get 10 Coins. For every post you make, you get another one. At the Black Market, you can excha - Tue Aug 18 12:00:04 CDT 2015
Wiimote+Gun=akward... My guess is you need this for Duck hunt Wii - Tue Aug 18 10:00:03 CDT 2015
seco10 acts too strange for my likings. - Tue Aug 18 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Yes, I always use Carrie. At least I can use him/her for Chapter 1-3 using Luigi, very nice combo. - Tue Aug 18 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Yeah, I can't draw humans as well... - Tue Aug 18 04:00:04 CDT 2015
How do you do that? - Tue Aug 18 00:00:04 CDT 2015
He's not he was kicked out of E.V.I.L. for treason: He told me about the attack on me. - Mon Aug 17 22:00:04 CDT 2015
*post erased*Last edited by Carrie on Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:51 pm; edited 1 time in total - Mon Aug 17 20:00:04 CDT 2015
*Uses bracelet to warp to Count Bleck's library* - Mon Aug 17 18:00:03 CDT 2015
does anyone else here also have a 4 day weekend? what will/would you do this weekend. I'm hoping to go see spider man. - Mon Aug 17 16:00:03 CDT 2015
*Mr I teleports to Shigeru Miyamoto's office*Shiggy: You again?Mr I: I'm afraid so. However, I don't plan on making you mindless. Instead, - Mon Aug 17 14:00:03 CDT 2015
has anyone ever heard of scions of fate? or trickster online? or 9 dragons? if anyone has never heard of those 3, then you probably aren't - Mon Aug 17 12:00:07 CDT 2015
I'm writing a vampire story, and I has a question for those who might know more about various vampire myths than I do. o_o;It's a very piec - Mon Aug 17 10:00:03 CDT 2015
im scared! - Mon Aug 17 06:00:04 CDT 2015
As in most games, 0 lives means you have 0 "extra" lives.So when you reach 0hp and 0lives, GAME OVER - Mon Aug 17 02:00:04 CDT 2015
Yoko: Hi guys!*Struck by one of Author Bleck's lightning bolts*Yoko: I'm supposed to feel pain, right?Author Bleck: ... - Mon Aug 17 00:00:07 CDT 2015
hehehe... yeah. Even i cant find a charold pic. - Sun Aug 16 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Ah, well it's your old friend, TDB. Nice to see you - Sun Aug 16 14:00:05 CDT 2015
Donate....now *Ping* - Sun Aug 16 12:00:04 CDT 2015
Do you know what will happen if grammar takes over the forum communities? WE WOULD LEARN ON OUR OFF-TIME FROM SCHOOL! - Sun Aug 16 08:00:15 CDT 2015
You can't tell me what to do! You're green! - Sun Aug 16 06:00:08 CDT 2015
Piccolo: there seemed to be a large abundance of ? blocks, but I didn't have the time (nor the patience) to hit them all. THE ? Block may b - Sun Aug 16 04:00:04 CDT 2015
Why wouldn't we just use the official artwork instead of the the trace of them you did on paint? - Sun Aug 16 02:00:05 CDT 2015
Totally. I was blown away with the hi-technicaaaall 3D flipping and advanced bounce-recognition. I just need to finish collecting cards for - Sun Aug 16 00:00:03 CDT 2015
This life is dim and bleak... But Super Smash Bros makes it ALL better! Step aside Timpani.. - Sat Aug 15 22:00:05 CDT 2015
In Soviet Russia, Californa lives in YOU!!(No, I don't live in Russia) - Sat Aug 15 20:00:05 CDT 2015
What, no love for Bagel Bites? - Sat Aug 15 16:00:04 CDT 2015
*dark shadows suround the two*???:so does this have something to do with crimes or am I wrong - Sat Aug 15 14:00:06 CDT 2015
Plus, that'll make it fairer for people like me who don't actually go on the roleplaying board...Wait, how can I call myself a nerr?! I got - Sat Aug 15 12:00:27 CDT 2015
They are both fun, Warcraft maybe a little better, but you have to pay =\ - Sat Aug 15 08:00:17 CDT 2015
I am Frogfucius, a scholar and philosopher of many things. I recently acquired Internet access over here at the pond and figured I would vi - Sat Aug 15 02:00:05 CDT 2015
GET http://digibutter.nerr.biz/socket.io/1/xhr-polling/JKMcZanFaFiBS3HW0U2u?t=1439900454999 504 (Gateway Time-out)XHRPolling.get @ socket.io.js:3014XHR.open @ socket.io.js:2547XHRPolling.open @ socket.io.js:2958(anonymous function) @ socket.io.js:1721(anonymous function) @ socket.io.js:3050
After leaving the page open a while
No errors when refreshing
Voice: ...Heh. Are you ready, Nightshade? This is where your game shall end!Nightshade: ...*A being that seems to be made out of some fre - Fri Aug 14 22:00:05 CDT 2015
Um, I'm kind of nitpicking here so it can wait until you have nothing else to do, but Shadramon should be Fire(not earth).However, that is - Fri Aug 14 20:00:06 CDT 2015
Your fiirst post was to say that you were the real Mimi... there is no way that you'll be accepted as the real one. At least Lord Bowser ha - Fri Aug 14 18:00:09 CDT 2015
You speak of comfort and convenience, you talk of pleasure and relaxation... You know nothing of a long tireless wait, sinking deep into de - Fri Aug 14 16:00:04 CDT 2015
I can't decide >_> It's a tie between water, ghost, psychic and bug XD - Fri Aug 14 10:00:06 CDT 2015
I read the Chobits Mangas and i saw Card Captors when i was young - Fri Aug 14 08:00:14 CDT 2015
[roll=10,100]2 and 9. Who said I wanted to be cool? - Fri Aug 14 06:00:18 CDT 2015
DP: Do fireballs count?Thgil: he DID cast Illusion spells >_> - Fri Aug 14 04:00:05 CDT 2015
He couldn', unlike Dementio! Which means you are undeniably a fake Mr. L!!! - Fri Aug 14 02:00:05 CDT 2015
Any day, 5:00 or so. (I'm in mountain time, adjust time accordingly.)GACK ACK ACK ACK! - Fri Aug 14 00:00:04 CDT 2015
*immitatig random voice*I say we let him go... - Thu Aug 13 22:00:05 CDT 2015
Heh heh heh. But I was looking for a SPM pic of him. Anyone got a digital camera? - Thu Aug 13 20:00:05 CDT 2015
I like cursyas,Well,Im not sure why I like them - Thu Aug 13 18:00:04 CDT 2015
But if they are pushed too far, some will overcome their fear. However, the "there must be a hero for every villain" idea is laug - Thu Aug 13 14:00:04 CDT 2015
Check it out! And to think that I found it ALL by myself! - Thu Aug 13 12:00:04 CDT 2015
Well apparently acting like you "are" Bowser is making it more likely for you to get banned. - Thu Aug 13 10:00:04 CDT 2015
Goomb: Time to find the pure heart!Kooper: We already got it, remember?Goomb: Oh yeah.Kooper: We're here on vacationGoomb: I know THAT!*Roc - Thu Aug 13 08:00:05 CDT 2015
EVERYONE!!! SHUT UP!!!If we die, we die. Were not going to live forever!!! Now start playing outside or enjoying the weather instead of com - Thu Aug 13 06:00:04 CDT 2015
(Oh yeah >_>) - Thu Aug 13 02:00:04 CDT 2015
Don't use weapons?Get hit by every attack?Don't attack on the first round? - Thu Aug 13 00:00:04 CDT 2015
DP: I AM LOSING....CONTROL!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *beast engulfs DP!*Dark Beast: RAOR!!!! *continuesly attacks Nightshade*Edit: (('Night ???) - Wed Aug 12 20:00:04 CDT 2015
*holds nnose, finds vg's shoe, (which im sure he's not wearing) and throws it at sanity*is the sanity dead? - Wed Aug 12 18:00:03 CDT 2015
oh and shadow you spell hadgehog hedgehog idiot - Wed Aug 12 16:00:03 CDT 2015
idk - Wed Aug 12 14:00:04 CDT 2015
so what are the side effects of asperger's syndrome? - Wed Aug 12 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Twice! - Wed Aug 12 08:00:05 CDT 2015
I hacked my ACWW game, now it stopped working. I had billions of Bells too. - Wed Aug 12 06:00:03 CDT 2015
....wow.....that is the most original name I have ever seen in my entire life....... - Wed Aug 12 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Double post? and also, I know Bowser isn't Italian. But have you heard Luigi's voice? That doesn't sound truly Italian like his brother's i - Wed Aug 12 00:00:03 CDT 2015
I like that idea. It woul help manage the forums.And maybe they'd get a rank like "Super Nerr". XDGACK ACK ACK ACK! - Tue Aug 11 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Also, what I did was not racist, it was "speciest". Although it doesn't change the fact that what I did was wrong, seeing that hi - Tue Aug 11 14:00:04 CDT 2015
Larry is serious, people. - Tue Aug 11 12:00:03 CDT 2015
The one who is Lord Bowser is not a fake and if he wins the real faker will suffer instant death from my Geno Whirl,but if the fake Bowser - Tue Aug 11 06:00:03 CDT 2015
vg: Would you consider SPM as a platformer? - Tue Aug 11 02:00:03 CDT 2015
When you hit everything you see in threes as Left, Right, Middle.When you hit everything as M, R, L, L, R, M, R, L, R, R, M, R, R, L, M, M, - Tue Aug 11 00:00:04 CDT 2015
OOC: I know, it was an extra precaution, meaning that since you have no soul you can't be brought back and you are dead for good, congratz. - Mon Aug 10 20:00:03 CDT 2015
This is so much fun! But if you don't mind me asking... what's the HP for? - Mon Aug 10 18:00:03 CDT 2015
I can see a blue dime and a green nickel. - Mon Aug 10 12:00:03 CDT 2015
*warps in*Versu: So, what is pure-*** doing? - Mon Aug 10 10:00:04 CDT 2015
I eat fish sometimes. Usually Catfish. - Mon Aug 10 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Rejoin the dark side.WE HAVE COOKIES - Mon Aug 10 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I hope Masked storm fights the atomic chomp instead of......... the twin oppositesI hope end of the line fights rawk hawk instead of r visi - Mon Aug 10 04:00:04 CDT 2015
gulp, cant wait for the movie - Mon Aug 10 02:00:04 CDT 2015
Okay. that's good to know. I felt like there was a black hole going through my....okay, nevermind, nevermind... - Mon Aug 10 00:00:04 CDT 2015
Versu: Hmm? Someone appeared? Are you sure? Oh well.*Looks some more*Versu: Maybe I can learn some new spells here as well. - Sun Aug 09 22:00:04 CDT 2015
Versu: They went away for a while. - Sun Aug 09 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Queen ROCKS! - Sun Aug 09 16:00:03 CDT 2015
I made a Resident. - Sun Aug 09 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Before I posted it, there were 4999 posts.After I posted it, there were 5000. - Sun Aug 09 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Really big. - Sun Aug 09 04:00:03 CDT 2015
And also bacon is good. - Sun Aug 09 02:00:05 CDT 2015
*Logan appears in topic*Logan: BOO BLAH!! I have whatever numbers post that I posted number of post! - Sun Aug 09 00:00:04 CDT 2015
power over the dead and undead? how intriguing... so I just drink it? - Sat Aug 08 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr R: WE CAN DO THIS!Mr R 2: How?Mr R 3: Get the fans on our side, that's how!Mr R 4: GOT IT!Mr R 4 jumps away from the others and jumps in - Sat Aug 08 20:00:03 CDT 2015
*X appears here*X: Z, there's no time for disagreements right now.Z: X? WTF are you doing here?X: Pay attention. I said there's no time f - Sat Aug 08 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Hah! That idea's PERFECT, so no cheatin' and the likes will even happen! - Sat Aug 08 16:00:03 CDT 2015
wait, what would happen if we mixed them? - Sat Aug 08 14:00:03 CDT 2015
ok... thats iy buddy... your in for some of my old freind( naz t.) cookin!*cough*posionshroom*cough* - Sat Aug 08 12:00:04 CDT 2015
Paper Zero: We'll forget this never happened >.> - Sat Aug 08 08:00:04 CDT 2015
It confuses me. XP - Sat Aug 08 06:00:04 CDT 2015
Gets some thing that is indistinguashable from a waffle.Inserts a REAL waffle. - Sat Aug 08 02:00:04 CDT 2015
Goomb: Yeah this is.... Um.... Place.... - Sat Aug 08 00:00:04 CDT 2015
You fail then. Brobot! Attack! Heh heh heh.The Green Thunder - Fri Aug 07 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Check this out...http://t.co/fpYkQsJ4kN - Fri Aug 07 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: Uh... aren't we kinda crime? Besides, we pretty much have the universe... LET'S HAVE FUN!*A ghost of the original form of Mr I comes - Fri Aug 07 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Well I don't think it helped. I don't take anyone who has poor grammar seriously. - Fri Aug 07 12:00:03 CDT 2015
hmmmmmmmmm.... anyone in here?......... - Fri Aug 07 10:00:03 CDT 2015
*Piccolo comes*Piccolo: I'll help you look ^_^ - Fri Aug 07 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Why thank you little doll. I will, I assure you.Hehehe. A lot of promising material, Enough stone, maybe some more metal would be needed. - Fri Aug 07 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Diamond is better. it's the ONLY WAY to get poochyena.unless you use pal park. - Fri Aug 07 04:00:03 CDT 2015
You have five minutes to give me the money. - Fri Aug 07 02:00:03 CDT 2015
EVERY OEKAKI WOLF. - Fri Aug 07 00:00:03 CDT 2015
You call THAT art?!? It qwerty, yo! - Thu Aug 06 20:00:03 CDT 2015
**Name: BROBOT*Picture: PLEASE LOOK BELOW**Species: GIANT ROBOTIC HEAD*Gender: MALE*Place of Originality: CREATED BY MR. L**Powers: SUCTION - Thu Aug 06 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Y: Hold on a sec.*Y puts a bomb in Zero's body*Y: There. Perfect! - Thu Aug 06 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Woodchucks can't chuck wood and there's no way they could. - Thu Aug 06 12:00:03 CDT 2015
More new characters for me. Meet the newest &^%$/?\\|{!ites...L, M, and N!**Name: L*Picture: He usually takes the form of a completely - Thu Aug 06 08:00:03 CDT 2015
This will be the last poll that finally judges who the real Bowser is. Let's do this honestly. DON'T USE OTHER ACCOUNTS! This will reveal t - Thu Aug 06 06:00:21 CDT 2015
*HIR appears and walks up to a cloaked figure*HIR: Listen... I think I need your help.Cloaked person: You're asking for MY help? Pitiful cr - Thu Aug 06 04:00:03 CDT 2015
nice spelling there Larry - Thu Aug 06 02:00:04 CDT 2015
Hey. - Thu Aug 06 00:00:03 CDT 2015
OMG You killed Tippi!You idiot! - Wed Aug 05 22:00:03 CDT 2015
I'm not one to make rivalries, see? Just one more person trying to take back my loot. - Wed Aug 05 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Who are these people with names like him and red and 2 and m and why do other people want the silver stars? - Wed Aug 05 18:00:04 CDT 2015
*LuigiIII lands very hard on the floor*LuigiIII:M-m-man,that hurts.*Evo appers in a octopus form*Evo:Stay down.*Evo turns to his regular fo - Wed Aug 05 16:00:03 CDT 2015
PG Version: http://t.co/92svu8jvI5 - Wed Aug 05 14:00:03 CDT 2015
I'll buy it for the convenience of not having to drag out my N64. Plus I want to play it again, see? - Wed Aug 05 10:00:03 CDT 2015
I think that the person who made the account first should have the title.It's not fair if someone make an account 10 days before the first - Wed Aug 05 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Because it is off-topic. Pimping your own sites is not Geek Gear. - Wed Aug 05 06:00:03 CDT 2015
If was in that game I can wreck anything with my bare hands, even a giant robot. - Wed Aug 05 04:00:03 CDT 2015
vg:I've dealt with him before. Light!!!... Well, that didn't work. - Wed Aug 05 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Thgil: I want him DEAD! But I decided i won't attack him unless he gets here... But that doesn't mean i can't have fun - Tue Aug 04 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Limians are alive. And by that I mean, can move on their own. - Tue Aug 04 20:00:03 CDT 2015
I don't sleep but ok see you later - Tue Aug 04 18:00:03 CDT 2015
can you edit it a bit bigger then? it will probably be ok. - Tue Aug 04 16:00:04 CDT 2015
Yea! Luvbi is here! Now it's a party see? - Tue Aug 04 14:00:04 CDT 2015
Say it to Lord Bowser, not me. - Tue Aug 04 12:00:03 CDT 2015
LR:send in the flying cookies dark bones 1DB1:Roger roger.LR:And stop stealing quotes from paper wars.-_-DB1:Sorry rattler.*A swarm of fang - Tue Aug 04 10:00:03 CDT 2015
http://t.co/gexu6IkAE1 my theme. - Tue Aug 04 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Well, we should probably hold a Quizshow to decide who is real or not. It worked for Merlee. - Tue Aug 04 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*Dodges a few but then gets hit*Versu: Argh!Anila: Versu! - Tue Aug 04 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Sorry guys. I didn't know there was a bleck when I signed up either - Tue Aug 04 00:00:03 CDT 2015
*Bumerang socks DK in the face, causing him to spit out her boomerang*Bumerang: You know what happens to apes who mess with me? THEY GET B - Mon Aug 03 22:00:03 CDT 2015
No! If we deprive it of apples, maybe it will go away, see! - Mon Aug 03 16:00:03 CDT 2015
bobthelemon is REALLY behind. - Mon Aug 03 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Koopas or Shy Guys. A shame Shy Guys only appeared during stylish moves in SPM. - Mon Aug 03 12:00:04 CDT 2015
Click Usergroups in the top bar. Then select a group and apply. Wait to be accepted, then youre in. - Mon Aug 03 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Oh God, not again... - Mon Aug 03 06:00:03 CDT 2015
shadow: I...don't know but.....I......I'll go for the Eye things assignment - Mon Aug 03 04:00:03 CDT 2015
The Paper species. It's fun to be a piece of origami paper. - Mon Aug 03 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Block of a Thousand ?sRival Blue Hedgehog - Sun Aug 02 20:00:04 CDT 2015
When you think that behind every mirror is thousands of Dimentio clonesWhen you start saying "brah" instead of something like &qu - Sun Aug 02 18:00:03 CDT 2015
10 for buying that Poison Shroom! - Sun Aug 02 16:00:04 CDT 2015
Pretty blue. It's my favourite color - Sun Aug 02 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Your version is boring. - Sun Aug 02 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Cpt Blue: He's got a strong right hook. He could be the next champ. Maybe even as good as me. If only he could control that temper of his. - Sun Aug 02 08:00:04 CDT 2015
SPELLING COMMUNISTS!That's all the proof I need that Bowser is in legion with Joseph Stalin! 0_0 - Sun Aug 02 04:00:03 CDT 2015
me next! - Sun Aug 02 02:00:04 CDT 2015
Iggy: BULLIT BILLS, FIRE!Iggy shoots Bullit Bills into his hole. Then, he fires several Bob-ombs into the opening.Iggy: Only a matter of ti - Sun Aug 02 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: EXCELLENT! *fuses Shine Sprites together*Mr I: Meet the Shine Sun! It shall serve us two purposes. First: it will blind any outside e - Sat Aug 01 22:00:03 CDT 2015
I probably don't have the channel even. But could you tell me what channel just in case I do have it. - Sat Aug 01 20:00:03 CDT 2015
KK II: HEY, BOWSER! I'M YOUR CLONE!!! - Sat Aug 01 16:00:03 CDT 2015
*headdesk* - Sat Aug 01 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Mario Kart is a racing game, but not a sim. Racing sims imitate real-life cars and physics.I agree with your statement Francis, even though - Sat Aug 01 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Nope♪ Not all toasters toast toast because if all toasters toast toast, the toaster would toast too much and break and maybe over-toa - Sat Aug 01 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Don't make a new topicjust post in Castle Bleck please ^_^ - Sat Aug 01 02:00:03 CDT 2015
18 posts total this month.
Come on guys, you can't post more than an automated robot?
AKA post here more activley chuckle*crag*s
oh. okay then - Sat Aug 01 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Chapter 8. IS must have gotten lazy near the end or something. The design was bland and the whole part where you *SPOILERS*lose all of your - Fri Jul 31 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Gear: Well do you have ANY treasure or valuable items in this dump? - Fri Jul 31 20:00:03 CDT 2015
I'm usually at work this time of day, but I work closing shift so I can be here. - Fri Jul 31 18:00:03 CDT 2015
DP: Dakr spell?! Heh. sorry but i doubt those would affect me! - Fri Jul 31 14:00:03 CDT 2015
*Burns Gash's book*Last edited by Chin Fish on Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:22 am; edited 1 time in total - Fri Jul 31 12:00:03 CDT 2015
I don't remember the part about the Pixl Queen at all; when did they mention that?Also, not all of the Pixls were locked up in chests. - Fri Jul 31 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Versu: ...ut Abyssus qua vos sedeo.... - Fri Jul 31 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I see... - Fri Jul 31 04:00:02 CDT 2015
I already grabbed her, my scouts are holding her. - Fri Jul 31 02:00:03 CDT 2015
I got tired of it too... - Thu Jul 30 22:00:04 CDT 2015
Oh nice! I'll try to buy one.And when I do, I'll use it on Orangesoda XD j/k - Thu Jul 30 16:00:03 CDT 2015
suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you are... - Thu Jul 30 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Nar:Eggman is he that scientist who's grandfather created you? - Thu Jul 30 12:00:03 CDT 2015
No, the question is "what is 6 X 9?". It was supposed to indicate that there life, the universe, and everything might just simply - Thu Jul 30 10:00:02 CDT 2015
Mr I: Well, when it comes down to it, the insane people always live. - Thu Jul 30 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Nar:Ow oh wait i have a gun! >*Shoots shadow* - Thu Jul 30 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*explodes Nario* - Thu Jul 30 04:00:03 CDT 2015
today.. - Wed Jul 29 22:00:03 CDT 2015
You're both wrong! And as you know... there's a two response limit.A Shroom Shake is 30 coins.... times 2 equals 60A Life Shroom is 100 coi - Wed Jul 29 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Try to find it on the internet. It's like an alien song. *shivers* I didn't even make it through the first minute. - Wed Jul 29 14:00:03 CDT 2015
He was so busy, he threw me out!If you were the real Bowser, you'd at least remember that tragic moment in my life! - Wed Jul 29 12:00:04 CDT 2015
Versu: Good job. See if you can manipulate it now. Try making it fly around the air. Be careful not to lose control. - Wed Jul 29 08:00:03 CDT 2015
*Mr I and the arcade machine survive the blast*Mr I: Wow, Versu, you had a really cryptic past. Oh, and excellent job, DP. You've been able - Wed Jul 29 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*Krush is looking at the moon*Krush: *sob* Mr I... that bad guy even took Besstar. But what can Krush do?*A list is on the wall that says, - Wed Jul 29 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Grubba: Megabyte...very well. If you wish...And, as for you...excellent work. Now, then, It...please try your best to give me some detail - Wed Jul 29 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Close tie between Boomer, Cudge, and Fleep. I chose Boomer. - Tue Jul 28 22:00:03 CDT 2015
It's 50-50(with four votes) any way I think ? Block is more villainy because he's so mysterious and scares me, he can be the ultimate villa - Tue Jul 28 18:00:03 CDT 2015
read the topic. - Tue Jul 28 16:00:03 CDT 2015
thanks!.....alot! - Tue Jul 28 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Highlander:YOu have two cows.... THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE! - Tue Jul 28 12:00:03 CDT 2015
I live on Earth. o.o - Tue Jul 28 10:00:03 CDT 2015
What happened to your rhyming? - Tue Jul 28 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Bowser, cause he's the best...and always will be. ^_^ - Tue Jul 28 02:00:03 CDT 2015
sounds good, let francis decide. - Mon Jul 27 22:00:03 CDT 2015
I play Endless Online. I'm too lazy to get a pic right now. - Mon Jul 27 20:00:03 CDT 2015
He has it....I need to show her she can still RP.... - Mon Jul 27 18:00:03 CDT 2015
I'm going to have to kill you here so the count won't notice. CIAO! - Mon Jul 27 16:00:03 CDT 2015
*Appears somewhere*Kooper: Paper Luigi, wake up....Paper Luigi: (Still knocked out) I like pie...Last edited by Paper Luigi on Sun May 27, - Mon Jul 27 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Choco: Nario, I have been looking for you.Choco: Initiate, Cho-Bot!*Initiates Cho-Bot**Target locked, nuclear destruction imminate* - Mon Jul 27 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Maybe we should make a rule like, If an RP is not active for 1 week it is deleted, or something, see? - Mon Jul 27 10:00:02 CDT 2015
Versu: Hmm? Someone appeared? Are you sure? Oh well.*Looks some more*Versu: Maybe I can learn some new spells here as well. - Mon Jul 27 08:00:04 CDT 2015
I specifically told you the first MONTH you would have to be completely loyal. You teleported away without sending me your plans. ONLY MR I - Mon Jul 27 04:00:03 CDT 2015
[tails walks in and places a sign on a stick that says bleck's minion recrution, retail, and meeting, then a void appears and drops a huge - Mon Jul 27 02:00:03 CDT 2015
*Echo* - Sun Jul 26 22:00:04 CDT 2015
Freakishly cool ending. - Sun Jul 26 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Oh, well I prefer to jump and kick the Shoryuken user in the face instead. - Sun Jul 26 12:00:03 CDT 2015
oh! whoa, hello Bowser, i mean Sir. um... i can explain.. ehe, i didnt know you visited this site, um...the life thingy koopa is rated E fo - Sun Jul 26 10:00:04 CDT 2015
Item Name- beam sordItem Type - funItem Description - a sord that will never brake and all you half to do is press a botten and shzzzzzzzz - Sun Jul 26 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Heroes rocks... The season finale was packed with a Girthy cliffhanger.I mean, Peter was getting his head cut open. >_> - Sat Jul 25 22:00:03 CDT 2015
*steals her kidneys*I am now going to show my mastery of flight!*flees* - Sat Jul 25 20:00:03 CDT 2015
GenoA star agent sent by a higher authority, whose real name is ♥♪!?, comes to Mario's world from Star Road to find the seven S - Sat Jul 25 18:00:04 CDT 2015
Can't wait for the OST or some rearrangements on http://t.co/PTqOwxC1ee - Sat Jul 25 16:00:03 CDT 2015
The scariest part was when Zoe was tortured! - Sat Jul 25 14:00:03 CDT 2015
*Explodes to arouse interest* - Sat Jul 25 04:00:03 CDT 2015
((Because we can. Duh.))*gets soaked* "HAHA wet!" *runs around in circles until he accidentallydies* - Sat Jul 25 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Most of the Digi crew had just left their secret base under the garbage bin, when on the street corner they saw
*appears*THIS IS INSANE!!!but welcome anyways*disappears* - Sat Jul 25 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Alright, I've counted all the posters in this topic and there is only 23 of us in here. So there is a lot more room to play with. - Fri Jul 24 22:00:03 CDT 2015
never heard of limanaid.but since lime is my favourite fruit...I bet i'd love it. - Fri Jul 24 20:00:03 CDT 2015
oh what about me chaos explosion(entire area blows up no one other than Shadow survive) - Fri Jul 24 14:00:03 CDT 2015
*looks at feet*....why didn't I see that.......thanks!*plants fruit*ok, 1 more to go.....hey want to help me find the third gate? it should - Fri Jul 24 10:00:03 CDT 2015
"Sorry, but I'm no help there, amore,♪" Fleep said. "I float." - Fri Jul 24 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*Versu/Seniel warps in*Versu/Seniel: Hmm....it's those stupid koopas....Ego voco a validus levitas telum ex polus!*Electricity electrocutes - Fri Jul 24 02:00:03 CDT 2015
wait up. - Fri Jul 24 00:00:05 CDT 2015
No! If we deprive it of apples, maybe it will go away, see! - Thu Jul 23 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Wow. This is too awesome for words. - Thu Jul 23 18:00:03 CDT 2015
*Warps in next to ???*Piccolo: How's Mr. I doing? *eats popcorn* - Thu Jul 23 16:00:03 CDT 2015
WRONG - Thu Jul 23 14:00:04 CDT 2015
vg:*Jumps down hole* Ouch. *Stumbles off a bit* - Thu Jul 23 12:00:03 CDT 2015
I say we eat him. - Thu Jul 23 10:00:04 CDT 2015
I like Piccolo's the best! ^.^ - Thu Jul 23 08:00:03 CDT 2015
What? No I love you song?No I hate you song?------------I hate youYou hate meLets get together and kill each otherYou get the guns and I'll - Thu Jul 23 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*Watches as Millenniummon goes to eat the Jello-muths*You better hurry if you want any. - Thu Jul 23 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Don't let Magikoopa #42 heal himself! - Wed Jul 22 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Oops, guess I didn't search these forums quite well enough. Thank you very much =) - Wed Jul 22 20:00:03 CDT 2015
99,999,999 is the max. After you fill the timer it adds and extra zero and when your done that you have max score. - Wed Jul 22 18:00:03 CDT 2015
19 coins. - Wed Jul 22 16:00:03 CDT 2015
teleports inshadow:ugh ugh...I...need...a.hehealth potion... faints - Wed Jul 22 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Sure son! Throw some free coins over here! - Wed Jul 22 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Z: ...Wow. You really aren't too bright, are you? Telling us exactly how we can enter and all...*Z, B, and N transform into Floro Sapiens - Wed Jul 22 10:00:03 CDT 2015
suck his D*** - Wed Jul 22 08:00:03 CDT 2015
It's not SOS! It's SUS! Sturrin' up singles!OH, YEA!!!! - Wed Jul 22 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*regenerates* - Wed Jul 22 04:00:03 CDT 2015
DP uses Ultra ball on Wild ? Block.Shoot it was so close too! dang that was my only one >_< - Wed Jul 22 02:00:03 CDT 2015
It broke teh forumness... - Tue Jul 21 22:00:03 CDT 2015
I'LL GET YOU!.... IN A WEEK! throws the next poster at the void - Tue Jul 21 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Why would someone just explo-*explodes* - Tue Jul 21 18:00:03 CDT 2015
I think we're more of a... blue whale fetus. - Tue Jul 21 16:00:03 CDT 2015
*Buries Ruki in Hot Pockets*(Edited)Last edited by vg on Thu May 24, 2007 7:21 pm; edited 1 time in total - Tue Jul 21 14:00:03 CDT 2015
What does Chucklo-cola tastes like? - Tue Jul 21 12:00:04 CDT 2015
He only reduces it if you don't have enough money. If you have 100+ coins, he won't lower it to 10.I think so, but I'm not entirely sure &g - Tue Jul 21 10:00:03 CDT 2015
green sticker. Then - Tue Jul 21 08:00:03 CDT 2015
And a fourth spider-man. - Tue Jul 21 06:00:04 CDT 2015
Guess it right get 5 coins, Guess him wrong cant guess again, guess second etc, doesnt count - Tue Jul 21 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Objection!Alright, Captain Copyright here. You can't just take someone's art, remove the signature and paste it in your comic. - Tue Jul 21 02:00:03 CDT 2015
But... Tricky! - Tue Jul 21 00:00:04 CDT 2015
A lot of people say the anime is bad, and I agree. It's totally inconsistent with the Manga.(Huge manga fan, don't mind me) - Mon Jul 20 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Nooooo, I think it's mosque. Seems much more fitting than mask. I mean, seriously - MASK? Makes absolutely no sense... - Mon Jul 20 20:00:05 CDT 2015
Plastic Mario gets my vote. - Mon Jul 20 18:00:04 CDT 2015
OOC: I'll PM it to you guys, but don't tell Mr. I. I want to see if he can figure it out. - Mon Jul 20 16:00:05 CDT 2015
Private Johnson:YES,SIR! - Mon Jul 20 14:00:03 CDT 2015
BUMPHi mr book. *reads you* - Mon Jul 20 12:00:04 CDT 2015
Nar:Yo where is that Blubbinated DvD box set? - Mon Jul 20 10:00:09 CDT 2015
Way a minute which bowser is the real bowser!?! Lord Bowser or Bowser?!? Francis Please boot up the Quizshow, i do not wanta follow orders - Mon Jul 20 04:00:04 CDT 2015
My version of Mimi =]Me (Yes I will have Blue hair soon no joke) - Mon Jul 20 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Popple steal popcorn from a toad in the back row. "Wow, that is one crazy bird...thing." - Sun Jul 19 20:00:03 CDT 2015
done! it's pretty easy though.behold! the sentinal death tank!5753293553258352875173275443124763424YN22491NNpure-???££££££sentinal-ta - Sun Jul 19 18:00:03 CDT 2015
At that rate, by the time they've finished restoring their health they'd have enough for a Life Shroom, but I guess it works. - Sun Jul 19 16:00:03 CDT 2015
I'm NEVER going to deny that I am the real Bowser. Give me a good reason why! - Sun Jul 19 14:00:03 CDT 2015
*Now that ? Block has gone back in time to grow limbs, #42's head was kept from asploding.*Wait... If he had grown those limbs in the past, - Sun Jul 19 12:00:03 CDT 2015
... *steals all the penguins that haven't been killed yet, and puts them to work cleaning the locker rooms and storage in the Glitz Pit, in - Sun Jul 19 10:00:04 CDT 2015
I don't need help from a faker -_- - Sun Jul 19 08:00:03 CDT 2015
I use the Wii to watch youtube videos - Sun Jul 19 06:00:03 CDT 2015
That was kinda rude. >.>Anyways...Nice picture. :3 Maybe you could make a signature banner out of it or something. - Sun Jul 19 02:00:03 CDT 2015
I only saw like 10 episodes of season 4. Usually seperated by like 2 months each episode. Was it any good?Edit: The old way was much cooler - Sun Jul 19 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Anybody played it yet? I just got done playing it and I have to say it's one of the best things to come around in awhile!Judging from this, - Sat Jul 18 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: SLAP IT! YEAH! YEAH! Voice in Head: DO A BARREL ROLL!Mr I: DO A ROLL!*DK rolls behind Kirby, then socks him off the screen*Mr I: AND - Sat Jul 18 20:00:02 CDT 2015
(but there is no time travel in this RP.) - Sat Jul 18 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Bowser comes out. *turns you into the product of a microwave + broken timer*Inserts a blunt object (Not Cudge) - Sat Jul 18 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Luvbi: HMPH! You use cheapeth tricks like time freezing, huh? Well... UNDERSQUAD! CHAAAAAAARGE!* Luvbi and a ton of Nimbis with Underchomps - Sat Jul 18 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Is it Luvbi? - Sat Jul 18 12:00:03 CDT 2015
41... - Sat Jul 18 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Alright! I assume the HP will be some kind of warning-system? Or maybe just for the hell of it? - Sat Jul 18 08:00:03 CDT 2015
After the credits, you to your last save point.Like in ML:PIT - Sat Jul 18 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Drat... I think I needed that spleen... Oh well. - Sat Jul 18 02:00:03 CDT 2015
The legendary one has turned evil and is now stealing butterflies - Sat Jul 18 00:00:04 CDT 2015
? Block: ...*Presses eject button**Mega Star and Mimi are ejected out into space*And don't come back unless you're either 1. coming here to - Fri Jul 17 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Name: WatchittPicture: <<<WATCH IT! THAT WAY!Species: AncientGender: MALE!Place of Originality: Yold TownPowers: Can bore people t - Fri Jul 17 18:00:03 CDT 2015
I loved the Calvin and Hobbes comics when I was a kid. - Fri Jul 17 16:00:04 CDT 2015
I know I'm pretty, but you don't need to stare at me like that. And yes, I knewOh, and by the way Bowser, Floatzel CAN learn Razor Wind - Fri Jul 17 12:00:03 CDT 2015
*the creator of darkness appears*it seems we have quite a battle here, don't we? I sence a great power has disapeared recently, a great pow - Fri Jul 17 08:00:03 CDT 2015
How could you Magikoopa!!! I never thought you would betray Lord Bowser! - Fri Jul 17 02:00:03 CDT 2015
http://t.co/xBmCuyQUuU I found this highly amusing in light of our little godmoder/doppelganger issue here. - Fri Jul 17 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Bonechill, did you sign up for the RP? - Thu Jul 16 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Why delete perfectly good cookies when you can delete them instea--*gets hit in the face with a fish*... anyway, for some reason whenever I - Thu Jul 16 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Versu: Oh what the heck.*munches* - Thu Jul 16 14:00:03 CDT 2015
sweet, I can't wait. I need to unlock characters!! aaahhh! - Thu Jul 16 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Luvbi: Interesting. I manage to get a DVDeth of the full first Digibutter.nerr forums RPG plot going up to ? Block's defeat. It even featur - Thu Jul 16 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Anyone with a Mac can't stop their gum-flapping about how great Macs are, and can't talk without using their hands. Or so I've heard. - Thu Jul 16 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: Alright, if everyone could just submit a chapter in the order that they occured in, then that'd be really appreciated. The next event - Thu Jul 16 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Well I do have in mind of people who I want to pair with:MintCream, Mimi!!!, Celebi - Thu Jul 16 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Piccolo: It could be Doopliss pretending to be a lamp >_>Ok, never mind.*Plays Best Friend (http://t.co/qxo0fOMLMJ - Thu Jul 16 00:00:03 CDT 2015
HAWHAHAHAHA!Hah...AARRRG!!! IT'S HORRIBLE! TAKE THOSE IMAGES OUT OF MY MIND!!!XDThe butterfly is cool though, it has the power to change re - Wed Jul 15 22:00:03 CDT 2015
* That appears, takes the silver star, and dissapears * - Wed Jul 15 20:00:03 CDT 2015
*runs seemingly out of nowhere*HEY! Why are people running away from me? GAH! I better follow, *gets shot out of a cannon*(Hey, sorry this - Wed Jul 15 16:00:02 CDT 2015
www.kidradd.comA little webcomic I found a while back.Starts out slow.. But ends up AMAZING. - Wed Jul 15 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Er... cool. What all is it used for though? Well, I heard u used it to see ppl's alts. - Wed Jul 15 10:00:04 CDT 2015
I read the info on it in my NP. I have a subscription. I can play Paper Mario without VC, cuz I has an N64 and the Paper Mario game. Ironic - Wed Jul 15 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Whoa. This place is huge.Finding that thing is going to be harder than I thought.MUCH. HARDER. - Wed Jul 15 04:00:03 CDT 2015
hey, lord bowser.I've got a present for you....as long as you don't roast me. I'm already dehydrated.....Is it okay if I show you? *begins - Wed Jul 15 02:00:03 CDT 2015
*Blows away* WAIT I WASN'T FINISHED DANCINGGGGGGGGGG!!!! - Wed Jul 15 00:00:03 CDT 2015
[roll=10]I am typing this here to make this post non-useless.EDIT: HELL YES. I'm a ten! - Tue Jul 14 20:00:03 CDT 2015
*gives mimi a new set of prisoners* - Tue Jul 14 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: NOOOOOOOOO! IT'S SO SHINY! AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SHIELD MY EYE!Mr I absorbs his Mister Minis and becomes giant.Mr I: I'm outta here - Tue Jul 14 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Mine:5701 9928 2439 7687 - Tue Jul 14 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Geno: I don't want to have anything to do with this. - Tue Jul 14 12:00:03 CDT 2015
*Mallow finds an empty seat while Geno just stands on top of a secret platform that no1 knew about(it was hidden near the stands and is not - Tue Jul 14 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Paul: Something about a judge...? I don't know. Just come with me, all right? - Tue Jul 14 06:00:02 CDT 2015
And Francis, Stop THIS EVENT NOW! I'M NOT COMING TO THE FORUM DEAD TOMMOROW! - Tue Jul 14 04:00:03 CDT 2015
? Block: There are no other marks. Each quiz is composed of one question. - Tue Jul 14 00:00:03 CDT 2015
I have 3 too. but it doesn't matter because my stupid connecter won't work. at least I managed to get my wii connected to something. - Mon Jul 13 22:00:03 CDT 2015
and my myriad of scout based abilities. - Mon Jul 13 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Meh, it's alright. - Mon Jul 13 18:00:03 CDT 2015
All I see is a.... eerm.... nevermind..... - Mon Jul 13 14:00:04 CDT 2015
Scorwa: Ah, good. I have some research to do. Everything seems in order, so could I have my cardkey? - Mon Jul 13 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Me, me, ME!!! - Mon Jul 13 08:00:03 CDT 2015
*goes with Mario* - Mon Jul 13 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I can use my hosting website. I just don't know what the pic looks like. - Mon Jul 13 04:00:03 CDT 2015
GRAHAHAHA! I'll accept any challenge you have to toss at me Fat, Ugly, Bloated Idiot! - Mon Jul 13 02:00:03 CDT 2015
I never asked for a photo <__> I believe you. But your name suggests otherwise. - Mon Jul 13 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Sweet! Lord Bowser is still fake! - Sun Jul 12 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Cap'n Magi: It be no worse than a cat bein beat up.42: You don't have to be that mean about it. - Sun Jul 12 18:00:03 CDT 2015
the huuuuuuuge - Sun Jul 12 16:00:03 CDT 2015
*Cast Bao Zakeruga* - Sun Jul 12 12:00:03 CDT 2015
(oh. well I'm glad you finally have 2 females)so, so you know anything about where seniel is now? - Sun Jul 12 10:00:03 CDT 2015
While I understand being in character and all, it's just annoying that you'd make a thread about some obscure show, say nothing about it, a - Sun Jul 12 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*Forces you back in time*DO IT OVER. - Sun Jul 12 04:00:03 CDT 2015
*headbangs in joy alongside Mario* - Sun Jul 12 00:00:03 CDT 2015
You've got a pink cloud now. >3 - Sat Jul 11 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Well of course we all know that the best paper mario game is Paper MarioIt was superior to the other paper marios, I just enjoyed playing - Sat Jul 11 18:00:03 CDT 2015
[warpsout] - Sat Jul 11 16:00:03 CDT 2015
no, there's a big one in boo's haunt that gives a star. it's hidden and you need to use the vanish cap. and move fast - Sat Jul 11 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Versu: Things go crazy when I'm not around...-_-*warps out**Neren, Farah and Anila warp in*Anila: Not here?Neren: Come on!Farah: Where woul - Sat Jul 11 10:00:03 CDT 2015
BUMP - Sat Jul 11 08:00:04 CDT 2015
ok then, what should I do to get in with my lack of wifi? - Sat Jul 11 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*Piccolo enters Lineland Road*Piccolo: Hmm, where did that Goombario go? I think I'll wait for-Ohh! Something shiny♪ *Piccolo goes to - Sat Jul 11 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Gear: Hey arn't you that wooden pupet? What happened to the regular bartender? - Sat Jul 11 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: We have reached our destination.Mr I rolls out into a large temple.Star: WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!Mr I: Begining a glorious reign. CO - Fri Jul 10 22:00:04 CDT 2015
Kooper: Got it.*Grabs 2 milks using mind powers and gives the to Mitri* - Fri Jul 10 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Krush: Heh...*All of the Krush Warriors put their parts together, forming larger Krush Abominations*Krush: FEAR THE ABOMS!*The Krush Abomin - Fri Jul 10 18:00:03 CDT 2015
yah. I'm the richest person.omg! 666 coins! - Fri Jul 10 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Nar:Stupid mitriMirti:Take this*Punches shadow* - Fri Jul 10 14:00:03 CDT 2015
(??? and !!! are tracking everyone down, if you want I can break out ? block) - Fri Jul 10 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Now that is nice.My only problem is that the wiskers(Those are wiskers...right?)Seem a little out of place. - Fri Jul 10 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: As much as I'd love for you to do this, I have more plans for you... BUT YOU HAVE TO BE IN *** FORM! - Fri Jul 10 04:00:03 CDT 2015
(sounds interesting, I"ll have to wait and se what it is though, I wouldn't mind being part of a secret plot(plot referring to a story - Fri Jul 10 00:00:03 CDT 2015
I say it was... THAT VERY FIRST GOOMBA YOU SEE IN THE GAME! THE HORROR OF IT ALL! - Thu Jul 09 20:00:03 CDT 2015
How long did it take you to type this o_0 - Thu Jul 09 18:00:03 CDT 2015
*a hidden being grabs the knife and stabs Y again & again - Thu Jul 09 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Bacon beams? *__* Eee... I wonder how much it would cost for someone to build me a pixl like that.. - Thu Jul 09 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Wild ? BLOCK appeared!Options:Treat it as an equalGive it cookiesLet it beat the crap out of youRun away - Thu Jul 09 12:00:03 CDT 2015
worst butterfly ever. it doesn't even have wings. and it's below average insect intelligence. - Thu Jul 09 10:00:03 CDT 2015
*warps in**Looks at Seniel and Pure*Mimi: Who the heck are these weirdos? - Thu Jul 09 08:00:03 CDT 2015
*??? warps infront of the beam, and reflects it with his ever so shiny new mirror shield*???: and now...!!!: prepare...*??? splits apart*?? - Thu Jul 09 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I have a N64, NES, and SNES. - Thu Jul 09 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Private koopa: 0o0 a mega star *drool* Mine! - Thu Jul 09 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Bumerang: You people are really annoying, you know that? *Spontaneously combusts* - Wed Jul 08 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Oh wow! There's lots I've never seen before! Like this. :3 Awwww....*huggles them* XD - Wed Jul 08 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Name: Wario**Species: Human*Gender: male *Place of Origin: Unknown**Powers: Brute strength, powerful farts, wrestling moves*Weapons: hammer - Wed Jul 08 14:00:04 CDT 2015
*Gam Masta checks the comic book store behind him.*Gam Masta: Yep, it's still there.*The buildings on either side of it are wrecked though. - Wed Jul 08 12:00:03 CDT 2015
IM BACK! - Wed Jul 08 10:00:03 CDT 2015
((Oh *crag*. I hate being in a different time zone.))Nini: Brian, I think I hear something upstairs. Would you take a look, please?Brian: S - Wed Jul 08 08:00:04 CDT 2015
There are a ton of gaming sites out there. Usually they include news and game reviews. Sometimes they present opinions too. Sometimes th - Wed Jul 08 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Isn't Francis technically evil though? - Wed Jul 08 04:00:04 CDT 2015
AAAAAH!*explodes*ow...*reforms*alright! time for possession!*he takes over versu the same way he did with pure ΩΩΩ earlier o - Wed Jul 08 02:00:03 CDT 2015
What a great butterfly! I remember seeing it in MMX2. <_< - Wed Jul 08 00:00:03 CDT 2015
**Name: J*Picture: He usually takes the form of a Buzzy Beetle with a peridot shell. There is a distinctive emerald J on his shell.**Specie - Tue Jul 07 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Thgil: !!! *the beast is sleeping in a the center.... bigger than before* - Tue Jul 07 20:00:04 CDT 2015
hello fan boyis the grammar nazi going to hunt me down? * grabs as many electronics as possible and disappears into hiding, forgot pie, com - Tue Jul 07 18:00:03 CDT 2015
http://t.co/jDMYWqFtaA, I got one question for you: why did this guy kick your ass in - Tue Jul 07 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Sure is! - Tue Jul 07 08:00:04 CDT 2015
:OIt's a freaking conspiracy, amore!♪ - Tue Jul 07 06:00:03 CDT 2015
YEAH! YEAH! YYEEAAHH! Sorry, got CARRIED away with the "yeahs". - Tue Jul 07 04:00:03 CDT 2015
coolio! welcome! - Tue Jul 07 02:00:03 CDT 2015
*Nightshade warps in, binds Besstar in shadowy ropes, and goes back to the Creepy Steeple* - Tue Jul 07 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Luvbi: Hmph! Then I shall remain neutral and watch for now. But if I see too many people have their games endedeth, you are both doomed! - Mon Jul 06 22:00:03 CDT 2015
wut? - Mon Jul 06 20:00:03 CDT 2015
No I don't have a crush on Hario, only hunky lifeguards...oops, was that my outside voice? - Mon Jul 06 18:00:03 CDT 2015
@? Block- No, you haven't. In fact, I only attacked Bowser because I couldn't think of anyone better.Last edited by Luvbi on Sun May 13, 20 - Mon Jul 06 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Welcome everyone. Take a seat at the long table. Here we can discuss our evil plans. Mimimimimimimimimimimimimi! - Mon Jul 06 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Gah! I'm the real Bowser for the sole fact I registered FIRST.That's undeniable proof! - Mon Jul 06 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Can anyone who breeds/bred Pokemon on G/S/C often explain to me how stats are bred? Or perhaps more simply, how to breed the best stats I c - Mon Jul 06 10:00:03 CDT 2015
(can we het back to our fight, piccolo?) - Mon Jul 06 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Lord "Bowser" is being out of character. - Mon Jul 06 04:00:03 CDT 2015
I did.(I don't have a camera to take photographic evidence )I want my trophy ^^ - Mon Jul 06 02:00:03 CDT 2015
How did Squirps not say "SQUIRPS!"? OMG NERR IT'S MIMI!!! - Mon Jul 06 00:00:03 CDT 2015
*Anila and Neren come back*Anila: Uhh....hi?Versu: .....Neren: He's not talking again -_- - Sun Jul 05 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Does anyone here have Windows vista? I want it, but i am afraid of back door viruses, too much space, or bugs and other problems - Sun Jul 05 20:00:03 CDT 2015
*drain pipe breaks* *water shoots out at everyone.....except Celebi* o.o I swear I didn't do this. *scrambles off* - Sun Jul 05 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: YES! YES! YES! CARRY HIM! NOW TOSS! RECOVER! YES! 3 LIVES! - Sun Jul 05 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Looks very nice ^^ - Sun Jul 05 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Thanx for the KFC Both of you. You both have my full support!Last edited by Lakilester86 on Mon May 14, 2007 10:50 pm; edited 1 time in tot - Sun Jul 05 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Magikoop#42 and I are on right now, see? - Sun Jul 05 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Francis was hardest for me. I'm serious. I had to fight him 4 times. The first 3 times I had no healing items. SO I HAVE A REASON! - Sun Jul 05 06:00:03 CDT 2015
pure-??? is only getting negatives because of Lord Bowser. - Sun Jul 05 04:00:03 CDT 2015
http://t.co/cGyF06gHFj - Sun Jul 05 02:00:03 CDT 2015
If there really were ninjas, you would not not know about it....until it was too late - Sun Jul 05 00:00:03 CDT 2015
*In the Hoohoo village*Neren: So what are we looking for again?Versu: Blanblandon or whatever. - Sat Jul 04 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Wow. I didn't even notice that.I need to pay more attention to that. - Sat Jul 04 20:00:03 CDT 2015
im an archinice/Ibolice guy on fourms also a gamefaqer/gamespoter - Sat Jul 04 14:00:03 CDT 2015
O'Chunks would be great for Brawl. CHUNK ON IT! - Sat Jul 04 12:00:03 CDT 2015
A long time ago (last year, NBovember), I entered in NaNoWriMo. I made this thing callled Under Attack, a PM2 fanfic (you must remember, SP - Sat Jul 04 10:00:03 CDT 2015
I thought we pirates didn't follow rules. What is some list to say the captain can't make his own ranks? I didn't know you were a List Lack - Sat Jul 04 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Yeah... seeing as Poison Mushrooms are the only way to reduce someone's HP right now, that's not gonna work. Maybe we'll implement that if - Sat Jul 04 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Varrock. - Sat Jul 04 00:00:03 CDT 2015
im confused. how do i role a dice?!? - Fri Jul 03 22:00:03 CDT 2015
*Kii peeks in through the door of the bar* Kii: o_o Um... Did I pick a bad time to show up? - Fri Jul 03 20:00:03 CDT 2015
? Block: Recess is over! Now, for the grammar quiz...fix this sentence!"Most of the stores in the neighborhood are sold out of Ninten - Fri Jul 03 18:00:03 CDT 2015
or we could build one of these: - Fri Jul 03 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Vaati: *sees Pirate Vaati* so hows the pirate life goingDreaded Pirate Vaati: Arrr it be going well for me - Fri Jul 03 14:00:03 CDT 2015
what is "spm completed"? - Fri Jul 03 12:00:03 CDT 2015
I stand by my request of you drawing my avatar. - Fri Jul 03 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Got it this time - Fri Jul 03 08:00:03 CDT 2015
7 for heal - Fri Jul 03 06:00:03 CDT 2015
This forum needs Candle Jack. Seriou - Fri Jul 03 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Plastic people don't count as human.(I can be recycled.) - Thu Jul 02 22:00:03 CDT 2015
It will simply start on Sunday. I expect it to take awhile. If you are there for one of your turns durring that day, you'll still be able t - Thu Jul 02 20:00:03 CDT 2015
*King Boo walks forth to the strange well, as if it were pulling him in*King Boo: What this?*He then heard a sort of Boo laugh from the ver - Thu Jul 02 18:00:03 CDT 2015
This is simple: you donate 2 coins. I'll pick a random name of someone who donated out of a hat. If you win, you get 2/3 of the total pro - Thu Jul 02 16:00:03 CDT 2015
I have SNES, N64, GameBoy Pocket, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, and Gamecube.Played NES and Gameboy.The Green Thunder - Thu Jul 02 14:00:03 CDT 2015
The one i made up >_> Yoshitu! - Thu Jul 02 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Yay chapter 13 o_o Murder in Room 252Chapter 13 –Mimics Mario was confused. Why would Merlee tie his Gnaw here? Why would she ask Mari - Thu Jul 02 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Yes. Just can't say his name right, though I do know everything about him (as in how Bobobo beat him, what attacks he used, etc) - Thu Jul 02 04:00:03 CDT 2015
No. Some play my Video Games for me. - Thu Jul 02 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Lol, go to http://t.co/j1FTAuTlwS for sound effects - Thu Jul 02 00:00:04 CDT 2015
Kesuke: You don't need a team if you don't want, they accept Solo fighters. Like plzdonmakmefite.Vict: I don't know how you manage to say t - Wed Jul 01 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Donkey Kong Jr? - Wed Jul 01 20:00:03 CDT 2015
*warps back in*Versu: What happened to you? - Wed Jul 01 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Schweet! We have lurkers! Thats when you know you've hit the big time, eh? - Wed Jul 01 16:00:03 CDT 2015
I think it could work. He is the most active member on H.E.R.O. after all.Paper Luigi for Mod! - Wed Jul 01 14:00:03 CDT 2015
well the other one was dedicated to mimi!!! not you.. so this one is for you. - Wed Jul 01 12:00:03 CDT 2015
False advertising! - Wed Jul 01 10:00:04 CDT 2015
Mr I: Thanks, ???!*Mr I, pure_???, Hot Foot, Sandbag, Torpedo Ted, the Chargin' Chucks, and Bobby Flay walk into Funky*SNES: Besides Mr I.. - Wed Jul 01 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Kooper: I doubt it.... Paper Luigi: C'mon.*Both run inside* - Wed Jul 01 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Why must we fight like this, amore?♪ We're all Pixls, sí? Except for all the rest of you, amore!♪ - Wed Jul 01 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Yo mama's so fat that when she ran a marathon, she made the great lakes. - Wed Jul 01 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Quit being such a JERK TO CARRIE!! - Wed Jul 01 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Fleep reappeared in the Whoa Zone. "Well, amore, we should be getting new recruits any day now!♪" he said happily. - Tue Jun 30 22:00:04 CDT 2015
23 - Tue Jun 30 20:00:04 CDT 2015
Don't use weapons?Get hit by every attack?Don't attack on the first round? - Tue Jun 30 18:00:03 CDT 2015
10 on the life shroom! - Tue Jun 30 16:00:03 CDT 2015
I wanted to see how many other members of the Legion of Villains come to the digibutter.nerr forums, see. I've already seen Fawful, Bowser, - Tue Jun 30 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Ack! My alter-ego! At least one of them...*Hides behind bush* - Tue Jun 30 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Isn't that Jade blooper? - Tue Jun 30 10:00:03 CDT 2015
I REALLY wanted to be mod.... - Tue Jun 30 06:00:03 CDT 2015
nice spelling there Larry - Tue Jun 30 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Tingle acts like an intentionally annoying person. He's probably a spy <.< - Tue Jun 30 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Scorwa: Wow, that's certainly one way to get up to date...Linwa: (Gaping) I'll say!Scorwa: Shouldn't we be fighting?Linwa: In case you didn - Tue Jun 30 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Where is my rescuing of Peach? Where is the Game Complete sign? THAT MEANS... BOWSER ISNT THE REAL ONE, OTHERWISE I WOULD HAVE BEAT THE GAM - Mon Jun 29 22:00:03 CDT 2015
42: Of course you don't have to pay... As long as you don't try selling these things...OOC: I try to keep the Magikoopa #42 character in th - Mon Jun 29 18:00:03 CDT 2015
I had the first DKC and at the time it was an amazing game.But I hear the sequel was much better so it may be my second Virtual Console pur - Mon Jun 29 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Damn, he's good!Mister I: Points= 4, strikes= 0Bowser: Points= 6, strikes= 0bobthelemon: Points= 0, strikes =1 Star Medals give you how muc - Mon Jun 29 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Geez Big Boo, YOU were banned?! Shocker! - Mon Jun 29 12:00:03 CDT 2015
my chaos cont6rol tells me its.....seco10!!!!!! attack him chaos blast!!!!!!!! - Mon Jun 29 08:00:04 CDT 2015
You're a bean.I am a girl.Should I hate you more than I do?I hate you.Don't deny it.You're annoying here and there...[/spoof of sk8ter boi] - Mon Jun 29 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I be stickin' wit Dimentio, he hired me you see. - Mon Jun 29 04:00:03 CDT 2015
It would have made things more interesting. ^__^ That's for sure. - Mon Jun 29 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Sure. - Sun Jun 28 20:00:03 CDT 2015
The Francis battle is fun! - Sun Jun 28 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: Sorry, my intelect must be destroying itself with all of those idiots I absorbed... WAIT!*Mr I absorbs Professor E. Gadd*Mr I: Alrigh - Sun Jun 28 16:00:03 CDT 2015
So next your gonna use pimps!?!? - Sun Jun 28 14:00:03 CDT 2015
HEY! Lord Bowser's Quiz Loser title was taken away.... I wonder why.And I'm amazed at how many posts could be generated in this topic in su - Sun Jun 28 12:00:03 CDT 2015
you are incorrect. I have been around since the beginning of time. for as long as there has been light, there has been dark. and I am the t - Sun Jun 28 10:00:03 CDT 2015
*warps in*Mimi: How can you know to resurrect yourself if your dead? - Sun Jun 28 08:00:03 CDT 2015
(doubt ^_^) - Sun Jun 28 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Well, people get busy sometimes. - Sun Jun 28 00:00:03 CDT 2015
(yah, but he would still want revenge on the person who has been possessing him, wouldn't he? I mean, he would probably help me for the pur - Sat Jun 27 22:00:03 CDT 2015
I beat Flipside's pit of 100 trials wearing it and never took it off. - Sat Jun 27 20:00:03 CDT 2015
The treasure must be doggie treats! - Sat Jun 27 14:00:03 CDT 2015
ok, whatever.Ok fine you got meh. I guess you payed attention to his subliminal message thread. - Sat Jun 27 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Deomp: Impressive... but, you shall eventually subcumm to my power.*Deomp raises his body temperature*Deomp: If I can't destroy you... I'll - Sat Jun 27 10:00:05 CDT 2015
The only word that you ever hear the Cromoglodon say in that podcast is what I think the HULK or SM64's Bowser (or possibly even Chuck Norr - Sat Jun 27 08:00:03 CDT 2015
This is something you shouldn't be in. This thread, anyway. - Sat Jun 27 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*Exits the lair and marks with a red marker an X on the side of the lair* - Sat Jun 27 04:00:03 CDT 2015
9 posts total this month.
Come on guys, you can't post more than an automated robot?
Piccolo: I think I'll play D/P Rival Battle*Plays it* - Sat Jun 27 00:00:03 CDT 2015
(I was just eating >_>)Seniel: Your attacks are pathetic.*A million daggers appear from nowhere and target Pure* - Fri Jun 26 22:00:03 CDT 2015
*Mr I rolls in. The Dempa Bros are carrying everything*Mr I: That's it... BE CAREFUL WITH THE MOTHERSHROOM PLUSHIES! That's it... just set - Fri Jun 26 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Oh, and before I forget...*walks back into the chatroom and retrieves the klondike bar*And to think none of them were willing to just pick - Fri Jun 26 14:00:03 CDT 2015
* Zoid fades in to help CX get the silver mega star *Zoid: OOH! A ? BLOCK!* Zoid beats up ? Block for money. * - Fri Jun 26 12:00:03 CDT 2015
There's one way to settle it... with a good old fashion. PMTTYD rumble, that's how! ^_^ - Fri Jun 26 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Toabob and Kookie arrive at the train station.Toabob: Look at that! Its huge! Are we in first class?Kookie: Yeah about that...Toabob: What? - Fri Jun 26 04:00:03 CDT 2015
I have a scenario for that:Mario defeats the last Bowser.Mario: YEAH! I did it! I saved the princess! I'm invincible!(Mario is small though - Fri Jun 26 02:00:03 CDT 2015
yes.... but now i must sleep...... - Fri Jun 26 00:00:03 CDT 2015
I still have 1 month of school. And a French test Friday - Thu Jun 25 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Eh? Nice guide. - Thu Jun 25 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Welcome. You are also my favorite in The Thousand Year Door. Pwned Shadow Queen with your help. - Thu Jun 25 18:00:03 CDT 2015
UnDerwear: Charold, where are you?Charold: WAY OVerhere!UnDerwear: where?Charold: oh, there you are, ya little ghostUnDerwear: *takes out a - Thu Jun 25 16:00:03 CDT 2015
#2 - Thu Jun 25 14:00:03 CDT 2015
I'm only at 5-2, Mr.L/Brobot was pretty easy. XDAlthough O'Chunks was extremely easy too...Then Fracktail was pretty simple...So was Mimi, - Thu Jun 25 12:00:03 CDT 2015
I be stickin' wit Dimentio, he hired me you see. - Thu Jun 25 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Paper Mario seems like the most logical choice. It only makes sense♪ - Thu Jun 25 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*shrinks just like lord crump did when he talked to the puni elder**squeaky voice* Sorry! I didn't mean anything by it! Secondly, he could - Thu Jun 25 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Really, i think it looks more like Chuck Norris.By the by, what are you going to do with him IF he arrives in the Underwhere? - Thu Jun 25 02:00:03 CDT 2015
[tails walks in and places a sign on a stick that says bleck's minion recrution, retail, and meeting, then a void appears and drops a huge - Wed Jun 24 22:00:03 CDT 2015
there's alreayd going to be a ninja section. they just haven't gootten around to it yet. - Wed Jun 24 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Thanks! I love it!*pays* - Wed Jun 24 18:00:03 CDT 2015
LR:which goomba type are you right? - Wed Jun 24 16:00:03 CDT 2015
welcome to the danger zone! - Wed Jun 24 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Were not, its just that yellow wasnt thinking - Wed Jun 24 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Ok you are popular so your the leader! - Wed Jun 24 10:00:04 CDT 2015
c= Hopefully the coins goes to poor people D: - Wed Jun 24 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Ok... How about we try to combine magic with technology?*grabs a recordermeow and waves his magic marker at it*SHAZAAM!!!*a bolt of lightni - Wed Jun 24 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Hello. - Wed Jun 24 02:00:03 CDT 2015
M'Aiq wishes he had a .gif of the goombas dancing on the elevator. That was funny as hell. - Wed Jun 24 00:00:03 CDT 2015
*Kooplen turns his gaze towards !!!.*Kooplen: Just wait your turn in line!*Returns his gaze to Mr. I.*Kooplen: Now...*Kooplen raises his wa - Tue Jun 23 22:00:03 CDT 2015
*??? and !!! both laugh* - Tue Jun 23 20:00:03 CDT 2015
*No response* - Tue Jun 23 18:00:04 CDT 2015
Sweet idea Francis! OOOh awesome! - Tue Jun 23 16:00:03 CDT 2015
I made the 'u rappen' good' comment in the beginning.But yeah, it's entertaining. - Tue Jun 23 14:00:04 CDT 2015
really? wait, wasn't that before DEMM reset time? - Tue Jun 23 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Yeah, if u already submitted something like this, then oh well. I'm too lazy to read 'em.Item- BowDescription- allows you to use arrowsActi - Tue Jun 23 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Private koopa:ohh pizzas here thank you and heres your tip*ties up the pizza guy* - Tue Jun 23 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Welcome. Stay out of various topics in the off-topic section, lest you get poked. - Tue Jun 23 02:00:03 CDT 2015
They have some of Pit's attacks now... - Tue Jun 23 00:00:04 CDT 2015
*nar apperes as nar*Nar:Crap! - Mon Jun 22 16:00:03 CDT 2015
As in, like, incredibly bored. So bored that...well, I dunno. - Mon Jun 22 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Cute ^_^Kirby? ............Yeah i can see that. - Mon Jun 22 12:00:03 CDT 2015
.Last edited by Sam on Tue May 15, 2007 10:11 am; edited 1 time in total - Mon Jun 22 10:00:04 CDT 2015
Oh, that's cruel.See Ya! - Mon Jun 22 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Yes, amore!♪ Also, I can freeze projectiles anyway.♪ - Mon Jun 22 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I wasn't there for that, but Bowser has told me (while using me to SMASH his enemies) that you once complimented his girthy eyebrows! - Mon Jun 22 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Whoops no more rewardable posts this hour. *sigh*Alright *takes earnings and leaves the room* - Mon Jun 22 02:00:04 CDT 2015
do you know what this is?......... - Mon Jun 22 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Shadw: Chaos blast (kills luigi/Paper luigi - Sun Jun 21 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Oh that >_> - Sun Jun 21 20:00:03 CDT 2015
10 for heal. - Sun Jun 21 18:00:03 CDT 2015
*Comes in*I'm home! - Sun Jun 21 16:00:03 CDT 2015
hello want a beatin' just jokin - Sun Jun 21 14:00:03 CDT 2015
*follows* - Sun Jun 21 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Anyone here got it? Name: KohakuCode: 2062 2649 3464Post friend codes! Heh heh heh.The Green Thunder - Sun Jun 21 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Cpt Blue: *has both* *10 minutes later...* Quite good. You sure you're not a professional chef? I gotta head back to my room. See you later - Sun Jun 21 06:00:03 CDT 2015
don't post here, this area doesn't exist anymore. - Sun Jun 21 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Don't forget the Pirate Vs. Ninja wars. - Sun Jun 21 02:00:04 CDT 2015
PLEASE? - Sun Jun 21 00:00:03 CDT 2015
I've got to do a count on how many people hate Mario!*Signs* - Sat Jun 20 20:00:12 CDT 2015
Bartender: what can I get you Gear - Sat Jun 20 18:00:04 CDT 2015
to eat the - Sat Jun 20 16:00:04 CDT 2015
I...I think I made my f-first online friend...*cries*Do you like Yu-Gi-Oh? - Sat Jun 20 14:00:08 CDT 2015
sounds like insanity. - Sat Jun 20 12:00:05 CDT 2015
but can you be a ghost version of someone else? and it's also been fused with a cloning metal, so you can make more of your self - Sat Jun 20 10:00:04 CDT 2015
Well... remember that the names Merlon, Merlee, and Merluvlee are in all three. - Sat Jun 20 08:00:11 CDT 2015
FYI, 4 dice per roll is the maximum right now - Sat Jun 20 06:00:04 CDT 2015
I gotcha!*Catches Tiptron* - Sat Jun 20 04:00:06 CDT 2015
Sanity: You value me?Me: STOP APPEARING IN MY POSTS! I DON'T NEED YOU! GO BACK TO LUIGIBOY7!!! - Sat Jun 20 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Versu: What exactly do you want from him? - Fri Jun 19 22:00:04 CDT 2015
Now, he's being chased by my Maltese of doom! - Fri Jun 19 18:00:03 CDT 2015
I see you have noticed you cannot win? you no longer have the heaven's gem. nor do you have control over versu's life. all of your magic is - Fri Jun 19 16:00:03 CDT 2015
*Hits block*(Really tired) - Fri Jun 19 14:00:03 CDT 2015
I'll give it a shot. how bout I give you a bonus couple facts on the info store? Can you just make one of me? - Fri Jun 19 10:00:04 CDT 2015
Here's a tough question for all of you: Name ALL the shy guy variations from ALL the mario games in which they appeared in. If they don't h - Fri Jun 19 08:00:04 CDT 2015
wEEE meEEEee - Fri Jun 19 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Battle battle WIN!I'm hosting a tournament :3.:Rules:.I'm hosting a tournament in the RP board, so I will explain the rules! Character Cond - Fri Jun 19 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Nar:I think I see a army recrute! - Thu Jun 18 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Really? Weird. XD - Thu Jun 18 18:00:04 CDT 2015
You all fail. Lord Bowser > Bowser. >:/ - Thu Jun 18 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Sir Trentov speaks the truth. None of us have enough money to kill someone off easily. - Thu Jun 18 12:00:04 CDT 2015
I'll see what i can do - Thu Jun 18 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Seniel: Argh! Damno vos! Vos mos persolvo huic! Vicis pro vestri nex! Tentatio ex Filiolus! Trinus ut barathrum! Perago!*Warps you, Versu a - Thu Jun 18 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I'm just back from a major http://t.co/ThJRx3qTxX are the results:#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8Yup, it was a full day, but it was worth it. ^^ - Thu Jun 18 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Not sure if you could, but could you make one with this picture?:http://t.co/ThXRAp2I2m - Thu Jun 18 02:00:03 CDT 2015
I have a huge grudge against Light Prognosticus. After using up all of my coins and then being killed, I finally saved up for one of those - Thu Jun 18 00:00:03 CDT 2015
same disclaimer here too.... for both...www.explosm.netWWW.vgcats.com - Wed Jun 17 22:00:03 CDT 2015
blah?(I hope that rhymed) - Wed Jun 17 20:00:02 CDT 2015
Best Introduction topic yet.Welcome - Wed Jun 17 18:00:03 CDT 2015
You BETTER not mean me! - Wed Jun 17 16:00:03 CDT 2015
and king sammer... and a few other people... I really thing it's in the double digits. - Wed Jun 17 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Help! I click on copy, but then when I go to paste it on my message it doesn't say paste! HELP MEEE! - Wed Jun 17 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Okay, who here watches one of the Funniest Anime on Toonami? I'm a regular viewer, and like the King of Wiggin Specialists himself (Bo-BoBo - Wed Jun 17 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Now THAT show was the STORY of my youth! I can still remember the days of watching this show everday and singing the theme song!Teenage Mut - Wed Jun 17 08:00:03 CDT 2015
I am a new member to this board, so hello, and I hope to be an excellent member here. - Wed Jun 17 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Yes! DKC2 was excelent!!! - Wed Jun 17 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: No... AH! THE MOON!Mr I jumps onto a moon almost his size.Mr I: HYPNOSIS BEAM!Mr I lasers someone in the back.Mr I: Welcome to the te - Wed Jun 17 00:00:03 CDT 2015
The game should be awsome! Where will you put it? - Tue Jun 16 22:00:03 CDT 2015
You're a captain now. You don't need a number. - Tue Jun 16 20:00:03 CDT 2015
You realise a ton of people who AREN'T Mimi are going to vote too? - Tue Jun 16 18:00:03 CDT 2015
(scout again)and why am I suspicious? - Tue Jun 16 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Well I'm the real Popple. But that's not the point, cuz this Bowser dude looks kinda familiar... - Tue Jun 16 14:00:03 CDT 2015
PMPartner: WattBoss: Final (Spoilers.)Music: Final (Spoilers.)Chapter: 3 or 7PM: TTYDPartner: VivianBoss: Final (Spoilers.)Music: Final for - Tue Jun 16 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Good overall. Still a 9, maybe an 8.5 - Tue Jun 16 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Hey 1 question.. thats alot of reading, but can you tell me in 1, 2, 3 what to do? - Tue Jun 16 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Yellow Magikoopa, that's your cue to say who joins and act all tough and mighty and magical, like your cousin Wizenheimer! - Tue Jun 16 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Cool dude, I'll get 10,000 - Tue Jun 16 04:00:03 CDT 2015
I would like to be a main character. - Mon Jun 15 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Check out my cake i made you! - Mon Jun 15 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Still... it's just nice to know a score exists! >_> - Mon Jun 15 14:00:03 CDT 2015
When you look for the pit of 100 trails in the your backyard. XD - Mon Jun 15 12:00:03 CDT 2015
(I'm going to hazard he's against ? block, as x/y/z all have plans that interfere with eachother, and X wishes to help ? block, which would - Mon Jun 15 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Wow. I like pancakes! - Mon Jun 15 08:00:03 CDT 2015
*Has a piece and turns into a ? Box - Mon Jun 15 06:00:02 CDT 2015
nar:Wow he is really inasin in the membrain - Mon Jun 15 04:00:03 CDT 2015
*Gobi struggles to get up. He wobbles over to the people with the flashlights. He turns to Pure ΩΩΩ and adopts a defensive s - Mon Jun 15 02:00:03 CDT 2015
I feel a little akward wearing myself. - Mon Jun 15 00:00:03 CDT 2015
*#42 gets an idea, and runs to the nearest place where he can hide. He comes out disguised as a penguin.*I hope this works... *waddles up t - Sun Jun 14 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Hey you were the one with the low health and I just wanted to kill one person. Thanks for the compliment, Celebi Kitty. - Sun Jun 14 20:00:03 CDT 2015
I think you save, shut off the game, then turn it back on and re use the code or something like that. - Sun Jun 14 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Well, don't we have the Off-Topic forum? - Sun Jun 14 10:00:03 CDT 2015
? Block: ...Hm. Odd, I admit, but not odd enough. *Phases out of existence*? Block's voice: Now, then...let's see how you handle this!*Th - Sun Jun 14 08:00:03 CDT 2015
IT BURNS US! IT BURNS US!!! - Sun Jun 14 06:00:03 CDT 2015
lol pwnt - Sun Jun 14 04:00:03 CDT 2015
GIVE ME ALL OF THEM! - Sun Jun 14 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Oh god! My head hurts from watching that! - Sat Jun 13 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Stay inside. Duh! - Sat Jun 13 20:00:03 CDT 2015
ok - Sat Jun 13 18:00:03 CDT 2015
...I'm getting a Super-life-shroom. - Sat Jun 13 14:00:04 CDT 2015
That one works. Hang on a bit. - Sat Jun 13 12:00:03 CDT 2015
not that I'm aware of. - Sat Jun 13 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Whats QFT? - Sat Jun 13 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Megabyte: ...good *warps Versu and Megabyte to the Forsaken Grotto* - Sat Jun 13 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Congrats *Takes cake* - Sat Jun 13 04:00:03 CDT 2015
I know what he's talking about ???, but I can't tell you here. PM me about it if you'd like to know - Sat Jun 13 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Y: ...Well, as long as they don't get in our way, they shouldn't be much of a problem, right?X: Yes. We should probably go in search of th - Fri Jun 12 22:00:03 CDT 2015
When I was a Head Admin on the Pro Boards... we had to maintain everything. We were constantly adding new additions to the site, locking to - Fri Jun 12 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Very cool. I like it a lot. - Fri Jun 12 18:00:04 CDT 2015
Uh... I don't want to vote for any of those choices. Paper Mario is the only deserving character, and his Pixls are not. - Fri Jun 12 16:00:02 CDT 2015
I bid 5 coins.The Green Thunder - Fri Jun 12 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Ah. K. - Fri Jun 12 10:00:03 CDT 2015
I did watch Detective Conan and Naruto. Those were 2 of the ones I couldn't remember. - Fri Jun 12 08:00:03 CDT 2015
vg: Transported again. Brilliant... *is absorbed* - Fri Jun 12 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Yeah, the first pretty much kicked the second's ass. This third plot is shaping up quite nicely, though. - Fri Jun 12 02:00:03 CDT 2015
*Geno is unable to laugh* - Thu Jun 11 22:00:03 CDT 2015
I've never even heard of Cool Quenchers. - Thu Jun 11 14:00:03 CDT 2015
31 - Thu Jun 11 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Never Trust the Names they may lie to u. in this form both bowsers are consider the same with no diffrencesuntill the voting end. - Thu Jun 11 10:00:03 CDT 2015
*yet another experiment is happening, this time to create the ultimate ability thief, but just as he is released, pure-??? appears adn grab - Thu Jun 11 06:00:04 CDT 2015
Do ye WANT to incur the wrath of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? - Thu Jun 11 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Really? I thought he just fell over. I should play again and check. Oh well.(RPG mode activate!)Piccolo: I need to find Merlee!*hurries to - Thu Jun 11 00:00:03 CDT 2015
No Mimi, don't do that! Come back! - Wed Jun 10 22:00:08 CDT 2015
I have no idea how this would work, but it sounds fun. I guess I'd have to join a group first. - Wed Jun 10 20:00:03 CDT 2015
What about selling items??? - Wed Jun 10 18:00:03 CDT 2015
O'Slob: *BUMPs his head on something* - Wed Jun 10 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Whoever is good at art, i welcome you to make a baby picture of link for my comic im making called "Zelda Babies" but I need some - Wed Jun 10 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Here's an even better idea: the "S.S. Teacup". Isn't that awesome? I loved Wario Land!! - Wed Jun 10 12:00:03 CDT 2015
You're not that annoying... you just tend have a little bit of a temper. Oh and... I would like coins, seeing as I'm running a Quiz Show wh - Wed Jun 10 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Versu: ... I don't think I've ever been this bored in my life...*warps**Seniel warps in*Seniel: Damn, too late.*warps out**Winowa warps in* - Wed Jun 10 08:00:03 CDT 2015
*Logan appears*Logan: Well, this is interesting.Dimentio clones: OGA WOOGA!Logan: I think I like this place. Clones, do a barrel roll!*Clo - Wed Jun 10 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Make one failed attack.Make one comical attack.Make one two-part attack that takes two posts to do. (Ex. Absorb energy in the first post, t - Wed Jun 10 04:00:03 CDT 2015
I loved the Calvin and Hobbes comics when I was a kid. - Wed Jun 10 02:00:03 CDT 2015
OPINION!!! - Tue Jun 09 22:00:03 CDT 2015
NUKE EM!!! - Tue Jun 09 16:00:03 CDT 2015
???: .... *watching fight* - Tue Jun 09 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Nar:Lets do this! - Tue Jun 09 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Paper Luigi: Hmmmm.Kooper: Let's go in the ruins. It's boiling. - Tue Jun 09 10:00:03 CDT 2015
YO! Anybody here play Nintenchomps like I do? I currently have the "Worst Friends" edition for getting the bundle! It RULES! - Tue Jun 09 08:00:03 CDT 2015
In Soviet Russia, Awesome is Pirahna Plants! - Tue Jun 09 06:00:03 CDT 2015
**Name: Godmodding Stone of Anti-Godmodding**Species: Deformed moon cleft*Gender: None*Place of Originality: The Moon**Powers: When thrown, - Tue Jun 09 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Don't life shrooms cost the same as 1 healing shroom? - Tue Jun 09 00:00:03 CDT 2015
me too sad to talk and your evil pure ???? you should appoligies yoyr the reason she left hopefully she left for a day or hour not for ever - Mon Jun 08 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Luigi's Mansion.Of course, if it was Pie's Mansion... - Mon Jun 08 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Mitri:Too late idiot. - Mon Jun 08 16:00:03 CDT 2015
I finally went to youtube and watched the first episode if Digimon. It was quite good, to say the least. A HUGE improvement on *shudders* P - Mon Jun 08 12:00:03 CDT 2015
*Versu warps in* - Mon Jun 08 10:00:03 CDT 2015
This whole deal's gone from amusing to downright annoying. - Mon Jun 08 08:00:03 CDT 2015
not much to do with 3 peopel availible to talk about stuff. and one's the admin. - Mon Jun 08 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I may be new, but I have infered the following.1. The picture looks real enough, even if the colors our different I have noticed it will so - Mon Jun 08 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Does anyone even have 200 coins yet? - Mon Jun 08 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Now mine just sits around and eats. And...friggin' hax, it's the size of a house!Its name....................Fred. - Sun Jun 07 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Fleep floated into Flipside and put up a poster. It read:"Help wanted!Want to be on the winning side? ? Block is taking over the wor - Sun Jun 07 18:00:04 CDT 2015
Nar:Dude - Sun Jun 07 04:00:03 CDT 2015
And our first order of buisiness would be making sure that our resident lemon joins us. *tosses a lime into the heroes' group* OH LOOK! A L - Sun Jun 07 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Just give me a few minutes... - Sun Jun 07 00:00:03 CDT 2015
*Explodes them all* - Sat Jun 06 22:00:03 CDT 2015
(okay, I'm ready. and geno, there is no actual damage amounts, take out the 20.) - Sat Jun 06 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Well, my apologies for not understanding Japanese linguistics. I'm too busy perfecting my English to bother. <.<"Waste of a life - Sat Jun 06 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Do you even know how to use IRC, you don't need to know a server... - Sat Jun 06 12:00:03 CDT 2015
EDIT:4761 5155 4768 0516 is my friend code. I've already added all ya'lls, so if you add me, no need for a PM or anything. Also, my name is - Sat Jun 06 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*Scorwa lunges at Linwa, who is hit again, and burnt again. Linwa slashes Scorwa in the back, and he crisps the end of her sword. Linwa ent - Sat Jun 06 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Time Bob-omb: YAY!*Time Bob-omb causes a small black hole to appear when it explodes* - Sat Jun 06 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Umm... how does "both of you" work? - Fri Jun 05 22:00:03 CDT 2015
YOU DON'T SATISFY HER NEEDS! *Lops off Bowser's crotch with the 5h0v31 0f d00m* - Fri Jun 05 18:00:03 CDT 2015
What's a proxy? - Fri Jun 05 16:00:03 CDT 2015
THIS BUTTERFLY IS UGLY! - Fri Jun 05 14:00:03 CDT 2015
yeah - Fri Jun 05 12:00:03 CDT 2015
TERRIBLE. I beat you so easy with my Super jump! - Fri Jun 05 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Dang, I go away for a few hours, and you all buy all my Mushroom stock.Good thing a new truck just got here. They will fully restock every - Fri Jun 05 04:00:03 CDT 2015
I would vote ? Block, but out of those I would say Mimi. - Fri Jun 05 02:00:04 CDT 2015
This happened.*Kills Larry again* - Fri Jun 05 00:00:05 CDT 2015
squigs they're just so cute and fun to jump on. - Thu Jun 04 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Lots of people online. - Thu Jun 04 18:00:03 CDT 2015
I just don't know who to trust anymore. I'm alright with everyone around here but everytime I look in this board, there is a spy on the lo - Thu Jun 04 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Toabob walks inside the fort.Toabob: ANYBODY HERE!? SecuriMeow: Welcome home master.Toabob: I'm not yor master! SecuriMeow: Intruder! Intru - Thu Jun 04 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Tomorrow, I am going on a trip, so I won't be here for 3 or 4 days. So, see you guys later, once I leave XDThis is the right place to put t - Thu Jun 04 10:00:03 CDT 2015
strange..... what could they be up to?..... - Thu Jun 04 08:00:04 CDT 2015
I find that as a good idea, but adding forums must be a pain. - Thu Jun 04 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*Shoots sanity with eye beams* - Thu Jun 04 02:00:03 CDT 2015
HAIL LORD BOWSER (two against one on this topic)Last edited by Sam on Mon May 14, 2007 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total - Thu Jun 04 00:00:03 CDT 2015
If you asked me, I'd guess the mechanics with Pit's arrows work similar as Link's Boomerang. Tilt up or down while attacking to send the cu - Wed Jun 03 22:00:04 CDT 2015
gigabite: go R-vision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Wed Jun 03 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Dang, I have 101 books here... Uh... wait who is being beat up?*can't see over books* - Wed Jun 03 14:00:03 CDT 2015
The inability to use most items perhaps? A forum that the dead aren't allowed to go into? A very limited selection of avatars (oops that on - Wed Jun 03 12:00:03 CDT 2015
ohh, ok - Wed Jun 03 10:00:03 CDT 2015
See, Lord Bowser is a Villian and mean.. and right there shows you how he is the real bowser - Wed Jun 03 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Versu: .....*walks away* - Wed Jun 03 06:00:03 CDT 2015
I put OVER9000. I should have put in LUESHI, but whatever. - Wed Jun 03 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Dang... Too big... Wait.... - Wed Jun 03 02:00:03 CDT 2015
I'm not saying you can't...I'm just wondering why you would want to.And the chatspeaking noobs will do what the chatspeaking noobs want to. - Tue Jun 02 20:00:03 CDT 2015
In 3-1, Peach said "That sham was no wedding!" It was used to summon the Chaos Heart, and it thought it was a real wedding, but i - Tue Jun 02 18:00:03 CDT 2015
;>> ;<<*gives Mimi one of those little robotic vaccuum thingies* - Tue Jun 02 16:00:03 CDT 2015
Anyone know how to make the Wii check for new messages? Or adding new friend codes?Or does it just do it whenever it feels like it? - Tue Jun 02 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Its not that hard to notice that I like the game my avatar and username say that for me - Tue Jun 02 12:00:03 CDT 2015
How about a coin storage item to prevent thieving items like a Boo?Item Name: Gold BarItem Type: StorageItem Description: Is equivalent of - Tue Jun 02 08:00:03 CDT 2015
(yah, that's what I thought. piccolo is female. you should edit the wiki, her section on your page has male pronouns for her.)so what have - Tue Jun 02 06:00:03 CDT 2015
As many of you would agree, banning Zero would fill me with glee! Heeheehee! - Tue Jun 02 04:00:03 CDT 2015
*pure ΩΩΩ appears, holding the B block*I still can't beleive noone bothered picking this up. (XD)well then, everyone, what d - Tue Jun 02 00:00:04 CDT 2015
vg: So we meet again. What does that heart do? - Mon Jun 01 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Trust me, I have enough of my own abilities to fulfill my own goals. - Mon Jun 01 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Lakitough: Impressive. I'm pretty much just your run-of-the-mill Lakitu...the only reason I got to where I was were my leadership skills. - Mon Jun 01 12:00:03 CDT 2015
You mean a forum moderator?!I've done that before on a different site! I had to manage the Fan-Fiction/Games forum... so much to organize.. - Mon Jun 01 10:00:03 CDT 2015
to fat plummers - Mon Jun 01 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Hmmmm. When I get my lens of truth we'll see who you really are. - Mon Jun 01 06:00:04 CDT 2015
ok I have had enough were supose to protect the forum so I'm taking commandseco check the info and intro. forum for anything suspiciossir t - Mon Jun 01 04:00:03 CDT 2015
really?neat! - Mon Jun 01 02:00:04 CDT 2015
Just watching this video makes me want to take out my old N64 and play this level all over again. - Mon Jun 01 00:00:04 CDT 2015
I think he's talking about fat, ugly, bloated idiot. - Sun May 31 22:00:04 CDT 2015
http://t.co/1oC6wa6qH6 has some.Last edited by Piccolo the Pixl on Fri May 04, 2007 9:50 pm; edited 1 time in total - Sun May 31 18:00:03 CDT 2015
*Gobi looks up at pure ΩΩΩ. He thinks back to Kooplen's death.*Gobi: I don't care how powerful you are. I don't care about w - Sun May 31 16:00:03 CDT 2015
pure-???, stop defending yourself and just ask Mimi to come back. - Sun May 31 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Gash: I have decided to join you on your quest for the sake of plot advancement.>_> - Sun May 31 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Isn't that the sound a horse makes? - Sun May 31 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Meh.. It wasn't what I expected hopefully tomorow they will put the characters!! - Sun May 31 02:00:04 CDT 2015
(Well sorry Zero, it's just that you can be annoying at times. I'm sorry, but next time just try to be fair, ok?) - Sun May 31 00:00:03 CDT 2015
I was thinking of staying in your new army and continuing to boss Dr. Trofknarf around. I also need everyone else to order him around and b - Sat May 30 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: It is done, Mimi...Mr I reaches the moon.Mr I: UNDERCHOMP! MUSTARD! ATTACK!Underchomp and Mustard of Doom begin destroying the X-Naut - Sat May 30 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Let me try... *SMASH!* *SMASH* Well, if shattered into tiny pieces is fixed, then IT'S ALL GOOD! - Sat May 30 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Beldam: A'right I'll be leading this betting ring 'round here so PLACE YER BETS! ::too many western type movies have been watched by this o - Sat May 30 16:00:04 CDT 2015
Fourtunatly, I can't bow, It looks...awkward. - Sat May 30 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Might I suggest killing someone with a refrigerator for the fun of it? - Sat May 30 12:00:03 CDT 2015
*Drags Vaati to a well*THIS IS DIGIBUTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER! *Kicks Vaati into well* - Sat May 30 08:00:03 CDT 2015
HELLO! what category would you like to hear from today? - Sat May 30 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Can you people post when you vote? - Sat May 30 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Sherlock, Sherlock. - Fri May 29 20:00:03 CDT 2015
ELEPHANT. - Fri May 29 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Bowser. He breaths fire. I think that pretty much sums it up. - Fri May 29 16:00:03 CDT 2015
18. Synchronized panicking is NOT a propper battle plan.19. Not allowed to use Mario in any SSB game unless I make him jump off of the stag - Fri May 29 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Okay... It's been a while now. - Fri May 29 08:00:03 CDT 2015
LIES!!!(I lost my ACWW cart... and I had EVERYTHIN... So I stole my sis's, but it has NOTHING!) - Fri May 29 06:00:04 CDT 2015
It's nappy time in where I live, 9:00. When's YOUR Nappy time? =D - Fri May 29 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Sorry. I just gotta eat dinner, then I'll post the next question. - Fri May 29 00:00:03 CDT 2015
*pays 100 coins for king's suite*Although i'm not here jsut for a room. I would like a challenge *whips whip of ice* would either of you li - Thu May 28 22:00:03 CDT 2015
I always thought Francis loved anime chicks. - Thu May 28 20:00:03 CDT 2015
I have no idea what to do in situations like this.Usually, I just run and hide until it blows over. But, no more! I shall TAKE A STAND AND - Thu May 28 16:00:03 CDT 2015
But final showdowns are awesome! I mean...you can't just not have a final showdown! It goes against all the laws of clichéness! - Thu May 28 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Finally I got it to work... Girly finger nails!... Although the box is a little too big... - Thu May 28 12:00:03 CDT 2015
That would be a good idea, but sadly we don't have a board. - Thu May 28 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Just think of other words to get rid of Not So. - Thu May 28 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Versu: I was talking to the other person anyways, but I'll listen. - Thu May 28 06:00:03 CDT 2015
Yeah,shy guys are awesome. - Thu May 28 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Bowser got it right! ^_^Mister I: Points= 1, strikes= 0Bowser: Points= 1, strikes= 0Put the Paper Mario Bloopers in order from weakest to s - Thu May 28 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Well, on all Smash-oriented boards I go under FrozenRoy.With most/all Neopets related things, Ace94d.Gamefaqs related means I go under Rock - Thu May 28 00:00:04 CDT 2015
Obviously not. How else could you wrongly criticize someone for "lying" about 100% Completion? In my books, 100% =*8-4 Completed* - Wed May 27 22:00:04 CDT 2015
*Zelda transforms into Shiek and uses the chain on the Goombas* - Wed May 27 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Yeah! - Wed May 27 16:00:03 CDT 2015
You win this time Canada but I will be watching you. Like this >.> and like this <.< and even maybe like this0_o - Wed May 27 14:00:03 CDT 2015
I'ma need mah pay. - Wed May 27 10:00:02 CDT 2015
Lord Crump: D'oh! You just destroyed my newly pimped-out robot! No matter! Buh! Buh huh huh huh! I will destroy you with... My bombs! *Thro - Wed May 27 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Oh yeah, like I don't have an ENTIRE ARMY under my control!Those toads don't stand a CHANCE against my Koopatrols! - Wed May 27 06:00:03 CDT 2015
You are correct SoF. What we need is a reason for living! Any suggestions? - Wed May 27 04:00:03 CDT 2015
ARHG But I CAN! I stole Mario's shoes in Paper mario, the ones that allow you to hit spikes =O - Wed May 27 00:00:03 CDT 2015
*Kicks Mega Star with spider leg, causing her to fly all the way to Star Haven*Mimi: MIMIMIMIMIMIMI! HeY bLoCkHeAd WhErE's SaMmEr GuY # 100 - Tue May 26 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Yeah, I know. 70 HP. - Tue May 26 20:00:03 CDT 2015
*Head explodes a million times*Wait, I have no head.*Pages explode a million times* - Tue May 26 18:00:03 CDT 2015
(Um... here's some decent ones...)1. Revenge for something2. WORLD DOMINATION3. to prove your worth4. To become the greatest5. Insanity6. P - Tue May 26 16:00:03 CDT 2015
My god, you ARE crazy. - Tue May 26 12:00:03 CDT 2015
? Block: It matters not. Blockworld is no longer important to us. We will rule this world! And now, Mega! Take Dotwood's power!*You kno - Tue May 26 08:00:04 CDT 2015
Ive been looking everywhere!Help? If you could help me, it'd be so hi-technicalll! - Tue May 26 06:00:03 CDT 2015
random guy who is watching the RP through a TV: ? block isn't a main character anymore? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! he's my favorite character!*jumps - Tue May 26 04:00:03 CDT 2015
oh - Tue May 26 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Crap. I'm not bored enough yet. - Tue May 26 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Voice: Ha, just messing with you.*Goomba gomes out*Goomba: I'm Goomb goomba! Nice teh meet you!(I know that's a lame name, I might chance i - Mon May 25 22:00:03 CDT 2015
OOC:Okay okay I will stop.LR:Yes I am...but i wasnt a koopa mortal...and never shall be....*Gets magic wand out incase any enemies of mine - Mon May 25 20:00:03 CDT 2015
One poison mushroom starting at 15 coins! Do I here 20? - Mon May 25 18:00:03 CDT 2015
it looks like a koopas momas (censored) wait tht koopa is bowser! - Mon May 25 16:00:03 CDT 2015
*King Boo licks SoF*King Boo: Ew you taste horrible!*King Boo hovers above, just out of your reach, and fire's reach. - Mon May 25 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Heck yes, do it! - Mon May 25 12:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: That one was... um... a gift? - Mon May 25 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Alright, mine is 7417-2307-2888-4099. - Mon May 25 08:00:03 CDT 2015
DO A BARREL ROLL!!! - Mon May 25 04:00:03 CDT 2015
*materializes*ok... I nedd to get... uhh. oh, right!*finds and grabs Professor Frankly, Frankie, and Ishmaelthen dematerializes * - Mon May 25 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Item Name ? BoxItem Type - ?Item Description - A box with a ? on it. (durrrrr)Item Action -Takes effect of any item. If it heals or has pos - Mon May 25 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Paper Luigi: Yuck. Well, at least we're out.Kooper: Yeah.Goomb: Yep.*All run away* - Sun May 24 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Neren: Float up darn you! FLOAT! YES! Now kamikaze throw! - Sun May 24 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Hmmmm. When I get my lens of truth we'll see who you really are. - Sun May 24 18:00:04 CDT 2015
pair-up thread? what is this, digidating.nerr? - Sun May 24 16:00:03 CDT 2015
* That enters *That: I have managed to find two more Silver Stars... We have three left.Him: ...Heheh... Things are coming along nicely. Bu - Sun May 24 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Why don't you two take this conversation into an off-topic topic? - Sun May 24 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Jiva: Hehe ^_^DP: *wakes up* Ow.... So what WERE we doing? - Sun May 24 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Dyliss NOT!*starts smacking popple with a gradle* - Sat May 23 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Wha? How can google not have any paper Luigi pics? GRRRR - Sat May 23 16:00:03 CDT 2015
they used to be, but now they just use up MP. - Sat May 23 12:00:03 CDT 2015
The thing about 1 up shrooms is that for some reason, they don't work on Bowser. They do work on Luigi, but only if he's working. But the t - Sat May 23 06:00:03 CDT 2015
At least it's fun to use your ability to knock Shlorps into walls. - Sat May 23 04:00:03 CDT 2015
COD: where is who? - Fri May 22 18:00:03 CDT 2015
ORICHIMARU DIES!Ichigo's Dad is a shinigami! FROM BLEACH! OMG!Dragon is Luffy's dad from One Piece!I love doing this. - Fri May 22 16:00:03 CDT 2015
weee luigi - Fri May 22 12:00:03 CDT 2015
A deadly city on fire in the future*Doopliss falls onto a building*DoopLiss:Am i still in that city that Versus was in or is this a differe - Fri May 22 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Hey everyone.I'm looking for a picture of O'Chunks to use as an avatar but I can't find one anywhere. Anyone happen to know of/have any? - Fri May 22 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Yeah! Let's do it, amore!♪ - Fri May 22 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Merlee: ACKKKKK!!!!!! GACK!!!!!!!!!!*Grabs pepper off the table and sticks it up a nostril of Mr. I* - Thu May 21 22:00:03 CDT 2015
Cpt Blue: No clue, vivian. *takes champions belt and replaces with an exact replica* *puts belt under sword scabbard* *leaves the minor lea - Thu May 21 20:00:03 CDT 2015
The clones should really stop now. - Thu May 21 16:00:03 CDT 2015
but paper zero was here first. but still take your new chance. and learn some better grammar. no, really. - Thu May 21 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Look I'm not going to take all the coins from this. I will take a fraction, maybe 20 or 30, but I won't take all of it. That still leaves a - Thu May 21 12:00:02 CDT 2015
*headdesk* Erm, no. -_-There's an option for avatars on the Profile page. ^^ - Thu May 21 10:00:03 CDT 2015
*omg! giant hammer! SMASH!*ouch! - Thu May 21 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Looks like a mutant butterfly....>.> - Thu May 21 06:00:04 CDT 2015
I chose Conan. - Thu May 21 04:00:03 CDT 2015
Ok, but this will take a while. - Thu May 21 00:00:04 CDT 2015
don'st ask '-_- - Wed May 20 20:00:05 CDT 2015
(wrong. It's only the other way around> I die, Versu dies. Versu dies, too bad for him XD)Seniel: Let...go! - Wed May 20 18:00:03 CDT 2015
The winner is Vaati! He wins a grand total of 200 coins! - Wed May 20 16:00:05 CDT 2015
*LuigiIII lands very hard on the floor*LuigiIII:M-m-man,that hurts.*Evo appers in a octopus form*Evo:Stay down.*Evo turns to his regular fo - Wed May 20 14:00:03 CDT 2015
I already give people the best pixl ever for beating me. - Wed May 20 12:00:03 CDT 2015
It: ... And you are? - Wed May 20 10:00:20 CDT 2015
That guy looks like he did a lotta work. I wonder how long it took him. =P - Wed May 20 08:00:14 CDT 2015
9:00.I think. - Wed May 20 06:00:04 CDT 2015
*hands idk reset button* You'll need that - Wed May 20 04:00:03 CDT 2015
1 In 500 chanace, at most. - Wed May 20 02:00:04 CDT 2015
Popple dodges Wario. "Ha, don't even try that on me tubby. Thud, get out here!" A large black clubba came out of Popple's bag. &q - Wed May 20 00:00:04 CDT 2015
there, I voted - Tue May 19 22:00:03 CDT 2015
you don't know how much I admire this!I JUST WANT TO... umm... must... hold... it.... in....XD....GLOMP!!!!! - Tue May 19 20:00:03 CDT 2015
Gear: I don't think I have the skills yet...[ooc: well you said no magic but my rp char uses technology, would that still be allowed?] - Tue May 19 18:00:03 CDT 2015
ROFL - Tue May 19 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Mr I: In all matters: yes!Mr I pops Piccolo's bubble.Mr I: Oh, and the Iggy-Bot just exploded. This battle SHOULD be over. But if not, I ha - Tue May 19 10:00:03 CDT 2015
Hah! Who's the fake CHICKEN now?The REAL Bowser (Being me!) would be GLAD to accept and get that faker snuffed out! - Tue May 19 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Really??? O_o;;; - Tue May 19 06:00:03 CDT 2015
So, how about that ban match eh?Settle this once and for all! - Tue May 19 04:00:03 CDT 2015
don'st ask '-_- - Tue May 19 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Points only breaks a forum.People start spamming, posting nonsense messages...It WOULD be fun, but people screw it up. I remember the days - Mon May 18 22:00:03 CDT 2015
What's so awesome about francis?You should change your nome to Pirahna_Plant_Fangirl! - Mon May 18 20:00:03 CDT 2015
You still can. I changed the deadline to Sunday. - Mon May 18 18:00:03 CDT 2015
1 MINUTE REMAINING! - Mon May 18 14:00:03 CDT 2015
Dude, you should totally build robotic replicas of that butterfly so we could see what it was like to have that HI-TECHNICAAAAAAAAAL butter - Mon May 18 12:00:03 CDT 2015
What type is that kitty?Unamed cat used I HATE POKEMON!!It's super effective!EMPOLEON fainted!Plastic Mario is out of usable POKEMON.You bl - Mon May 18 10:00:09 CDT 2015
natasia never looked angry in the game.. - Mon May 18 08:00:03 CDT 2015
(Note: the one that the character LuigiIII gave to Doopliss was a fake) - Mon May 18 06:00:03 CDT 2015
*takes a can of Heavy duty air freshener out of his blue cap and starts shaking the can* - Mon May 18 04:00:04 CDT 2015
OOC: Alright, now all we need is pure-???, and I'll have full permission. - Mon May 18 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Going once... - Mon May 18 00:00:03 CDT 2015
Wowzerz, wanta trade?? - Sun May 17 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Y: Ahahaha...you do not believe I would give out such valuable information for free, do you? No, we're going to have to come to a bargain - Sun May 17 16:00:03 CDT 2015
* Pure-ٶڮחﮉﭝמּ enters the topic and throws a magnet at ??? * - Sun May 17 14:00:03 CDT 2015
*Nightshade warps in, binds Besstar in shadowy ropes, and goes back to the Creepy Steeple* - Sun May 17 12:00:03 CDT 2015
*Wakes up slowly*Piccolo: Wha..? What happened?*Sees ? Block*Piccolo: Master! - Sun May 17 06:00:03 CDT 2015
lawlz, visible tags! I think the HP idea thing is stupid. Because you'd waste all your coins on Poison Mushrooms. - Sun May 17 02:00:03 CDT 2015
Plastic Mario gets my vote. - Sat May 16 20:00:03 CDT 2015
STUPID! IM NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN!*leaves* I never win... - Sat May 16 18:00:03 CDT 2015
Veeeery easy. Id have to say112 - Sat May 16 14:00:04 CDT 2015
weee luigi - Sat May 16 10:00:03 CDT 2015
I donated 16. Never posted. - Sat May 16 08:00:03 CDT 2015
Hey, that's great, but I need a specific request as an avatar. Do you want a Flash version of a Gigabite? - Sat May 16 02:00:04 CDT 2015
they're better