
digibutter.nerr lite

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KarToon 26
reply to TheEvilShadoo posted 5 years ago

When I had my wii I homebrewed it, yeah. What problem are you having?

reply to KarToon 2 posted 5 years ago

yeah. Because of his opinion against it im pretty sure this is the reason why the paper mario games turned into what they are now

reply to KarToon 2 posted 5 years ago

The program I’d like is called RiiConnect24 (they can be found at rc24.xyz). I’ve had my Wii homebrewed for about 2 years now and I’d say I understand a bit on the Wii’s IOS’s and such. Almost everything works that I’ve installed except this. Rc24 patched my wiimail and everybody votes channel fine but my news channel and forecast channel never worked due to my Wii not properly connecting to the special DNS. I inquired about this with the help service (an experienced guy by the name of Larsenv) which told me as I expected it was a problem with my router’s firewall crap. I gave up after this because I really didn’t want to mess with that.


Actually, if anyone ever wants to send me anything for the lolz, my wiimail address is “w8910917510028889@rc24.xyz”

KarToon 23

Was your router provided by your ISP? In addition, does your router have an option for bridge mode?


Yes, it was provided by my ISP (Xfinity). It probably has a bridge mode because it’s fairly new and stuff. I can’t check because I share a router (Not my account and stuff). I could probably eventually look into getting a wiithernet adapter (lol just thought I’d say that) and running over a wire although my cat might chew it to death within a few months...

KarToon 21

I run wires in my house along the walls so the cat can't get to them. You just need to drill a few holes

KarToon 26
reply to AquaYoshi posted 5 years ago



Miyamoto is an oof to Mario


Well, I mean in some ways

reply to KarToon 2 posted 5 years ago

Yeah, I’ve got my wires in my walls too but I don’t think I really want to run over another wire at this point in time. First I need to get a wiithernet adapter, then I don’t even know if this will fix it (though it probably will) And lastly, I don’t know if I’m going to move my Wii sooner or later, it’s slightly in my way. I’ll just test out a wire once I manage to find an adapter. So thanks for the suggestions, I’ll try it out sooner or later.


Actually, if anyone on digi could find me a good Wii-Ethernet adapter, that would be awesome. It doesn’t need to be Official (although that would be nice). Preferably through Amazon and preferably new.

5 years ago
3Guys, I need help. I'm at Castle Bleck and I feel unprepared. What do I do?
KarToon 2

You need to leave the castle and go prepare better


Scrounge up some coins and get a couple ultra shroom shakes. You should get other healing items too along with some attack plus items. Lastly, your health bar should at least really be at 40 hp max

reply to Francis posted 5 years ago

oh that’d be epic

5 years ago
6so uh anyone know where to find breadward? as in that one bread pixl

As sad as it may be, he is only real in our hearts. (Unless you do the Konami code while standing on the altar after revisiting the wedding hall, then talk to old man Watchit in Yold Town. A purple pipe should appear in his house) but you didn’t hear it from me...

reply to Francis posted 5 years ago

Let's do it in 5 years

Shining Fame
reply to DC-P posted 5 years ago

the bread is a lie jk you have to go to those castle bleck, and find the nearest pit, and jump into them until you game over, and then you have to obtain piccolo and switch to bowser after playing music while in the pool that captain gills is in, go talk to king croacus, after that, go to castle bleck again and fall into the first pit that you find, and then you'll get breadward from a chest that appears at the bottom of the pit on a platform

reply to PappyMayro posted 5 years ago

ok thanks i think i got it

KarToon 2
reply to DC-P posted 5 years ago

It's quite simple actually, you just have to draw and code him yourself then hack him into the game - I'm surprised more people don't use him in their playthroughs

KarToon 2
reply to Francis posted 5 years ago

That would cost me at least $93 dollars just to get to Florida, I'd have to get a job first I'd definitely be up for it though

KarToon 23
reply to TheEvilShadoo posted 5 years ago

Maybe Mario's an oof to Miyamoto, did you ever consider that?


Maybe Miyamoto discovered some extremely graphic furry Mario fan art so he got really depressed about life and he was just doing us all a favor by not giving those weirdos any lore to create fan fiction out of. “Did you ever consider that?”

KarToon 2


The Voice MV1
reply to DC-P posted 5 years ago

Ok, so first, you have to beat the game and collect every single catch card. Then, you have to talk to Francis every day for three weeks straight. Miss a day, and you have to start over. After the dawn of the 22nd day, you'll be given the option to casually mention your card collection, after which Francis will offer to trade the elusive Breadward for your collection. If you accept, Francis reveals that he indeed does not own such a Pixl, and that you've been swindled. He then inexplicably gets trapped in one of Dimentio's killer Mime Boxes and Dimentio reveals his survival to the player, where you then have to fight him in one final rematch. After his defeat, he drops a key. After this, you have to complete the entire Flipside and Flopside Pits of 100 Trials again, then go into the main square of Flipside, take the key, AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR BUTT!

5 years ago
4I was bored today and I was like wait, I’ve never bought Tiptron. So I got her. http://imgur.com/JwBIndM



Doing the pits now

KarToon 21
reply to KarToon 2 posted 5 years ago

Francis appeared again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrxWJFH3BK8 It's a shame Francis didn't appear earlier because new SMG4 isn't as good as his old stuff

KarToon 2
reply to The Voice MV posted 5 years ago

Actually yeah that's a bit easier than my method

5 years ago
5Quick question about digibutter. I was never one of the people who were on these forums during 2.0 / 1.0, but joined around a year ago, checking occasionally what everyone had to say. Anyways, Is bitlands gonna be re-released? Or is the joke that Francis is never gonna finish it? I wanna know some more history of like, what was bitlands like, how many used digibutter during 2.0 era, How long did it take for every "Wow, I cant believe this site is real! Just played through SPM, loved it!" post to get annoying? I like the small but close community you guys do have running here, its nice.

Also vote Francis Supreme Leader 2019.

KarToon 22

Bitlands did exist at one point, there is video footage of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByUZ2YutJo8 Since you mention 2.0, Gold Prognosticus made this video recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYGw6TQ_7no The "wow I cant believe this site is real" posts are specifically mentioned in the "welcome to digibutter" sticky Viddd made 6 years ago.


Thanks mate, and wait so is bitlands no longer in development?

KarToon 2

You'd have to ask Francis. That was just a beta so it wasn't complete at that stage.

5 years ago
4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSuXAiy64yE Yo fellas look at this SPM content I found
Derp the patroopa64
reply to KarToon 2 posted 5 years ago

well honestly all of my favorite SMG4 episodes are part of the Waluigi arc so id say hes still rolling strong

Derp the patroopa64
reply to TheEvilShadoo posted 5 years ago

oh poor sweet soul

reply to DC-P posted 5 years ago

mod SPM. Easy.

reply to ucantbeme posted 5 years ago

oh cool ill check it out

reply to FishyG posted 5 years ago

*looks at date* You are in luck, bitlands comes out of beta today! lb: ABRIL FULS

5 years ago
1I hope that someday, this forum will get very popular...
reply to AquaYoshi posted 5 years ago

Yeah, it actually seems kinda nice...

KarToon 2
reply to Not_Sh1v3r posted 5 years ago

You are part of the solution #savedigi

reply to TheEvilShadoo posted 5 years ago

It is undoubtedly a possibility.

Shining Fame
5 years ago
Wassup bois I'm back, what happened when I was gone? actually I should just check it out for myself
reply to Francis posted 5 years ago

schweet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMqASIBAgOE

5 years ago
BRB, porting bitlands to LBP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTIWNS7MCqM