
digibutter.nerr lite

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KarToon 21
reply to Lord Blumiere posted 4 years ago

I like peanut butter

4 years ago
1Ah ha ha ha. The chaos heart, dark star, star rod, and dark stone have been combined at last! https://files.catbox.moe/epln6n.jpeg
reply to Greenisthebettercolor posted 4 years ago

Yay, a fellow peanut hater


How disgusting.

reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

I’ve been trying to like this but the heart symbol won’t appear for me. I guess I’ll have to actually go through the entire process of typing out nice. Also I didn’t mean to like this, I was trying to edit; Oh the horrors of being a mobile user

reply to ucantbeme posted 4 years ago

Comparison: drawing to graphic https://files.catbox.moe/azvfiz.jpeg


pretty schweet

reply to Greenisthebettercolor posted 4 years ago

Oh no! You're with the elementary schools, aren't you? What is this, some kind of anti-peanut cult?


no I just don't like peanut butter that's all


We’re completely normal peeps. Peanut butter is just... really bad. Peanuts are kind of ok I guess but still not really. Respect the elementary schools


some elementary schools are good but the one I went to is bad the preschoolers are not allowed to play tag and are not allowed to run its dumb


Dang, that sucks. Mine was separate from preschool, but I never went to preschool. I liked my elementary school a lot. It was definitely sooo much better than where I am now. Yeah, we weren’t allowed to play tag at recess either but kids found ways around that.

Kaz_of_kazoos 1

I once got sent to the principal's office for drawing a picture of the scene where Kylo Renn kills Han Solo from Star Wars Ep: 7 and faced suspension. Good times.

4 years ago
2when we got sent to the principals office she would just stare at us for 20 minutes then says think about what you did then then stares at us for another 20 minutes
reply to Greenisthebettercolor posted 4 years ago

My elementary school treated people in grade 6 like they were in kindergarten. They started a new program when I was in about grade 3 and from that point forward, it sucked. Middle school is actually going by really fast compared to elementary... Also I like peanut butter for some reason, but I'm weird, so...


the gym teacher was giving out leftover Halloween candy to us in archery class when we got a good score, so the school is rewarding students for being good at using weapons...

reply to KarToon 2 posted 4 years ago

What if we found Francis an infinite coin trick he could use to reach sufficient funds?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e61U-azKy_Y This should do the trick!

reply to Greenisthebettercolor posted 4 years ago

I ended up in the school office the other day because I accidentally cut my finger in science class and it was bleeding badly. On the bright side, I overheard the date for vaccinations. My friends were happy to hear the info.

reply to ucantbeme posted 4 years ago

Funky Kong has his own month, but it only lasts two days. How... Funky.

4 years ago
521 is the most magic of numbers. It is the product of 3 x 7 (both considered magic numbers, often used in fairy tales), twelve backwards (12:00 is considered the witching hour), in 24 hour time, it equals 9pm (I know this is a bit of a stretch, but cats are often associated with magic, have "9 lives", and are partially nocturnal [they see better in the dark]). The summer and winter solstice tend to occur on the 21st, The Ultimate Show is 21st from the bottom in the SPM OST. (not counting unused tracks). If you are not a magician of any sort, do not try to handle 21. The magic is too pure.
reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

its fine if you like peanut butter its not like I dislike you or anything

reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago


KarToon 2
reply to Lord Blumiere posted 4 years ago

u cheeky cunt

KarToon 23
reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

dimentio the 33rd degree freemason working with jesuits to make clowns financially viable profession again

KarToon 21
reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

it's in a different world, so we'd have to look into exchange rates and overseas banking with regards to lineland-bitlands law and interspacial relations

reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

ye I forgot pretty quickly

4 years ago
10So, I went back on to scratch for a while and finished an old project. Let me know if it's any good. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/235142104/
reply to KarToon 2 posted 4 years ago

Ah yes, interdimensional currency exchange can be a nightmare. That's why I just control people's minds so they give me what I want. Saves some trouble.

reply to Greenisthebettercolor posted 4 years ago


reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

Oh, and the bosses aren't working at the moment. I haven't actually tried them in the new update, they might work now if I reprogram them.

reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

Hmm... Just realised that digibutter could be a peanut butter alternative. Want a digi butter sandwich?


I feel bad for the people who don't have a high enough IQ to understand why Peanut Butter is delicious.


I know, right? Reason for low IQ - Conspiracy theory: The government is using school to make people think they're learning when in reality it is just feeding you useless information so that you are stupid and easy to control. That's why I like messing with the system so much. How do you mess with the system, you ask? Do exactly what the teachers want to get on their good side, that way you can get away with almost anything.


hey, I resemble that

reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

I cant get it to load


I can't get it to load either. However if you are getting into programming, I'd recommend trying out Game Maker Studio 2.


It can seriously do alot for how little it takes to learn.

4 years ago
4What is the best rpg featuring mario as a paper man?

Mario Maker for the Wii U. Definitely an RPG. And it has him in it as a paper man

reply to FishyG posted 4 years ago

First of all, does that cost money? I'm sticking to scratch if it does because I ain't willing to spend extra money to make video games. Also, I don't know if I need to learn much more, I've been on scratch since 2014, even if I wasn't good at it back then. Now, I think the only thing that could benefit me from that would be a 3D game engine (if that works with game maker studio)

reply to FishyG posted 4 years ago

Uh... Yah, sure. That can count if you want it to. Does 2d count as a paper man? And by RPG you probably meant Really Phantastic Game? Also, that is totally how you spell fantastic, right?

reply to Greenisthebettercolor posted 4 years ago

Can't get to load? What device are you on? I'm using a laptop, works just fine. It does take a little while to load, though.

General Guy

Pretty fun game. I could definitely see myself playing that on Newgrounds back in the day!


it started working not longafter I sent the post sorry I should have posted that it work right after but I looked up paper Mario on scrath and was playing a bunch of games


scratch I mean sorry for the mis spell


Game Maker 2 costs money, but it's seriously worth it if you know you're way around. The trial version lets you use everything the full version has, just limits your amount of assets. Its a seriously powerful tool. Also Unity is free, I think, Unity just shows it's logo in the beginning. If you're thinking of getting into game development as a career either of these two engines are great options.

reply to AlFuze posted 4 years ago

Puzzle + Dragons Mario edition

KarToon 2
reply to Greenisthebettercolor posted 4 years ago

you young'uns

KarToon 2
reply to Greenisthebettercolor posted 4 years ago

your profile pic doesn't resemble much, tho