
digibutter.nerr lite

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4 years ago
6I thought a global pandemic would be scary, but I think it's mostly lots of people staying home to play videogames.

video games cure what ail you, in a literal sense this time




I think the biggest victims here are grocery stores.


A nerr's dream

reply to Dabean150 posted 4 years ago

I dunno, the whole "eat the player" move was Francis's main form of attack. Plus, the tongue could work as a grappling hook.

reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

News update: Corona virus strikes the mushroom kingdom, Toad Town under quarantine. Transport of goods from Toad Town to ? Block Installation Services (?BIS) has stopped. We are waiting to find out whether or not Mario can defeat Bowser without power ups, and where the princess will go when rescued. An Excavation below Rogueport has revealed an underground complex. There seem to be many Dry bones scattered about, as though some massacre occurred there. Live on site, we have Kolorado reporting his finds. "Our current findings have led us to believe that this was a palace of some sort, though we are yet to find the ruler. After scouting the place out, it seems as though somebody else got in here and looted all of the treasure. There are likely still hidden rooms left to find, so we'll continue searching." We interrupt this news broadcast with these messages: Have you ever felt like GETTIN' SOME BEEFY CHUNKS? Stop by O'Chunks gym and GET CHUNKIN'! Our main place is in Yold desert, just west o' Yold Town. To sign up, just call 274-0CH-UNK5 #CragleyHo!


I heard that King Croacus the seventh sprouted today!

reply to Francis posted 4 years ago




4 years ago
10Just re-discovered some old toys I used to love growing up. Any of you heard of Mario Kart Wii K'nex?

OMG YES!!! Those were my childhood! I had a part of the bowsers castle set and the crank back ones! Those were the bomb!


I remember a small piranah plant set, an ice race course with penguins, a "track expansion set", and one of the really big sets. I also found an old YouTuber I used to watch who made custom track elements called K'nex trackmaster https://m.youtube.com/channel/UChvZJ1ko97mvCakSfkNT9bQ


I've seen K'nex trackmaster before! His tracks are cool, especially the motorized parts. It's a shame that the sets cost like 1000$ otherwise I would get them.


I owned the Chain Chomp one, never did anything outside of a crappy loop tho


I remember having a fake wii remote, and where the batteries were supposed to go instead came with smarties.


I remember those. I wanted one when I was younger. I wanted to bring one to school and fool people thinking I had a real Wii remote when it would just have been plastic and candy.

Greenisthebettercolor(same person,different account)
reply to Dabean150 posted 4 years ago

Whos the 5th or 6th


Update from FCNB (Flint Cragley News Broadcast): We here at FCNB care for the safety of our staff and as such will be working remotely in separate offices due to the threat of COVID-19. You will still get your daily broadcast news but it will be of significantly lesser quality without our studio and camera / boom mic men. All upcoming interviews (yes, including the one with King Croacus the 6th on the royal baby) will be canceled until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience. As always, Cragley Ho!

reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

First track in years: https://files.catbox.moe/ech5pr.jpeg


Bro that looks sweet, and nostalgic af.

Greenisthebettercolor(same person,different account)1

Thats great i own the bowsers castle one and pihrana plant one i would connect those together i still have 3 karts and characters Luigi Wario And peach missing a head


I just repaired my mario wind up bike using legos. It works pretty well!

4 years ago
3so lego mario eh
reply to Dabean150 posted 4 years ago

same wi


same with o'chunks for me


Is it because O'Chunks is a chunky boi?

reply to mackback319 posted 4 years ago

Guess that's a thing. Not exactly how I would have imagined it, but yeah, it exists.


This really surprised me. I feel like if Nintendo launched this a few years ago, it could have been much more successful. They missed their opportunity then.


Yeah. I saw a BOTW stable made by a fan. It looked really nice. If Nintendo stopped being a huge leech and spread out through the market even more, they could get even more sales.

4 years ago
2Here, found a website that lets you view the bitlands (and other stuff) in 3D https://noclip.website/#spm/ta4_01;ShareData=AL/4iUdKLf8WtVpT9p

if it doesn't work at first, try clicking the options on the left side.

4 years ago
2my SPM review: the story: its the darkest in the franchise and its really interesting for (almost) every world 9/10 the gameplay: its a bit unusual yet it still makes some sense. 7/10 francis: francis. francis/francis so basically it gets a 26/30 its good
reply to Dabean150 posted 4 years ago

it should


11/10 great discussion

reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

Wow! That's so high technicaaaal!

reply to Dabean150 posted 4 years ago

My life has been forever changed. BTW I agree

reply to NinHenry posted 4 years ago

Chapter 1 didn't really get good until 1-4, but otherwise it's pretty great. Also, Mr. L is technically 3 of the chapter bosses (Mr. L and Brobot, Brobot L-Type, and Super Dimentio). Chapter 6 could have had something like "Titan O'Chunks", I think that would have been better. And yes, I agree that Francis gets a Francis/Francis.

Greenisthebettercolor(same person,different account)

The music for chapter 1 is nostalgia to me especially 1-2 and 1-3 but the whole game is because ive been playing it since i was young Love this game because of nostalgia

reply to Dabean150 posted 4 years ago

Alright, seriously I think it should be more like the first game. The epic cutscenes and dark backstory made it stand out, in a good way. I'd love to see something like that in a main series Mario game again, a lot of them are kind of bland nowadays.

reply to Dabean150 posted 4 years ago

i got a very creepy and weird feeling when i looked through the keyhole in fort francis

4 years ago
4TBH I didn't spend a lot of time in flipside, but when I was having trouble on fort francis, the fortune teller literally just told me how to get past it. So fortune tellers are actually worth your time! I wish I knew that earlier.

There was no decoding rhyming or riddles. She just straight-up told me.


The fortune lady helped me with the end of Merlee's Mansion.

reply to Dimentio21 posted 4 years ago

And more like 1, I didn't really like 2. I didn't like that it was levels. 1 had more atmospheric environments; 2 had felt more confined.

4 years ago
Finally, after all these years: https://files.catbox.moe/h1042e.jpeg
reply to nooby posted 4 years ago

In like my 5-6 playthroughs of the game I've never actually consulted her. Wicked, never even knew she would be that direct.


I think I might have talked to her once or twice, but I already knew what to do and decided it was a waste of money.

4 years ago

Oh wow.