
digibutter.nerr lite

AuthorMessage (Newest at bottom)
3 years ago

What Rayman ?


super mario

reply to Tripp, Lord of Inconvenience posted 3 years ago

there were a bunch of wall street millionares short selling the company since it was going down, and people noticed gamestop was the most shorted company of all time, so they started buying stock, making the price go up, and therefore the shortsellers lost thousands, so they called market manipulation

Mr. L Productions


Mr. L Productions4
reply to Mr. L Productions posted 3 years ago



Hello There... you seem to be new ish I'm Tree..

reply to Yellow Magifaggot posted 3 years ago

This site's layout hasn't changed for years now(as far as I know) what are you talking about? Also hello Tom.


Thomasgamer4000 bumped this 5 year old thread. At the time the initial post was written, Nerr 3.0 had just came out.

reply to Mr. L Productions posted 3 years ago

Bumping: The Documentary How one can acquire PotY by simply -exploiting- using this magic word

Mr. L Productions2

I'm not considering PotY when using this, I'm just trying to bump comment strings down to get rid of some... questionable ones from a long time ago that were bumped. I'm doing a favour here.


Yeah. It was really a joke just because of all of the bumping that’s gone on recently. Either way you look at it, it still helps for PotY though.

3 years ago
1:NerrChamp: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/steam-e2-80-99s-multiplayer-game-streaming-now-works-with-friends-without-steam-accounts/ar-BB1dZZfD

You can now invite anyone you know with a potato to play on to a Steam Remote Play session!

Mr. L Productions
reply to TheEvilShadoo posted 3 years ago

True that...

Mr. L Productions
3 years ago
9How would people feel if once a month I hosted the MK8D online digibutter.nerr competition? I was thinking maybe the first Sunday of each month at some time that works for Americans and Brits alike (and everyone in-between). What's the general opinion?

I'd be down if I had it lol


I was planning on hosting it, but that works. If you’d rather do it then go ahead.

Mr. L Productions1

Oh no, you can host if you wish. I was just offering my service up here. Also, it'd be best if we did it as a friend room, so we'd need to all have your friend code so we can join. Or we do it as a private tournament that you need a password for (if that's a possibility).


I would like that but I don't have n online.


It's fine. We'll still need to have to have a vote on the match settings though.


I wish Nintendo didn't get rid of the free NS Online trial codes.



3 years ago
**NerrBot: ReHatched v1.2.0 beta 1** In this update, anons posting no longer causes NerrBot to crash. There's also probably some other small little tweaks and improvements that I added and forgot about, but they wouldn't have been worth mentioning anyway. Long story short, v1.2.0 was stable enough to come out of the alpha phase, and so it did. I'll get back to finishing the actual new features eventually.
reply to TheEvilShadoo posted 3 years ago

Oooh haha! That makes sense.

reply to TheEvilShadoo posted 3 years ago

Oh I didn't even know about those.


Super Steal My Sister's Switch Lite Because My Switch Broke Odyssey

reply to Tripp, Lord of Inconvenience posted 3 years ago

I returned a game to GameStop and bought a share instead. I plan on holding on to it until it's worth $5. Seems appropriate. or when it's worth a PS5, whatever happens first.



3 years ago
6Hey so poty is that good or bad? Like what are the rules for it too.
Mr. L Productions3

PotY (Poster of the Year) is a prestigious award for whoever posts the most on Digibutter.nerr in the year. The current holder of this title is Mr. L Productions. Obviously, you have to win it respectably. Do not spam with intent of winning PotY because we won't ever acknowledge you as PotY is you played dirty to get there. PotY only counts posts for your username, not your account, so if you change your username (like I did a few times) then each username has its own score.

3 years ago
1Sinnoh Remakes
reply to Tree_5000 posted 3 years ago

Just to put this into perspective for you, Mr. L joined Digibutter 5 months and 18 days into 2020. He also made almost double the amount of "posts" (I believe posts and replies are both treated as posts) that I made in the entire year of 2020 (462 Mr. L - 294 Me).


-1 point for incorrectly using whom.

Mr. L Productions1

You sure about that, Slick?


Sneaky edit...


Wish mr l productions is a beast...madlad..what have you. I don't understand how he has so much.

3 years ago
2Tight production capacity, material prices, the hot market in the photovoltaic industry in 2020, began to intensive projection into the photovoltaic industry chain company's annual report pre-increase announcement. On the evening of January 28, Ancai Hi-Tech, Luoyang Glass, Shanghai CNC, Longji and other photovoltaic industry companies disclosed their annual results forecast, performance growth of 1 times is not much, the growth of 5 times is not rare. https://www.letsolar.com



Ughhhhhh... spambots. At the very least, it’s in #testing-area though.

3 years ago
7Ever wonder what NerrBot's console looks like? It looks like this. http://www.shadoosite.tk/images/NerrBot_1.png http://www.shadoosite.tk/images/NerrBot_2.png
Mr. L Productions

Cool. Cool, cool, cool.


I should probably be learning this coding stuff...


Probably not a bad idea. (Maybe you could eventually join the NerrBot team?)


I have yet to do some kind of course to learn coding...my parents said they'll find one for me....maybe


I learned Python on my own by just reading documentation online and experimenting with stuff, but I recently applied to take a half year coding class as an elective next year at my school. I think the hard part is learning to think programmatically to begin with rather than learning Python's syntax itself (I would strongly recommend starting off with Python btw).


Hmmm...ok...thanks...I'll probably start with that then...


I agree wholeheartedly do that..

3 years ago
reply to Super Sexy Man posted 3 years ago

bumping time