Antisocial Network: Call of Duty Elite Trailer
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 31 2011 08:28 GMT in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
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The day has come: Activision has finally introduced Plan B. Plan B is much like Plan A, in that it also involves making an absolute crapton of money out of Call of Duty. This time, it’s called Call of Duty Elite, and it’s a social networking, clan-arranging, video-sharing, stat-analysing online service for COD multiplayer. Some aspects for it will be free; others will involve a paid subscription. The gaming world had a sharp intake of breath this morning, and you probably will too.

There’s a leaked YouTube trailer of Elite below, but as I believe the publications who Activision chose to show the service to are under some sort of embargo, you’d better hurry and watch it before it inevitably gets pulled…(more…)

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