BioWare dev blog - Updates coming to Mass Effect 3
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 09 2012 23:17 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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Hey guys and gals. My name’s Nathan Plewes and I’m the associate producer lucky enough to oversee all things ME3 multiplayer! As you’ve probably heard, there are some pretty massive multiplayer updates coming. I’m here to shed some light on what you can expect, in particular the fantastic new challenge system.

We’re adding hundreds of new multiplayer challenges that can be completed at your own pace. As you progress, you’ll earn Challenge Points, essentially bragging rights. Completion of the top tier “Gold” challenges will reward you with a unique banner and title to display in the multiplayer game lobby. Gold challenges can be completed multiple times for even more points. We’ve also added an additional leaderboard to keep track of the points you collect.

The new system offers an in-game way to track your progress as you complete the challenges. But we’ve also built a new N7 HQ web page that offers a ton of information when you’re not playing, including character lists, leaderboards, and gameplay stats. In-game or online, you’ll have a comprehensive way to review your overall multiplayer progression.

Full details here

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